Wednesday, March 31, 2021

beyond batshit crazy: America

From a Key West friend:

Roe v Wade is dead in the states, it is a lost cause, but at the same time easy self-aborting processes have made it moot.  From my perch, i see Dems virtue signaling (my favorite new buzzword of the millenium) about the righteousness of choice, while accomplishing absolutely nothing but getting another 20% of the republican base not only voting but bussing to DC, contributing, knocking on doors, eliminating another slice of congressmen at federal and state levels

Dems have their counter-voting influence, minimum wage, which gets more voters to the polls, but who incomprehensibly will vote to increase the min wage while then voting for republicans on the same ticket who have promised to nullify the referendum. 


The Dems should have been happy to keep early term abortions and abortions to save the mother's life. The Republicans, every last one of them who opposed that kind of abortion, should have been required by law to adopt and raise to age 21 one unwanted baby born because the mother was denied an abortion. As for that political morass today, read my previous two sentences.

What both sides ought to be doing is provide living wages to all employed Americans, affordable health care to all Americans, safety in their homes and when they are out and about, an end to America's foreign wars, a blockade on immigration, a divorce from Red China, Russia, Saudi Arabia and Israel, or button their pie holes (all of them), and say no more.

The Democrats' greatest failing during the Trump presidency, and this includes Joe Biden, was rejecting Dr. Vladimir Zelenko's fast, cheap, early stage, hospital-avoiding Covid-19 cure, which would have allowed America to reopen in April. In rejecting and witch-hunting Dr. Zelenko and his cure, the Dems threw America under the Covid-19 bus, while they pranced and preached saving lives with facemasks, social distancing, shutting down America and destroying its economy and social and spiritual fabric. 

All their talk about God, they could not see God sent them Dr. Zelenko. Fuck them. Fuck the Republicans for joining the Dems. Fuck President Trump for not making Dr. Zelenko's cure freely available in April. 

Now many on both sides and in the middle debate whether the vaccines are safe, instead of lining up and getting injected at the soonest opportunity. Fuck them, every last one.

Those are my buzz words for a country gone beyond batshit crazy. If I put that rant on Facebook, I will be put in Facebook jail again - or I will be banned forever from Facebook.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

What might Jesus say about America's south of the border refugee children, most if not all of whom are Roman Catholic?


A friend called yesterday to say he'd read online that children showing up at USA southern border with note saying they have someone in America they can live with at an address in the note, are being allowed into USA. He said he called a friend, who works for ICE, and the friend said that is accurate. ICE is not contacting anyone at that address, but verifies using Google whether or not it is a good address, and if it is, ICE gives the child a bus ticket to that address. 

My friend said, back in 1980, I think, Joe Biden was head of a Congressional Committee that oversaw the Mariel boatlift, which allowed Cuban refugees into America, many of whom became radical to retake Cuba from Castro and funded their efforts with cocaine imported from South America. I said, and how'd that go? And, didn't the take back Cuba immigrants mostly become Republicans? The children ICE is allowing in from Central America and Mexico into USA are refugees or drug cartel plants?

I got my ass crawled in dreams about that remark, and then I remembered some things and wondered if American Christians remember those things?

Matthew 19...
And it came to pass, that when Jesus had finished these sayings, he departed from Galilee, and came into the coasts of Judaea beyond Jordan;
And great multitudes followed him; and he healed them there...
Then were there brought unto him little children, that he should put his hands on them, and pray: and the disciples rebuked them.
But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.
And he laid his hands on them, and departed thence.

Matthew 18...
But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to sin! Such things must come, but woe to the man through whom they come! …
See that you do not look down on one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.

I imagine most, if not all Mexican and Central American children refugees at the USA southern border are Roman Catholic.

strict construction and enforcement of Amendment 2 will seriously disturb NRA and Republican Party

An Alabama Republican responded to the Devil loves mass shootings and the guns being easy as pie to get post at this blog:

The 2nd Amendment restricts Congress from making a law that prevents the people from keeping and bearing arms. No matter what anyone thinks.

