Saturday, October 31, 2020

Kamikaze America: Pearl Harbor Lookout Halloween poetry


Trick or Treat?

Biden or Trump?

Trump or Biden?

What goes up, must go down.

What goes down, must rise up.

Who’s spinning the wheel?

Does anyone know?

Does Trump?

Does Biden?

Do you?

Does God?


Facts drowned by propaganda,

don’t like Biden or Trump.

If God was on the ballot, I’d vote.

One nation, under God,

on America’s dollar bill,

all others must pay.

American health care costs shamed

by even third world countries,

Medicare and Medicaid threatened.

Jesus wept,

the Devil didn’t.

In democracy, 

there is free speech,

but not on Facebook, Twitter, Google.

In democracy, 

candidates with the most votes win

everywhere but the White House,

where the most unpopular candidate can win.

Go figure,

democracy that ain’t,

rumor has it 

slave states didn't wanna be outvoted

by damn Yankees.

White Supremacists love Trump, 

the South rose again.

Debt, bankruptcy and tax cuts for the rich

trumped fiscal prudence.

Sex trumped morals.

Hate trumped loving kindness.

Religion trumped Supreme Court,

adios separation of church and state.

St. Paul was gay

and that didn't matter to God.

Jesus said to love your neighbor,

America on brink of civil war.

Right to life and women's rights to decide

rent America asunder.

Face masks are fighting words.

Second Amendment lovers

wildest wet dreams come true,

Antifa and radical Islam armed to teeth

in America.

No worries,

Donald the Great has Black Sea dasha,

Sleepy Joe a condo in Hong Kong

next door to Hunter’s and Ivanka’s.

Red China’s bioweapon pays no never mind,

thank God an angel set it loose

before Beijing had a vaccine,

or we’d all be Peking Duck.

As it is, Oligarch Trump killed God's cure

when he betrayed Dr. Zelenko

to appease medical-industrial deep state.

Fret not Moscow, Beijing, North Korea,

Taliban, Iran, al Qaeda, ISIS,

America went kamikaze,

its passports mucho gracias across the Great Wall,

but not most places where black lives really do matter, 

even Norway.

Friday, October 30, 2020

"fiscally responsible" Republicans defend President Trump's $900 million personal debt coming due soon

man o' war bird

A Key West amiga called this morning to say she had read one of my old blog posts in which I was attacked by several people for what I had written about my younger brother's suicide made to look like murder, and it really bothered her that so many people had attacked me. I said if I'm not being attacked, then I'm fucking up. You can't work for God if you don't upset people. That's part of the job. I told her to read my blog post today after I published it, and see people attack me in a different setting. 

After I published this on Facebook the other day, in swooped a few Republican man o' war birds.

Sloan Bashinsky

Consider that it recently was in the news that Donald Trump is $900 million in debt, which will come due during his 2nd term, if he is reelected.
Now consider that when Donald Trump was $900 million in debt in 1991, he was helped out by a Saudi Prince, who later helped him out again. That Saudi prince was one of the Saudis detained in America after the 911 attack.
Now wonder, if Donald Trump is reelected, who will bail him out when the $900 million in loans comes due? Saudi Arabia? Russia? Red China? The medical-industrial complex? The military-industrial complex? Republican Billionaires? The Republican Party? The MAGAs? The Evangelicals? The White Supremacists?
Now consider who will bail out Donald Trump when the $900 million comes due, if he is NOT reelected?

Where do you hear this bull shit . He is no more in debt than I'm gonna be queen of England

Well then, Benjamin, you are going to be the Queen of England 😀
Trump Will Have $900 Million Of Loans Coming Due In His Second Term If He’s Reelected

900 million in loans does not mean he is bankrupt even if the bs story is true

The story is true, based on numerous news articles. No, doesn't mean he's bankrupt, and I never suggested that. However, he has filed 4 bankruptcies, to get out of paying debts he owed and/or get easier repayment terms. Great role model for American businesses and children.

Sloan Bashinsky, your making shit up . Your dem for sure 10% truth then lets just lie and make up a story

Looks to me, Benjamin, that you are the one making shit up. Everyone who actually knows me knows I'm not a Democrat, that I think the Democrat and the Republican Parties have lost their way. I didn't vote for a Democrat or a Republican president candidate for a very long time. I ran for office 4 times in Florida Keys as an Independent, and was not allowed to participate in the Democrat and Republican primaries and sometimes was not invited to candidate forums held before the primaries.

