Thursday, September 23, 2021

Is Sloan Bashinsky contagious? Very definitely, merely talking with him could draw you to the Mother Ship's attention

Cosmic TV antenna hat

Flash back to Greetings from the praying mantis Mother Ship, and perhaps a warning post at this blog. I described my winning a hat contest at the duplicate bridge club and something mind-and-soul bending happening in my head while playing a hand, which I later described to a friend in another state. He called back to report a nap dream he'd had of being in a space ship with a doctor who looked like a praying mantis. The doctor told him that an attempt had been made by ETs to remove me from space or time, or both. It had not succeeded, but it might in the future, and it was a warning. I told my friend, that before driving to the bridge club I had stuck my nose into something I had been warned to steer clear of.

I published the entire text of that blog post on my Facebook newsfeed, and here's what happened, which demonstrates quite well why I feel like I'm not from this planet and am simply passing through.

Great hat! 
Sloan Bashinsky
Was given to me in Key West by a friend who'd had it a while. He felt it might suit me better. My heart leaped for joy! My heart did not leap for joy last Friday at the bridge club, but it felt better as the day and night progressed 
I’m blessed to rarely get headaches and in spite of my bad habits, all my numbers are good. 
Sloan Bashinsky
You indeed are blessed. This event did not cause my head to ache, it caused my brain to feel like it was being removed or shut down. It felt not of this world, and that's what what my friend then dreamed about it. 
Have family and friends who get migraines. So happy I don’t! 
Sloan Bashinsky
This post is about something very different from migraines and more ordinary headaches. It's about what I deal with day and night, unceasing, but this was a bit more intense than usual. If it happened to everyone, Facebook would be very different, Americans would be very different, humanity would be very different. 
Agreed. Just having a pleasant chat, not trying to be confrontational. Keep posting. 
I’ve lost 3 friends this week who died from undisclosed issues and way too young. 
Sloan Bashinsky
Sorry about your friends. I'm stuck, for life I think, having and reporting stuff that ain't about this world exactly, but is in play here.
I felt no physical pain in my head, but it was very uncomfortable and scary when it peaked. 
Love to sit down with you sometime. 
Sloan Bashinsky
For sure, perhaps lynch or dinner as at seafood house I like. 
Absolutely, but remember I’m a humble civil servant…… 
Sloan Bashinsky
Wasn’t planning on eating you 
I’d enjoy having lunch with you. 
I believe, during mating, the female kills the male. I think you got lucky.  
Sloan Bashinsky
Quoting from "Alice's Restaurant", you raised yet a third possibility I had not yet considered." 
I bet our Hakomi Bodypsychotherapy instructors would have a lot of fun probing around inside me about that experience . 
Endless joy with video no doubt' 
Hope you are okay. 
Sloan Bashinsky
So far, no recurrence of what happened at the bridge club. Otherwise, ok is rather relative and shifting, 
Maybe it was the hat. 
Duh! Missed the obvious. The hat, of course. 
Sloan Bashinsky
Yeah, the hat had to stir up lots of voodoo reactions. But then, me in the hat were on the top of my blog since its inception. I changed the photo there yesterday a fool toon, as I am trying to insert the new photo but it’s way too large at the blog. 
I think so and hope you are okay. 
I hope so, too; I should have paid more attention to the warning to steer clear of something. 
I’m sorry I have experienced it as well I have epilepsy and have brain pain lol take care lol. 
Sloan Bashinsky
Sorry for you having that to live with, what I felt in my head and mind seemed the edge of oblivion. 
It’s okay hope the best for you. 
Sloan Bashinsky
Thanks, I hope same for you. 
You are a hoot Sloan! 
Sloan Bashinsky
Warn’t no hoot when it was bending and twisting time and space inside my skull and I felt I was sliding away, away😀 
No! I'm glad it passed and hope you feel better! 
Sloan Bashinsky 
Have you had that hat on since you left KW? 
Sloan Bashinsky
That explains a lot! 
Where is the hat? I see the natural horns. But where is the hat? Lol
Sounds like a mini stroke to me. May never happen again.
I thought you lived on Torch Key, in a trailer & had a Toyota pickup. Now you describe a car, on a busier street (parallel parking,) and an apartment. Hmm. 
Sloan Bashinsky
Was not a stroke, Paul. My friend's dream explained it, although somewhat colorfully. Dreams take license with human requirements for so-called reality. I've been back in Alabama since late fall 2018. I had a Toyota Highlander when I lived on Little Torch. Now I drive a Toyota van  
You shouldn’t try to wear that hat inside out. 
Sloan Bashinsky
Heh, finally somebody noticed. 

Hope you're doing better 
Sloan Bashinsky
In some ways, I am, in other ways, I'm pretty old, tired and sometimes grumpy, but then, I was that for some time. 
I wish your doctor had ordered a scan to be sure you have nothing going on in the brain, Sloan. Hope you continue to feel okay, now. 
Sloan Bashinsky
My doctor was on the spaceship. I’ve had far worse done to my “brain”. There were no stroke symptoms this or other times. Closest to stoke symptoms was Bell’s palsy in 2011. No physical body or seizure symptoms this time. It felt to me like some kind of attack or manipulation when it was happening. I had been warned not to stick my nose into something. The entire experience could be viewed as a parable. Thousands of times I have had anomalous experiences in which other people were participated, and I felt I was the only person who considered it was not of this world. 
Now, that's 20 minutes of my life I'll never get back, Sloan! Hope you're doing well. 
Sloan Bashinsky
Well, sorry about that Russ. Hope you are doing well. Was no "accident" it happened when I was playing bridge. Bridge has more meanings than a fun, challenging and even maddening card game, which I concluded some years ago was devised by God and the Devil to see how humans handled all its many facets.  
COVID hat. Love it. Are you contagious? 
Sloan Bashinsky
Very definitely. Knowing or even talking with me might draw to you the Mother Ship’s attention. The hat is a secret cosmic TV antenna.


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