Thursday, March 12, 2020

How the Democrats can win

From a very "blue" friend in a very "red' state:
Let me explain something to you about Joe Biden and why some of the shit that he’s done in his past doesn’t matter. This old rich white man played second fiddle to a black man. Not just any black man but a younger black man a smart black man. Not just for a day. Not 1, not 2 but eight years. He took his cues from this black man who had more power than him and was virtually unknown when he took the presidency and Joe Biden had been around forever. He was willing and proud to be his wing man. Not once did he try to undermine him, this black man. Instead Joe walked in lockstep with him he respected him, he loved and trusted him. He was lead by him and he learned from him. And Joe did not have a problem with it. You tell me what 40+ year “establishment” white politician has ever done that. Joe Biden is cut from a different cloth. And black folks understand that and for good reason. He has shown it. This is what showing up and being an ally looks like. When black people say they know Joe this is how we know. - Laurie Goff
  • Misrez Kravitz
    Misrez Kravitz Definitely a bit of a split between older and younger Black voters in Mississippi (as with white voters). But Bernie dissed us last week and Biden showed up. Not only that, he worshipped with the largest AA congregation in Jackson and then went to Tougaloo College (HBCU). This was a huge statement since Biden knows he won’t win our electoral votes
  • Randy Ratliff
    Randy Ratliff Someday, when/if Bernie finally becomes a Democrat, he might do well to learn this.
  • Alecia Domer
    Alecia Domer I would like to add that he did not run in 2016. I think he would have run if Hillary did not run.
  • Misrez Kravitz
    Misrez Kravitz Sanders also dissed the Selma anniversary which did not go over well with southern Dems
  • Sloan Bashinsky
    Sloan Bashinsky Powerful narrative by Goff; yet the Dems need Sanders backers if there is any chance to beat Trump. There is question in my mind about Biden and his son and Ukraine, and Trumptom will beat that drum relentlessly, and keep labeling Sanders and his legions as communists, and that resonates with many white Americans, especially. If Sanders is not on the Dem ticket as VP, will his legions turn out for Biden and his running mate?
  • Audrey Driver
    Audrey Driver So is this a Biden Sanders ticket??
  • Sloan Bashinsky
    Sloan Bashinsky Can the Dems get Sanders backers' votes if he is not on the ticket? I don't know. Sanders backers are as devoted to him as MAGAs are to Trump.
    • Misrez Kravitz
      Misrez Kravitz Sloan Bashinsky that’s because he and Trump are opposite sides of the same coin
    • Sloan Bashinsky
      Sloan Bashinsky I nearly wrote those exact words in my comment😎.

      Still, I don't see how the Dems can beat Trump without Sanders backers swarming to vote for the Dem ticket.
    • Misrez Kravitz
      Misrez Kravitz I think there are Sanders supporters who will vote for Biden if he’s the nominee. There are also never Trumpers who are voting in the primaries who will back Biden but not Sanders. Whatever happens - the message from the loser needs to come early and strong - we ALL have to vote for the nominee.
  • Misrez Kravitz
    Misrez Kravitz Sanders has a passionate base but their turnout so far this year is much lower than 4 years ago. Sanders will not be a VP candidate. If Biden wins the nomination, he would be wise to pick a woman. Harris, Klobuchar, and Abrams are the names I’ve seen tossed around.
    • Sloan Bashinsky
      Sloan Bashinsky I have a black minister friend who said Biden will pick Harris for VP. I think that would be a good fit. If it goes that way, I hope Sanders tells his people to vote for that ticket as if their very lives depend on it.
  • Sloan Bashinsky
    Sloan Bashinsky Perhaps the Dems need to invite all Americans to thank President Trump for being the corona virus's very best friend in America.

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