Sloan Bashinsky, I'm writing calling you a Democrat. That said the financial loans are private and no one knows

Benjamin, the CIA and the NSA have both reported the massive debt that Trump owes.

And the CIA, NSA, FBI, and military intelligence services are concerned, as should any American be concerned, that Trump's massive debt makes him vulnerable to powerful influences that do not have America's best interests at heart.
I tried to vote early yesterday, the last day for early voting in Alabama, where I now live. The line was at least 2 hour wait. I can't stand that long anymore, so I left. I have a biopsy on election day, and am taking laxatives night before and morning of. Don't know if I will feel up to standing in a  long line to vote that afternoon. I had pretty much decided I once again have no Democrat or Republican candidate for whom I can vote. There is one U.S. Senate Race I do want to vote in, the Democrat incumbent, who, when he was the U.S. Attorney, successfully prosecuted Klansman who bombed a black church in Birmingham.
I think the Democrats and the Republicans have fucked America up beyond repair, but there are some people who swim against the current, which I view as trying to work for God.

Is this the same news that refuses to investigate the Biden family? Nuff said.

Biden and his family should be investigated. That's what you sign up for when you run for public office. But Biden has nothing to do with what Trump should be investigated for, and that investigation should fall on the Republicans, as the investigation of Biden should fall on the Democrats. That doesn't happen, and here we are :-)

Agreed. Question: what is Trumps debt to holdings ratio?

Maybe the Republicans in Congress should investigate that, among other things about Trump.

I figured that you had all his financials. My bad.

How would I have all of his financials, when he refused to make public his tax returns, because he didn't want anyone Americans to know what was in them?

Then why do you assume he needs to loans to cover this unconfirmed debt?
BTW Tax returns don't show personal accumulation of wealth.

I know that, and I know he didn’t want even you to see his tax returns or his assets and debt gives me a real warm fuzzy feel good feeling to know America’s President has $900 million in personal debt coming due.

Again. What is he debt to holdings ratio. Without knowing this your feelings really don't matter. Stay fuzzy.

My feelings don’t matter in any event, but what $900 million debt bothers American intelligence services, and it should bother every Republican and Democrat in the U.S. Congress, and every American admiral and general.

Now it bothers the Intel agencies lol. Just add more items when you are faltering. If your in a hole stop digging. Have a great night.

$900 million in personal debt is a sho nuff deep hole indeed

No worries Sloan - you will stay in business for another 4 years - plenty more Trump bashing material coming your way

Obama provided plenty of Obama bashing material for 8 years 
well at least you acknowledge the reality of 8 years for Trump

I acknowledge the possibility of 4 more more years of that horror movie, which would make it the 3rd straight 8-year horror movie.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

I find most conservatives and liberals have trouble with logic (and facts)

An Alabama Republican posted on Facebook yesterday:


The way to get back at the MSM and social networks is to vote straight ticket Republican.  See you at the polls on Election Day!

Putin shore hopes so.

Really? Do you trust Biden/Harris? I sure don’t.
You TRUST Trump??????, with your children, and investments.

I know so, as does anyone who's been paying attention, and that has nothing to do with the Dems. 
I would not trust Trump with any child, especially not a female child. He ran with Jeffrey Epstein. He has welched debts all his adult life, stiffed contractors subcontractors and their laborers. He owes $900 million coming due in near future, he owed same amount when the Saudi bailed him out some years ago. That also has zero to do with the Dems. How many times did Trump file bankrupcty? 4.

Sloan, Xi hopes it goes the other way.

Biden is another silver spoon fed liberal that’s never had to work a day in his life and doesn’t understand what’s good for our fellow Americans. Unfortunately, if Biden/Harris get in, our land of opportunity will be no more and we will be living with Communism.

Like any businessman Trump has to use financing but his assets fat outweigh his liabilities. He didn’t hang with Epstein, who, by the way Didn’t Kill Himself. Clinton did hang with Epstein.

If any of those things were true, you better believe the Democrats and the fake media would be all over the place. Just an irrelevant snowflake spreading lies.

I trust Trump with the lives of American soldiers. He’s not coming to my house for dinner.......
I trust him with the American economy. 

I'm no Biden fan, but I bet he's Mother Nature's candidate. In the afterlife, the Trump backers get to explain why they voted for Trump, the Biden backers get to explain why they voted for Biden, everyone else gets to explain why they voted for whomever they voted for, or why they didn't vote for any presidential candidate. 
Since the fake Vietnam war, I have not trusted any president with the lives of American soldiers. Neither Trump nor Obama brought the troops home from Afghanistan and Iraq.
Jeffrey Epstein, he hung on him.

