Monday, November 9, 2020

Impeach/prosecute Joe Biden? Be careful what you ask for, Trump supporters

Before November 3, I saw lots of Red boasting and predicting Trump victory on Facebook, and zero Blue boasting and predicting. Mostly quiet from the Red corner since the election. I wonder how something like this below could be posted on Facebook? Does it represent most Reds' grey matter? 


November 7
Too soon?
Laptop 😉
Image may contain: text that says 'EACH'
Sloan Bashinsky
To impeach, you need control of the U.S. House of Representatives, which the Republicans don't have.

criminal charges?
Sloan Bashinsky
If Biden becomes president, he appoints his own Attorney General, who won't prosecute him. Nor, as president, will he be prosecuted criminally while in office. This all was seen when Trump was president. And, well, if none of that applies, Biden could pull a play out of Trump's play book and pardon himself?

After Trump leaves office, he loses his immunity to criminal prosecution in federal or state courts. That's why Gerald Ford pardoned Richard Nixon after Nixon resigned and Ford was sworn in. That pardon only protected Nixon from federal prosecution. States are not affected by a federal pardon.


Sloan Bashinsky
Re-read what I already wrote. The Justice Department has a policy of not criminally prosecuting sitting presidents, that all was aired during the Mueller investigation.

Biden will not be President for long, I think WE ALL realize that
Harris will have to step in

Sloan Bashinsky
If U.S. Attorney General William Barr prosecutes Biden before he is sworn in, the prosecution might abate when Biden is sworn in. Or, Biden resigns and Kamala Harris becomes president and pardons Biden, and Nancy Pelosi becomes vice-president.

yes I know

Sloan Bashinsky
Then, former career state criminal prosecutor Kamala Harris' attorney general prosecutes Trump and his family and associates and attorneys. Trump could avoid that by resigning and being pardoned by Mike Pence, but that would not protect his family and associates.

yea yea

Can't even investigate Biden once he's President...tRump set that cant even screw up without instructions...

Sloan Bashinsky
After a president serves his term in office, he can be prosecuted for federal crimes committed before and while he was in office, unless he was pardoned by his successor or the statute of limitations has run.

Sloan Bashinsky
I saw a lot of Republican boasting and predicting on Facebook before the election, and I don't recall seeing any of that from Democrats on Facebook, but perhaps I wasn't paying attention. I have long viewed boasting and predicting as bad karma. If Biden is officially declared the winner and he and Harris are sworn in, nobody alive knows what will happen after that. Personally, I hope Biden sticks around, because I think he is calmer, more reconciliatory and more mature than Harris. If I were Trump, I would not want career prosecutor President Kamala Harris looking at me and my family.

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