Saturday, July 31, 2021

demon sperm and Covid-19 have same origins and about same success in America


Great Lakes Republican friend, who so far refuses to be vaccinated, replied to yesterday's how simple, cheap, fast, early stage infection cure was burned at the stake so Big Pharma could make BIG BUCK$$$ off billions of human lab rats post:

Son-in-law with medical fellowship told me just now get ready for boosters every 6 months, not his opinion but of doctors he's under.


Doesn't surprise me. I think every American should watch Zelenko interview in my blog post today regardless of what they think of him, including he attended Jan 6 Proud Boys rally near Capitol, I learned last night. Do your son-in-law and his medical professors know about Zelenko cure?

Great Lakes friend:

Yes he does


And his supervising doctors? 

Childhood moderate conservative friend, who calls Donald Trump, "The Orange Turd," texted yesterday:

See your girl Dr. Stella Immanuel is bac in the news?

[Dr. Immanuel is one of the Frontline doctors that stood before the Capitol in 2020, telling Americans that hydroxychloroquine and zinc cured early-stage Covid-19 and there was no need to be afraid or to shut down America. A video of that event went super viral fast and quickly was banned by Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. Dr. Immanuel, who also is a minister, later was highlighted for warning about demon sperm invading women. She is from Africa, and I suppose Voodoo is part of her heritage. Dr. Immanuel was investigated by her state medical board (Texas) and the investigation was terminated in her favor.  She was a big President Trump fan. I wonder if she knew demon sperm had invaded President Trump and his followers and most Republicans and lots of the left and the middle?]

Me to childhood friend:

You have a link?

Childhood friend:

Just ogle her name and it likely will show up. She is suing CNN and Anderson Cooper for $100 million.

Not a whiff about zinc. Did Anderson Cooper know the Bible tells of angels mating with human women? Witches and demons can't, too? Call the ACLU!!!

Childhood friend:

I could care less but thought you might be interested.

Yep. Anderson helped burn Dr. Zelenko's cure at the stake.

Childhood friend:

Have you checked in with your doc to see what the latest count on how many he has successfully treated with the concoction? Maybe you could post his reply at the bottom of your blogs.


Don't know Dr. Zelenko personally.

Childhood friend:

Just curious to know if he has continued to save people even though is treatment was shot down.
Like he collected sworn affidavits from patients?


You think he made it all up?

Childhood friend:

Not my point at all. Just wanted to know if you knew whether he continued to successfully treated Covid infected patients that came to him even if the Feds shot him down. Surely he didn't quit practicing and one would think that  people kept coming to him in hopes that he and his protocol could save them.


He moved away from that community and his very large practice. Don't know if he opened a new practice or continued to treat patients.

Childhood friend:

Wonder if he and his family were vaxxed?


Hard to imagine a state medical board allowing him to start over. He is 100% against vaccinations. Views them as dangerous as or more dangerous than C19. Watching his new video today didn't make me feel uplifted about vaccines.
Saw he participated in the Jan 6 Stop the Steal rally that trashed the Capitol, so fuck him. Case closed.


Didn't know he did that, found it online. 
Wish I had hydroxychloroquine stockpile. Delta variant is laughing at the vaccines. Imagine Epsilon and later variants.
My dilemma is there definitely was a hatchet job on Zelenko's cure, and it was never disproved. Other doctors used it and it worked on their patients. The angels on my case pushed it. There was not a lot of money to be made with it, and it kept people away from hospitals.
Zelenko attending that rally was idiotic, worse than the nitwit who buried his talent in the ground.

Looks to me like demon sperm and Covid-19 have the same origins and about same success in America.

Friday, July 30, 2021

how simple, cheap, fast, early stage infection cure was burned at the stake so Big Pharma could make BIG BUCK$$$ off billions of human lab rats

Learned yesterday that a friend in his late eighties, who had specialized in internal medicine and was vaccinated earlier this year, is in a hospital with Covid-19. 79-year-old me was vaccinated early this year. Am I next? I hope not.

Sancho Panza put me onto Dr. Vladimir Zelenko in the spring of 2020. At the bottom of this post is Dr. Z's now infamous March 23, 2020 letter that could have saved humanity from Red China's lovely bioweapon, but was banned Facebook.