Sloan, I don’t think God belongs to either Party so your vote is your choice. It’s that nasty “Free Will” that we were given.
Lots of people had their picture taken with Trump. Bill & Hillary, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton. He’s given money to lots of candidates during his lifetime. Proves absolutely nothing.

Yeah, Trump loved the Clintons back in the day.

They only wanted his money......

Trump sure looks like he's lapping the Clintons up.
Looks to me America is screwed either way the election goes next week, the Democrats and the Republicans both stand up and take a bow. Worst screwed is the planet, without which there will be no Republicans or Democrats, nor any people. Biden seems considerably more planet friendly than Trump.

From my seat Biden is a retail politician for sale.

I never met a politician who was not for sale, it's the oldest profession.

Yeah, Sloan, and maybe Trump is demanding that the rest of the countries of the world be as planet friendly as the U.S. All the burden of cleaning the planet should not and cannot be placed on American citizens. We have done plenty.
They are no more or no less dishonest than any other profession or avocation known to man.

From what all I have seen of Trump speaking on TV, in videos, and in his tweets, I have never seen such a dishonest man.

He has accomplished the majority of his campaign promises. What politician does that? His list of accomplishments is very impressive.

Do you know that a large demon infiltrated Adolph Hitler and his top circle and enhanced them and they achieved things not thought possible and mesmerized most Germans? Do you know, according to Ivana, that hubby Donald kept a book of Hitler's speeches in a cabinet on his side of their bed and sometimes he read that book at night?

Yeah, I’m sure. That’s kind of irresponsible talk, don’t you think?

Asking Russia to help him get elected was reprehensible.

Read Glen Murdock’s post from yesterday. It’s not personality, it’s policy.

Perhaps you might wish to reread what you posted, to which I responded, and look at what that produced😀 
Asking Russia to help you get elected is policy.

I don’t know how we reconcile, but I do know that Biden/Harris is not the answer. The radical Left and Right get the coverage while the moderates are ignored.
You can hate Trump and still vote for his policies. Can you support the Biden/Harris agenda? I can’t.

If you vote for what you view as Trump's policies, you vote for him, too. I don't think Biden or Trump are the answer.

Biden...plausible deniability. Play dumb...facts do not support anything but Biden cares about money. Including Hunter. America is for sale.

Trump seems to care a great deal about money. Trump asked Russia to help him get elected in 2016, and the next day Russia went to work on it. Russia is at it again. Republicans should deal with Trump and Democrats should deal with Biden. God's gonna be asking them about that some day.

You have absolutely no sense of humor, Sloan. You’re acting like a Democrat, still mad about 2016.

Nope. In 2016, I published many times on my blog that Hillary and Trump were two sides of the same awful coin, and I voted for Jill Stein, a medical doctor, because she was talking about healing people and the planet. In 2008, I published at my blog many times that I was told in my sleep that Barack Obama had the potential to be the anti-Christ and do not vote for him. I didn't like the Republican candidate, either, nor in 2012.
I think you folks are hilarious, the way you dodge every Trump fact I heave at you.

Not thinking about personalities, who do you believe is better for America’s economy, trade, defense, foreign affairs, opportunities for minorities, protecting our borders from illegal immigration, etc. - Trump/Pence or Biden/Harris?

I don't know any Democrats who don't want all of that, nor any Republicans.

Wait, Michael...... You are using logic. Liberals can't even spell the word!

Sloan Bashinsky, Harris / Biden was the best you could do ??

Sorry to disappoint, I'm not a Democrat, but I hoped the Dems would nominate Tulsi Gabbard.
I find most liberals and conservatives have trouble with logic.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

small joys of trolling inconvenient facts on Facebook

Four recent Facebook trolling operations, 2 launched by me, 2  by Republicans:

I ran for Key West mayor 6 times, county commission 3 times, and school board once. I was known as the candidate who said what no other candidate said. I never expected to get elected, never came close to getting elected, might have had a heart attack if I did get elected, but I would have given it my best shot. I routinely said during campaigns and on my blogs and in media interviews that angels of the Lord owned and steered and corrected me, and had me run. I knew that caused me to be viewed as crazy. In my defense, Key West is an insane asylum, which is well known to people living there. In their defense, they tended to view me as crazy. Some, however, viewed me as crazy like a fox. I wasn’t always afflicted by angels, and what I was like before that began in early 1987, and some of what it was like afterward, is told in the trilogy. Also is my non-partisan blog,, which mostly covers national politics these days in ways I bet the entire Key West conch farm  ain't like nothing being wrote anywhere else. Nor is being turned every which a way but loose by Jesus and some of his angel friends like anything most church people experience, even though there are stories in the Bible about it happening to Jesus and other people.

