An old Wisconsin friend responded to yesterday's the Devil loves mass shootings and the guns being easy as pie to get post at this blog.
I find it interesting that suburban gun killings are so highly focused upon while the murder rate in urban America skyrockets with little fanfare...
Sloan Bashinsky
Another good reason to choke off guns being sold to civilians?
Not the point I was making. There were something like 900 murders in Chicago last year, majority black on black, but because it’s not happening in the burbs it’s not a crisis... And fatherless gangbangers aren’t frequent shoppers at Bass Pro Shops...
Sloan Bashinsky
They buy their guns somewhere, does the white Right weep over urban blacks killing urban blacks? If the black gangbangers started shooting up places where white people shop, party, hang out, would the NRA, Ted Cruz, Mitch McConnell, the Republican Party defend their right to have their guns, while hollering for the FBI to hunt them down and get them lethally injected?
Hell YES I am saddened and disgusted that the welfare state has destroyed the nuclear black family and turned our urban centers into 3rd world killing fields!!! And it’s going to get worse with open borders and the increased flow of illicit drugs. Buckle up!
Sloan Bashinsky
If you grew up in the South, you’d have a broader understanding of black people and their families and their struggles, and you would not dare blame it on the so-called welfare state. You’d blame it on white supremacy, lower wages for blacks than whites, Jim Crow laws, police treating whites differently from blacks, separate and not equal education systems, which led to massive young southern blacks migration north and west, costing southern blacks an entire generation. I get really tired of white people on the Right complaining about black people, when so much bad white people on the Right. Thank your lucky stars, Mark, your wife and children have not tot been shot and killed by a large magazine wanna be Rambo white shooter in a grocery store near your home.
Sloan Bashinsky
Understand, Mark, there is no excuse for gangbanging, I deplore it. However, it has nothing to do with the Boulder grocery store massacre and how the Republican Party is dealing with it. That's why I told you to thank your lucky stars. It falls on the Republicans to try to clean up their own gun house, note I said try - the beam in their own eye, as their beloved Jesus taught. That's something they can try do something about. But they much prefer pointing the finger elsewhere. It likewise falls on the black community to try to clean up their own gun house. Note, I said try. For that's how God measures us, not by whether we succeed, but by how we try to live.
Georgia just passed a new voting law that is being called Jim Crow by blacks and the Democrats. The law clearly is a white Republican reaction to Trump and the Republican Congressional losses in Georgia. Other Republican-controlled states where Trump lost are passing similar laws, I wondered last night if your state, Wisconsin, will pass a similar law? You never did answer my question asked several times. Do you still say Trump won the election, but it was stolen by the Democrats? More specifically, by black voters in Wisconsin, Georgia, Illinois, Michigan, Pennsylvania, etc.?
Sorry, but you can't paint me as some privileged northern white boy who shrugs off the struggles of southern blacks after abolition. I was not raised in some lily-white way as my father (a good man who you once met) was a landlord in Milwaukee during the 60's. He was respectful and worked overtime to provide a very good home to his tenants. I was there with him, painting, doing simple maintenance, etc. until that lovely 4 unit home was burned to the ground by an ex-tenant arsonist. Fast forward to today when I have invited several groups of urban blacks (pastors) into our home, only to learn afterwards that they were polished grifters claiming work they were NOT doing. Note that my daughter (married to a orthopedic surgeon) and her family of 4 have been caught in crossfire while traveling between our home and theirs in Wauwatosa. Just last week we had to detour when driving between their home and ours while seeing no less than 20 small cones in the road signifying shell casings. My heart is soft, until it becomes hardened! One party enjoys the benefit of the majority of minority community's votes while doing them NO FAVORS. That party is a total fraud seeking only power and the riches that go along with it while destroying our country. Plenty of minority voters (though not enough) are now recognizing their crafty sleight of hand... And don't even get me started on open borders!!!
Second, I'm not going to get into debate on current gun laws and how we solve that problem, but it's politicians on both sides who can be faulted. I'm somewhere between you and Walt as I'm an ardent supporter of the Second Amendment, but I do struggle to understand why a civilian needs a weapon so powerful as that 30 magazine "handgun" which he used. I don't know how we keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill...
To your final question which you have "Badgered" me with... Yes, there was vote harvesting here, yes there was fraud and abuse of our voting laws, yes we need to reform voting laws as do many states, no I am not a blind Trump loving Republican. That said, I vote conservative and he was the only choice for me. Is that good enough for you? As I've said many times, you claim no party, yet spend too much time criticizing Trump, Cruz, etc. Last time I checked, they are either out of office or in the minority these days and God knows our President should give you plenty of material for your musings, but I'm confused why you fail to critique the bullshit going on in Washington these days?
I wish you a pleasant Palm Sunday
Sloan Bashinsky
Thanks, Mark, for answering my question, finally, and for your wondering why any civilian needs a 30 shell magazine "handgun", be that civilian a white grocery store, spa, school, night club shooter, a black gangbanger in Chicago, Ted Cruz, Walt Lagraves, or any American civilian. If you followed my blog since before Barack Obama received the Democratic nomination in 2008, you know I cut the Democrats no slack, either. I would have closed the southern border with the U.S. troops in Afghanistan, Iraq and other foreign places they have no business being. It is not America's job to be a destination point for Mexican and Central American or any foreign refugees from horrible conditions in their home countries that make urban Chicago, for example, seem like heaven on earth. The Republicans need to clean up their own house, the Democrats likewise. When I see you preaching that, instead of pointing the finger at the left every time you write to me, I will think you have become part of the solution.