 From Sancho yesterday:

I feel like Alice in Wonderland... up is down; down is up! I hear Morpheus prodding in my head... Take the red pill... No, take the blue pill...  Emoji

Me to Sancho:

I'm deep in the rabbit hole, listening to this podcaster causes me to wonder where his head was for so very long that he only now has pulled it out of where the sun never shines? Dr. Z, of course, is taking no prisoners again. How about someone with cajones and actual capability swim Dr. Z and his cheap, fast cure up Joe Biden's ass, and see if that has a different effect than when that was swam up Donald Trump's ass.


I bet you are the only person out of the many I copied on this that would actually watch the interview all the way through! We are insignificant, so nothing is going to happen to us... even this guy, David Harrys Jr. is just a blogger... the question you should be asking is why is this interview not being aired in the number one show on TV, Tucker Carlson Tonight? I don't know what kind of guano you're smoking, if you think Biden is in any way consequential! I am more concerned about Dr. Zelenko's prediction on the health of those who took the shot! The CDC is pulling a bait-n-switch routine on those who were promised a return to normal life if they would take the shot! 

I had watched about half of Dr. Z taking no prisoners when I wrote to you  earlier. Now, I've watched it all. The way he hammers vaccines as killing me quick, pretty soon, or eventually, is hard to seriously argue against. I guess I am one of the devolved pigs worshippers, but then, I'm closing in on 79, and have plenty roughing me up physically, and if the vaccinations deign to serve as hit men, snipers, whatever, great, take the shot. But if it's going to be more seemingly endless old rugged cross adventures, well, I ain't looking forward to that. 

The sheer madness and the sheer monstrosity of Dr. Z's cure being deep-sixed on fucking purpose by people who claim to observe the Hippocratic Oath is, well, the Devil walking the earth. I think there is about zero-minus odds Joe Biden will resurrect Dr. Z's cure. I found myself imagining trying to explain Dr. Z's cure to Joe Biden would be excruciating, in that it would appear that nobody was home. He would sit there smiling and nodding his head, but not one fucking ion of what I said would register in his mind. Not meaning to pick on him. I've seen it over and over, and, guess what, I've seen it a lot more in blue spectrum people than in red spectrum people. 

A thought has kept recirculating today, which is, all the various infrastructure President Biden wants built, and for Congress to give him the money for it. Well, how does he think having the money will get it built if the work force he's counting on has or is terrified of catching Covid-19? Because the vaccines clearly are not stopping people from catching it. Where's he going to get the workers, as more and more variants appear?

The delta variant has 1,000 times the viral load of the original Covid-19. What will the later Greek-named variants be like? Will there end up being a super variant, which makes the delta variant look like a common cold? Which eats vaccines for fun? Will it overwhelm Dr. Z's cure? I sure hope not, cause I'm taking it daily, as Dr. V, via you, prescribed over a year ago: zinc and quercetin (instead of hydroxychloroquine), and C and D-3. And E, and B complex more lately. I hope that cocktail makes me smell like a skunk to any and all variants.


About variants, you do know that the PCR Test that the CDC is using to detect who has The Wuhan Plague or not, cannot even detect the difference between covid-19 or the common flu(which, BTW, Fauci claimed had disappeared in all of 2020 because of mask and hand washingEmoji). This is no speculation, the inventor of the PCR said it before he died last year(conveniently) and now the CDC has officially said that the PCR test will be defunct before year's end... you can check it out here:  CDC Quietly Withdraws EUA for COVID PCR Test – It Can’t Distinguish Between COVID & the Flu
or you can go to their official site here:  

Now, think about all those "positive" tests from last year that prompted the hair-on-fire decision to shut down the country and drive everybody into a frenzy of fear and a willingness to give up their basic freedoms... and now all we get is an "OOPS"? Would you listen to these authorities again when they tell you that all you need is  another shot of the same experimental shit they injected into your lab rat body two times already... that plus the brilliant, flip-flop "Doctor" Fauci  suggestion that we should ALL now use Three masks to stop the Delta mutation... how many masks will be needed to stop the Omega variant, only God and his spokesman, Saint Fauci, know! You really have to be some kind of idiot to do it again! 


If “they” can’t distinguish between Covid 19 and common flu, does that make Dr. Z irrelevant?