you have always been brilliant on so many issues your delivery of welp pissed off many... I personally always read between the lines as they say researched what you said....Sloan often you were point on... I always wish you well and thanks for always giving a fuck about it all! hugs bro

Consider that it recently was in the news that Donald Trump is $900 million in debt, which will come due during his 2nd term, if he is reelected.
Now consider that when Donald Trump was $900 million in debt in 1991, he was helped out by a Saudi Prince, who later helped him out again. That Saudi prince was one of the Saudis detained in America after the 911 attack.
Now wonder, if Donald Trump is reelected, who will bail him out when the $900 million in loans comes due? Saudi Arabia? Russia? Red China? The medical-industrial complex? The military-industrial complex? Republican Billionaires? The Republican Party? The MAGAs? The Evangelicals? The White Supremacists?
Now consider who will bail out Donald Trump when the $900 million comes due, if he is NOT reelected?

Gosh Sloan, I figured he would call you

Nice and expected dodge; not picking on you, inconvenient questions don't go down well with Democrats, either.

Lockdowns and masks don’t save lives. They kill and hurt tens of millions more people by suicide, alcohol and drug abuse, loneliness, isolation, homelessness, poverty, inactivity, weight gain and related diseases, breathing difficulties, despair, not being able to pay for food or utilities, etc. It hurts more in the long term to have stupid lockdowns, mask rules and social distancing (forced isolation).
The solution is insane. Do you want to live like this for years, and maybe forever? Is it good for you or are you at an all-time low? There is no end in sight. Is it worth living like an animal in a zoo? A prisoner in your home? A muzzle on your face. 0.06% have allegedly died in the USA based on faulty PCR tests and ridiculous inflated numbers, people who died from other causes or because of lockdowns, but were ordered by CDC to be blamed on the virus.
We know that isolation and social distancing are not healthy. Obstructing breathing with a muzzle isn’t healthy. Staying indoors more is not healthy. Destroying bacteria isn’t healthy. Not having hand to hand TOUCH and face to face CONTACT has worsened depression and anxiety, causing lasting mental and physical damage to people of all ages. The masks and social distancing and lockdown (house arrest) are a form of torture used by military and CIA - now being used on any civilians who consent or tolerate these abuses of power and crimes against humanity. Masks dehumanize us and weaken solidarity and social cohesion - which is of of course the whole point of the agenda.
Tens of millions of people are going broke and facing eviction, hunger, malnutrition or utility shut offs. Even people who lived frugally and had good jobs and six months of savings. The millionaires and billionaires have made trillions on the scam, governments have taken more of our freedom and power. The poor as usual are generally suffering worst. It is absolute tyranny and wrong. The government has no right to do this to you. Nobody does. Taking our freedom, livelihood and purpose is an assault on our very lives.
Everyone should get $2,000 a month from the government for the duration of this arbitrarily manufactured crisis. The corrupt government of USA is giving trillions to crooked banks and Wall Street and corporations while the people starve or lose their homes or have no utilities or have to sell off their meager possessions or beg on GoFundMe or beg on the street or beg family and friends. The rich and people with pensions or disability are doing fine. This is absolutely wrong and you know it or are being willfully ignorant and blind. 
Right now USA government is sentencing tens of millions to poverty, homelessness, disease, obesity, inactivity, drug abuse and alcoholism, isolation, hunger, no water or gas or electricity, and all the associated harms that will causes.
Don’t tell me you are saving lives. Don’t tell me nobody has been harmed by lockdowns and a muzzle on their face making breathing harder, causing proven mental and physical problems.

Therefore, decades, or longer, of hospital doctors and nurses wearing masks is a hoax.

masks are proven not to reduce the rate of infections in many types of surgery. If the doctors keep their mouths closed and don’t spit or have snot dripping out of their nose, masks do nothing. There is a cloud of bacteria and viruses which your body makes and are not causing disease anyway. They’re a symptom. Your body causes the disease to heal and cleanse you. Pasteur was wrong. Germ theory was wrong. Terrain theory is true, but there is no money in that for corporations and doctors to steal. There are no toxic placebo pills. Just food and fasting, sunshine, fresh air, exercise, nature sleep, less stress, etc.