Sloan Bashinsky

Amendment 2
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

When that amendment became law, the arms of the day were muzzle-loading black powder cap and ball flintlock muskets and pistols, muzzle-loading black powder mortars and cannons, knives, sabers, bayonets, hatchets, axes, pitchforks, clubs, etc. In keeping with the Right's strict construction of the Constitution theology, that's the only weapons Amendment 2 allowed civilians when it became law, and, that's the only weapons Amendment 2 allows civilians now. But then, if you are not a strict constructionist, Amendment 2 allows civilians to own rocket launched grenades, cruise missiles, helicopter gunships, nuclear missiles, any military warplane or ship, laser, EMP and biological weapon. 

Sloan Bashinsky It says what it says. If you don't like it repeal it. Strange that USA is the Country where everyone wants to come and live, in spite of the 2nd Amendment or maybe because of it.

Sloan Bashinsky
I take it then, that you are a liberal constructionist of the Constitution. I wonder how you would view your views above, if your grandchildren were shot and killed at school today by the same kind of gun used in the Boulder grocery store? 
Meanwhile, did you mean to forget the well regulated militia part of Amendment 2?

A Key West friend emailed:

It has not been discussed on TV or any of my many periodicals, but it seems to me Dems have absolutely zero chance of passing any form of gun restriction, management, massage etc. no matter what you call it or how high a majority of the public supports it.  Every time this happens, like monthly, I see a whole lot of virtue signaling, and watch from my perch as a Radical Centrist as the Dems blow another ten house and three senate seats, riling up the most-caring republican voters. 


Here's my take on the mass shooting issue. The Republicans need to take the lead in Congress, since they have been in love with guns since perhaps the beginning of modern time. Unless the Republicans do that, I don't see Congress doing much. Even if guns are made harder to get, will that inhibit mass shootings? Gang shootings? Gun suicides? Other gun homicides? I doubt it, but at least the effort was made. How many guns are already out there and are being made? And the black and dark markets are alive and well and prospering. Is the gun addiction any different from the alcohol, prescribed and street drug addictions? I am fed up with Republicans saying guns don't kill people. Would they say that if their wives and children were shot to death in a grocery story? Would they say that if they were standing before a firing squad? Would they say booze and drugs don't kill people? What the fuck happened to their brains?

Monday, March 29, 2021

God's wood burner politics, spirituality, living ...


An old, dear Republican friend featured in yesterday's While Republicans dodge and weave the Boulder grocery store gun massacre, they resurrect Jim Crow post at this blog, responded to my telling him:

Sloan Bashinsky
The Republicans need to clean up their own house, the Democrats likewise. When I see you preaching that, instead of pointing the finger at the left every time you write to me, I will think you have become part of the solution.

That last part? Don't hold your breath ... Todays left wants NO center, no compromise, no bipartisanship... Left have the guns, Conservatives have knives... We know how that ends, see Paul Ryan a Wisconsin RINO Speaker of the House who gave it away...
Done here...

Sloan Bashinsky
I had no clue the NRA and the Republicans have no guns.

Sloan Bashinsky
Fox Business labels Paul Ryan as a "RINO" after he calls on Trump to concede
Fox Business host Lou Dobbs referred to former House Speaker Paul Ryan as a Republican in Name Only (RINO) on Tuesday after Ryan said that President Donald Trump should concede the election.
Ryan, who joined the Fox Corporation board of directors in 2019, made the comments during a virtual meeting with the Bank of America's European Credit Union. Trump has refused to concede the election to President-elect Joe Biden, alleging widespread voter fraud. Trump's legal team filed lawsuits in some battleground states in an attempt to halt the ballot tabulation process. Most of that litigation was unsuccessful. Dobbs, a staunch Trump loyalist, has criticized Ryan's perceived disloyalty to the Republican Party.
Dobbs introduced Ryan's comments on Tuesday's installment of Lou Dobbs Tonight by describing him as "failed vice-presidential candidate, former Speaker of the House RINO Paul Ryan." Before detailing Ryan's remarks concerning Trump's concession, Dobbs described them as an "unsolicited analysis about this year's presidential election."
"I think maybe even more important is that these legal challenges to the outcome and the attacks on our voting system need to stop, in my opinion," Ryan said, according to Monday reporting by Politico. "The outcome will not be changed, and it will only serve to undermine our faith in our system of government, our faith in democracy."
"Are you kidding me?" Dobbs said after reading Ryan's statement. "A grown man talking like he's giving a sixth-grade civics address to the class." Dobbs added that Ryan's remarks helped explain why he "threw away" his election chances during the 2018 midterms.

