Thursday, August 27, 2020

world renown philosopher Sancho Panza and not world renown gadfly Don Quixote explore nooks and crannies of The Great American Covid Swamp

World renown philosopher Sancho Panza wrote to not world renown gadfly Don Quixote:
Obviously, big Pharma and Trump have come to an "understanding"... they will come up with vaccine(s) before the November elections, if Trump promises to keep Dr. Zelenko's protocol, or any effective therapy, out of the picture! Trump's not as ballsy as he claims nor as devious as the media makes him to be... he makes a lot of mistakes... but he is a good salesman and can bluff with the best! I also think he does want America to win... because that's how he sees the World, divided between Winners and Losers!  

Don Quixote:
If Trump really wanted America to win, he would have forced Dr. Zelenko's hospital/medical deep state-dodging cure down Big Pharma, Fauci, CDC, FDA's throats. 
Inline image
After the hasty blood plasma therapy walk back by Trump's FDA director, would any voter with even half a brain trust the announcement of a vaccine before November elections? 

Well, yes, many voters would. Or they would not care. They will vote for Trump even if he admits in a tweet and on Tucker Carlson that he's a Russian sleeper agent. His disciples will spin it to him being a CIA double agent.Emoji

Sancho Panza:
You see that's why you are Don Q and not The POTUS!Emoji

You know that every time you say Trump should do this or that, you're really talking about yourself as a benevolent King! I will go one up on you, I will give 10 to 1 that if Trump did something like you suggest, invite Dr. Zelenko and all his patients to the White House for the RNC convention and hear their stories and the stories of all the other doctors that have been interviewed on Fox Cable News and Mercola's Website, etc.... the Media, The Congress with the limitless financial backing of  Big Pharma will derail Trump chances for a second term accusing him of genocide! And, the Trump Derangement Sufferers will never use HCQ and Zinc, because Trump is for it! I am willing to make that bet with you and I know I will win... and so do you! 

Don Quixote:
Heh, you sized it up pretty good, but maybe you meant, or didn't mean, to leave out that getting reelected always was far more important to Trump than saving America from Red Dawn. Red China, Russia, Iran, ISIS, North Korea, etc. are thrilled with how Trump, Republicans, MAGAS, Democrats have responded to Red Dawn. Oh, but CDC, Fauci, Big Pharma, Red China have interlocking bio weapon labs, right? Oh, what a bloody beautiful juicy mess Emoji

Sancho Panza:
Trump is the only politician even mentioning HCQ, which shows you that he's not all there... or maybe he's trolling big Pharma?  To that stew of US calamities you forgot to add Riots and now Cat-4 Storms... why would anybody in his right mind want to be POTUS and deal with all this shit? And they call you nuts for following disembodied voices and prophetic dreams! EmojiEmojiEmojiEmoji

Don Quixote:
I think the riots will get Trump reelected. 

I could tell you a story about my my homeless amiga in Key West reported using a wild bird feather ritual she was taught as a young woman by an elder Native American shaman to steer Hurricane Laura southward under Key West into the Gulf of Mexico. She said she was at it a good while and it wore her out, and after she saw Laura was going to miss Key West, she dreamed of being covered with white feathers. I told her the people in Louisiana and east Texas will be thrilled with her efforts. 

I reminded her that African shamans had steered Hurricane Irma straight at Key West because the city government had put a dog park on top of African slave remains. When Category 5 Irma was about two days travel time from smacking Key West, my amiga reported waking at dawn and seeing two huge arms and hands reach down from heaven and nudge Irma slightly  eastward. Then, Irma did weaken slightly to Category 4 and turn slightly eastward, and presented Key West her clean (weaker side) and hammered the rest of the Florida Keys. 

I kept trying to persuade her to do the bird feather ritual on Trump, but she wouldn't do it. Maybe she was afraid he would turn into a duck?

Sancho Panza:
I think, if you were younger and rich, you would still be back there riding your bike and living in a boathouse! For somebody who likes being a Gadfly, this Covid isolation and monotony must be a real bummer!

Don Quixote:
Actually did think a few days ago about moving back to Key West, because being cooped up in my Alabama apartment most of the day SUCKS. In Key West, I could eat breakfast at Harpoon Harry's comfort food diner and see lots of dear friends and lunatics, and for dinner and on weekends, I'd be moored on stool in Jack Flats sports bar, glued to WIDE and TALL SCREEN sporting events. I don't know if the paradise pretend peasants are now allowed to be physically present at local government meetings due to Red Dawn. The progressive mayor just won reelection by a landslide, seriously disturbing the peace of the face mask and social distance haters and cruise ship lovers. I have not been steered to do much gladflying in Alabama, and am left with my blog and Facebook, which is such a wonderful foul latrine in which to tip toe and stomp aroundEmoji 

Don Quixote:
God takes care of fools sometimes. Not long after writing my last reply got phone call from a Key West friend and learned my dear Harpoon Harry's and Jack Flats home places are still quite curtailed and not anything like before. And, I had an offer of a free place to stay. So, looks like I'm sticking in Bama a while longer. Maybe I need to find local mischief to get into here.

Sancho Panza:
It's been hard on those businesses... hope they can make it and you can get back there if only for a spell... pun intended! Emoji

Don Quixote:
In my dreams.

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