Thursday, March 25, 2021

Sorry, God, they trust guns more, sometimes I think it's amazing some American patriot has not shot me


Bob Poe
I'll post this again
and again
and again
until the madness stops 

You have no idea what an assault weapon is. Please describe it.

Sloan Bashinsky
Jack, a fast firing, large bullet magazine military looking gun designed solely to shoot people?

fully automatic rifles are already banned

Sloan Bashinsky
I know that. Your question caused me to wonder if you need the gun the Boulder used, to shoot gophers, deer, wild pigs, rattlesnakes, alligators, grizzly bear, mountain sheep, turkeys? Your question also caused me to wonder what you would have replied if your wife and children were shot in that grocery store?

How would you describe the M1 rifle used in WW2?
or the M14 used in Vietnam?
no one has designed a rifle or handgun to kill people. Bad people kill people

Sloan Bashinsky
What are military guns designed to kill, other than people?
My point is that weapons have changed over the centuries. Many of them now used for hunting or just shooting. So using your logic, theMM1, M1 carbine, M-14 rifle would be banned as well as the Remington semi-automatic shotgun, all semi-automatic pistols. How do you think we will treat Laser Weapons in the future? They already exist and will become more powerful. This shooting is tragic like all of them, but remember who was behind the gun. He could have killed just as many using a shotgun.

Sloan Bashinsky
When you wrote no one designed a rifle or handgun to kill people, you impeached and convicted yourself. And, you didn't answer my question: how would you respond if your wife and children had been shot in that grocery store?

Douglas Love
I would want five minutes alone with the bastard and my claymore.

Sloan Bashinsky
After you're done with him, I'd like to see him spend 5 minutes alone with Jesus and the other angels who never let me get away with stupidity, nonsense or being an ass.

Douglas Love
When I am finished, there will not be enough left of him to meet Allah. And his head would be on a spike next to the “Welcome to Boulder” sign.

Sloan Bashinsky
Tough love?
Wish I had known you when I lived in Boulder. I would have introduced you to people who needed reality checks.

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