Thursday, August 1, 2024

The South has risen again: America’s White Christian Nationalist Party

    The “good people”, according to President Donald Tump”, at the 2017 Charlottesville’s Confederate generals statues removal protest.

    Yesterday morning, a childhood friend recounted once hearing the minister of Shades Valley Presbyterian Church in Mountain Brook, Alabama, aka The Tiny Kingdom, an upscale “over the mountain" white Birmingham suburb, say at a Wednesday night fellowship dinner at this church, that the real Jesus was a Jew with black kinky hair and a long crook nose. I laughed and said that minister and his wife and I were friends once upon a time.

    Playing chess with a black pastor friend a little while later, I said, “You know Christianity in America is white supremacist because its Jesus is a blond white guy with blue eyes.” My friend nodded yes, as had every black person I said that to over the years. They know the real Jesus was not a white guy.

    Gosh, do ya remember the Birmingham police doing this to blacks asking for equal treatment under the laws?
    Gosh, do ya remember University Of Alabama School of Law graduate states rights “segregation now, segregation forever” Governor George Wallace?
    Do ya remember?

back to the future, AL to continue selling license plate with Confederate flag despite high court ruling

    I will be talking about those and other past and present The South Has Risen and Fallen Again shitcoms at The Not So Sweet Home Alabama podcast.
Two episodes of The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcasts now are viewable at The Not Sweet Home Alabama Podcast.

    I do truly hope I am not accused of racially discriminating just against Alabama. 

       Donald Trump’s base is Aryan. If you don’t believe me, look at photos and film footage of the white mobs at MAGA rallies, the January 6, 2021 insurrection, and the campaign rally where Trump was shot in the ear. 

    Three examples of a picture is worth a thousand words, Res Ipsa Loquitur, the thing speaks for itself.
    There is so much White Christian Socialism in plain view in America that it astounds me the White Dudes for Kamala Harris, Hollywood movie stars, American talk show hosts, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Hillary and Bill Clinton, Michelle and Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Oprah, American pastors and news media, and the Pope are not talking about it every day on CNN and FOX.

    Here’s a link to a video of Trump claiming to be a Christian and telling Christians he loves them and to vote for him this year and they won’t have to ever vote again:

    Here’s a link to a really long New Yorker article about who really runs the White Christian Nationalist Party in America and allows Donald Trump to believe it's him. An amiga from Long Island, New York, who worked and lived a while in New York City, emailed it to me last night. Every American should be required to read it.
A network of well-funded far-right activists is preparing for the former President’s return to the White House.

    While Trump keeps insisting he knows nothing about the lunatic Project 25, which calls for a radical right Christian takeover of America, consider Trump's vice president running mate J.D. Lance wrote the foreword for the Project 25 book soon to be released.

    Consider red shirts terrorizing Americans who do not surrender and heil Trump- like brown shirts did in Nazi Germany.

    Y'all come!!!

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