Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Can Trump pardon himself, is a coup underway?

Facebook chat yesterday:

Can trump pardon himself and his family prior to leaving office?

Sloan Bashinsky
As far as I know, it's never come up, a president pardoning himself. I think he probably can pardon anyone of federal crimes they committed, or may have. I can't imagine a court with a soul agreeing he can pardon himself. Note, with a soul.
If Trump pardons himself, would that not be him admitting he is a criminal? I can see him saying he's not a criminal and he's doing it because Democrats, who are criminals, will prosecute him if he doesn't pardon himself. But would he take that route? Who knows? He never had trouble filing bankruptcy to protect himself. I doubt there is anything he can do that will shake his loyal base. They will justify it.

Christine ...he could theoretically pardon himself and family, but that's admitting guilt...and this would only apply to federal crimes, in the state of NY they face multiple potential charges that he has no control over...

Sloan Bashinsky
Far more pressing, Trump also got more popular votes than any presidential candidate in American history; he trails by a whisker in a few states still counting votes; he is contesting in court several states' votes; he is contesting, I think, mail and late-received votes; he is seems to have no intention of conceding. It won't surprise me, if the courts rule against him, he refuses to leave the White House and attempts a coup. It won't surprise me if half of America sides with him. I hope the U.S. Military does not side with him.

Larry, what charges is he facing in NY? I haven't been paying attention.

Sloan Bashinsky
Jim, One of several articles

New York prosecutors list specific criminal charges Trump may face after they get his tax returns

 Sloan Bashinsky

The prosecutor is fishing at this point. Trump did not want Americans to see his tax returns, so I doubt he wants that prosecutor to see them. I have a tax law degree, did some tax work when I practiced law. There is nothing in the tax law that prohibited Trump from sharing his tax returns with America, like prior president did. Not required by any law to share tax returns, just a long-established practice.


Sloan Bashinsky
I am not privy to what really is going on, but I can imagine Trump much prefers the shield being president provides him and his family and close associates, to not being president and not having that shield. Alone, incentive to not surrender the White House to Biden. Been watching CNN and its commentators and some of the people interviewed carry on as if they are shocked Trump did not roll over. Don't know where they have been the past 4 years. Not in Alabama, which Trump swept. Seems all rural areas of America back Trump, and he has backing in the urban areas, but Biden has more backing there. Nothing whatsoever united about America today, and living in Alabama again causes me to think that's not going to change anytime soon.


Jim ...Bank, Tax and Insurance fraud...and then multiple civil cases


Larry, thanks. It should be interesting.

Note: No response to my coup comments. 


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