Sunday, August 4, 2024

Alabama trust fund baby’s been rich and homeless and rich still ornery enough to make waves and sometimes enjoy it

    Curious text conversation with a woman friend, whose French husband passed away some years ago. They lived in France and America. She has dual citizenship and is bilingual. 


Last night I thought of you. I watched a film about trust fund babies in India. See if you canget it streaming. DARJEELING LIMITED… A Wes Anderson film. Think you may enjoy it.  



Donald Trump is all the trust fund baby shit I can stand.  



No, you will laugh  



Not interested. I know many trust fund babies in Alabama.  



Bonne. You don’t like good films also. Thought you would like the filming in Indian environs.   



Not interested in topic, I watch films to escape.  



Nepal. You are tetu.  



After a decade of no physical exercise, I trekked to Annapurna Base Camp in Nepal. Anyone else who did all I did on this planet would be dead many times.  



Satire of sort... Eventually they leave their baggage behind. Like you should do again.  



I was homeless for 7 years because I left my baggage behind. Maybe you should grow up. 



?????? Do you know what I have been through not being a TFB? I give to homeless food, $$, and will give soon things I have here when they will finally be housed that they need.  



They will never be housed, it costs too much money, which you of all people should know. Are you an idiot? I’m trying to save you from that and you keep putting me down.  



Listen…when doing some catering I took w/a couple of colleagues food, in quantity, to the places we knew they were in the evening. That was in the late 90s. Now smokes, sandwiches, drinks, etc. I am not separated even if not having been homeless. You always have to imagine yourself in the place of others less fortunate.  



I do that every day and give thanks every day I’m not homeless. I support two people who would be dead but for me. If you live on the street with other street people, you will be cured of thinking you, or anyone, can save them. But for inheritance, I would have died on the street, and there would be no one trying to save you from that. 


When I was homeless, I paid for a homeless drunk to take Greyhound to his father’s home in New Jersey, and the idiot came back to Key West to be drunk in the street. You have no clue what being homeless is and I hope you never find out, because you won’t survive it.  


In Key West, I was the only person who truly knew and spoke for its large homeless population, to the extent I was banned for life from the city’s homeless shelter and slept nights in the front lobby of the Key West police department for many months, until my father’s estate learned of it during negotiations after his company was sold and they loaned me money against my inheritance. 


I was the reason Key West built its homeless shelter, because the city government and the police chief, who was a good friend of mine and relied on me for spiritual counseling, knew I would put the city in federal court in Key West if city police did not let homeless people sleep at night.   



I know that!  



Then stop preaching down to me about what you really know nothing, because you have not lived it. Homeless and rich.  



Fine, I know nothing about nothing but always fear homelessness and talk with and watch homeless. Have you been a caretaker 2xs over? No need for further discussion. Caretaker to death at 60 years. [Her husband]  


I work full time, all the other time for daily needs and needs and exercise after having suffered for almost 30 years (thanks in great part for your contribution for relief). Logistics are very complicated w/governments post covid, especially for a single who has to calculate all, banking, SS transfers, visas and the lists goes on. You really do not have that experience. I welcome your assistance but do not know what “proof” you want to see. A bill from movers. I will present you a typed summary from the deduction form my family funds if needed. I know how that works business wise.   



I told you many times to decide whether you want to live with friends and/or relatives in America or in France, and I would get you there and give you a money cushion to get started and you did not act on it, but kept throwing excuses back at me. I told you last night, now that I have cancer, I might not be here much longer, and you need to get about letting me help you get to where you are safe, and look at what you did instead. 
But for trust funds from my ancestors, my first wife and our children would have had very rough goes in life. Same with my 2nd wife and my 3rd wife and her young son. I’m the only trust fund baby I know who gave most of it away to people I cared deeply about, and then I ran out of money and lived on the street. Then, it happened again. It won’t happen a third time, but I tried to help you, and finally you showed me how you feel about people like me, even though you had heard all of that from me.