therefore masks in ER, ICU, Surgery are a hoax, those doctors are idiots, own stock in Marxist mask companies, ditto the doctors in M*A*S*H, and next time you require such medical help, you will decline it if the doctors and nurses wear masks

From my friend Daniel whose page I borrowed this from and nails it for me...  I’m just putting this out for consumption, not debate.  If you agree, copy and paste.  If you don’t that’s ok, but don’t complain when you wake up one day in a Socialist / Communist State having lost all the freedoms we’ve come to enjoy in this AWESOME country 

Ever experienced Communism?  I have many times in my life and trust me, we are spoiled beyond belief...  Ever lost substantial $ in a coup?  I have, ask me about Venezuela...  once a great country, now a ruined country

UPDATE:  Sorry, not a coup, just their Presidents Chavez followed by Maduro going ALL IN on Socialism.  We delivered a large order in the thick of this government failure, banks took control of steel assets, and we lost a significant amount of $, even with Letters of Credit which became worthless. 
Trump has faults, don’t we all, but he has worked TIRELESSLY for the, swimming against a corrupted and deep current like no President ever before.
I know my voice is small, just a guy who loves his country, loves all peoples of the world, and I don’t hate those I disagree with... but at the end of the day, I just cannot believe our country is ready and willing to cast aside and burn our Constitution, Bill of Rights, etc. seeking a system which is “better”...  Because it does not exist!!!
The difference between me and a lot of my Democratic friends.....You see Trump’s arrogance, I see Trump’s confidence. You see Trump’s nationalism, I see Trump’s patriotism. You hear Trump’s unsophisticated words, I hear Trump’s honesty. You see Trump’s racism, I see Trump’s words being misconstrued and twisted by the media daily to fit their narrative. You see Trump as a Republican, I see Trump as a Patriot. You see Trump as a dictator, I see Trump as a leader. You see Trump as an Authoritarian, I see Trump as the only one willing to fight for our freedoms. You see Trump as childish, I see Trump as a fighter, unwilling to cave in to the lies. You see Trump as an unpolished politician, I see Trump as a breath of fresh air. You think Trump hates immigrants, I know Trump is married to an immigrant. You see Trump putting an end to immigration in America, I see Trump welcoming immigrants to America LEGALLY. You see Trump’s cages at the border, I see Obama’s cages at the border. You see Trump with a struggling economy, I see Trump with an amazing economy until the Democrats shut it down. You see the violence in the streets and call it “Trump’s America”, I see the violence in the streets of Democratic run cities who are refusing Trump’s help and call it “Liberal America.” You want someone more Presidential, I’m happy we have someone who finally doesn’t just talk the talk but actually walks the walk. You and I? We see things very differently.”

Copy & Paste if you agree.


If you don't want comments, Mark, don't troll on Facebook. 
If you don't want communism, don't vote for the guy who asked Russia to help him get elected 
Don't vote for the other guy, either, who seems to be favored by Red China. 
Vote for, hmmm, God.

woahhh, hold on my swashbuckling friend. Who is trolling? I put out an opinion, don’t wish for debate, hard stop 
 Not going to take your bait...

Yeah, you were trolling, but that's okay, and I took the bait, and you took it, too, by replying and not answering the question which could not be answered without stepping in deep poop.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

I think Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is as dangerous to America as Donald Trump, Mike Pence, Mitch McConnell, the Republican Party, MAGAs, Evangelical Christians, White Supremacists, a Republican-dominated U.S. Supreme Court, Red China, Russia, Iran, radical Islam and North Korea

Mark Zuckerberg is an American media magnate, internet entrepreneur, and philanthropist. He is known for co-founding Facebook, Inc. and serves as its chairman, chief executive officer, and controlling shareholder. Wikipedia

I reposted on Facebook several parts of yesterday's duck hunting for America's bioweapon, $900 million in debt Donald Trump post, and this below got me suspended 24 hours for violating Facebook's community standards, specifically the part about Dr. Zelenko.

In a dream last night, I had a shotgun and was going duck hunting but had no shotgun shells and was looking for some when a man in a military uniform appeared and asked why I called it a shotgun and not a weapon? I said, because that's what it is, a shotgun, and that's what I have always called it, like I have always called a rifle, a rifle. The military man kept saying, "weapon", and the dream ended. A rifle fires a single bullet at a small point. A shotgun fires many small pellets at a large space.
As I pondered the shotgun weapon dream over breakfast, I thought:
Hell's bells, it recently was in the news that Trump has a secret bank account in Red China; the coronavirus was developed in a Red China biological warfare lab; there is no way President Trump does not know that, but he decided not to tell the American people; just as he decided not to tell them the coronavirus was dangerous; just as he decided to oppose facemasks and promote and hold large, maskless public rallies, which spread the bioweapon; just as he decided not to make Dr. Zelenko's cheap, fast cure of the bioweapon freely available in America.

