Peggy in West Palm BeachSomehow this ended up on my page, Sloan. I hope whomever Peggy M is that she received it, too. FB I guess. I know you wouldn't have done that. Take good care, my friend.Sloan Bashinsky
I tried to send It to her instead of you, so maybe we needed to say “Hi”, hope you are doing okay.Peggy
Yes, I am, thank you. Hope the same with you. Are you happy beng back in Birmingham? At least, I think that's where you are.Sloan Bashinsky
Yes, I have been in Birmingham since June 2019. Five years, hard to believe. Moving much slower now, headed toward creeping. But I can still type and I found google docs, which helps me catch typing flubs when I think to use it, but even then I don’t catch them all. Great eye doctor keeps telling me I don’t need cataract surgery, same advice he gave my father 20 years and more ago. I knew him somewhat when I was a kid.Peggy
We're all headed toward creeping, Sloan. Sometimes I think I'm not going to be walking at all by tomorrow, but then tomorrow comes and I'm still on my feet! There's a sweet little park a few miles from me built around a lake and it has a nice walking path all around the lake. I want to try to start walking it, with the walker, of course, as if I stop walking, my life as I know it will be over and I'm not ready to concede that at this point. I think it's great that you're back home. It's good to be on familiar ground when we get into our sunset years. Every now and then, as you found in the great eye doctor, we run into someone so familiar and it feels good to know we can trust that person. Take good care of yourself, Sloan. Keep getting up in the morning! That's the key I've come to believe!
Sloan BashinskyThe city park across the street from this old apartment building where I now have lived three times after running away from home has lots of very old large trees and the city has let the shrubs and bushes grow wild and brambly, and there is an earth energy vortex in the park, and I have sat in it on a park bench many times with any eyes closed, my glasses hanging on restraints from my neck and a baseball cap, and let whatever was there speak to and show me what ever it wanted, and I go off into someplace else entirely and return feeling as if I should have stayed wherever I was. A pair of very large owls set up home in the park 3 years ago, and raised a baby owl, but I have not seen or heard the big owls in a few months.I wake up each morning wondering why I’m still here, and then I crawl out of bed and get on my laptop and into some kind of new sport the Internet and/or its predecessor has put on my plate, and I post it to my and to other internet not entirely secret hideouts. I am resigned to knowing many great social, religious and capitalist industries require I live a long as possible, whereas, if I were a beloved ailing dog or cat, they would mercifully put me down.
You kindly wrote a great review of A Southern Lawyer Who Became a Mystic, which now is a free read at the internet library,, along with maybe 6 new digitized books and some of my earlier not entirely of this world stranger than fiction now digitized books and novels, and 2 pesky law school exam questions about (a) Amendment 14, Section 3 and (b) Colonial America Women’s unalienable right to use Mother Nature and God’s herbs to regulate their fertility as they see fit, as described in Ben Franklin’s The American Instructor.
A Colorado radio station interviewed a federal judge about the Amendment 14, 3 law school exam question, and the station with inundated with MAGA death threats, and the station’s bonding insurance carrier canceled it coverage and the station went out of business. After a Canadian Public radio station interviewed Wavy Gravy and he touted a friend of mines and my The Redneck Mystics Lawyer Podcast, we were banned for a while in Canada and other places. We were banned for a while in Russia, Belarus, Red China, North Korea, India, Islalmic countries, and Australia.
The free internet library is run by American colleges, which specialize in out of print books and books donated by authors not seeking to make $$$ off their books. My books combined get several thousand complete reads per month and 4-5 star reviews.Are you still writing books, Nurse Jane Fuzzy Wuzzy?
That's too bad about the Colorado radio station. And yes, I'm still writing but haven't published in a while. I need to call Amazon about my short story book. A very talented nursing student put it together per their specs but I'm so un-nerdy that I'm afraid to try to upload it, so need to call them and ask if I can just send them her email with the covers and paperback and ebook pdfs in it. I've written another Bone Island Maggie, two actually, but didn't like the first one which is book three so I think the last one will be book three. It's the best of the series, I think, but haven't done anything about it, yet. You take good care of yourself, Sloan. I haven't read your blog for a while, but I'll get back to it one of these days.Sloan Bashinsky
I thought you might like to know about the free Internet library, because its digital books that have gone out of print or were donated by authors can by “checked out” by multiple readers, whereas that library’s books, which still have copyright protection and have been digitized, can only be checked out if no one else is reading them.I came to view my writings as my “last will and testament”, and my books since A Southern Lawyer Became a Mystic were first published serially at various blogs and my tech buddy made them into a new digitized book at Some of the books have sequels and are set up as Volume I, II, II. Thanks to the free libraries and The Redneck Mystics Lawyer Podcast, I have the internet/cyber space version of “eternal life” :-)Lots of my writings are about American politics and religion, which pretty much merged in the America red spectrum. Although I ain’t happy with how the blue spectrum did some things, they don’t remind of Adolph Hither and Nazi Germany leading up to World War II. There will be hell to pay if Trump wins in November, and there will be hell to pay if he loses.
It came to me from out of the blue recently that President Joe Biden needs to resign and let Kamala Harris be sworn in as president. That will strengthen Harris politically, and if she wins in November, it will be more difficult for Trump, his lawyers, Republicans, MAGAS and the US Supreme Court to steal the election from Harris. I have gotten zero traction with Democrats about Biden resigning and Harris becoming president. I think by not resigning already, Biden is asleep or not thinking straight, or he doesn’t have confidence in Harris.Here’s a link for the day before yesterday’s blog post, in which LBGTQ and Key West get mucho exposure.
'LBGTQ haters should blame God for making LBGQT people"
a southern lawyer who became a mystic talks about ordinary, unusual, quirky, strange, weird, etc. human and non-human affairs...
I've always felt sad about your brother Major, Sloan. It was a very sad ending of his life. As for the gay haters, all I can say is they're going to be very surprised, I think, when they enter Heaven, to see so many gay people there, because as you know and I know, they are some of the best people on this earth. And I wholeheartedly agree about Heather and Teri, and that Teri was probably the best city commissioner I knew and even though I left the island before she became Mayor, from all indications I've seen and heard about, she'll go down as the best mayor Key West ever had. Take good care, Sloan.
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