Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Trumpdom's avenging BLM shaman/voodoo priest unveiled?

I'm sometimes asked why I give this or that person air time on my blog? I report and weigh in on all sorts of frequencies, tones and hues, not just what pleases or flatters me. Sometimes I strike gold, like when the fellow in yesterday's Conversations with a Trumpist about mental illness, God and the Bible took a few more swipes at me, and I looked at his Facebook page to see his profile photo, and, Voila, above!!!

It warms my heart that I'm now written into your delusions.

Sloan Bashinsky
Heh, you wrote yourself into my experiences, and what remains to be seen is whether angels decide to grab and adjust you, or leave you as you are.

Sloan Bashinsky what remains to be seen or grabbed is whether you get Baker acted or not. I'm pretty sure no angel is going to grab me. 

Sloan Bashinsky
Maybe not, but it might be interesting to be a fly on the wall if an angel grabs you.

It would be interesting to be a fly on the wall and watch you get Baker acted as well sir

Personally I still want to f****** ring your neck about all those articles you wrote about me.

Sloan Bashinsky
You wrote about yourself at my wall without any arm-twisting from me. After you saw I published some of it without your last name, that was my intent, I hope your last name didn't slip through, you kept writing, which looked like you were enjoying it. I have done this for a very long time, sharing what other people write to me. I give them full voice, I don't spin or doctor. If it don't don't get frequent attacks for what I publish, then I'm not doing it right.

Sloan Bashinsky
You want to see mentally ill people, open this link and watch the video, which just arrived in my email account.
A Reporter’s Footage from Inside the Capitol Siege
A Reporter’s Footage from Inside the Capitol Siege

Sloan Bashinsky
Perhaps they were being driven your profile photo on your Facebook page?

I told you I've been losing weight

Sloan Bashinsky   
Did that BLM shaman or voodoo priest give you permission to "steal" his/her soul? If not, I really do want to be a fly on the wall when them chickens come home to roost. 


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