I turned in last night thinking Mark Zuckerberg is as dangerous to America as Donald Trump.

I woke up this morning thinking Mark Zuckerberg is as dangerous to America as Donald Trump, Mike Pence, Mitch McConnell, the Republican  Party, MAGAs, Evangelical Christians, White Supremacists, a Republican-dominated U.S. Supreme Court, Red China, Russia, Iran, radical Islam and North Korea. 

That's my totally biased personal opinion.

Mark Zuckberg notwithstanding, here is Dr. Zelenko's cure, which could have allowed America to safely reopen in April.

Monday, October 26, 2020

duck hunting for America's bioweapon, $900 million in debt Donald Trump

In a dream last night, I had a shotgun and was going duck hunting but  had no shotgun shells and was looking for some when a man in a military uniform appeared and asked why I called it a shotgun and not a weapon? I said, because that's what it is, a shotgun, and that's what I have always called it, like I have always called a rifle, a rifle. The military man kept saying, "weapon", and the dream ended. A rifle fires a single bullet at a small point. A shotgun fires many small pellets at a large space.

In another dream last night, a dear college friend's wife said she had been trying to reach me but I was tuned into a different frequency, but now I was on her frequency. As I pondered that dream over breakfast, I thought: 

Hmmm, my friend's wife is from an upscale suburb of New York City, her father was a church minister. After she married my friend, who was an engineer graduate, they moved to Albany, New York, the state capitol, where he worked for that state's version of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The first job my friend was given was to clean up the Love Canal. Eventually, he became the head of that state agency. After 20 years, he retired and they moved to a Washington, D.C. suburb and he went to work for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. He told me one day that he was the guy who decided what chemicals farmers put on the food I ate. Later, he went to work for a private environmental company. He told me that they had given up on trying to reach adults and were going into grammar and high schools to teach children about the threat to the environment. Not a snowball's chance in hell he and his wife back the environmental anti-Christ, Donald Trump. I know who Mother Nature would vote for president this year, if She could vote.

As I pondered the shotgun weapon dream over breakfast, I thought: 

Hell's bells, it recently was in the news that Trump has a secret bank account in Red China; the coronavirus was developed in a Red China biological warfare lab; there is no way President Trump does not know that, but he decided not to tell the American people; just as he decided not to tell them the coronavirus was dangerous; just as he decided to oppose facemasks and promote and hold large, maskless public rallies, which spread the bioweapon; just as he decided not to make Dr. Zelenko's cheap, fast cure of the bioweapon freely available in America.

Now consider that it recently was in  the news that Donald Trump is $900 million in debt, which will come due during his 2nd term, if he is reelected.

Now consider that when Donald Trump was $900 million in debt in 1991, he was helped out by a Saudi Prince, who later helped him out again. That Saudi prince was one of the Saudis detained in America after the 911 attack.


A Saudi prince helped save Trump from bankruptcy—twice

Donald Trump claimed on Twitter today that he has no “financial interests in Saudi Arabia.” But his financial ties to the kingdom go back a very long way.

In 1991, Donald J. Trump was a mid-tier real estate developer with $900 million in debt, a collapsing casino business, and a name perhaps best known for a headline-dominating split with his wife Ivana. With his empire at risk of falling apart, Trump was searching for cash everywhere; his father even illegally bought $3.35 million worth of casino chips and never gambled them, to help Trump make a massive bond payment a year earlier.

In 1995, Trump was still in deep trouble—and Alwaleed swooped in again. The prince, who calls himself the “Warren Buffett of Saudi Arabia,” took over Trump’s 51% stake in his beloved New York Plaza hotel. As a result, Trump’s creditors forgave $125 million of his debt.A helpful burst of cash from a Saudi prince eased some tension with his creditors. Alwaleed bin Talal bought Trump’s yacht for somewhere between $18 million and $20 million (reports vary). It wasn’t a great bit of business for Trump—he had bought it from the Sultan of Brunei three years earlier for a reported $29 million.

Alwaleed, who was one of several royals to be detained by Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman in 2017, is deemed the world’s 74th richest man by Bloomberg, and owns stakes in companies like Apple, Snapchat, Twitter and Citigroup.

