Tuesday, August 6, 2024

in defense of fools and mechanical retards(spiritual correctness is a terminal spiritual disease)

    Had a couple of interesting adventures yesterday.

    The first was at Eric Rittenberry’s Poetic Outlaws. The second was at religiousforums.com.

    In that order.


Jiddu Krishnamurti: Beyond Belief


Religion as we generally know it, is a series of beliefs, dogmas, rituals, superstitions; it is the worship of idols, of charms and gurus, and we think all this will lead us to some ultimate goal. The ultimate goal is our own projection; it is what we want, what we think will make us happy, a guarantee of the deathless state.


We realize that life is ugly, painful, sorrowful, and we start out with an inquiry; but not having enough self-reliance, vigour, intelligence, innocence to go on inquiring, we are soon caught in theories, in beliefs, in some kind of speculation or doctrine which satisfactorily explains all this. 

Gradually our beliefs and dogmas become deep-rooted and unshakable, because behind them there is a constant fear of the unknown. 

We never look at that fear; we turn away from it and take refuge in our beliefs. And when we examine these beliefs - the Hindu, the Buddhist, the Christian - we find that they divide people. Each set of dogmas and beliefs has a series of rituals, a series of compulsions which bind the mind and separate man from man.

So we start with an inquiry to find out what is true, what is the significance of all this misery, this struggle, this pain, and we end up with a set of beliefs, rituals, theories. We have not the self-reliance, nor the vigour, nor the innocence to push belief aside and inquire; therefore belief begins to act as a deteriorating factor in our lives.

Belief is corruptive, because behind belief and idealistic morality lurks the 'me', the self - the self which is constantly growing bigger, more powerful. 

We think that belief in God is religion. We consider that to believe is to be religious. If you do not believe, you will be regarded as an atheist and condemned by society. One society condemns those who do not believe in God, and another society condemns those who do. They are both the same.

So religion becomes a matter of belief, and belief acts as a limitation on the mind; and the mind then is never free. But it is only in freedom that you can find out what is true, what is God, not through any belief; because your belief projects what you think God ought to be, what you think ought to be true.

This passage is found in Krishnamurti’s work— The Book of Life.


Sloan Bashinsky
Sloan’s Newsletter
Liked by Poetic Outlaws

Belief is just that, belief.
I tell Christians that.
I tell Atheists, if there were no God, the topic would never come up.
I tell Christians and Atheists, if they lived in my skin, experienced what I have experienced, see what I see, hear what I hear, feel what I feel, they would wish there was no God.
In the Gospels, Jesus told his disciples, if they did and lived what he taught them, they would come to know the truth and the truth would make them free. He told them he taught the masses in parables, and wise men and kings would give all that they had to possessed what he taught them in secret.
Christianity has a very simple salvation formula, which only requires belief, yet in the Gospels, Jesus demonstrated and taught over and over that words and actions speak so much louder.
Jiddu Krishnamurti has many followers worldwide. 
Around 1994, I stumbled across a book by U.G. Krishnamurti, in which he described meeting J. Krishnamurti, and hanging out with him a long time, and not being impressed and finally moving on, and in that book U.G. also told of having a phenomenal experience that changed him completely, he did not do anything to cause it, and there was nothing he could do to stop it, and when people came to him from far and wide after learning of it, he told them it he had nothing to offer them and they had wasted their time.
Wikipedia’s fairly exhaustive treatment of U.G. Krishnamurti and his life before and after the phenomenal experience can be read by clicking on this link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U._G._Krishnamurti


road-tested technology in the U.S. Patent Office allow cars and trucks to run on hydrogen extracted from tap water by electrolysis...
Thread starter Redneck Mystic  Start date Jul 28, 2024

Out of Order
Staff member
Premium Member

Hi @Redneck Mystic ,

This post has been copied to Site Feedback due to the usage of the word 'retarded'. 

Technically, this is considered a Rule 9 violation. However, we understand that you may not be aware of such, and we wanted to let you know. In the future, such a comment may be moderated.

Redneck Mystic

for saying about myself, "My mechanically retarded thoughts”?, that violates your policy? For real?

Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member

Yes it does. "Retarded" is considered a derogatory reference to developmentally disabled people. It doesn't matter who you're using it in reference to.
"It's depressing to think how much more I could have gotten done in life if my head hadn't been so busy solving problems that didn't exist"

"The first step in learning how to dance is to quit shooting yourself in the foot"
--- Naykidape
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Redneck Mystic

How do you get to that in what I wrote about myself?

Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member

You mean, how do I get the word "retarded" out of the word "retarded"?

