Saturday, May 30, 2020

To Zorro's utter amazement, retired Lucent Technologies Scientist Sancho Panza undertook to defend President Trump not having Dr. Vladimir Zelenko at White House press briefings to explain his battle-field proven, cheap, fast 5-day covid-19 treatment protocol

To Zorro's utter amazement, retired Lucent Technologies Scientist Sancho Panza undertook to defend President Trump not having Dr. Vladimir Zelenko at White House press briefings to explain his battle-field proven, cheap, fast 5-day covid-19 treatment protocol:

Sancho began his defense of President Trump with a response to part of day before yesterday’s Why Democrats, Republicans and the medical-industrial complex might not want the public to know about Dr. Vladimir Zelenko's cheap, fast covid-19 cure post at this blog:

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