As late as 2015, Trump was still happy to boast about his connections with Saudi Arabia. Speaking at a rally in Alabama, he bragged: “Saudi Arabia, I get along with all of them. They buy apartments from me. They spend $40 million, $50 million. Am I supposed to dislike them? I like them very much.”

Now wonder, if Donald Trump is reelected, who will bail him out when the $900 million in loans comes due? Saudi Arabia? Russia? Red China? The medical-industrial complex? The military-industrial complex? Republican Billionaires? The Republican Party? The MAGAs? The Evangelicals? The White Supremacists? 

Now consider who will bail out Donald Trump when the $900 million comes due, if he is NOT reelected?

Lastly, consider what will happen to Mother Nature in America, if Donald Trump is reelected?

Sunday, October 25, 2020

I dreamed that people need to get to know Jesus (which isn't the same as going to church)

My final dream before rising this morning had me and a black fellow I don't know in waking life telling people it's really important that they get to know Jesus. We did not mean go to church.

That's as far as I got with that today. 

However, I just now recall years ago reading about a black personality in Texas saying something like, "Going to church has about as much chance of making you a Christian as sitting in your automobile in your garage has of making you an automobile."

I wonder how much church-goers actually think about Jesus in the Gospels saying such things as:

As you sow, so shall you reap. 

Love your neighbor as yourself.

Do unto others as you would have done unto you.

Resist not one who does evil.

Turn the other cheek.

Judge not, and God will not judge you.

Love, pray for and do good to your enemies. 

It is more blessed to give than to receive.

You cannot worship God and mammon.

It is harder for a rich man to get into the Kingdom of God, than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle. 

Take no thought for your own life, or what you will eat, or what you will wear, but put your trust in God and these things will be provided to you. 

Be in but not of this world. 

Steep is the way, narrow the gate, and few enter therein.

Many are called, but few are chosen.

The work is great and the workers are few.

Good luck pulling all of that off? Far easier to go to church and believe Jesus saved us no mater how we behave?

Something came my way yesterday, challenging my sanity and toying with my time living in Key West, which caused me to have a bit of fun jotting down:

A great deal has been written and said about me online, and some of it is true and some of it isn’t. Early this year, a Key West firm, which had published many Key West/Florida Keys authors’ works, published A SOUTHERN LAWYER WHO BECAME A MYSTIC, which is a trilogy that can be purchased in paperback or kindle at Amazon. I later made the trilogy available for free at blogs. Part One of the trilogy, A FEW REMARKABLE PEOPLE I HAVE KNOWN, can be read at At the end of Part One are links to Parts Two and Three: LAW & SPIRIT and SPONTNEOUS RAMBLINGS ON SOUL ALCHEMY. There is very little in that book about my many years in Key West, starting late 2000 and ending late 2018. During that time, I ran for city mayor 6 times, county commission 3 times, and school board once. I was known as the candidate who said what no other candidate said. I never expected to get elected, never came close to getting elected, might have had a heart attack if I did get elected, but I would have given it my best shot. I routinely said during campaigns and on my blogs and in media interviews that angels of the Lord owned and steered and corrected me, and had me run. I knew that caused me to be viewed as crazy. In my defense, Key West is an insane asylum, which is well known to people living there. In their defense, they tended to view me as crazy. Some, however, viewed me as crazy like a fox. I wasn’t always afflicted by angels, and what I was like before that began in early 1987, and some of what it was like afterward, is told in the trilogy. Also is my non-partisan blog,, which mostly covers national politics these days in ways I bet the entire Key West conch farm ain't like nothing being wrote anywhere else. Nor is being turned every which a way but loose by Jesus and some of his angel friends like anything most church people experience, even though there are stories in the Bible about it happening to Jesus and other people.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

America crucified God's cure for Covid 19 and went for graven images and golden idols

This was posted on Facebook by a retired nurse, who is a Democrat:

"Pfizer is laying the logistical groundwork for the "biggest ever" vaccination campaign, with hundreds of thousands of doses already in warehouses in the U.S. and Europe. (Wall Street Journal.)"
So, if there are hundreds of thousands of doses in warehouses now, we'll never know if we're getting a dose that has gone through all the trials or a dose that hasn't and has been in these warehouses. I don't know about this. I don't know how these doses could have gone through all the trials in less than a year's time. I don't like this or feel safe about it, at all.

I trust the Canadian government more than my own. I’m going to wait and see what Trudeau does and be guided accordingly. I’m going to get a vaccine, but I’m not going to rush.

I'm afraid to get it when it comes out here if they've stockpiled already because that's coming from Trump's orders to get it done now. They can't have had all the trials it needs, Tom. Will be interesting to see what Trudeau and his government does about it.

