Friday, September 3, 2021

redneck mystic lawyer view of Texas anti-abortion law


Alabama amiga posted on Facebook:

The hanger in the shape of Texas implies that women have to have sex with unvasectomied men. Since there’s a $10,000 bounty on every sexually active woman in Texas, then make a symbol for “no sex” instead. Let’s face it, the jerks who wouldn’t care about the repercussions of unplanned pregnancy absolutely would care about NEVER GETTING ANY.

I'd say make the father pay for and care for them but that wouldn't be very nice to do to the innocent kids.

Or the forced birthers.

No it wouldn't
Rapist can sue for custody 

Lysistrata 2021, baby!

The women of Texas cannot risk the birth control failure, it’s not even strategic.

Perhaps I should buy all the stock I can afford in morning after pill companies?

Sloan Bashinsky
This once upon a time Alabama practicing attorney spent some time reading about this Texas anti-abortion law.
It does not permit private lawsuits against women who have abortions after heartbeat can be detected, theoretically 6 weeks into pregnancy.
It permits private lawsuits against anyone who helped a woman get such an abortion, including someone who drove her to get the abortion.
I try to imagine legions of self-righteous pro-lifers shutting down the Texas courts, which have not the personnel nor judges to process legions of such private lawsuits.
I try to imagine the self-righteous pro-lifers proving in court that a woman who went to Planned Parenthood, or anywhere, actually had an abortion there. Aren't medical records privileged?
What lawyer would take such a case with only a possible $10,000 bounty reward? Perhaps a lawyer who had hundreds of such cases on a 50 percent contingency fee.
If I were a lawyer defending such cases, I would put the self-righteous plaintiffs on the witness stand and ask them if they are Christians?
After they say, Yes, I ask them if they ever raised on their dime an unwanted baby to prevent an abortion?
After they say, No, I ask them if they ever offered to raise on their dime an unwanted child to prevent an abortion?
After they say, No, then I ask them if they are not guilty of not trying to save unwanted babies, thus they killed the unwanted babies?
After they say, No, I ask the judge to dismiss the lawsuit, based on the plaintiffs' sworn testimony that they are guilty of killing unwanted babies.
If the judge then gleefully dismisses the lawsuits, the plaintiffs can appeal.
If the judge ignores the evidence and does not dismiss the lawsuits, I ask the plaintiffs if they if read the Bible?
After they say, Yes, I ask them if the Bible is the inerrant, literal word of God?
After they say, Yes, I hand them a New King James Bible and ask them to open it to Genesis 2:7 and read it to the court:
"And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being."
I ask the judge to dismiss, based on the plaintiffs' sworn testimony life begins with the first breath of life.
If the judge gleefully rules against the plaintiffs, then the plaintiffs can appeal.
If the judge ignores the evidence and rules with the plaintiffs, then I file the appeals.
I get on Oprah.
NPR has me on the air.
I am vilified on FOX News.
I am preached and prophesied against in evangelical churches.
I am shot and killed leaving the courthouse.
The shooter claims it was to prevent me killing any more babies.
The State Attorney prosecutes me in the grave.
I put the State Attorney on the witness stand and ask if he/she's a Christian?

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