    We have a mutual friend, who did the Four Spirits sculpture at the Birmingham Civil Rights Monument, honoring the 4 young black girls killed when Atlanta Klansmen bombed the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham.

    On an art job in Paris, Elizabeth “Bibber” MacQueen, who has lived in Quebec and is fluent in French, and whom I have known since she was in diapers, responded to the The South has risen again: America’s White Christian Nationalist Party post at this blog

Bash, You misspelled KAMALA 


You forgot the last A 

There are 3. 


From Paris. 

Wanna visit??? 


Today after 2.4 months striving in the midst of Fascism here (Le Pen) Fascism there… my 10am meeting with President Girard of Arts Science Lettres…. BOOM! ZOOM! Hope is alive! 




Thanks, Bibber 


I caught that typo, and a couple of similar flubs too late, and made corrections at my blog. It was a typing mistake, I know how to spell Kamala's name. My eyes are failing, and dyslexia is ever around, and even with google docs editor, I sometimes don’t see such flubs, which mortify me. 


I’m really touched by your invitation to come to Paris, but I have no passport and my physical heath is racing with my eyes to the finish line. Because of dreams and the way my colon is behaving, I am pretty sure I have cancer in my colon and my doctor declined to do a colonoscope exam, because he did one 2 years ago and it was okay. Am trying to get UAB Medicine/Kirkland to do the exam and I'm waiting on their reply. The way my colon acts now, It’s all I can do to just get through each day.  


I talk some about that and other stuff in the newest podcast:  


Dreams, Soul, & Self Know Our Body Best & Other Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves 


Hope you and your Paris project are doing well, and you stay safe. 





I knew you could spell Kamala…🤣🤣🤣. Typos with my big spatulate sculptor’s  fingers, all the time. Just spell checking on that one life changing word. KAMALA. Europe loves her. Good for global relations 


Fuck the doctor held hostage by insurance company.  


Protocol. They stop colonoscopies after a certain age since you are close to the crematorium bus stop. Not in Europe. Insist somehow or get another doctor. The magic word is PAIN.  To get one you have to say  “ have PAIN here”, point, ….. and “I can’t sleep”. 


The insurance companies have to do a procedure if you have PAIN. Nurses at Mayo in Rochester(Jacksonville=bad) told me that and suggested I change the answers to questions or insurance would not pay. Great women.  


Try and do it Monday. It will take a moment to get you on schedule. Otherwise go to a Clinic complain. 


I despise Kirkland. 


I do not want to come back to US. 

So expensive though trying to get my project going. 


I just got a beautiful letter from Arts Science Lettres Foundation France. I will send you.  




Get them off their robotic asses. Shameful and cruel. 




Ps Sweet Home Alabama where they grow angry white men.

Charlie Hebdo this week.  

  • Madame Elizabeth MAC QUEEN est une artiste référencée par notre société académique Arts Sciences Lettres, dont elle est titulaire d’une Médaille d’OR. 


  • Nous accompagnons son projet actuel de créer une sculpture de grande taille en mémoire de l’attentat contre « Charlie Hebdo » en 2015 et pour symboliser la liberté de création et d’expression qui est le signe même de l’humain.


  • Arts Sciences Lettres vous remercie de donner votre appui à cette artiste méritante. 


  • Bien cordialement 


  • Fernand GIRARD 

  • Président Arts Sciences Lettres 

  • Permanence téléphonique :



  • exclusivement jeudi de 9h30 à 15h

  • 7, rue Robert Lindet – 75015 Paris

  • Téléphone :

  • Email :

  • Web : 






I told them PAIN. I have a friend who knows a doctor who does colon exams and surgery, who is going to try to get him to accept me as a patient. I will pay cash for the exam, if that makes him happy.   


I’m resigned to living out my days in Birmingham. I'm old and tired and still ornery enough to make waves and sometimes enjoy it, and I have new friends here. It was almost like starting all over again in a new place, when I moved back here.



still ornery enough to make waves


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