Sloan Bashinsky
Your brothers and sisters:

Wasn't there, didn't know anyone there, wouldn't have been there even if I'd lived near the swamp. I know this is your house Sloan, but please don't shoot me in the back on my way out the door...

Sloan Bashinsky
You shot yourself, Mark, siding with Trump's claims the election was stolen, those are some of his faithful soldiers stopping Congress from certifying Joe Biden won. That was America's house they stormed at Trump's bidding. Paul Ryan was one of the few Republicans who had the guts try to prevent that coup attempt, and when you shot him, you shot yourself again. I didn't like Ryan even a little bit, but I respected him for not caving to Trump. My second blog post today features a Catholic Priest's views on illegal immigrants vs Trump fanatics. I know the priest personally. Before he was a priest, his company provided security services to Donald Trump and his company in New York City.

Palm Sunday immigration ruminations launched on Facebook by a Catholic Priest who in another life provided security services to Donald Trump and his business

I think you need a better hobby than “keyboard warrior”. Can I get you a wood burner? Making these for my backpacking mates on aisle Royale this summer...

Sloan Bashinsky
It's my line of work, as in job, has been for a long time. You live in my skin one day, you would never be same again. My hobbies are chess and duplicate bridge, which I play hours each day online now, due to Red China's gift to humanity.

Sloan Bashinsky sorry to hear that, too much screen time is not good for your health...

Sloan Bashinsky
My physical health's been lousy since I woke up one March day in 1969, age 27, and my gut had suddenly gone haywire, no prior symptoms. Medical profession no help. I tried many other cures. No help. Dreams and that the condition clearly was sentient, evidenced by how it beat me up a lot worse whenever I tried something to be rid of it, indirectly and unwittingly introduced me to God, so to speak, in the sense the cause was not of this world.
Later, I was introduced to angels your wife heard of in her church activities, and perhaps she heard of the demonic entities I also came to meet. Not only meet, engage ongoing, but not until the angels had turned me every which a way but loose, upside down and inside out for a good while. My perspective of everything was dramatically altered. I came to feel like I no longer was from this planet, but I was stationed, or imprisoned here, doing the angels' bidding and being scolded and roughed up by them if I strayed from how they had trained me and were directing and me.
I wager, if you lived in my skin one day, first you would go insane, because you were not physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually or otherwise prepared for it; then, mercifully, you would die and enter the afterlife where you would enter a life review over which you have no say, which would go on for for a while, and eventually you would be ready for the next stage in your soul's journey, either back on this planet, on another planet, in another dimension - somewhere.
Meanwhile, you carry on as if you have everything all figured out. If what the angels did to, or for, me was done for everyone, all but a few people would go insane, then they would die. The remnants might be too small in number and too scattered about to restart humanity. The planet, however, would be saved.
My star has mostly run its course in this lifetime. Recently, perhaps caused by the radiation treatment for prostate cancer, which concluded Thursday before last, my G.I. tract is in far worse shape. Each day is a struggle to just get up, feed myself, bathe, do laundry, go to grocery and drug stores. Do you think I worry about spending a lot of time online and watching TV news and Netflx movies, as I try to stay in the angels' good graces and deal with what I see, hear, feel and sense, of which you and all but very few people, regardless of their political and religious persuasion, or lack there of, seem totally unware. Despite my mother often saying, "Ignorance is bliss," when she thought I was avoiding something I needed to own or see, ignorance is not bliss. It's soul poison.
My legacy, so to speak, is thousands and thousands of pages of writings about my experiences with the other realms and people who came my way, mostly or totally unawares of the other realms, including people who attended church regularly, often two or three or more times a week. Including ministers and priests, Christian or otherwise.
For many years you have been like a little brother of mine. I have deep affection for you. The person you came to know died decades ago. The person he became, not by his doing but by angels' doing, is not going to shut up for you, nor for any person.
If you do not yet see since your conversion to Roman Catholicism as a condition of your sweetheart being permitted to marry you, after you made a donation to that church and entered its training, part and parcel of her church annulling her first marriage on fabricated grounds, that there is something so awfully awry in this world that even blind, deaf and dumb people see it, but the masses do not, then, Mark, I have darn sure tried to be your friend and your older brother.

