Sunday, March 21, 2021

further delightful conversations with the Empress of Fantasia

Today's outing contains more of her and my conversation reported in yesterday's conversations with a closet mystic reading A SOUTHERN LAWYER WHO BECAME A MYSTIC post at this blog. 

After I explained to her a little about something going on in my family, she wrote:

Take no steps unless you’re 100% certain that you’re being led by Love. Better to do nothing than pile on regret. You have walked away from temptation before and were given the Earthly reward of poverty and want. But your soul is still yours and this temporary place of material is just a testing ground. Be not chaff.
Not that wealth equals evil! It’s just damned difficult. The hardest test maybe.

harder than a camel passing through the eye of a needle, and I'm being veeeeerrrrrrry careful

St Francis this.


The message I got for you came as:

Manifesting = manna feasting

Take it if it resonates, I don’t think it’s for me, as I don’t understand or innerstand the meaning.
The best I can make of that being that manna was the provided sustenance. Divine Providence.

Over the years, a number of women and men have received messages for me, and vice versa, I for them. Good thing they closed the state mental 😀

I’m protected from harm and my being born with the sun in my 12th house (yes, that one, the house of the rising sun) I am perfectly at home in a cell of any sort.
Since you have so much Tuscaloosa in your soul map I wonder if you’ve looked into the properties of the Druid City being on the 33rd parallel north? I love rabbit holes.
My maternal Great Grandfather and his Father were 33 degree Masons, both.
33 by The Smashing Pumpkins is their best.

Shhhhh, enough sleeping devils woken up for one day.
An astrologer once upon a time, after reading my chart, gave me her condolences, my sun sign is in Libra, my moon in Virgo, my rising sign is Aries, I have 4 more signs in Libra, and 9 signs in air, and one sign each in fire, water and metal. Another  astrologer said air is fuel for fire.

I had 2 astrologers cancel appointments after being given my numbers.
So I did my own with a free service
Aquarius Sun and North Node. Pisces rising and Venus in the 1st house. Sagittarius Moon and beautiful Mars in Aries. Every placement is perfect other than the 12th house which promised paternal abandonment and maternal abuse as well as a lifetime of limitations. The Empress of Fantasia didn’t seem to have it easy. But undeniably graced and ever hopeful and delighted.

looks perhaps like a later public outing? Am pretty astrology ignorant; once told a friend deep into astrology that God is a lot bigger than and not constrained by astrology, but it definitely has its say in human affairs. Hell, the Tibetan Buddhists kept using astrology to discover when and where the Dalai Lama would next incarnate, and they sent lamas to find and fetch him back to Lasha.

Jesus the Christ was foretold by astrology.

Aw, you ought not shudda said that, witches were burned at the stake for far less.

They followed the 
My head aches and rarely does so it seems I should get off my ass. That’s usually the problem.

And, or, you are under spirit attack for this discussion and/or passing through guidance you received for me

Well, sure. I also forgot to ask for help in this. Unable to return to reading and enjoying my oatmeal until I pass this song to you relating to your being told you were to be given tools to increase your velocity. The song is Vibrate by OutKast and please give it a listen rather than merely reading the lyrics because it’s strong medicine. “Motherfuck the wagon, come join the band.”! It’s very in line with getting away from the status quo, the bandwagon. So good I am going to listen and hopefully be returned to reading. Asking for help from above with the pain, why ever it’s here and it will either subside or I’ll be comforted. Vibrate higher.

It was my impression quite a while before being told in my sleep to remember Daniel and I would be given experiences designed to increase my pace so that I might reach escape velocity, that such experiences contain heavy doses of fire and it's on me to try to be civil, but not compromise the truth to placate.

That’s in alignment with my truth.

Am listening to Vibrate after reading the lyrics - Mother Fuck! They are trying to save the planet from humans fucking it over!
Used some of our discussion in today's blog post

I left without comment. Closeted indeed.

May your affectations always be understood - that poem of yours belongs in the Guggenheim.

All want the security of the well fed pig.
Horror at the baseness unrecognized.
A lifetime spent in shirt stuffing.
And pen comparison.
Is truth more palatable when honeyed?
Is a stark soulscape less so with the eyes of Monet?
May my affectations always be known and understood.

Did the headache remit?

Yes, I gave it 40 winks



Elizabeth sent Yesterday at 5:23 PM

I need to eat that whole field of flower remedies.

I love flowers so much. Other than tulip.

But tulips are edible.

Me today:
Dreamed during nap this morning of being sent to Rhode Island-Vermont area, which I associate with an old hippy amiga who lives thereabouts and Woodstock and a tai chi camp I once attended there - flower children, Empress. Providence is in Rhode Island, ref your guidance received for me yesterday.

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