Carol Lyn
They claimed that they paid a few companies ahead to make millions of doses of possible vaccines that would be ready if the trials proved to be approved. I am not holding my breath.

I don't trust them because of this administration, Carol.

This admin has nothing to do with the development and manufacture of these vaccines.

Trump Adm did not fund the research and development, Margaret?

According to Wikipedia, Pfizer Inc. is an American multinational pharmaceutical corporation headquartered in New York City. In 2012, it was one of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies and ranked 57 on the 2018 Fortune 500 list of the largest United States corporations by total revenue. Wikipedia

NEW YORK & MAINZ, Germany--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Pfizer Inc. (NYSE: PFE) and BioNTech SE (Nasdaq: BNTX) today announced the execution of an agreement with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Defense to meet the U.S. government’s Operation Warp Speed program goal to begin delivering 300 million doses of a vaccine for COVID-19 in 2021. Under the agreement, the U.S. government will receive 100 million doses of BNT162, the COVID-19 vaccine candidate jointly developed by Pfizer and BioNTech, after Pfizer successfully manufactures and obtains approval or emergency use authorization from U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
The U.S. government will pay the companies $1.95 billion upon the receipt of the first 100 million doses, following FDA authorization or approval. The U.S. government also can acquire up to an additional 500 million doses.

Good info, thanks for posting!

After Big Pharma made that many doses, what do ya figure the odds are the doses aren’t approved?

0%, Sloan! And the bad thing about it is we will never know if we're getting some of those doses or a dose of a tried and true vaccine that's gone through everything it is supposed to go through before final approval is given. I think tom's got the best idea - about Canada!

I read reams of doctors curing early stage coronvirus infection pronto with hydroxychloroquine, zinc and azithromycin, bypassing hospitals and Big Phrama and everything else. Then I read reams of substituting quercetin for the dreaded hydroxychoroquine, as both transport zinc into body cells, where zinc stops coronovirus replication.

You have me there. I don't think I've even heard of Quercetin. I might know it under another brand name. My nurse daughter is coming over to do a couple things for me this afternoon so I'll ask her if she knows of its being used here in the hospital where she works. But whatever works on each patient is what the doctors should use. There's no one size fits all when it comes to COVID-19. There are so many factors to consider. All of them are getting zinc, as far as I know, but it changes all the time so that might not even be true right now. I'll have to ask Suzy about that, also. I just read an article about COVID and cancer. The odds are not that good for patients with cancer who get this darned virus, and especially small cell lung ca and breast ca.

zinc not effective against coronavirus without hydorxychlorquine or quercetin. The odds are terrific for a covid patient at start of symptoms surviving if they take hydorxychloroquine, zinc and azithromycin. America could have reopened in April, if that cure was made freely available.

I believe, and I'll have to recheck this, also, that most patients are being given zinc and Azithromycin. I'm going to look up Quercetin now to see if I know another brand name for it.

Without hydroxychloroquine, that cure developed by Dr. Zelenko does not work nearly as well, or at all, nothing to research.
President Trump, Big Pharma, the Republicans and Joe Biden and the Democrats blew it by not embracing Dr. Zelenko's cure, and here we are.

I just posted info about Quercetin. It's a supplement, not a medication. But a good supplement.

Quercetin transports zinc into body cells, which is the key to the whole shebang, zinc getting into body cells, where it defeats covid replication, if the infection is treated that way pronto, otherwise, its M*A*S*H medicine, which makes Big Pharma and hospitals lots of $$$. A symptom of zinc deficiency is loss of taste and smells, is also covid symptom, the dots connect
Dr. Zelenko was sent in by God, and as often with such people, the masses on both side of the isle, did not welcome him.

Regularly, vaccines take much longer and have several safety regulations built in. I am not sure I would trust this vaccine either.

Pretty good article, the Pfizer vaccine has to be taken twice:
"The federal government has purchased 100 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine to be delivered by the end of December, to the tune of nearly $2 billion. Pfizer’s vaccine is a two-dose regiment, meaning those 100 million doses could vaccinate 50 million Americans."

I wouldn't and the problem is when we think it's safe to take it, we'll never know if it's a thoroughly trial'd one or if it came from that warehouse! There would be no way we'd know. We wouldn't know the numbers on the bottles.

I hope this vaccine works and the money paid to Pfizer was not wasted, however Dr. Zeleko's cure would have trumped vaccines and other treatments and saved a great deal of taxpayer money and reopened America in April.