Tuesday, July 27, 2021

the stupid dumb ass reason Alabama reds should get vaccinated: so they don't die from Covid-19 and can't legally vote


Text response to yesterday's Is Planet Earth rooting for Covid-19 to save it from Earthlings? post at this blog:

Childhood friend moderate conservative:
You know I am likely to be the last person on earth to give the OT [Orange Turd] credit for anything, but he did get the vaccine warp speed going even if it was for selfish reasons, i.e. his reelection. What I can't understand is why he and his ass kissers are not out there full time taking credit for it and encouraging his followers to get vaccinated. Does that stupid egotistical turd not understand that he is in effect killing off his base by their not being vaccinated? Key word "stupid"; "dumb ass" is the Southern definition.

You just defamed stupid Southern dumb asses. I wonder if our Republican lady governor finally figured out that her red voter base are killing themselves off and that's why she very recently announced it's time to start blaming the unvaccinateds?

Facebook response to yesterday's post: 

Alabama Republican Michael
It sure seems like it, Sloan! Everyone, get vaccinated and take care! 
Sloan Bashinsky
When I saw a national news article yesterday about our Republican governor Kay Ivey getting pretty direct about Alabamians who aren't getting vaccinated causing serious problems, I wondered what had got into her that lit her tail feathers on fire?

Someone woke her from her nap…… (just kidding, Governor!)

Sloan Bashinsky
I'd really like to know what got her take that stand.

Frustrated with the numbers, I’d guess!

Sloan Bashinsky
It's time to start blaming the unvaccinated folks
Video: Alabama Governor: ‘It’s Time to Start Blaming the Unvaccinated Folks’
Video: Alabama Governor: ‘It’s Time to Start Blaming the Unvaccinated Folks’

Sloan Bashinsky
MOBILE, Al. (WALA)-- Governor Kay Ivey’s statements regarding vaccines are setting off a big debate about who or what's to blame for the sudden increase in COVID cases.
Fox 10 spoke to several people here taking in the sights and sounds.
They took those comments very personally. But most of them agreed with her message.
However, one person told us that the Governor’s comments were "inappropriate" and it’s "a personal decision".
“As the Governor, you have a lot of influence. And to tell people that because they choose to make a personal medical choice of not being vaccinated, it’s like villainizing these people,” said one person who wished to remain anonymous.
There are still no plans of renewing any mask mandates here in the state of Alabama. But the Governor does encourage everyone to get vaccinated.
“I never thought I would agree with Kay Ivey, but I agree. I know it’s a personal choice, but so we can continue to enjoy things like this, people should give the vaccine a try,” said Sabrina Lewis.
Mobile residents react to Governor Ivey's comments on vaccine
Mobile residents react to Governor Ivey's comments on vaccine

Sloan Bashinsky
USA Today
Alabama's Republican Gov. Kay Ivey drew fire on Friday after saying it was "time to start blaming the unvaccinated folks” for a spike in her state's COVID-19 cases, with critics charging she has failed to show leadership in tackling the pandemic.
Asked Thursday what it would take to lift Alabama's low vaccination rate, Ivey snapped to a reporter: "I don't know, you tell me!"
“Folks are supposed to have common sense," Ivey continued. "But it’s time to start blaming the unvaccinated folks, not the regular folks. It’s the unvaccinated folks that are letting us down."
Her remarks come as the U.S. vaccination effort is flagging and cases are surging because of the more contagious delta variant.
Alabama has reported more than 11,000 new COVID-19 infections over the last 14 days, according to the Alabama Department of Public Health. The state reported a positivity rate of 11.7% at the end of last week, up from 7.6% the week before.

Sloan Bashinsky
I would lay some money on the Medical Industrial Complex (Big Pharma, Medical Insurance Companies, Hospitals, HMOs) in Alabama going on strike against helping unvaccinated people who test positive would help Governor Ivey win this Civil War in Alabama. But then, fat chance the Medical Industrial Complex would tolerate giving up all that money any more than vampires tolerate sunlight. Meanwhile, Governor Ivey should up her security detail a bit, having put herself in the crosshairs of Alabama reds who seem to prefer catching and spreading Covid-19 and spiking skyrocketing Industrial Medical Complex profits and dying from it and delighting Alabama blues.


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