Monday, September 16, 2024

one nation, under Lucifer and guns


Ryan Routh

    CNN reported around 6:13 a.m. CST today that Vice-President Kamala Harris and President Joe Biden are relieved and glad that AK-47 armed Ukraine sympathizer American Ryan Routh, who voted for Donald Trump in 2016, did not kill Trump at his golf course in West Palm Beach yesterday.

    I wonder if Harris and Biden would be relieved and happy to know the demon that saved Trump’s life yesterday, saved Trump's life during the earlier assassination attempt this year?

    I wonder how every Christian in America, regardless of political affiliation, does not see Donald Trump is possessed by a demon?

    I wonder how every Christian in America does not see “one nation, under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance is a deluded, egotistical boast, when in plain view America is one nation, under guns and Lucifer, and the infection is spreading and deepening?

    The widespread ownership of AR-15 type weapons in America is 100-percent proof Lucifer is running America.

    Consider The Daily Beast article today:

Alleged Trump Gunman Was ‘A Little Cuckoo,’ Neighbor Says

A neighbor of Ryan Routh, the reported person of interest detained by authorities in the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump, told a local news station in North Carolina that the man was “a little cuckoo” and owned a lot of guns—but still expressed disbelief that he would do anything violent. 

The neighbor also said the person of interest owned a lot of guns, but still expressed disbelief that he would be involved in the plot.

“I mean I didn’t think he would go that far. I knew he was a little cuckoo, but assassinating the president? I mean he’s going to be going away for a long time,” an anonymous former neighbor in Greensboro, North Carolina told local station Fox 8. “I just can’t believe it.”

However, she also said that Routh had a lot of firearms at his North Carolina home. “I’ve seen the guns myself and all, and, yeah, they had a lot of guns and stuff over there, and, yeah, a lot of people were afraid of him back in the day,” she said.

The neighbor said Routh moved to Hawaii earlier this year, but before leaving he hired her son to help him move, gave her a Hawaiian shirt as a gift, and embraced her on his last day. 

“I thought he was just living the life in Hawaii with the girlfriend and all, so for him to be assassinating the president, that’s just crazy.”

Routh’s son, Oren Routh, also expressed disbelief that his “caring father and honest, hardworking man” would do anything like that.

“I do not know what’s happened in Florida, and I hope that things have just been blown out of proportion, because from the little that I have heard it doesn’t sound like the man I know to do anything crazy, much less violent,” Oren told CNN.

    How could the neighbor and Oren be surprised when they knew Ryan was armed to the teeth? For what reason would Ryan have all of those firearms if he was not a violent man?


    Anyone listening?




    If I were Donald Trump and now had two gunmen try to kill me with guns only law enforcement and the military should have, I would shriek for President Biden, Congress and the U.S. Supreme Court to make such guns illegal in civilian hands. But did Donald Trump shriek for that? 


    Anyone listening?




    Of course not. Trump wants the National Rifle Association’s support. As does Lucifer, who is very pleased the U.S. Supreme Court ignores the well regulated militia predicate of Amendment 2.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

    Where is the well regulated militia? 

    Not to fret, Trump lovers. Lucifer is having fun with Biden and Harris, too, but they didnt get nearly killed yesterday, and they are pretending they are outraged and really glad Routh didnt kill Trump.

Postscript later same day

Ol’ Flawriduh CrackerMy Two Senses
Sloan, you are giving Lucifer way too much credit methinks.
It is clear that Trump is now using lousy attempts to assassinate him as a method to garner more money and reignite his base that includes weak minded Independents.

Sloan Bashinsky
Actually, I am unfortunately well trained in assessing demonic possession, I engage it often, the people with the problem don’t know they have the problem, and convincing them they have the problem is futile. Possession usually is a progression, although sometimes it can happen in the twinkling of the eye. Angels spent a long time showing me my relationship with Evil, and my deliverance was progressive, nothing like you see in an exorcist movie. Every human being has a demonic twin, and that has to be reckoned with sooner or later in this life, or later.
Trump has been progressively possessed probably unaware, and he is contagious, and people who believe in him, or who simply back him hoping to further their own agendas, are infected by the same demon unawares in most cases. Of course, Trump uses the assassination attempts to get more votes. That’s why the demon saved him twice. 
Unfortunately, the a demon or demons are messing with Biden and Harris and infecting people who support Biden and Harris for whatever reason. 
This is the truly sorry state to which America has fallen. 
Sometimes I tell people there are two books they should read, and if after reading those books they are not convinced Evil exists, then they are possessed by Evil. 
HOSTAGE TO THE DEVIL, by the Jesuit priest Malachi Martin, who was an exorcist priest and a Christ disciple, and THE SPEAR OF DESTINY, by Trevor Ravenscoft, a Grail initiate. 
The 1st book is about individuals being possessed unawares and exorcised. The 2d book is how Hitler and his inner circle and most Germans became possessed by a demon.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

