An Alabama journalist's impeachment op-ed was in
my online Tuscaloosa News feed this morning. I interjected comments
in bold.
COSBY JR.: If he is innocent ...
have not written about the impeachment of Donald Trump or the trial in the
Senate. To my mind, it has been pointless. The Democrats were going to do
everything they could, including changing the charges until they found
something that would fit, to impeach the president. Agreed, and I think the Democrats should have left no stone unturned getting to the bottom of President Trump's allegations about Vice President Joe Biden and his son's dealings in Ukraine.
Republicans were going to do everything they could to ensure the president was
acquitted. It’s just that simple. This has been virtually 100% partisan from
the outset. It certainly illustrates the deep divide we are experiencing
throughout the nation. Agreed, and I think the Republicans should have left no stone unturned getting to the bottom of what President Trump and and his staff did.
The one
thing I have had a problem with since the beginning of this mess has been the
White House’s attempts to block witnesses and subpoenaed evidence. If President
Trump is innocent, evidence and testimony should clearly illustrate his
innocence. I can’t understand why he would even attempt to block anyone from
testifying. Consider the legal doctrine "res ipsa loquitur," Latin for "The thing speaks for itself."
He has, from
the outset, said to read the transcript of the disputed phone call. If the
transcript is faithful, then how can calling witnesses contradict the
transcript? I know that part of this is simply the political back and forth
between two parties that can’t agree on much of anything. Another part of it is
the hatred that President Trump has gone out of his way to generate between
himself and the Democrats.
Of course, I
can only speculate as to why he has put so much effort into rupturing an
already fractious relationship between the two parties, but he has taken a
sledgehammer to it. His tweets have relentlessly pounded the Democrats and they
have responded with the impeachment. I don't think the tweets had anything to do with the impeachment. I think the Democrats in Congress know the Democratic National Convention (DNC) really screwed up by nominating Hillary Clinton in 2016, and instead of admitting that is why Donald Trump was elected, and instead getting their own very splintered, squabbling house in order, the Democrats in Congress are projecting their party's screw up onto President Trump
And, yes, I
am suggesting that this impeachment is a direct response to Donald Trump
himself more so than to anything he has or has not done. I am as certain that
Trump used leverage against the Ukrainians to accomplish his goal as I am of
the sun rising. I am equally certain that every president, Republican and
Democrat, has done the same thing, if not for the same reason. You are certain every president before Trump asked Russia and a former Soviet Bloc state to help him get elected?
impeachment is going to come back to bite whoever the next Democrat is to
occupy the White House. As Bugs Bunny used to say when he had been slighted,
“This means war!” And it will mean war. You can be absolutely certain that the
next time we have a Democratic president and a Republican-controlled House
there will be an impeachment attempt. To assume otherwise is naïve. I think the impeachment could bite the Democrats in the ass at the polls.
Back to the
point, presidents not telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the
truth is nothing new. We are all familiar with the missing minutes on the
Watergate tapes and the lies that were uncovered that actually did topple a
presidency. Bill Clinton’s continuing denials of his Oval Office trysts with an
intern very nearly caught up with him.
But then,
Richard Nixon was guilty, and his guilt was proven by testimony and evidence,
but Nixon protested his ignorance and his innocence for a very long time before
it was proved otherwise.
I guess
being a journalist for all these years has caused me to believe little of what
I hear coming from Washington, no matter which party is in the White House. I
gave up on hearing the whole truth a long time ago. What I do know is that when
someone tries this hard to conceal evidence and prevent testimony, there is
usually a good reason for doing so. Res ipsa loquitur.
As much as I
don’t like President Trump, I am also not stupid. Removing a president from
office leads to instability. In the case of Trump, it could lead to near riots
from his constituents, many of whom agree with him that this whole process has
been nothing but a witch hunt. There is some truth to that allegation. Electing Trump in 2019 let to instability he made increasingly worse.
Impeaching a
president should not be a political game. We should have more respect for the
institution and office and for the stability that a president brings to the
nation and the world than to bring charges of impeachment unnecessarily. Taking
down a president should not be a partisan game. Looks to me Trump is a Russian and a Saudi Arabian asset saying he made America great again.
On the other
side of the coin, the president should not fear the process, especially if, as
he claims, there is nothing to the charges. Evidence and testimony will
certainly show that, and we can quickly get back to the business of being a
country. The very idea that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell would
attempt to block witnesses reeks of a cover-up and cover-ups are almost always
worse than the act that is being concealed. Just ask Richard Nixon about that. Looks to me McConnel will go down in history as President Trump's Heinrich Himmler.
Gary Cosby Jr. is photo editor of The Tuscaloosa News. Readers
can email him at