Thursday, October 22, 2020

The gallows humor, thanks to Bernie Sanders pointing it out, is corporate socialism rules America and rank and file Americans compete for the crumbs.

An old Vermont amiga commented on the Covoid-19 cure President Trump buried in the ground part of yesterday's Oh, yeah? God doesn't get involved in politics and sports? post, and that wandered us into several swamps.

Love it. But most seem to be brainwashed and afraid. Waiting for a vaccine. I took quite a "ration" in the past day from my post. I was just trying to wake a few friends up. Not time yet for them. Rock on everyone. And exciting year to come. 

What post of yours brought you a ration, Paula?

About Dr. Scott Atlas', Whitehouse adviser, Tweet being removed about how face masks are ineffective. I posed a question equivalent to the Emperor not wearing clothes .... Why is there such a discrepancy in the medical world about wearing masks. And why do we not have leadership that addresses this issue. And don't we think it's odd that we are being censored. Instead the media is letting us duke it out with each other on these social forums. I was told to not over think it and just wear a mask; think of someone other than myself for once and just wear the mask. There were some bad words from one "friend". But I got lectured hardily about wearing the mask. No one addressed my question. And I don't think many actually read what I posted. I think everyone drank some hypnotic Kool Ade that I didn't get. It's hostile out there Sloan. Keeping up with heart meditations is helping. 

Yeah, found your post and asked: if masks don’t work, how come doctors at hospitals wear them, since long as I can remember? They even wore masks in M*A*S*H 😎
As I recall, there is no cure from hypnotic Kool-Aid. But ever optimist me bought you a magic wand online from a reputable (they claimed) Harry Potter knock-off haberdashery, you should see it magically appear in your broom closet before All Hallows’ Eve, and I hope it actually works and I wasn’t scammed again, ever optimist Charlie Brown me.
I'm wondering if Bernie Sanders people in Vermont, for example, will vote for Joe Biden or stay home? I'm wondering how many votes Hunter Biden is costing his father. That boy sure did make a mess of things. The 2nd debate is tonight, I wonder if the NBC moderator will use a kill switch, for a novel change, to mute a candidate who interrupts the other candidate or doesn't answer questions or talks beyond his allowed time? I think if Trump wins, 2021 might be a bit more exciting than if Biden wins. But then, I have read that in olden times they stoned prophets regardless of how their prophesies turned out, or burned them at the stake. Trump lagged in the 2016 polls, as I recall.

Yup. I got all the same questions. When I hear Bernie speak compared to Biden I am amazed. How the hell did people go for him. I think Bernie should have dropped the word socialism. He didn’t need it. Otherwise his policies would have just looked progressive. Now we have two bad choices

The gallows humor, thanks to Bernie pointing it out, is corporate socialism rules America and rank and file Americans compete for the crumbs.

Perhaps people just feel safer with a familiar abusive situation than risking improvement (the unknown). There is probably a psychology word for that ....

stuck, asleep, brainwashed? Imagine the gremlins and goblins lurking below the surface, and under that something incredibly beautiful begging to be released, perhaps the magic wand I mentioned yesterday is the catalyst, as it seems the condition was not fixed by psychology, politics, religion and messiahs.

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