I lost count of the times Christians told me that God stopped speaking to people after the Bible was written, a clever way of creating a monopoly on God

    Erick Rittenberry publishes most days at his Poetic Outlaws Substack Newsletter, which I  recommended many times. He posted this today, Sunday.

Aldous Huxley: On Truth and the Nature of Spiritual Reality

By: Aldous Huxley


SEP 15, 2024 

Why dost thou prate of God?

Whatever thou sayest of Him is untrue.

—Meister Eckhart

The further one travels, the less one knows.

—Lao Tzu

In religious literature the word ‘truth’ is used indiscriminately in at least three distinct and very different senses. Thus, it is sometimes treated as a synonym for “fact,” as when it is affirmed that God is Truth meaning that He is the primordial Reality. But this is clearly not the meaning of the word in such a phrase as “worshipping God in spirit and in truth.”

Here, it is obvious, ‘truth’ signifies direct apprehension of spiritual Fact, as opposed to second-hand knowledge about Reality, formulated in sentences and accepted on authority or because an argument from previously granted postulates was logically convincing. 

And finally there is the more ordinary meaning of the word, as in such a sentence as, “This statement is the truth” where we mean to assert that the verbal symbols of which the statement is composed correspond to the facts to which it refers. When Eckhart writes that ‘whatever thou sayest of God is untrue,’ he is not affirming that all theological statements are false. 

In so far as there can be any correspondence between human symbols and divine Fact, some theological statements are as true as it is possible for us to make them. 

Himself a theologian, Eckhart would certainly have admitted this. But besides being a theologian, Eckhart was a mystic. And being a mystic, he understood very vividly what the modern semanticist is so busily (and, also, so unsuccessfully) trying to drum into contemporary minds namely, that words are not the same as things and that a knowledge of words about facts is in no sense equivalent to a direct and immediate apprehension of the facts themselves. 

What Eckhart actually asserts is this: whatever one may say about God can never in any circumstances be the ‘truth’ in the first two meanings of that much abused and ambiguous word. 

By implication St. Thomas Aquinas was saying exactly the same thing when, after his experience of infused contemplation, he refused to go on with his theological work, declaring that everything he had written up to that time was as mere straw compared with the immediate knowledge, which had been vouchsafed to him. 

Two hundred years earlier, in Bagdad, the great Mohammedan theologian, Al-Ghazzali, had similarly turned from the consideration of truths about God to the contemplation and direct apprehension of Truth-the-Fact, from the purely intellectual discipline of the philosophers to the moral and spiritual discipline of the Sufis.

The moral of all this is obvious. Whenever we hear or read about ‘truth,’ we should always pause long enough to ask ourselves in which of the three senses listed above the word is, at the moment, being used. 

By taking this simple precaution (and to take it is a genuinely virtuous act of intellectual honesty) we shall save ourselves a great deal of disturbing and quite unnecessary mental confusion.

The subject matter of the Perennial Philosophy is the nature of eternal, spiritual Reality; but the language in which it must be formulated was developed for the purpose of dealing with phenomena in time. That is why, in all these formulations, we find an element of paradox. 

The nature of Truth-the-Fact cannot be described by means of verbal symbols that do not adequately correspond to it. At best it can be hinted at in terms of non sequiturs and contradictions.

The history of all the religions is similar in one important respect; some of their adherents are enlightened and delivered, because they have chosen to react appropriately to the words which the founders have let fall; others achieve a partial salvation by reacting with partial appropriateness; yet others harm themselves and their fellows by reacting with a total inappropriateness either ignoring the words altogether or, more often, taking them too seriously and treating them as though they were identical with the Fact to which they refer. 

Sloan Bashinsky 

Thank you for publishing this, Erik. 

