Saturday, November 7, 2020

Now what?


I posted this on Facebook the other day:

This year's presidential election looks to me like a screaming mandate for America to switch to apportioning each state's electoral college votes according to the candidates' popular vote percentages. That's how democracy works: every voter's vote counts.

That led to a long mostly agree to disagree discussion with a fellow about Trump and his America, then the fellow made this comment:

You need to watch BBC news or Google. 180 countries hit. Europe is in trouble with cases but death rates are lower than the first wave. Still higher than the US rates. This was a Chinese bio attack with a political motive. Nothing you can say will change my mind. Trump was costing them money for the 1st time, ever so here comes Covid. They kill their own, what's a couple million worldwide dead to them in order to reverse his aggressive trade policies? Nothing. We will end up with a president who they have soo much dirt on will bow to their requests... until he resigns. I wonder if Vegas has started the day of resignation betting yet? I bet if not, soon.

You are right re it was a bioweapon developed in a China biolab. There was to be a vaccine as well. China was playing it both ways. With both, China could have held the entire world hostage. That could not be allowed. An angel caused the weapon to escape prematurely, that’s why China had so many casualties. An angel inspired a New York doctor to develop a fast, cheap early infection stage cure: hydroxychloroquine, zinc, azithromycin. The doctor tested and proved the cure on his own patients. Then, in late March, he notified Trump and Meadows. Hannity introduced the doctor on his show. Trump told America it might be a miracle. The witch hunts against the doctor, hydroxychloroquine and Trump began from Fauci , cdc, who, fda, the medical community, big pharma, MSM and the Democrats. Instead of using his clout to make the cure freely available in America, which would have allowed it to reopen safely in April, Trump folded, and here we are. The doctor is Vladimir Zelenko. HCQ transports zinc into body cells where zinc inhibits c19 replication. Without zinc, HCQ ineffective against c19. Thump could have saved America, and humanity, from China’s bioweapon. Biden not likely to fix that or embrace Zelenko’s cure. Don’t get the notion I like Biden.

Again we agree.

Sloan today
However, I watched Biden’s address last night. Stark contrast in tone to Trump’s. Biden doesn’t scare me for my children and their families' safety.
Quercetin, which does not require a prescription, also transports zinc into body cells. Dr Zelenko explained that after the uproar about HCQ. I’ll fetch the text of the email I sent to one of my daughters.

I'll look into the Q. Thanks.

Ramp up (saturation) dosage: for 5 days: 2000 mg. quercetin, 225 mg zinc, 1000 mg vitamin C per day.
Maintenance dosage thereafter: 500 mg quercetin every other day, 25 mg zinc, 500 mg C per day
Treatment dosage, if symptoms develop, is same as ramp up dosage until symptoms abate.
My daughter, who is a physician, said she already had her family on zinc, C and vitamin D, which also is known to help the body defend against C19. 
(Jim liked that comment.)

Trump is right about America needing to wean itself from dependence on Chinese products and making them in America. That will be difficult to pull off, I think. Are Americans willing to pay higher prices so American corporations can pay pay higher wages by manufacturing in America? The one beneficial result I see of C19 is I don't see news reports about shooting wars. I truly hope this election does not cause a shooting war in America.
The Biden family ties to Ukraine and China bother me. I hope Biden has the spine to begin the painful process of weaning America from China manufacturing, but he faces very large American companies making a great deal of money off cheap Chinese labor, and he faces rank and file Americans who already have a hard time maintaining their standard of living, and are accustomed to buying products made in China, which will cost a good bit more if made in America.

USMCA was a good start along with trade deals made. We will have to see, if B wins what he does with these. I don't think the left wants a shooting war or a massacre. The right, for the most part obey laws and practice self discipline but if pushed too far who knows. 
(I liked that comment.)

More pressing, do either Trump or Biden and Americans and foreign countries have the grey matter and the spine to embrace and implement Dr. Zelenko's cure and/or its quercetin variation and reopen and return to some semblance of "normal" and defeat China's bioweapon? 
(Jim liked that comment.)

Just for mentioning Zelenko and hydroxychloroquine on Facebook, I could be put in Facebook jail again, or banned permanently.

Be careful. This is not a 1st amendment zone. 
(I liked that comment.)

If Trump loses, will that push some or a lot of his too far? I hope not. Violence on either side only makes it worse.
Mentioning bioweapon on Facebook also taboo.
(Jim liked that comment.)

Just a bit ago, Biden was projected to win Pennsylvania, thus the presidency. Irony, that's where the Declaration was signed. The Republicans retained control over the Senate and gained seats in the House. Hard to imagine, given the deep divide between blue and red, that Congress will achieve much under Biden. Thanks to Trump, Biden has precedent for wide-ranging, far-reaching executive orders. I hope he hires an FDA Director who makes Dr. Zelenko's Covid-19 cure freely available in America.

Could go his way. It's early but there seems to be a problem with the counting software used in about 30 states, including PA, NO, WI. basically all the swing states used it. Chit show is about to kick off.

That would be a shit show, I found this suggesting it's confined to that one Michigan county:

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