Thursday, February 11, 2021

Republicans not calling for Trump's head should be worried for their souls

Last night, someone interviewed on CNN said the film footages shown to the U.S. Senate tell what happened on January 6,  and Republican Senators, who don't deal with it, are part of it. I thought that is the crux of it for Republican Senators, and for anyone who voted twice for Donald Trump. I already had said the same to an old, dear friend, after he posted this below on my Facebook timeline. He is not worried for his soul, but I am.

If I didn't know better, I'd think you were a correspondent for a corrupt media empire like CNN, MSDNC, or the like... Still love ya', but you sure don't seem anywhere close to being moderate in political viewpoint... Why not analyze where the political elites want to take us both here and globally? There's no shortage of subjects you can dig into without Trump to shite on.
Democrats Go Ape Over DC Riot While Ignoring Mayhem Everywhere Else
Democrats Go Ape Over DC Riot While Ignoring Mayhem Everywhere Else
Sloan Bashinsky
You don't know better. America is reeling from being shit on by Trump and his legions. When Obama was president, I wrote plenty about him, which did not please Democrats. When G. W. Bush was president, I wrote plenty about him, which Republicans didn't like. I wrote plenty about Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, which Democrats didn't like. I tell Democrats they paved the way for something like Trump to be president. I tell Democrats they need to clean up their side of the fence. I tell Republicans they need to clean up their side. They don't like hearing that. Both sides really like pointing the finger everywhere but at their side.

You paint with wayyyy too broad a brush Sloan. His “legions” are many hard working middle class Americans who value freedom & limited government. The jackasses who stormed the capitol are a thin sliver of Trump supporters and everyone with their brain outside their posterior condemns their actions. But heaven forbid Lefties from speaking out about the daily murderous ways in our cities, the rioting that went on this summer was encouraged by Lefties... Double standards abound in this country and DJT is your fall guy du jour...

Sloan Bashinsky
Actually, Mark, you are the only the 2nd Republican I know personally, or on Facebook, who condemned the jackasses. So far, not even you two have condemned Trump for inciting the jackasses. I'm watching news reports daily of all but a few Republicans in Congress giving Trump a pass for what his jackasses did after he told them to take back their country. Trump made himself. 

Sloan Bashinsky you meant Conservative, right? Like you, I resist being caged in by a party...

While I typically vote R, I don't consider myself "A Republican" but instead a Conservative with a good bit of Libertarian. And while I believe his language was strong and I condemn the actions of the mob, I'm not willing to jump on the "Trump Incited Violence" bandwagon as he spoke of going in Peace. And I do think there is plenty of evidence to suggest the storming of the Capitol was pre-meditated prior to his Inauguration Day event. And I am pissed off that the Senate and Media has wasted so much time and $ trying to fvck DJT for 5 years and the media are gonna miss him while they lick the shoes of an elderly man who has no business serving our country as President. We The People are just bystanders to far too much bullshit in Washington! (and many statehouses across the country). Gotta go get some work done... Peace. 

Sloan Bashinsky
Yes, Conservative, who voted for Trump. I wish he had left quietly, had not attempted a coup, and America could have moved forward, or backward, or treaded water more easily, but that didn't happen. I suppose maybe close to half of Americans actually believe the Democrats stole the election. I tell you, old friend, if that had happened, the angels who run me ragged would have told me, and I would have been all over it, in Trump's behalf, regardless of wanting to see him gone from the White House.

Trump told the mob deep into the riot he had incited, to go in peace, and he loved them. I saw and heard him do all of that many times in TV replays. I think any person who voted for him, who has not called for his head over the Capitol riot, are accessories after the fact. 

Yes, because I support Capitalism, not because of any love fest for Trump...

Sloan Bashinsky
You use a capital C, as if capitalism is a religion. Although I didn't prove to be much of a capitalist, I support capitalism, as does every Republican, Democrat, conservative, liberal, I know. If I did not have Medicare, for which I paid, my prostate cancer radiation and other medical bills would bankrupt me. How many very large American corporations were bailed out of financial straights? How many times did Trump file bankruptcy to avoid paying what he owed? How many lawsuits did he file to avoid paying what he owed? Looks to me Biden is talking as tough a stand toward Red China, as Trump took. If I were president, I would be saying Red China created Covid-19 in a lab and owes the entire world reparations. I would be proposing legislation that penalizes American companies manufacturing their products in Red China. I probably would be assassinated sooner than later. 

You're obviously dug in deeply on your opinion, but I don't believe his words on that day triggered the jackasses to riot. I believe that's been proven to have been planned ahead of time and Capitol Police failed to plan and react accordingly. Further, if you wish to lay that singularly at his feet, how do you feel about summer and fall rioting causing substantially more property destruction, death to law enforcement, etc.? Perhaps your TV didn't cover the clear incitement by leftist pols? Mine did. I'm done here Sloan. I know you live for these debates/arguments, I do not. Have a good night, take good care of yourself, and tell your angels to lighten up a bit...

Sloan Bashinsky
You think I liked the riots over black people being killed by police? I didn't. They helped Trump get votes. I published that at my blog. Then, Trump and his mob did a copy cat, but in the U.S. Capitol. From what you wrote here, I don't think you watched the film footage of Trump prepping the mob to go to the Capitol, what to do when they got there, his further prepping during the riot, and his finally telling them to stop and go home in peace, he loved them. I think you have dug a very deep hole for yourself with God. You even tell angels how to behave.


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