The mainstream elements of the three Abraham religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, recognize only dead and buried mystics. I lost count of the times Christians told me that God stopped speaking to people after the Bible was written. A clever way of creating a monopoly on God.

My understanding is Eckhart Tolle was really struggling and in a deep despair he surrendered to it and suddenly he felt a total inner peace and calm which continued more or less, He wrote several books that became international best sellers, yet did anyone who bought and read his books, or travel to visit and talk with him, have a similar experience?

Did anyone who visited and talked with Buddha then experience what Buddha had experienced? 

Did anyone who visited and talked with Laozi (Lao Tzu) experience what he had experienced?

Did anyone who read Acts of the Apostles experience what Peter and Paul experienced, as reported in Acts.

Did anyone who read U.G. Krishnamurti’s books (U.G. knew and did not think so well of Jiddu Krishnamurti), or come to visit and talk with U.G., experience what U.G. had spontaneously experienced, which changed him completely?

I understand Aldous Huxley became a mystic by using LSD. 

The problem with using LSD or psychedelic plants is, there are lots of different kinds of beings “out there”, some are benevolent, some are not. Some are malicious. Like any virus, they are more than happy to latch onto a person on a psychedelic trip and remain with that person for the rest of his/her life, and the person does not know it happened. Only an adept shaman, an experienced exorcist priest allegiant to God and not his church, or an angel of the Lord can remove such a virus.

I am a mystic, made so by angels known in the Bible. I do not attend church or say I am a Christian. Mystics see and experience life very differently from everyone else. They know God by any named called, exists. They know God is unfathomable and cannot be confined by any definition. They know the walk with God on this world, as Jesus in the Gospels said, is difficult, and the gate is narrow, and few enter, and that is only the beginning. For they also know Jesus spoke true in the Gospels, when he said, many are called but few are chosen, and the work is great and the laborers are few. 

I often suggest to people on a spiritual path that they read the Sufi Poet Rumi’s poem, Chickpea To Cook, and they read about Rumi’s irascible spiritual teacher Shams, who was much deeper into God than was Rumi.

Here are two variations of the Chickpea , Coleman Barks is an American:

by Coleman Barks 
A chickpea leaps almost over the rim of the pot where it’s being boiled.​
‘Why are you doing this to me?’​
The cook knocks him down with the ladle.​
‘Don’t you try to jump out. You think I’m torturing you. I’m giving you flavor, so you can mix with spices and rice and be the lovely vitality of a human being. Remember when you drank rain in the garden. That was for this.’​
Grace first. Sexual pleasure, then a boiling new life begins, and the Friend has something good to eat.​
Eventually the chickpea will say to the cook,​
‘Boil me some more. Hit me with the skimming spoon. I can’t do this by myself. I’m like an elephant that dreams of gardens back in Hindustan and doesn’t pay attention to his driver. You’re my cook, my driver, my way into existence. I love your cooking.’​
The cook says, ‘I was once like you, fresh from the ground. Then I boiled in time, and 
My animal soul grew powerful. I controlled it with practices, and boiled some more, and boiled once beyond that, and became your teacher.​ 

by Chittick:
Look at the chickpeas in the pot, how they keep on jumping up, driven by the fire.​
At every instant the chickpeas boil up to the top and let out a hundred cries: “Why are you tormenting us with fire? Since you showed your appreciation for us by buying us, 
The housewife keeps stirring with the ladle:​
“Now, now! Boil sweetly and do not jump back from the one that made the fire.​
I do not cook you because I dislike you: I want to gain taste and savor.​
You will become food and then mix with the spirit. You do not suffer tribulation because you are despicable.​
Fresh and succulent, you used to drink water in the garden; your water-drinking was for the sake of this fire,”​
His Mercy is prior to His Wrath, so that Mercy could acquire a stock-in-trade: existence. For without pleasure, flesh and skin do not grow.​
If they do not grow, what can love for the Friend waste away? Gentleness will come again, asking forgiveness:​
“Now you have purified yourself and jumped across the stream to safety.”​
She says, “Oh chickpeas! You fed in the spring pasture, and now suffering has come as your guest.​
Receive it well. So that the guest may return in gratitude and tell of your generosity before the King.​
Then in place of benefits, the Benefactor will come; all benefits will envy you.​
I am Abraham, you are my son. Place your head before the knife: I saw in a dream that I must sacrifice you. 