That's a lot to unpack... You know I value your friendship immensely, appreciate your intellect, feel the same about our kinship, but have no way of understanding much of where you're coming from at times. How can anyone? You've said it yourself a million times.
As for my "carrying on as though I have it all figured out"??? Jesus, I never claimed that but I do love this country, what it was, but not what it is becoming and it is not conservatives who are tearing it apart, and I stand by that. The lefties have no use for the Constitution, the bag of bones in the WH and his minions are dangerous in their hate for America and I stand by that also. You want to be a peacemaker and craft the middle ground because you claim no party affiliation, but there is a full on war going on with Lefties working overtime to make Karl Marx proud. I've spent a good bit of time in both China and Russia, have friends in both countries, and if Lefties here believe more in totalitarian dictatorships than in the beautiful Constitutional Republic our forefathers crafted, they are naive, ignorant, indoctrinated, and stupid beyond belief. And I have friends in both countries who would privately back me up in that statement.
Very sorry to hear your health on the decline, but I know you have a helluva lot more fight in you, even while you may say you don't... Hey, don't you want to stick around and watch how the political shit-show plays out? Can we perhaps speak privately soon without it being shared and broadcast on social media? I have no plans to have any potions injected in me, but am following the Zelenko Protocol, but that shouldn't much matter for you as you've had both jabs. I may be at US Steel Fairfield the latter part of this week in case you are available for dinner? Peace and love my friend. Your little brother Mark...

Sloan Bashinsky
Of course I'm available for dinner, and I'm still taking the Zelenko protocol, substituting quercetin for hydroxychloroquine, to usher zinc supplements into my body cells to interfere with Covid-19 replication, should I catch that shit show, and its many variants, thank you not Red China. I also take V-C, D3, B complex.
Mark, if you don't see the Right destroying America as much as the Left is destroying it, you need eye surgery. Shit show it is, has been for a very long time, and will continue to be, unless some much bigger shit show intervenes and causes the little shit shows to unite. But then, the Red China shit show came and disrupted everything, and did the little shit shows unite? Nope. They fought over how to respond to the bigger shit show, and mostly they ignored, even ridiculed God's prophet, Dr. Zelenko.
You are correct. There is no way you can grok what I experience, and that is not criticism, but simply how it is. Over the years, I have had people come into my life, who were able to grok it, and there were other people who came along, who were able to grok some of it, while let's say 99..5 percent of the people I encountered were not able to grok it and responded to me in various ways, some more friendly than others.
You offered me a wood burner, well, a great deal of my life is a wood burner, so to speak. A lot of it ends up at my blog and on Facebook, and a lot of it the public never sees.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Palm Sunday immigration ruminations launched on Facebook by a Catholic Priest who in another life provided security services to Donald Trump and his business

Father Stephen Braddock

Recent Facebook posts by a Catholic priest I got to know pretty well in Key West, and recently learned from him that in a prior life he owned a security company in New York City that provided security to Donald Trump and his business.

Stephen Braddock 
My truth... 

She’s incredibly stupid.

Loren Davidson
Hell yeah. I don't have to worry about undocumented immigrants trying to burn down my house if I put a political sign out front that they disagree with. Nor are they likely to call me horrible names if they disagree with me.

