Sunday, March 31, 2019

What would Key West do without the blue paper to shine sunlight where swamp creatures roam and reign?

The other day, I met an interesting, amicable fellow, who handles apartment leasing for a Birmingham, Alabama property management company. He had an unfurnished one-bedroom apartment for rent in an old apartment building in Birmingham's beautiful "Southside". Large living room. Large bedroom. Large kitchen with stove and refrigerator. Large separate bedroom. $875 per month, plus utilities added to the rent, plus $250 deposit and $100 application fee. No first, last & deposit equal to 3 months rent like happens all over Key West. He said he used to live in Key West and loved it. He left there in 2007 and hopes some day to live there again and not leave. I think I will send him this latest Key West the Newspaper blue lighting strike documentary video and reader comments about what looks and sounds to me like major league ravaging swamp creatures running loose in Key West.
WRECKERS CAY REDEVELOPMENT: The relocation study was finally filed with the County on March 14th. It concludes that the trailer park residents will easily find 3 bedroom homes [in Key West] to rent for around $800/month...

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    • Sloan Bashinsky Shazam!

      The blue paper strikes again! Imagine Key West without the blue paper causing the sun to shine where swamp creatures roam and reign!

      I was in the county commission chamber in the Marathon Government Center in 2007, as I recall the date, when land use expert developer attorney Jim Hendrick, representing a Pritam Singh redevelopment of a Stock Island trailer park, as I recall the location, told the county commissioners something like, "A special place in hell is reserved for developers who buy trailer parks and then evict the residents."

      As much as I hate stealing someone else's line, here's what I think about the fellow in the video, whose company prepared the scam document, and the developer(s) who paid him to do the scam document, and the developer(s) lawyer(s) who were in on it, and the county staff and elected officials who did not do the fact-checking and disclosure Arnaud and Naja Girad did of the scam document in the video:


      If the Sate Attorney Office and the Sheriff Department and the Florida Attorney General do not damn the torpedoes and steam full-speed ahead in that direction pronto, I will think they are in cahoots.

    • John Q Smith Your not eligible for a library card ....but please feel free to travel from Florida City for a job in Winn Dixie...'s all a big joke.

    • Eileen Kaiser Redmond Please show me one of these 3 bedroom houses in Key West for $800 a month.

    • Steven Atherton THAT’S BULLSHIT . CAN’T FIND A ROOM FOR $800.00 A MONTH 😡😡

    • Kelly Varney Why not name the officials!?!

    • Joe Martinet 200k lol. I cant find a house for 500k in Key West that in livable condition.

    • Pamela Snyder Kenyon I’m speechless 🤦🏼‍♀️

    • Bo Simpson I paid $800 a month to rent a bedroom in a 3/1 house No A/C 27 years ago

Friday, March 29, 2019

Maybe what Key West, America and this world needs is more meat eaters?

My Key West homeless lady friend, Kari Dangler, told me yesterday on the telephone, that she was experiencing a strong desire to eat meat. Later yesterday, I called her back and left a voicemail asking her if that also might mean eating meat in the spiritual sense? If perhaps she is ready for that now? I asked her that when we talked on the telephone this morning. She said she had to think about it.

I wrote another friend yesterday, who is being served large doses of meat, and who had said he is struggling and upset that he seems to keep getting angels upset with him:

Fear of the Lord is said to be the beginning of Wisdom, and that is not what most people experience, nor appreciate it when other people experience it. I still think fear of the Lord is needed in America and elsewhere.

U are being trained by angels, FAST. I've seen two other people close to me trained FAST. The angels went much slower with me, and perhaps deeper and probably broader, starting early 1987.

The poor women I was with got to see it and got stretched but only one of them got what might be called the full Monty/FAST. A male friend was the other FAST, also BRUTAL fit it.

In early 1999, I was directed to read the New Testament Letter to the Hebrews, in which the anonymous author begins by telling the audience, who had been followers of Jesus but were falling away due to the rigor of that path, that they should be teachers by now, they should be eating meat, but they are still drinking milk. The author urges the audience to return to the cleansing of the Lord, and warns them of the grave peril of turning away. The author tells the audience Jesus is high priest in the Order Melchizedek.

Maybe in 1992, when I lived in Boulder, Colorado,  my wife at that time got to see the early stages of what all the angels were doing to me, and she herself was being stretched somewhat, but nothing like what I was experiencing. While we were reading together in bed one night, something in the book she was reading caused her to ask if I knew anything about Melchizedek? I said Melchizedek was in the part of the Bible about Abraham, a supernatural being in human form, whom Abraham knew and tithed the spoils of wars he had won. 

I asked my wife if she wanted me to try to get more information? She said, yes. I put down my book and stretched out, and she began lightly stroking my chest with her fingers, which was something we had come to know would induce me into a trance and I would get information from beyond. I told my wife I was going very, very deep, to some place I had never before been, and it was taking a while to get there. Then, I started saying what I was hearing, in bits, about 15 seconds apart.