This example of Sufi humor below very well could be about Shams.

Once upon a time word arrived through the countryside grapevine that a Dervish was headed toward a small village. The village's people were thrilled, because it was a great honor to be visited by a Dervish. They spruced up their village and cooked a great meal and put on the best of their simple clothing, and they walked to the edge of their village to await the Dervish. They saw someone walking on the dirt road leading to the village, and as the person neared, they saw he was an old man, his hair and beard were unkempt, he was dressed poorly, he looked dirty. He walked past them to the well in the center of the village where a donkey was tethered to a post. The old man leaned down and talked for a while into the donkey's left ear, and then the old man straightened himself up and walked out the other side of the village. 

A couple of days ago, a friend, who is a mystic and very good at tech stuff, and I did a podcast about the spiritual path that bypasses organized religion and psychedelics, and yesterday I published a post at my blog on same topic, "ABCs of a spiritual path that bypasses organized religion and psychedelics".

Here’s the blog link:

Here’s the podcast link:

We do this for free. We do not solicit.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

ABCs of a spiritual path that bypasses organized religion and psychedelics


    Someone replied to the thank you, blythe spirit, who died to set me free post.

Chris Hazzard
Sloan, you are so right when you say that you would not have become the person that you are if you had not had that life-changing experience. Grief changes us and then we have the choice of in which way.
I am only six months into my journey, having lost the love of my life, but among the changes that I have experienced is my willingness to talk to strangers in a way that I would not have done before, the outcome of which is that I am being inundated by kindness from all directions.
Two instances. I have friended a young Chinese woman and she came around and read me (at my request) some poems in Mandarin, which I don't understand but love the sound of. That has resulted in my creating a musical piece, which now is expanding into a performance piece with gamelan orchestra and dance company.
The other is the result of me talking to a couple in a restaurant. Total strangers who live about three hours out of town in a beautiful part of the state. I am invited to visit and inspect his collection of Harley Davison - he has sixteen - and make a road trip with him.
I read your postings regularly and am hoping that the outcome of the November election is not too disastrous. Keep writing, keep loving,

Sloan Bashinsky
Many thanks, Chris, and my sincere condolences for your heart-wrenching loss, and my genuine hope that you have a wondrous journey forward. My friend who does the tech work for my digital books and for our podcasts for many years was in a very well known motorcycle club. He knows plenty about Harleys and can field strip and reassemble them. Because of his association with me, he lost several lines of interesting work, which made him a living wage. He was left with his extraordinary mechanic, machinist and welding abilities, but spine injuries limit him doing heavy lifting that work sometimes requires. He has been in hiding for some time because of contracts on his life bought by politico he caused a lot of trouble. That worm eventually turned 180 degrees, and the politico is the target of the very killers he hired. I will share your marvelous comment with my friend.  
Sloan Bashinsky
My friend wants to know if you are the Chris Hazzard who restores Grateful Dead music and concert film?

Chris Hazzard
'Fraid not, Sloan. 
I define myself as a life artist. I will never be famous or rich because I have the good fortune to love a simple life that doesn't cost much to do. The artwork of a life artist is their own life, which the artist crafts into something beautiful, something which others can observe and say to themselves, "That is beautiful. I will try to do something like that for myself", and as a result, have a better life.
Now, drawing close to that end, I think that I am getting close to achieving that object.

Sloan Bashinsky

Some years ago now, a female voice told me in my sleep that I was trying really hard and I was doing very well, and to remember Daniel, and I would be given experiences that would help me increase my pace and maybe reach escape velocity, and I saw scientists sending space ships toward planets to dip into their gravity field and then be slingshotted on at a greater speed. I understood Daniel meant I would be in some lion dens and to pay attention to my dreams. I’m 82 next month, and I’ve had a helluva life, actually many lives in one life, and if all of that splashes itself onto some giant canvass, it will be a helluva anomaly.  

    Last night, Bob and I recorded a podcast about the ABC’s of the spiritual path that bypasses religion and psychedelics. 
Waking and Sleeping Shamanic Dreamwork 101 thru Escape Velocity

    Using our and other people's personal experiences as examples, we provide information that is very old and predates and bypasses organized religions. Life itself and how we respond to it, and our waking and sleeping dreams, is the path, and if we are sincere, angels will assist us, but we must be prepared to change, and we must understand that once it begins, it's best to stick with it even though sometimes we want to walk away.