It really didn't require all that much thought.
"It's depressing to think how much more I could have gotten done in life if my head hadn't been so busy solving problems that didn't exist"

Redneck Mystic

I agree, it doesn’t take much thought.

Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member

Be sure and let me know if there's anything else you need help figuring out. That's why we're here.
"It's depressing to think how much more I could have gotten done in life if my head hadn't been so busy solving problems that didn't exist"

Redneck Mystic

Take me to your leaders, I have many questions for them. Meanwhile, the Einsteins in the White House, Congress and the Department of Transportation really should check out the road-tested water to hydrogen fuel for cars and trucks devices in the US Patent Office, which allow a sedan to travel 250 miles on a gallon of tap water.

Out of Order
Staff member
Premium Member

This Site Feedback thread is just a copy of your original; you're free to go on discussing the topic in its original post.

Its just staff and yourself that can see this; its purpose was to let you know not to use the word 'retard/retarded' on the forums.

Other forum members can't see the commentary here, so if you want to keep talking about the content, you'll likely have more luck on the thread you originally made.

Redneck Mystic

I know forum members can’t see this discussion. I meant it, when asked you to take me to your leaders, because I want to know if they are okay with removing retarded from the English language?
Meanwhile, I wonder when the people who make dictionaries will remove retarded from the English language?

Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member

We'll be talking to them next.

Out of Order
Staff member
Premium Member

We're not here to discuss your thoughts and feelings on whether or not we oughta throw the term around casually. We're just letting you know not to do it, and if you choose to anyways, you'll be moderated.

Any further questions?

Out of Order
Staff member
Premium Member

The leaders? 

Well, I'll grab a bag of cat food and summon them over...

Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member

We are our leaders. But we're nice tyrants, we generally form rules and policies to conform to the members wishes and preferences.

And enough of them don't want to see the word "retard" or versions thereof that it just makes sense to put it on the no fly list.

Redneck Mystic

You folks are hilarious, I wonder what you’d do with a guy like Jesus in the Gospels, if he showed up talking like this:


The Parable of the Rich Fool​

13 Someone in the crowd said to him, “Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.”

14 Jesus replied, “Man, who appointed me a judge or an arbiter between you?” 15 Then he said to them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.”

16 And he told them this parable: “The ground of a certain rich man yielded an abundant harvest. 17 He thought to himself, ‘What shall I do? I have no place to store my crops.’

18 “Then he said, ‘This is what I’ll do. I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store my surplus grain. 19 And I’ll say to myself, “You have plenty of grain laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry.”’

20 “But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?’

21 “This is how it will be with whoever stores up things for themselves but is not rich toward God.”

I think I know what Christians would do to him- deja vu

Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member

Oh wait I found it, Mathew 75:53:

"And this I say unto you retards. . ."

I just read the whole thing and I'm not seeing the word retard in there anywhere.

But to answer your question,if Jesus showed up in here and started using the word retarded we'd moderate him too.

Out of Order
Staff member
Premium Member

If you see someone calling yourself or someone else a fool, please report it.

Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member

If it makes you feel any better feel free to call yourself a fool all you like. 

I don't think anybody in the forums is going to say, "Hey! Some of the people that I care about in real life are fools!! I'm offended!!!".

See the difference? (I'm guessing not).

Anyway look on the bright side: you must feel much closer to Jesus now that you and he have both been through essentially the same thing: he was nailed to a cross, you were asked not to use a derogatory term for mentally disabled in an internet forum. 

I'm not really seeing any difference at all here.

JustGeorge said:
Actually, people shouldn't be calling each other fools, either.

If you see someone calling yourself or someone else a fool, please report it.

Redneck Mystic

I call myself a fool all the time at a fools work never ends dot blogspot dot com.

What would you do if I posted this at your forum?

Only foosl rush in
where angels fear to tread,
but if their were no fools,
who’d lead the angels?

What would you do it I answered the riddle, Jesus?

It looks to me that Jesus in the Gospels viewed most people around him as fools, retards, and he said plenty to let them know that, and I imagine if he came back today, he would do it again. 
JustGeorge said:
You can post that. You're not directly calling anyone a fool.

If Jesus made an RF account and called people fools and retards, he'd get moderated.

I feel like we're beating a dead horse here.

Redneck Mystic
Yes, political correctness is a terminal spiritual disease

Nah, ignorance is a spiritual disease. 

We're just asking you to act like a grown up.

If you see that as an appeal for "political correctness" that's okay, you can see it any way you like.

All these sessions are about is us trying to help people understand the rules so they don't wind up getting themselves banned.

We tried.

Proceed as you see best.

(And the sooner the better)

Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member

***Thread Closed***​

 Not open for further replies. 

    I called myself mechanically retarded and look at what they did with it.

    Woke? UnWoke?


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