Pat Clawson
That’s the first thing she ever said that I agree with.

Sloan Bashinsky

Thomas Scheck
Trump voters have given me much more heartburn than undocumented immigrants ever have.


Stephen Braddock
"I grew up believing that one of the markers of a life emulating Jesus, was a heart capable of being broken at the distress of other human beings around you: when they are hungry and hurting, when they are homeless and afraid, when they grieve and feel alone, when they believe they are unloved and forgotten, when tragedy befalls them and when injustice assails them. These things are supposed to move the needle within us if Jesus is present.
And in all my years of criss-crossing the Gospels in both study and reflection, I never once found a Jesus who piled burdens on already burdened people or rejoiced in their despair or tossed off insults and told them to go back to where they came from."

Sloan Bashinsky
That’s the Jesus I read in the Gospels, so does Jesus want America to open its borders to all poor, distressed people? Is it Jesus telling, say, Mexican and Central American people to head to USA? Is Jesus testing America in that way, because it claims to be one nation under God? And because its Christian Right insist USA was founded on Christian principles, and Christian schools should be tax free charities and get federal funding despite Amendment I separation of church and state? What becomes of USA if that is Jesus’s agenda and USA doesn’t go along with it? What becomes of USA if it receives all poor and distressed people who show up at its borders? Perhaps USA’s Native Americans should be given that decision to make, since their ancestors allowed white Europeans and Christianity into the Americas?

Stephen Braddock
Those are the relevant questions to be pondering. Time will tell.

Sloan Bashinsky
Meanwhile, Steve, I would have closed the southern border with the U.S. troops in Afghanistan, Iraq and other foreign places they have no business being. It is not America's job to be a destination point for Mexican and Central American or any foreign refugees from horrible conditions in their home countries that make urban Chicago, for example, seem like heaven on earth.

While Republicans dodge and weave the Boulder grocery store gun massacre, they resurrect Jim Crow

An old Wisconsin friend responded to yesterday's the Devil loves mass shootings and the guns being easy as pie to get post at this blog.

I find it interesting that suburban gun killings are so highly focused upon while the murder rate in urban America skyrockets with little fanfare...

Sloan Bashinsky
Another good reason to choke off guns being sold to civilians?

Not the point I was making. There were something like 900 murders in Chicago last year, majority black on black, but because it’s not happening in the burbs it’s not a crisis... And fatherless gangbangers aren’t frequent shoppers at Bass Pro Shops...

Sloan Bashinsky
They buy their guns somewhere, does the white Right weep over urban blacks killing urban blacks? If the black gangbangers started shooting up places where white people shop, party, hang out, would the NRA, Ted Cruz, Mitch McConnell, the Republican Party defend their right to have their guns, while hollering for the FBI to hunt them down and get them lethally injected?

Hell YES I am saddened and disgusted that the welfare state has destroyed the nuclear black family and turned our urban centers into 3rd world killing fields!!! And it’s going to get worse with open borders and the increased flow of illicit drugs. Buckle up!

Sloan Bashinsky
If you grew up in the South, you’d have a broader understanding of black people and their families and their struggles, and you would not dare blame it on the so-called welfare state. You’d blame it on white supremacy, lower wages for blacks than whites, Jim Crow laws, police treating whites differently from blacks, separate and not equal education systems, which led to massive young southern blacks migration north and west, costing southern blacks an entire generation. I get really tired of white people on the Right complaining about black people, when so much bad white people on the Right. Thank your lucky stars, Mark, your wife and children have not tot been shot and killed by a large magazine wanna be Rambo white shooter in a grocery store near your home.