    Bob and I also discuss the hazard of using psychedelic chemicals and plants to have spiritual experiences without being protected by an experienced shaman, who keeps away opportunistic and malicious spirit viruses that want to latch on and come back with you and stay with you for the rest of your life- unless an experienced shaman, exorcist priest or angel removes the viruses from you.

    Consider a poem that provides the overview, which came to me over breakfast one spring morning in 1994.

The sacred prism
through which souls are refracted
into their elemental parts,
Purified in Holy Fire,
The one-forged
and sent on their way
to not even God knows where,
Simply because they are all
Unique Emanations of God,
Evolving . . .

    And consider this very personal poem, which came out of me as fast as I could write it down  on June 7, 2004.

A calling to serve carries its own wisdom,
which legitimates both the calling and the serving
so that the two are one:
Only the one called to serve
can know this wisdom,
and for some who are called
the knowing comes easily,
while for others the knowing is a fiery baptism.
Each calling is different,
and while some callings can be declined,
others cannot,
and those whose calling is without repentance
know they are in it for the duration of the calling,
and while others may try to persuade them out of it,
the calling for ones such as these always prevails;
thus is it advised to all called for keeps
that they view their calling as a blessing
even when it seems at times to be a curse,
and that they try to reconcile the loss of their captain status
and allow the Spirit of God to man the helm of their ship
and be glad and willing crew members thereon,
knowing that all sailing ships of souls
need a crew as well as a captain
to maintain and navigate the ship through
seas of many tones, depths and flavors;
so consider each league sailed
as part of the overall journey
going to where the captain deigns to go
by using whatever winds and sea currents available
to navigate the ship to the experiences
this ship and crew need to have
in order to fulfill their calling and its wisdom
revealed by the journey of many leagues,
many known only to the ship and its crew,
all of whom come to know,
some sooner than others,
that once conscripted
there is no safe jumping ship.

Friday, September 13, 2024

thank you, blythe spirit, who died to set me free

    This is the final hour of September 12, the 56th anniversary of the funeral of my 7-weeks-old son, who died in his sleep of crib death as I entered my last semester at the University of Alabama School of Law in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. It took me a very long time to understand his death so unhinged me that there was no way I could fit myself into the plans my father, his father and I had for me. In that context, my son died so I could become someone else entirely.

    Some people probably wish I had not become someone else entirely, but I am glad I did, because I hate to think how my life would have gone and who I would have become if I had not become unhinged and was forced, basically, to become someone else entirely. It was a slow progression visible in my non-fiction books, sometimes accused of being fiction. In their own way, my poetry, soul art and three novels are even more indicative of who I really am. Tree reads in many languages and in braille and audio at, which is operated by American colleges. The books also are free reads in two overseas free internet libraries, and on Torrent platforms.

    If I had to hazard a wild ass guess, I’d say my son somehow steered how I wrote those books. Some people might say that’s crazy talk, but they have not lived in my skin since my son died, and they have no way of knowing what is crazy and what is not crazy in that context. Other than they are crazy, if they actually think they have any say at all in what I became and how I now perceive life and people and myself.

    So, blythe spirit, my only begotten son, I hope you are doing well and are glad to be who you really are, for that is really all that really matters, I think, regardless of what other people might think or even say. 

    My eyelids are drooping, and I’m headed to my bed in my monk’s apartment, hoping for dreams that help me move toward, instead of backward.

    This next morning, I thought Alice Strange’s eulogy in Kundalina, Alabama: A Strange Tale, which I read the other day and burst into tears, sums it up nicely:

God’s daughter, Alice Strange, came to Earth,

Her mission to experience what God had made,

To live, laugh and play, to work, love and hate,

To hurt and be hurt, to forgive and to die. 


It is said the soul comes to Earth in fear,

Knowing there will be much pain in life.

Yet come Alice did, for all must be initiated

To earn the right to be with God. 


Alice encountered many barriers to living her life,

Ones that do not live in the spirit realms-

Fear, anger, criticisms, loss, loneliness and grief,

And she experienced and rose above them all. 


There were many important choices for Alice,

But the biggest choice was only this:

Whether to live her life to the fullest, 

Or to safely blend in with the herd. 


Now her course is finished, her return sounded.

