Monday, May 24, 2021

New Age Facebook guru worries about Qanon and the Holocaust should not be forgotten

This below from a white Birmingham, Alabama native living in Sedona, Arizona was at the top of my Facebook newsfeed when I went online this morning. Albert comes across on Facebook as a "new age" guru with a largish following. The theme on his Facebook page is: "Break through to the authentic you. Imagine living authentically." I have seen quite a few of his Facebook postings. He is sincere, well-meaning, kind, patient and open about himself. 

Last night I had a never-ending dream of being stranded at an airport. It seemed as if I was trying to get out of the airport but didn't know where I was supposed to be going. "If that were my dream," (dream-ologist Jaine Smith taught us students to say during her Dream Workshop over 30 years ago). Since that was my dream I took it to be teaching me to be patient and wait to see where I was supposed to go next. I learned as a child that patience is a virtue. Aging in this au courant nutty world codependent on Social Media and tattoos and beards and evil Q'anon (fill in the blanks), I think the dream was also telling me to slow down and be grateful for not only my sobriety, but Mr. Darby and all the amazing people I am privileged to work with on a daily basis.  It is the Sabbath. Worship as you will. Om. Tat. Sat. 

Sloan Bashinsky
If I had that dream, I would take it as a message from God to me that I am stranded generally and have no clue what to do next and I need insight provided by something bigger and smarter than me.

Just below that on Albert's timeline: 

I decided to post about the Birmingham Holocaust Education Center in Birmingham, Alabama because more than ever we all need to support the educated point of what happened in Germany during World War 2and how BHEC does such a contemporary job of letting us know what we can do to help their outreach in today's world. My opinion is that as the world turns today I am not so sure such travesties could not happen again. Go to their site and donate as I did yesterday. Om. Tat. Sat. Om.

I think people should really at the moment be donating to the Palestinians.

Q'anon has infected and diminished Christianity. Hitler killed millions of Jews which is what BHEC is all about--educating so that no on ever has that kind of atrocity again.

Sloan Bashinsky
Albert, same or similar powerful demonic entity that progressively infiltrated Hitler, then his top people, then the white Nordic German masses, progressively infiltrated Trump and his top people, MAGAs and most Republicans. Look at photos of their rallies and protests. Look at their skin color. Res ipsa loquitur. That is now America. In plain view. Germany sees it. Britain and France see it. The world sees it. Do Americans see it?

I have great sympathy for the Jews during the Holocaust but at the moment my heart goes out to the Palestinians. I know Hamas is at fault but I bet 99% of the people would like to live in peace and be treated fairly. They have no hope at the moment.

I agree with you, but I remind you that my post was about educating all of us about the holocaust so we never see it happen again. Blessings.

Sloan Bashinsky
Looks to me it’s headed that way in the American Right. Their the election was stolen mantra is code for blacks stole it.

A white Birmingham native near Albert's age, I went through the "new age" decades ago. Then, realizing I was at the end of my rope and out of bright ideas (stranded at an airport with no clue of where to go), I prayed to God for help and offered my life to human service. Jesus and Michael grabbed me, later they were joined by Melchizedek. They turned me every which a way but loose, upside down and inside out. They changed how I saw just about everything. They are still hard on my case. 

I keep wondering what it would be like for Albert and his followers, and for all Americans and all people, if Jesus, Michael and Melchizedek grabbed and turned them every which a way but loose and upside down and inside out?

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