Sloan Bashinsky
Understand, Mark, there is no excuse for gangbanging, I deplore it. However, it has nothing to do with the Boulder grocery store massacre and how the Republican Party is dealing with it. That's why I told you to thank your lucky stars. It falls on the Republicans to try to clean up their own gun house, note I said try - the beam in their own eye, as their beloved Jesus taught. That's something they can try do something about. But they much prefer pointing the finger elsewhere. It likewise falls on the black community to try to clean up their own gun house. Note, I said try. For that's how God measures us, not by whether we succeed, but by how we try to live.
Georgia just passed a new voting law that is being called Jim Crow by blacks and the Democrats. The law clearly is a white Republican reaction to Trump and the Republican Congressional losses in Georgia. Other Republican-controlled states where Trump lost are passing similar laws, I wondered last night if your state, Wisconsin, will pass a similar law? You never did answer my question asked several times. Do you still say Trump won the election, but it was stolen by the Democrats? More specifically, by black voters in Wisconsin, Georgia, Illinois, Michigan, Pennsylvania, etc.?

Sorry, but you can't paint me as some privileged northern white boy who shrugs off the struggles of southern blacks after abolition. I was not raised in some lily-white way as my father (a good man who you once met) was a landlord in Milwaukee during the 60's. He was respectful and worked overtime to provide a very good home to his tenants. I was there with him, painting, doing simple maintenance, etc. until that lovely 4 unit home was burned to the ground by an ex-tenant arsonist. Fast forward to today when I have invited several groups of urban blacks (pastors) into our home, only to learn afterwards that they were polished grifters claiming work they were NOT doing. Note that my daughter (married to a orthopedic surgeon) and her family of 4 have been caught in crossfire while traveling between our home and theirs in Wauwatosa. Just last week we had to detour when driving between their home and ours while seeing no less than 20 small cones in the road signifying shell casings. My heart is soft, until it becomes hardened! One party enjoys the benefit of the majority of minority community's votes while doing them NO FAVORS. That party is a total fraud seeking only power and the riches that go along with it while destroying our country. Plenty of minority voters (though not enough) are now recognizing their crafty sleight of hand... And don't even get me started on open borders!!!
Second, I'm not going to get into debate on current gun laws and how we solve that problem, but it's politicians on both sides who can be faulted. I'm somewhere between you and Walt as I'm an ardent supporter of the Second Amendment, but I do struggle to understand why a civilian needs a weapon so powerful as that 30 magazine "handgun" which he used. I don't know how we keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill...
To your final question which you have "Badgered" me with... Yes, there was vote harvesting here, yes there was fraud and abuse of our voting laws, yes we need to reform voting laws as do many states, no I am not a blind Trump loving Republican. That said, I vote conservative and he was the only choice for me. Is that good enough for you? As I've said many times, you claim no party, yet spend too much time criticizing Trump, Cruz, etc. Last time I checked, they are either out of office or in the minority these days and God knows our President should give you plenty of material for your musings, but I'm confused why you fail to critique the bullshit going on in Washington these days?
I wish you a pleasant Palm Sunday 

Sloan Bashinsky
Thanks, Mark, for answering my question, finally, and for your wondering why any civilian needs a 30 shell magazine "handgun", be that civilian a white grocery store, spa, school, night club shooter, a black gangbanger in Chicago, Ted Cruz, Walt Lagraves, or any American civilian. If you followed my blog since before Barack Obama received the Democratic nomination in 2008, you know I cut the Democrats no slack, either. I would have closed the southern border with the U.S. troops in Afghanistan, Iraq and other foreign places they have no business being. It is not America's job to be a destination point for Mexican and Central American or any foreign refugees from horrible conditions in their home countries that make urban Chicago, for example, seem like heaven on earth. The Republicans need to clean up their own house, the Democrats likewise. When I see you preaching that, instead of pointing the finger at the left every time you write to me, I will think you have become part of the solution.

Saturday, March 27, 2021

the Devil loves mass shootings and the guns being easy as pie to get


When I lived down Key West way, a fellow known as "From The Right (FTR)" published and responded to reader feedback daily on's popular Coconut Telegraph public forum. I published frequently there, and on my blog, and responded both places to reader feedback. Eventually, FTR asked the owner of the Coconut Telegraph, a friend of mine who had built my blog and taught me how to use it, if I might be interested in we three having dinner together? Sure, I told the Coconut Telegraph owner. So, we had dinner and FTR's wife joined us. 