Her soul has welcomed that signal,

Knowing she will soon be home,

Where a place has been prepared for her. 


Now come her time to stand and be counted,

To give back her talents multiplied tenfold.

And when her roll is called up yonder,

She will hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”    


Thursday, September 12, 2024

It’s time for license plates begging God to save America from itself

    R, who also grew up in the white upscale Birmingham suburb Mountain Brook, aka The Tiny kingdom, replied to yesterday’s the woke and the unwoke debate post.

Your health first of all. Keep thinking. 

I did not and could not bother to waste time watching that debate listening to the junk that was to flow from both mouths and indeed it did I learned after the debate on the news. All kinds of news, from Fox To CNN to ABC, NBC, CBS. and Scripps- Reuters-News Nation-Sky (UK)-  and more. I am a middle of the road anti-radical voter forced to choose a party or not vote in a primary, but I can and might shift parties for any of a variety of reasons. I now longer trust 'Fact Checking' as that has been found to lie as well. Too many citizens-voters are one sided and get stuck in their right or left of the road ditches, suffering from low quality public education, lacking knowledge about how to think rationally and learn. OH MAN was that just a whole lot of built up steam!  With my apologies. I have now let it off!  

My two old school latin mottos that stick with me are 'Discere Vivendi' and 'Veritas' and for architecture, my profession, ''Firmitas, Utilitas, Venustas,' that apply to so many aspects of life. 

No term limits, fundraising, campaigning is taking far too much time away from governing and costing far too much.  Pressured party membership is bad and surely has been a cause of the great political schism. 
I envy Canada and Great Britain for their ability to bring in a vote of 'No Confidence.' More than two parties offers opportunity for the interesting process of forming coalitions.  Impeachment is proving to be nothing more  than a dart board that no dart ever hits.  
Whew, do we have a lot of problems to solve or find opportunities from. Why can't we go back to paper ballots as machinery is always 'iffy' and the postal service can not be relied upon to deliver on time. (Here a lady recently reported that it took one week to have her letter get to a friend right here in our small city of Tallahassee.)

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that for the last three elections, maybe four, we have suffered with the worst candidates for President EVER! This is what is endangering our favorite country so badly.  

We went to a fine dinner out with friends, and watched streaming comedies after. 'Vicar of Dibley', and 'Only Fools and Horses' lately.  An all time favorite is Monty Python's Flying Circus. Recently I have wanted to see the sketch about the votes in the race between the 'Sensible' and opposite parties. They are so witty about government and represent many of my views in a very amusing way, 'Ministry of Silly Walks'  The British are so great at making fun of their government, and very critically! 

Friend, JUST GET WELL and find something funny! 
Let's vote with a clear mind! I plan to do my best. With whom do we have the best chance of getting the best things done well, for sure?

With so much steam and trying hard to let the air clear!



What a splendid summation of America politics!πŸ˜‚

Should be required reading before being allowed to vote!😎

When pigs fly, of course.

My very reluctant vote for Joe Biden in 2020 was the first time I voted for a major party candidate, and maybe the last time.

I see zero odds for repairing the freak show you painted so well.

That leaves me looking to God, ETs, or Something to intervene, or not.

I have a prescription waiting for me to pick up in Crestline, and while I'm there I will inquire if they have a vaccine that prevents me from even thinking about politicsπŸ˜‡


What a great reply!  It says what I hoped would be understood and thought it would. It is so nice to know it did. Thanks,  R 

BTW: Let me know if you find a good useful prescription so I can report to my doctor! 



    I just now found  a bunch of well known newspapers reported Trump says he ain’t debating Harris again.

    Maybe he felt like she grabbed him by the balls?

What a splendid summation of America politics!πŸ˜‚Should be required reading before being allowed to vote!aa

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

the woke and the unwoke debate

    In a parallel universe...

Protecting School Students, USA Border Security, Fair Taxation, Hydrogen Powered Engines

    In the woke and unwoke universe...

    I wonder if Harris should decline to debate Trump again and leave him where he lies, pun intended.

    My text to Birmingham amiga Morticia this morning:

After about 45 minutes of watching Trump dodge every question put to him by the panel, I watched a Netflix movie and played chess online, as my intestines purged prelude to today’s colon exam. I think what I saw of Trump was a man full of shit getting a lot fuller of shit. The hilarious moment for me was when Trump blamed the southern border invasion crisis on Biden and Harris, and Harris told America that Trump told the Republicans in Congress to vote against a bipartisan bill that would put 1,500 new border guards on the Mexico border, and the Republicans obeyed Trump and defeated the bill their leaders in Congress had asked them to pass. Trump did not say a peep.

