Thursday, October 29, 2020

I find most conservatives and liberals have trouble with logic (and facts)

An Alabama Republican posted on Facebook yesterday:


The way to get back at the MSM and social networks is to vote straight ticket Republican.  See you at the polls on Election Day!

Putin shore hopes so.

Really? Do you trust Biden/Harris? I sure don’t.
You TRUST Trump??????, with your children, and investments.

I know so, as does anyone who's been paying attention, and that has nothing to do with the Dems. 
I would not trust Trump with any child, especially not a female child. He ran with Jeffrey Epstein. He has welched debts all his adult life, stiffed contractors subcontractors and their laborers. He owes $900 million coming due in near future, he owed same amount when the Saudi bailed him out some years ago. That also has zero to do with the Dems. How many times did Trump file bankrupcty? 4.

Sloan, Xi hopes it goes the other way.

Biden is another silver spoon fed liberal that’s never had to work a day in his life and doesn’t understand what’s good for our fellow Americans. Unfortunately, if Biden/Harris get in, our land of opportunity will be no more and we will be living with Communism.

Like any businessman Trump has to use financing but his assets fat outweigh his liabilities. He didn’t hang with Epstein, who, by the way Didn’t Kill Himself. Clinton did hang with Epstein.

If any of those things were true, you better believe the Democrats and the fake media would be all over the place. Just an irrelevant snowflake spreading lies.

I trust Trump with the lives of American soldiers. He’s not coming to my house for dinner.......
I trust him with the American economy. 

I'm no Biden fan, but I bet he's Mother Nature's candidate. In the afterlife, the Trump backers get to explain why they voted for Trump, the Biden backers get to explain why they voted for Biden, everyone else gets to explain why they voted for whomever they voted for, or why they didn't vote for any presidential candidate. 
Since the fake Vietnam war, I have not trusted any president with the lives of American soldiers. Neither Trump nor Obama brought the troops home from Afghanistan and Iraq.
Jeffrey Epstein, he hung on him.

Sloan, I don’t think God belongs to either Party so your vote is your choice. It’s that nasty “Free Will” that we were given.
Lots of people had their picture taken with Trump. Bill & Hillary, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton. He’s given money to lots of candidates during his lifetime. Proves absolutely nothing.

Yeah, Trump loved the Clintons back in the day.

They only wanted his money......

Trump sure looks like he's lapping the Clintons up.
Looks to me America is screwed either way the election goes next week, the Democrats and the Republicans both stand up and take a bow. Worst screwed is the planet, without which there will be no Republicans or Democrats, nor any people. Biden seems considerably more planet friendly than Trump.

From my seat Biden is a retail politician for sale.

I never met a politician who was not for sale, it's the oldest profession.

Yeah, Sloan, and maybe Trump is demanding that the rest of the countries of the world be as planet friendly as the U.S. All the burden of cleaning the planet should not and cannot be placed on American citizens. We have done plenty.
They are no more or no less dishonest than any other profession or avocation known to man.

From what all I have seen of Trump speaking on TV, in videos, and in his tweets, I have never seen such a dishonest man.

He has accomplished the majority of his campaign promises. What politician does that? His list of accomplishments is very impressive.

Do you know that a large demon infiltrated Adolph Hitler and his top circle and enhanced them and they achieved things not thought possible and mesmerized most Germans? Do you know, according to Ivana, that hubby Donald kept a book of Hitler's speeches in a cabinet on his side of their bed and sometimes he read that book at night?

Yeah, I’m sure. That’s kind of irresponsible talk, don’t you think?

Asking Russia to help him get elected was reprehensible.

Read Glen Murdock’s post from yesterday. It’s not personality, it’s policy.

Perhaps you might wish to reread what you posted, to which I responded, and look at what that produced😀 
Asking Russia to help you get elected is policy.

I don’t know how we reconcile, but I do know that Biden/Harris is not the answer. The radical Left and Right get the coverage while the moderates are ignored.
You can hate Trump and still vote for his policies. Can you support the Biden/Harris agenda? I can’t.

If you vote for what you view as Trump's policies, you vote for him, too. I don't think Biden or Trump are the answer.

Biden...plausible deniability. Play dumb...facts do not support anything but Biden cares about money. Including Hunter. America is for sale.

Trump seems to care a great deal about money. Trump asked Russia to help him get elected in 2016, and the next day Russia went to work on it. Russia is at it again. Republicans should deal with Trump and Democrats should deal with Biden. God's gonna be asking them about that some day.

You have absolutely no sense of humor, Sloan. You’re acting like a Democrat, still mad about 2016.

Nope. In 2016, I published many times on my blog that Hillary and Trump were two sides of the same awful coin, and I voted for Jill Stein, a medical doctor, because she was talking about healing people and the planet. In 2008, I published at my blog many times that I was told in my sleep that Barack Obama had the potential to be the anti-Christ and do not vote for him. I didn't like the Republican candidate, either, nor in 2012.
I think you folks are hilarious, the way you dodge every Trump fact I heave at you.

Not thinking about personalities, who do you believe is better for America’s economy, trade, defense, foreign affairs, opportunities for minorities, protecting our borders from illegal immigration, etc. - Trump/Pence or Biden/Harris?

I don't know any Democrats who don't want all of that, nor any Republicans.

Wait, Michael...... You are using logic. Liberals can't even spell the word!

Sloan Bashinsky, Harris / Biden was the best you could do ??

Sorry to disappoint, I'm not a Democrat, but I hoped the Dems would nominate Tulsi Gabbard.
I find most liberals and conservatives have trouble with logic.

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