Melchizedek …

Melchizedek is an order of angel that comes to a planet in trouble …

Melchizedek comes to prepare a planet to receive the Christ …

Christ does not come to a planet without Melchizedek …

Mary Magadalene was of the Order Melchizedek ...

My Boulder wife and I both thought what I was being put through was rough. In fact, it was easy compared to what came after she and I parted ways.

Each of the women I was later paired with by the angels also got introduced to the same training, and only the one who got into it FAST, went with it while we were together. It became so rough that we went apart.

Maybe Kari Dangler will go into it FAST. Time will tell.

Meanwhile, I used to write from time to time, that if I didn't get told by angels to leave the Florida Keys ahead of an incoming hurricane, then evacuation was not necessary. 

In September 2017, I left Key West ahead of Hurricane Irma, with help from relatives who were insisting I leave. That spared me the aftermath: no running water, sewer, electricity, cell phone signal, wi-fi, internet, relying on brought in food, water, etc. I returned to Key West after all that was over with.

Kari Dangler being homeless and trapped in Key West is why angels then steered Hurricane Irma slightly eastward, sparing Key West that Category 4's direct hit. Kari told me that she survived by just happening to find an evacuated, vacant hotel with unlocked outside bathrooms. She rode out Irma in the bathrooms, and stayed there at night for many days. She got food and water and other supplies from the national guard and other relief organizations. 

I moved from Key West to Alabama before Thanksgiving 2018. My question is, what if Kari is no longer in Key West when the next big one heads toward the city?

In a dream last night, Kari told me on the telephone to send her some photos. These were taken at Fort Zachary Taylor State Park in Key West in early 2016, as I recall, after we bumped into an old friend of Kari's, who was a professional photographer on the mainland, down for a visit.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

court jesters in the kingdom of neverending make America great again missions impossible

Hoodoo Witch responded to yesterday's Donald Trump Superstar romp at this blog:

LOL! I agree 3000% with Sancho Panza, though 100% is supposedly the max limit regarding such things. This blog post has been one of the more fun ones to read in awhile, regarding such serious matters as the state of the U.S. and its players.
  1. From time to time, I tell people wringing their hands and lamenting the state of America, humanity, etc., that it really helps to have a sense of humor and to view everything going on as theater, and to participate in it, while watching it and groaning, laughing, crying and raging at it. Sancho Panza has a gift of reducing really serious matters to comical absurdities. He is a court jester, when he feels moved to be one. As am I, which he pointed out, while making me a pipsqueak compared to Donald Trump. All hail the King! Er, your and Sancho's king. I didn't vote for him. Nor for Hillary.

    Another of my court jester friends chimed in yesterday. He's not nearly as funny, but he really is funny in the black comedy/gallows humor sense. He will get center stage in the next (today's) post at this neverending fool's errand blog. With his permission, I will shorten the gun regulation middle part of his rant, which is followed by his take on even more make America great again missions impossible.
I do not care if you publish this, but do not attach my name or email to it. If you do, we will never speak again. Not because my feelings are hurt but because the locals will form a lynch mob and fucking tar, feather, and the hang me until I am dead, dead, dead. 

The Mueller Report report, the seeming affirmation of the United States Supreme Court that a sitting President cannot be subpoena'd to testify before a sitting jury- as a constitutional matter- during the Nixon administration(in which then Associate Justice and later Chief Justice William Rehnquist was sitting, addicted to narcotics, and underwent several documented treatments), together with failure of the American people to hold their government to any standards whatsoever leaves me with absolutely no confidence in the in "the system". 

We do not hold our local, state, or national office holders to any standards of personal. social, fiscal, or ethical liability. Haven't in my lifetime. Don't know if you'd say you had a president, national Congressman, Governor or state Congressman, local representative, mayor, sheriff, or DOG CATCHER that was held to any standards that we advertise making up the "American" way. 

Not since the troubles of the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom or the  ongoing war that has taken place between Palestinians and Israelis, has there been a situation so volatile as currently exists in the United States

1. There is no more republic despite the facade we maintain. We ceased to have any form of Democratic Republic when Citizens United was hailed AS A VICTORY FOR THE PEOPLE by "civil libertarians", lawyers, politicians, lobbyists, grubbers of the money anywhere, bankers, and the then 5% of the populace that then had 90% of the wealth. It was a victory for 1% of the population that now holds 95%+... and counting of the wealth. There is no American Dream or Make America Great Again with such a disparity in wealth distribution. Yet there is no sense of balance in the USA. It is a shameful situation when you can honestly say that the brightest hope for people is that they work until they die and hope simply to be able to pay their bills, and that is as good as it gets.