    Later today, this Substack beauty showed up in my email, and I commented under it.

The Great Debate
SEP 11

I’ve always been puzzled by the pundits who worried that Kamala Harris wouldn’t do well in a debate. Again, this is the senator who reduced Brett Kavanaugh to rubble.

Yes, her 2020 presidential campaign didn’t pan out, but that was largely because she was running in a very crowded lane of center-left candidates and had little opportunity to break out of the pack. Her debating skills had nothing to do with it. Her one bright moment in that race, in fact, was this memorable exchange with Joe Biden. 

And of course, once Biden tapped her to be his running mate, she had a chance to show off her debate skills in the vice-presidential debate against Mike Pence. And once again, she came off very well.

So I had fairly high expectations for Harris in this year’s presidential debate. The line she repeats on the campaign trail — that she’s an experienced prosecutor, and she’s dealt with law breakers like Trump her whole life — isn’t just a good zinger; it’s an apt description of her experience and her style. She’s been preparing for this for decades.

As high as my expectations were, Harris managed to go even higher. Halfway through the debate, as I noted on Bluesky, I realized she had a brilliant approach to the debate, one in which the bulk of her responses were delivered directly to the camera and addressed specifically to the problems of voters and the solutions she’d proposed. But she always found time to slip in a slight jab about Trump — calling his rallies boring or noting he’d been convicted of so many crimes, etc. — and then would note how much he was focused on his own grievances. And then Trump, predictably, would ignore the actual question and the actual answer she gave so he could rant and rave about the deep personal slights that had been suffered by The World’s Greatest Victim, Donald Trump. He made her point for her and let all of her own points stand.

It was, as Amanda Marcotte noted, less that Kamala Harris the Prosecutor was making an ironclad case against the former president than it was Kamala Harris the Prosecutor endlessly baiting a hostile witness into melting down on the stand for the jury to see. 

It was an incredibly impressive performance, and coupled with the night’s other big news that Taylor Swift was endorsing her, might just move the needle on the election.

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But more than that, I think it might move the news media. There’s been a strong pushback against what Parker Malloy has brilliantly called the “sane-washing” of Trump’s rambling statements by the corporate media, but last night we saw a strong effort to call out his inanities and insanities for what they really are. 

And, yes, thank God, that involved the ABC News journalists David Muir and Linsey Davis, who reminded us that debate moderators are, you know, supposed to moderate the debate. (There’s a reason we have professional journalists run these, and not some random celebrity host.) 

There’s been predictable complaining from the right wing that their interventions were unfair, but fact-checking his obvious lies — about Democrats executing babies after birth, about Haitian immigrants eating dogs, etc. — absolutely needed to happen. The idea that moderators should be mute dummies in the room is a recent one and one that, as we saw with the disastrous CNN debate, informs and enlightens no one.

We’ll see if the media follows their example, or if they keep on trying to pretend that the emperor has cognitive abilities.

Sloan Bashinsky
Sloan’s Newsletter

the woke vs the unwoke: Harris-Trump debate

Although I don’t belong to a political party and am not a Biden or Harris fan, and I wish aliens would abduct Trump, I found your assessment of last night's debate to be delightful. I’m a retired lawyer turned writer, who once clerked for a US District Judge that presided over every federal prosecution in his court’s jurisdiction. You are dead on, Harris did very well for herself and baiting Trump, who did not answer one of the debate moderator’s questions during the 45 minutes I watched, Then, I switched to a Netflix movie, because I simply could not take any more of Trump. In my past, I ran numerous times for local public office and thankfully never was elected. I participated in many candidate forums and media interviews. I was delighted to see the two moderators do what needed to be done.

    In the parallel universe, I wondered if I had cancer in my colon? After the Cat Scan a week ago and the colonoscope exam this morning, my G.I. doctor said he cut out a large polyp near my anus, and there is diverticulosis in the lower left side of my colon. He prescribed a med to take tor two weeks and see if that ameliorates the destress I feel in my colon, and he told me to keep taking magnesium with ozone to help me poop. Biopsy of the polyp is next.