No, not at all, because having a cutting edge immune system. like you and I have right now, will make us bulletproofed to whatever virus they come up with(case in point, I never get the flu and have never been vaxxed for it).... a virus need to replicate inside our cells and excess  zinc  derails that process, if it even gets past the first line of defense of my immune system, which I doubt it will! What I am concerned with is how far they are willing to go in forcing people to take the next shots? Injections are different from orally or olfactory exposure to a microbe, because we have evolved ways to manage those incursions after ions living with microbes all around and in us... but these injections are meant to alter our cells genetically to produce these spike proteins all over the body and zinc cannot stop that... I think the infective virus was the roost for getting people ready to accept the shots!   Why us all this happening, I don't know! You, with your ET mentality, might say that ET's want to take over this planet w/o having to destroy the biosphere so a gradual depopulation strategy and maybe even some type of mass control of people's activities via a biocybernetic linkup as suggested at the end of this vide... take a look: 

You are being redirected...


Since I am one of vaccine lab rats, based on Dr. Zelenko's  and your analysis I'm doomed, as in dead or seriously fucked up, sooner or later. Sooner, I hope. As for ETs, I deal with angels and know ETs are around doing whatever they do. I think the odds are great that Planet Earth, or Mother Nature, if you wish, adopted the bioweapon, then enhanced it, with the goal of less humans and the planet dying of old age instead of the human virus. As for angels, I think they are not impressed with humanity's progress now, and not for some time. The turning point was the atomic bombs dropped on Japan. The end game, I haven't a clue.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

disturbing a blue spectrum forum kinda resembles disturbing a red spectrum forum

Yesterday's Hit men are prosecuted, unless they are Donald Trump post featured a Jan 6 topic commentary by American Historian Heather Cox Richardson. The highlighted end of my comment to Heather raised some hackles in blue spectrum readers.

Sloan Bashinsky
Saw TV replay of some of the Capitol officers' testimony today. A black officer said a white rioter called him "a fucking nigger". I watched a lot of raw footage of the riot and saw a lot of phots o TV. All I recalled seeing in the riot mob was white people. When they, and Trump, and Republicans in Congress and Republicans elsewhere and MAGAs say the election was stolen, they mean it was stolen by blacks. The black officer also said a hit man is arrested and prosecuted, and who hired the hitman is arrested and prosecuted as if the hit man, and that should be investigated. I practiced law a while in Birmingham, Alabama, and I have wondered since Jan 6 and Mitch McConnell blamed the riot on Trump, why Trump was not and has not been prosecuted? I have a very good Republican friend, who voted for Trump, and in his youth was US Army Special Forces and was in serious jungle combat. He said the Capitol rioters should all have been shot dead. I have thought all along the Capitol police had every right to empty their guns into the rioters once they broke into the Capitol, and reloaded and emptied their guns again, and again, until they ran out of bullets defending themselves, the Capitol and the U.S. Congressmen regardless of their party. Yet I never heard my Republican friend condemn Trump or say he should be shot dead. I don't think people want to consider what is really in play, perhaps because the right claims to have God on its side and the left often reacts to mention of God. What's really in play is mass demonic possession similar to what was seen in Germany as Hitler rose to power. I wish it was confined to the right, but when I watched President Biden's press secretary refuse to answer a reporter's question about how many of President Biden's vaccinated staff had contracted Covid-19, I was so disturbed that I wondered what got into me to vote, albeit very reluctantly for Biden? Good-bye transparent presidency. Hello what loves the opposite.

kimceann🌈 (WA)Jul 27
"President Biden said, “We need to remember the government isn’t some foreign force in a distant capital. No, it’s us. All of us. We, the people.“
This was an all-out declaration of war on the underlying premise of the Reagan Revolution. And a full-throated embrace of the first three words of the Constitution, “We, the people.”

kimceann🌈 (WA)
And this:
"Americans are now watching, for the third time in just 30 years, a Democratic president clean up the economic and social debris of a prior Republican presidency.
They’re starting to figure out that crushing the middle-class didn’t produce prosperity and stability, but instead destroyed tens of millions of people’s lives and dreams.
And they’re seeing the hollowness of the Republican’s promises as we all watch, aghast, as the GOP scrambles to mobilize the last remnants of its white racist base, at the same time waging an all-out war on the ability of Black, young and working-class people to vote. "
the Hartman Report

Sloan Bashinsky
Not sure you got my point. I lost confidence in President Biden and his press secretary to level with Americans. If they won't disclose how many vaccinated White House staffers tested positive, then how can they be trusted about anything else?