2. We have a firearm crisis. I had not played a computer or video game until someone showed me a game that has been in development for a number of years and has recently debuted. The gun had the largest array of real world weapons that I've ever seen, realistic sighting, z for iron sights, the scroll on your mouse button could configure scoped zoom. It realistically simulated recoil, shot placement, adjustments for windage, elevation, and distance. Anyone with access to cash or a credit card and Internet can buy a copy of the game, despite its rating of "M" for mature, as I understand that Valve Corporation, Epic Games, and other distributors do not perform due diligence beyond "I affirm I was born after this date." If a kid has access to a credit card, or has cash to stick on their Paypal account, or cash to stick on burner credit card(Prepaid Gift)- they can access and play these games single or multiplayer. The multiplayer facet is most disturbing as the real "glory" and "enjoyment" people receive from playing these games comes from their stated love of "PvP" or play versus player which players attempt ambush, rob or torture each other. I learned about trap bases, man traps, and worse. Games to see this kind of toxicity: Rust, Arma, DayZ, Hunt Showdown, Grand Theft Auto, Red Dead Online. We had an entire generation that got their first gun with their first console: the Nintendo Entertainment system released in the 1980's was bundled with a "Zapper" to play the combination cartridge of Mario/DuckHunt. So everyone who is 45 or below grew up with games that made "toys" out of guns. Pre-1980's- guns were either firearms, sporting goods, or ordnance. Now we have in common parlance enormous online forums where gun "enthusiasts" talk about their "new toy" or "what have you bought that was fireams related in the past 10 days ?" or "share a photo of your gun of the moment together with your (insert meal here)".  That last item is not a joke btw- I'm serious- there are pages and pages of pictures where people have their rifles, pistols, revolvers, shotguns, etc with their breakfast lunch or supper/dinner(depending on where you are in relation to the Mason/Dixon line). We have gun laws with no parity state to state, since Ruby Ridge under Bush '41 there has been no permanent sitting director of the BATFE- rather it is always a temporary or sitting director so that when they fuckup or get caught doing something scandalously stupid- they can be fired in an obscene game of musical chairs except with body counts. With a firearm, the purpose has always been to kill game for survival or kill enemies in battle. Since the days of the Volstead Act and the Crime Prevent Act of 1926, a citizen of the United States has not been able to purchase a "machine gun" or "assault" rifle unless purchased through a  Class 3 FFL under Form 4 with an ATF tax stamp- the registry that was maintained of these weapons was closed in 1986 under the Hughes Amendment- a last minute rider that was passed as part of a crime bill. Otherwise, new true machine guns and assault rifles are regulated to police, military, and dealers who service the police and military and must maintain a dealer FFL and pay a Special Occupational Tax, any arm which they purchase must be demo'd and a proof of demonstration to approved end users(de po-leeese man or the gubamint), and all paper work, the firearms, and at minimum the FFL's home and vehicle and its contents can be searched 24 hours a day without any form of warrant or notice or probable cause. Should an FFL decide that the SOT is no longer worth the hassle it often brings, they must turn in their logs of those weapons purchased under the SOT in particular and the SOT weapons become property of the Department of the Treasury. 

Because the reality is that if a gun confiscation scheme were to be enforced, there would be bodies dropping on both sides for the initial period and when enough of the extremists and LE saw that bodies were dropping, most people would rather turn in a gun than get shot or face a 10 year/10 thousand dollar federal fine. The 10/10 is what you get if you're caught with an unregistered, stolen, or diverted select fire. You kill LE/soldier doing what congress has ordered, they'll shoot lightening out your ass. You get caught with a gun after confiscation, I imagine the 10/10 would be a starting point. 

3. We no longer have a majority of Americans that practice centrist politics. Politics is approached with a sport mentality in which "I'm backing my team." Politicians are the progeny of the oligarchy- both sides. If someone were to "drain the swamp"- it would look like a genocide on lawyers, judges politicians, and lobbyists until the country were so deep in assholes and elbows that you could not move. "Drain the swamp" is not possible. There is a swamp in every town, county, state, and Country in the world. 

4. Drugs, alcohol, sexual exploitation of others, mass communication(including the Internet at large) and sports have collectively become the bread, circuses, and gladiatorial matches of Rome- NATION WIDE. WORLD WIDE. From fuckin' Siberia and North Korea on bootleg satellite internet and sat-smartphones to an entire season or series of broadcast television downloaded via 5G in a manner of minutes to every corner of the world having a problem with some kind of dope or drink(the Irish Times roasted the U.S. on gun policy but stated that everyone in the US takes Rx opoids- I'm sorry for the poor bastards but I guess they were in too much a drunken stupor to remember that they have a problem with abuse of benzodiazipenes, abuse of gabapentin and lyrica, and they can buy codeine or Brown's over the counter in the UK and Ireland). 

5. The mob and he who yells loudest and with the most voices triumphs via social media like Twitter, Facebook, any major Newpaper's news article comments- in which the mere character limitation means that you are not going to say anything meaningful, yet politicians treat it as "The New Forum For the Public" or the new town hall.

All these glass houses....