Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Where are the George Orwells today? I have felt disinfranchised since President John F. Kennedy was killed

   My mother and father had conniptions when their senior in high school son told them he liked the Democrat candidate John Fitzgerald Kennedy, who later came to Vanderbilt University and asked me and other students in the Dudley Field stadium what we would do for our country?

    From Erick Rittenberry’s Poetic Outlaws the other day:


By: Alan Bisbort
AUG 12

George Orwell and Henry Miller, two of the most influential writers of the 20th century, had a single brief encounter in Paris in Dec. 1936. It has intrigued and baffled scholars and fans of both writers since. At the time, neither was the household names they’d become. If Miller was known at all, it was for the scandal surrounding Tropic of Cancer than the contents of the book. Orwell had published Down and Out in Paris and London and some novels that had reached a small audience. When he passed through Paris that day in 1936, he was on his way to fight the fascists in Spain. Had he been killed, we’d never have Animal Farm or Nineteen Eighty-Four. PKM revisits this encounter with the help of Miller biographer Mary V. Dearborn.  
    Click this link to read all of it:

Soan Bashinsky
Sloan’s Newsletter
Where are the Orwells today? 
Personally, I prefer Orwell, who put his life on the line, to Miller, who did not put his life on the line, but wrote as if he knew something nobody but him knew? 
I remember my history teacher in elementary school scolding me for reading a book in her classroom about a pig - Animal Farm.

    From former US Attorney Joyce Vance's "Civil Discourse" Substack Newsletter yesterday:

More Women Are Being Denied Care Because of Abortion Bans 


In the years since Roe was reversed, Americans have come to understand that abortion is health care. And that American women suffer when it is denied to them. In January of this year, we learned about Brittany Watts, an Ohio woman who was denied an abortion and charged with abuse of a corpse, a felony, after she miscarried alone and at home.

Nicole Miller, an Idaho woman, had to fly to Utah earlier this year as a failing pregnancy caused her to bleed profusely. But, not enough for doctors in Boise to terminate the pregnancy that was endangering her life. A doctor refused to perform the emergency surgery, telling her that he wasn’t willing to risk his medical career for her. She was able to get a lifesaving abortion out of state, but as more bans go into place, the Guttmacher Institute reports more women are having to travel—and travel further—to obtain needed care. The expense and logistics of arranging travel become a barrier, and more women are exposed to needless suffering and trauma in the name of “pro-life” policies.

    Click on this link to read all of Joyce’s missive:

    My comment under Joyce’s missive.

Sloan Bashinsky
Sloan’s Newsletter

After the Christian Reich 6 on the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, this out to pasture Birmingham, Alabama lawyer, who clerked for a United States District Judge in Birmingham, sat down and typed up a law school exam question, which a friend of his put in the free internet library,, which is run by American colleges. I guarantee the law school exam question and answer are radically different from anything written or said about abortion rights by any judge, lawyer, politician or religious person in America, or anywhere.

Law School Exam Question: Do Pregnant Women In America Have An Unalienable Right To Abortion Before Their Fetus Quickens?

Gaius via DirectMessageIRC: "UNALIENABLE RIGHT" Now this exam question is a beauty, but, not only that is so beautifully phrased as to how you take a "strict constructionist" and shove their strict constructionism up their asses sideways. Sending Much love.

    Email yesterday from J, who moved me to write yesterday’s post: 

alleged half-crazy lawyer/Key West legend and his homeless pony express reluctant shaman girlfriend who would not give up vodka

If you or your flock of followers is interested in such mundane things as the betting odds on the Presidential race, Harris is now a "true odds" favorite of 115 to 100, meaning that in a bet between individuals the one betting on T would risk $100 to win $115 from "Any Other Result”.

In the betting world, there is of course a "sports broker" (aka "bookie") involved, one of the many analogies that exist between the betting world and the stock market, and the above odds are quoted a Harris being a 125 to 105 favorite. So to get the "true" odds you simply eliminate the "Spread" between the two numbers- i.e. 125+105=230/2=115 to100. A more detailed explanation of how that works follows:

It's not "my formula", it was generated by Microsoft's AI site, although it was for "Casino” odds.

For the benefit of others: NOTE, at this time, about 3 weeks ago, Trump was a material favorite:

If a bookie had Harris up on the Moneyline at +130, and you bet $100 on her to win, you would risk $100 to win $130.

