Saturday, June 19, 2021

Donald Trump has morals? Seriously?

Do you wonder who creates memes people post on Facebook? Do you wonder if the author of this meme below knows the difference between it's and its? Do you wonder other things about the author, like does he mean old fashioned white values and morals?

Boo reposted:


Thomas Stalker
June 16, 2021


Sloan Bashinsky
Trump has morals? Seriously?

nothing but

Sloan Bashinsky
before or after he ran with Jeffrey Epstein, paid prostitutes for sex and again to be quiet about it, even while Melania was pregnant with their son? 



yah, you sure you want to go on with this?

Sloan Bashinsky
How about all the contactors and their subcontractors and their hard-working laborers he stiffed? How about when he hob-knobbed with the Clintons?



Sloan Bashinsky
How about being financially bailed out twice by the same Saudi prince? How about going bankrupt a few times to get out of paying what he owed? How about defrauding students at Trump University? How about bowing to Saudi prince



Sloan Bashinsky
How about inciting this white mob by claiming he really won the 2021 election, but it was stolen (by blacks)?'


Sloan Bashinsky
By the way, I'm not a Democrat. I don't join cults. And, there are about 333 million Americans.

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