Joseph Nemeth (CA)
If you want to make a big deal out of something, you sometimes have to explain why it is important.
How many White House vaccinated staffers got COVID? How many "staffers" are there? Are you talking about the Executive Office? (Google says 1800). The vaccine, as of April 2, is about 90% effective. So we would expect that 180 of the Executive Office have (or have had, or will have) COVID symptoms. If the press secretary had answered 200 (or 150), would you have understood that this is a reasonable error-bar around the expected value of 180? Out of 1800 employees, I wouldn't imagine anyone in the White house has that number at their fingertips.
I don't understand the importance of this question, and certainly not why it would be grounds for not trusting the White House for not giving a response. It seems to me like a trap question, and the right answer to a trap question is to offer no answer at all.

Sloan Bashinsky
Sorry, I should have explained the importance of the reporter's question. America (and the world) are in the grip of a viral pandemic; the virus is mutating; there has been stiff resistance in large segments of the right, and in segments of the black communities, and scattered resistance elsewhere to being vaccinated, while President Biden pushes for all Americans to be vaccinated. We now know from the news reports that being vaccinated does not guarantee not getting infected, but it does seem to reduce the chances of being infected and it seems to reduce the severity of infections that do occur. So, the vaccinations are not bullet proof, which is what the resisters say. I'm not a resister, I had both Pfizer shots early this year, despite concerns about side effects I have yet to see in me, thankfully. Psaki seemed upset with the reporter for pressing for an answer. If Psaki didn't know the answer, she could have said she didn't know. She did tell the reporter that White House staffers are not required to be vaccinated, which, I had been the reporter, I would have asked, why not. President Biden is pushing for all people in America to be vaccinated, but he does not require being vaccinated to be part of the White House staff? Surely he can require that. Surely he should require vaccination to be consistent with his vaccination campaign. While in Arizona before a huge super spreader mob convinced the 2021 election was stolen, Trump said he got the vaccinations but its everybody's choice to be or not be vaccinated, and the mob went wild.

Joseph Nemeth (CA)
I still find this argument uncompelling, and the conclusion extreme.
It's a huge leap from, "Biden's employee didn't answer a question that I think she should have, or could have given a better answer, so I can never trust him again."

kimceann🌈 (WA)
strange rabbithole

Joseph Nemeth (CA)

Sloan Bashinsky
Even before I ran many times as an Independent for local public office in Key West and the Florida Keys, I didn't like politics and didn't trust politicians. I was the candidate who didn't count votes when he spoke to the news media and at candidate forums. Parallel, I followed national politics much more closely, and didn't care much for what I saw from the Republican or the Democrat side. I voted 3rd party, or didn't vote, in presidential elections, until 2020, when I voted for Joe Biden, reluctantly, because he didn't cause me to fear for the physical safety of my children and their families, and he talked about saving the planet from humanity. Donald Trump demands blind loyalty, regardless of moral, legal and common sense factors. That should be a wake up call for anyone devoted to a leader.

I believe either today(28th) or yesterday, I saw on the news that now everyone at the White House MUST be vaccinated! I have to agree that should have been mandated by now and it IS!

Sloan Bashinsky
If so, thanks to the reporter and FOX News coverage?

I really doubt the WH mandate came about BECAUSE of that reporter & Faux - likely one more of the current crackdown of masks & vaccinations caused by this surge of Delta virus.

Joseph Nemeth (CA)
I believe that would be the post hoc fallacy.

Sloan Bashinsky
Same argument could be made to refute President Donald Trump did not cause the Capitol riot. The fact is, the reporter challenged Psaki, who refused to answer the question and said White House staff were not required to be vaccinated, and FOX News jumped on that hard, and Maggie above commented that everyone at the White House now MUST be vaccinated, and then Biden started talking about all federal employees being required to be vaccinated. That will be interesting to see him pull off. Meanwhile, the stiffest resistance to vaccination is in the red spectrum and perhaps enough of them will catch the delta variant and thin their ranks, or scare them to death, almost, and they become born again vaccination evangelists :-).

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Hit men are prosecuted, unless they are Donald Trump

Capitol police testify

Capitol cop recalls racist abuse on Jan. 6

Tue, July 27, 2021, 11:07 AM

Harry Dunn, who is Black, said he challenged their claims that no one had voted for Biden by telling them that he himself was a Biden supporter.

"One woman in a pink 'MAGA' shirt yelled, 'You hear that, guys, this nigger voted for Joe Biden!'" said Dunn. "Then the crowd, perhaps around twenty people, joined in, screaming 'Boo! Fucking nigger!' No one had ever – ever - called me a 'nigger' while wearing the uniform of a Capitol Police officer..."