FTR commented under this recent Facebook post, I responded, and the discussion went in a familiar, predictable direction.

Sloan Bashinsky
I wonder how Republican U.S. Senator Ted Cruz would respond if his wife and children were shot in the Boulder, Colorado grocery store?
I can imagine the Devil really likes shooting massacres, and likes just as much free access to such guns.
Amendment 2
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Looks to this once Birmingham practicing attorney that the well regulated preamble is utterly absent in America.
(Click link below to see entire blog post)
I wonder how Republican U.S. Senator Ted Cruz would respond if his wife and children were shot in the Boulder, Colorado grocery store?
I wonder how Republican U.S. Senator Ted Cruz would respond if his wife and children were shot in the Boulder, Colorado grocery store?
anomalous (unusual, quirky, strange, weird, etc.) musing and reporting on diverse human and non-human affairs
Walt Lagraves
Sloan....I have a special message for you from the Angels. On the day that that deranged man took up a semi auto rifle and brutally murdered those poor souls in Boulder......about 30 million similar semiautomatic rifles remained quietly in their cases, closets, or racks. Not a one of them jumped up and set about killing humans....but a deranged human did. The problem is not the is the human. I know that you consider yourself a man of great I suggest that you counsel with your angels and devise a scheme...and I specifically choose that determine when a human is about to become deranged...and then a scheme to preclude him or her from becoming deranged. When you do....check back in. BTW WTF does Cruz have to do with this. He has just about as much as you do.

Sloan Bashinsky
The problem, Walt, is the firearm is easily obtainable by deranged people, thanks to people who think like you and Ted Cruz. So, how about Cruz propose a bill in Congress, that anyone who sells a firearm to someone, who ends up murdering people in schools, grocery stores, clubs with it, be prosecuted for murder, too. Although perhaps more fitting, said gun seller, and all people who think like you and Cruz, have loved ones murdered like the people in the Boulder grocery store, Columbine School, the Atlanta spa, etc. were murdered.

Walt Lagraves
Sloan.....that may not be the most goofy thing that you've ever suggested....but its right up there in top 2 or 3. And now it seems that you are heading into a real minefield by suggesting that it would make you a happy camper if the loved ones of those who are advocates of our Second Amendment become the victims of mass murderers. Amp up your meds Sloan.

Sloan Bashinsky
You brought yourself into what I posted, you had at me. I actually think your and Cruz's responses to calls for sane restrictions on sales of the firearm are insane, and worse, the work of the Devil, and no amount of meds or going to church or reading the Bible or undergoing psychoanalysis will provide a cure. You dragged angels into it, so I went cosmic, I interjected karma potential, I interjected what looks to me to be the only thing that might, note I said might, cause you and Cruz to change your view that it's okay for deranged people have free access to guns.

Sloan Bashinsky
Here's a link to another blog post, in which a deranged gun defender gets dressed down by someone who knows a great deal about guns.
Sorry, God, they trust guns more, sometimes I think it's amazing some American patriot has not shot me
Sorry, God, they trust guns more, sometimes I think it's amazing some American patriot has not shot me

Walt Lagraves
Sloan....your argument is repugnant. No sentient human "wants' a deranged person to have access to any sort of of weapon, be it knife, hammer, fist, or semi auto rifle. Think about Sloan....if you must know the truth...I would argue long and hard about you having access to any weapon. And the latest legislation promulgated would do just that.

Sloan Bashinsky
Facts speak for themselves, Walter. The NRA and their captured political party, the Republicans, have made it easy as pie for deranged people to have free access to the same guns you and Ted Cruz have access to. The NRA, the Republicans, you and Cruz decry any attempts to restrict such free access. Ergo, you, Cruz, the Republicans, and the NRA sentiently are the deranged shooters' repugnant accomplices.

