Sunday, August 18, 2024

President Joe Biden should resign now so that Kamala Harris can be sworn in as president and fight from a position of strength the beyond FUBAR MUTANT ARYAN-IN-CHIEF and his fish rots from the head down lawyers and mobs

    Here’s what woke me out of my gone fishing reverie described in yesterday’s an old fisherman tries to reinvent himself and escape for a little while post.

    It dawned on me as I drove home from the lovely lake yesterday, that the absolute smartest, craftiest, devilish thing President Joe Biden can do is resign his presidency so Kamala Harris can be sworn in as president, and if she wins in November, it will be a lot harder for the beyond FUBAR MUTANT ARYAN-IN-CHIEF and his fish rots from the head down lawyers and mobs to steal the election, than it will be if Harris is merely a candidate. 

    The victorious incumbent President Harris then surrounds the national Capital buildings with armed-to-the-teeth National Guardsmen ordered to quell with deadly force any resemblance of the January 2021 coup attempt. 

    Let me start over. If Biden resigns and Harris becomes president, it will drive Donald Trump way beyond FUBAR nuts in plain view, and maybe he will melt down and explode with a fatal heart attack or stroke and leave  Republicans, MAGAs and America’s other Aryan Christian mobs in bed with the mental dwarf JD Vance, whose former hatred of Donald Trump and his subsequent romance with Aryan Christian Right Project 2O25 and its plans to take over the U.S. Government are delightedly exposed by Rachel Maddow in this video:

    Meanwhile, consider the the MUTANT-ARYAN IN-CHIEF, whom FUBAR does not even recognize, and his MUTANT ARYAN MOBS hate being called WEIRD, because they hate weird people Lesbian/BI/Gay/Trans/Queer (LBGTQ), who ain’t nowhere close to as WEIRD as the MUTANT ARYAN-IN-CHIEF and his adoring mobs

    For any aforesaid MUTANT who has not yet gotten out of diapers, “FUBAR" is military slang for "Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition (or Repair)". It is said to be a term that comes from World War II and refers to any situation, or person, that has gone wrong and there is no possibility of repair.

    For any aforesaid MUTANT whose feelings just got hurt, something else from the military.

    For any aforesaid MUTANT who thinks I like Kamala Harris and Joe Biden being president, I don’t. Biden made himself a war criminal by helping Israel level Gaza, and there is no way his drug addict son Hunter make all of that money off Ukraine without his vice-president father’s influence. Harris has said she will stick with Biden’s loyalty to Israel, and she has given Biden and Hunter a free pass on Ukraine, despite calling herself a fierce prosecutor and upholder of the rule of law. 

    Biden and Harris do not see that America needs to cut Israel loose and get America out of the Middle East altogether.

        Biden and Harris, and the Democrats generally, do not see the screaming and shrieking lethal threat that is the human invasion from Mexico, which could be stopped by banning Americans and US $$ from going to Mexico and Mexican products and farm produce from coming to America, until Mexico stops the invasion.

    Biden and Harris and the Democrats remind me of the mythical FUKAWI tribe, which is forever getting lost and gathering in a circle and sitting down and holding hands and closing their eyes and chanting, “Where the fuck are we? Where the fuck are we?” 

    Donald Trump and his Aryan Christian mobs and most of the Republicans remind me of Adolph Hitler and his Nazis leading up to World War II.

    I hope God, or something, has a Plan B that does not included Donald Trump, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

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