Dunn was one of four police officers who delivered wrenching testimony on Tuesday on their struggle to defend the Capitol against a mob of then-President Donald Trump's supporters, describing to lawmakers how they were beaten, taunted with racial insults from rioters and faced threats like "kill him with his own gun."


‘A Hit Man Sent Them’: Police Officers Testify to the Violence Done on January 6

Four officers told a House Select Committee what they saw. They called it an “attempted coup” and “terrorism” and blamed Donald Trump. And so should we all.


I wondered whether Tuesday’s hearing by the House Select Committee on January 6, featuring four police officers who were attacked that day, could reveal much to those of us who’ve paid close attention—read (almost) every story, watched (almost) every video—to the Trump-inspired insurrection that day.

I was wrong to wonder.

First, it ought to change what we call it. I’ve stopped at “insurrection.” These brave officers called it an “attempted coup” and “terrorism,” and the people behind it “traitors.” Several talked about the rampant racism they witnessed. They also blamed the disgraced, twice-impeached former President Donald Trump.

As Capitol Police officer Harry Dunn put it: “If a hit man is hired and he kills somebody, the hit man goes to jail. But not only does the hit man go to jail, but the person who hired him does.” Dunn added, “I want you to get to the bottom of that.” 

An American historian and professor of history at Boston College, where she teaches courses on the American Civil War, the Reconstruction Era, the American West, and the Plains Indians. She previously taught history at MIT and the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Wikipedia

From Heather's letter yesterday, the full letter can be seen by clicking on

As the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol starts its work, former president Trump and his supporters are consolidating their power over the Republican Party. Through it, they hope to control the nation.

Today Representative Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), chair of the select committee and of the House Homeland Security Committee, published an op-ed in the Washington Post. He noted that in a recent CBS News survey, 72% of Americans said they thought there was more to learn about what happened on January 6. He promised that “nothing will be off-limits” as the committee figures out “what happened, why and how. And we will make recommendations to help ensure it never happens again.”

Along with Thompson, Liz Cheney will deliver opening remarks from the committee before it begins to hear the testimony of Capitol Police.

But McCarthy and other Trump supporters are doing all they can to derail the investigation into what happened on January 6. The committee’s work is not a criminal investigation: that is the job of the Department of Justice, which has already charged more than 535 people for their actions in the insurrection. The committee will try to piece together the events leading up to January 6, along with why the response from law enforcement was so delayed. It will look at the response of the White House, as well as the funders and organizers of the rallies of January 5 and 6. It will look at members of Congress, and how they intersected with the events of that day.

Sloan Bashinsky

Saw TV replay of some of the Capitol officers' testimony today. A black officer said a white rioter called him "a fucking nigger". I watched a lot of raw footage of the riot and saw a lot of photos on TV. All I recalled seeing in the riot mob was white people. When they, and Trump, and Republicans in Congress and Republicans elsewhere and MAGAs say the election was stolen, they mean it was stolen by blacks. The black Capitol police officer said a hit man is arrested and prosecuted, and who hired the hitman is arrested and prosecuted as if the hit man. I practiced law a while in Birmingham, Alabama, and I have wondered since Jan 6 and Mitch McConnell blamed the riot on Trump, why Trump was not and has not been prosecuted? I have a very good Republican friend, who voted for Trump, and in his youth was US Army Special Forces and was in serious jungle combat. He said the Capitol rioters should all have been shot dead. I have thought all along the Capitol police had every right to empty their guns into the rioters once they broke into the Capitol, and reloaded and emptied their guns again, and again, until they ran out of bullets defending themselves, the Capitol and the U.S. Congressmen regardless of their party. Yet I never heard my Republican friend condemn Trump or say he should be shot dead. I don't think people want to consider what is really in play, perhaps because the right claims to have God on its side and the left often reacts to mention of God. What's really in play is mass demonic possession similar to what was seen in Germany as Hitler rose to power. I wish it was confined to the right, but when I watched President Biden's press secretary refuse to answer a reporter's question about how many of President Biden's vaccinated staff had contracted Covid-19, I was so disturbed that I wondered what got into me to vote, albeit very reluctantly for Biden? Good-bye transparent presidency. Hello what loves the opposite.

Donald Trump demands blind loyalty, regardless of moral, legal and common sense factors. That should be a wake up call for anyone devoted to a leader.