The "spread" would just be higher if you bet Trump, say Trump -150. That would mean that you would risk $150 to win $100 if you bet on Trump.

The bookie's “spread" would be the difference between the two spread figures, or $20. And if a bookie's bettors are evenly divided, the bookie keeps  the "losers" 1/2 of his spread.

But with "true" odds, i.e. as in a bet among friends, there is no bookie or "spread" involved, so to get the "true" odds you just split the difference between the published odds, which in the above example would be 130+150= 280/2= 140 to100 with Trump as the favorite.

    I replied:

The people I know pretty well, who read my mostly daily musings, do not view what’s going on in America as a sporting event to bet on like it is fantasy football. With a couple of exceptions, they are freaked out about the Trump faction. 

My friend “Bob”, who does the tech work for my books in the free internet libraries and The Redneck Mystic Podcast, has reported dreams in which angels, usually Michal, sometimes Gabriel and Michael, told him Kamala Harris will experience a meltdown of some kind this fall related to disclosures by Trump’s faction, and Bob also has reported dreams of a red takeover of America. Based on his dreams, if I was a betting man, I would bet Trump wins the presidency in November. 

I do not underestimate the power and effect on white Americans of Donald Trump telling them over and over that non-Aryan immigrants are taking over Americana and getting their jobs, and many of the immigrants are drug dealers and horrible dangerous criminals, and the southern border wall needs to be completed. The southern border wall Trump promised Mexico would pay for got Trump  elected in 2016. Photos of Trump's rallies back to 2016 reveal his base is WHITE. They very much want America to become an Aryan Nation, like happened in Germany. When Trump keeps telling them the 2020 election was stolen, they understand he means it was stolen by blacks.

Trump’s vice-president running mate wrote the Foreword for the Project 2025 book not yet published. Before that, Project 2025 was a PDF being passed around. It is about the pure white Christian supremacy takeover of America. Opus Dei is about a pure white Roman Catholic supremacy takeover of America. Six Supreme Court Justices are Christian-right, rhymes with Reich. Five are white, one is an Uncle Tom. Project 2025 and Opus Dei view Trump as their means of taking over America. The odds of Trump winning in November significantly increased when the shooter missed Trump and made him a living martyr. 

Trump is a mutant FUBAR does not recognize, and his lemmings believe everything he says. They are dangerous. Bob and I hope angels have cards up their sleeves that will remove Trump from the picture, because it will be very bad if he wins in November, and it will be very bad if he loses. If Trump wins and then he dies, Project 2025’s JD Vance will be president.


But as to political leanings, we are definitely on your side of that fence. Where I would differ with you is that I don't view a Trump election as likely, and I passed along Harris' improving betting odds to help spread optimism in that regard- I want folks to be motivated to VOTE.


I remember when Hillary and the Dems and the liberal talking heads and personalities were 100 percent sure Hillary would win in 2016, and even Trump thought she would win.
Nobody has a clue how it will go on election day, and I hope Trump loses.
But, alas, I cannot vote for a Vice President who defends Genocide Joe, for whom I voted in 2020, very reluctantly, because he and his backers did not remind me of Adolph Hitler and his lemmings.  

Thanks. And I will vote for Harris despite some misgivings- considering the alternative🤐


Biden was the only major party candidate that got my vote. I have felt disenfranchised since John F. Kennedy was killed. I do not like JFK's nephew, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Trump will get the deep red heart of Dixie’s electoral college votes, I think a couple of states do not have the all or nothing electoral college method, but proportion their electoral college votes according to popular vote. I wish it were that way in every state.


Interesting that you mentioned Robert Kennedy, and I think he shot himself in the foot as a factor in this race RFK Jr.'s incredible disappearing campaign (
I spent some time with him in his room at Duke one evening when on a firm recruiting trip, together with a law partner who was a Duke grad. Kennedy had spent considerable time in Ala. interviewing Judge Frank Johnston Judge Frank M. Johnson, Jr: A Biography - Robert Francis Kennedy - Google Books. The thing that struck me about him, other than the fact that he was an A-Hole, was that he nursed a Heinekin bottle throughout our meeting, which he was using to hold his periodic spits of chewing tobacco juice- an affectation he may have picked up here🤐


Priceless😎, alas, I never chewed tobacco, found it...revolting.

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