Walt Lagraves do not have the truth about you. And you know it. You know that it is not "as easy as pie" to purchase firearms. Each purchaser, when dealing with a firearms dealer must, under oath, fill out certain forms. One of the questions on that form seeks information about the mental health of the putative purchaser. In the most recent mass casualty killing, the murderer lied about his mental health. And he lied about previous engagements with law enforcement. Further, the shooter was known to the FBI.....who should have had in place measures to stop the purchase of the rifle. The FBI is becoming notorious for being aware of the potential for failing to act against persons they knew to be likely mass murderers. Parkland is another example. Further even though falsifying applications is common place, nonetheless the Feds virtually never prosecute. We should first enforce the existing laws.

Sloan Bashinsky
You have proved our points: It's easy as pie, anybody, apparently, can get any gun any gun dealer sells, by lying. But, what about the gun shows? The black, or the dark, market? I feel so bad for the poor gun sellers, never reaping the consequences of a gun used to kill people. Just joking. I know for a fact karma is very real, and she has her say and way when it suits her, and there is not a damn thing we can do about it. Go your merry repugnant way, Walt, or twist your own arm and hear more about how angels view mass shootings. The Devil loves them and the guns the shooters use being easy as pie to get.

Friday, March 26, 2021

one Republican nation under guns

Two people replied to the Facebook post below. I dated Lee Ann a while in Key West, she has psychic abilities. I met Walt Lagraves at his request, when when he and I published regularly at's popular Coconut Telegraph public forum, where Walt was known as From The Right (FTR).

Sloan Bashinsky

I wonder how Republican U.S. Senator Ted Cruz would respond if his wife and children were shot in the Boulder, Colorado grocery store?

I can imagine the Devil really likes shooting massacres, and likes just as much free access to such guns.

Amendment 2

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Looks to this once Birmingham practicing attorney that the well regulated preamble is utterly absent in America.

(Click link below to see entire blog post)

Lee Ann 
Right on Sloan!

Sloan Bashinsky
Maybe Cruz would say, if all those grocery shoppers had been similarly armed, they could have defended themselves? Maybe Cruz would say, if all those grocery shoppers had been as good and faithful Christians as he, God would have protected them from the shooter? Oh, but that dodges my question. What would Cruz say if his wife and children were shot in that grocery store? Would he pray for the shooter, as Jesus counseled? Or, would he be howling for the death penalty? Armed guards in grocery stores? And blame it on the Democrats for grocery stores not already having armed guards at the front entrance and in every aisle?

Lee Ann
Sloan Bashinsky my daughter, husband and girls live in Boulder and are devastated by the shooting the girls were about to go to the market for a coloring book but their intuitions said NO. They would have been there and possibly victims. The whole community is devastated.

Sloan Bashinsky
I lived in Boulder 1987-95. Can imagine there still are plenty of people like Ted Cruz and Walt Lagraves below living there, who seem far more devastated over the threat of something finally being done to make it harder for deranged people they have been aiding and abetting to get guns since the Columbine School massacre. If the Cruzes and the Lagraves can’t connect those geographical dots, how can they possibly have a clue about God? Theirs is one nation under guns.

Walt Lagraves
Sloan....I have a special message for you from the Angels. On the day that that deranged man took up a semi auto rifle and brutally murdered those poor souls in Boulder......about 30 million similar semiautomatic rifles remained quietly in their cases, closets, or racks. Not a one of them jumped up and set about killing humans....but a deranged human did. The problem is not the is the human. I know that you consider yourself a man of great I suggest that you counsel with your angels and devise a scheme...and I specifically choose that determine when a human is about to become deranged...and then a scheme to preclude him or her from becoming deranged. When you do....check back in. BTW WTF does Cruz have to do with this. He has just about as much as you do.

Sloan Bashinsky
The problem, Walt, is the firearm is easily obtainable by deranged people, thanks to people who think like you and Ted Cruz. So, how about Cruz propose a bill in Congress, that anyone who sells a firearm to someone, who ends up murdering people in schools, grocery stores, clubs with it, be prosecuted for murder, too. Although perhaps more fitting, said gun seller, and all people who think like you and Cruz, have loved ones murdered like the people in the Boulder grocery store, Columbine School, the Atlanta spa, etc. were murdered.