Thursday, August 29, 2024

earless nation: America


      Golf was my father’s game. He was good enough to be a professional golfer, but he preferred his father’s world of business. I only beat my father once, when I didn’t count all of my strokes.

    Played the old way, golf is a splendid metaphor for a spiritual life in which you don’t get mulligans, you play each shot as it lies, and you count all of your strokes. 

    My friend Bob, who does the tech work for my books in the free internet libraries and for The Redneck Mystics Lawyer Podcast, reported a dream in which Archangel Michael said, “There are 554,000 ears.” 

    I said. “That’s how many ears can hear God." I did not think to say, divide that by 2, and that’s how many people can hear God.

    Yet how many people just in America claim they are saved by Jesus? I’ll do a Google search and see if I can find that number.

    From Wikipedia:

Christianity is the most prevalent religion in the United States. Estimates from 2021 suggest that of the entire U.S. population(332 million) about 63% is Christian (210 million).[1] The majority of Christian Americans are Protestant Christians (140 million; 42%), though there are also significant numbers of American Roman Catholics (70 million; 21%) and other Christian denominations such as Latter Day Saints, Eastern Orthodox Christians and Oriental Orthodox Christians, and Jehovah's Witnesses (about 13 million in total; 4%).[2] The United States has the largest Christian population in the world and, more specifically, the largest Protestant population in the world, with nearly 210 million Christians and, as of 2021, over 140 million people affiliated with Protestant churches, although other countries have higher percentages of Christians among their populations.

    I lost count of how many times Christians told me that God quit talking to people after the Bible was written, and I lost count of how many times Christians told me that only Christians get into heaven after they die and everyone else dies and burns in hell forever.

    None of those Christians seemed to have ears that worked properly, nor eyes that saw properly, nor brains that worked properly. I assigned that to their internal feminine, yin, anima, Eve, being damaged or dead.

    Their God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost Trinity was all male. How does such a God reproduce? By cloning Itself.

    In Judaism, the Spirit of God is called “Shekinah”, female gender.

    In the Old Testament Wisdom is assigned the female gender.

    In the Old testament is said, The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.

    Yet the Christians I deal with today in Alabama and online don’t seem to fear God at all, because Jesus saved them and there’s nothing for them to fear. Yet, they fear many things on this world, which are far less dangerous than God.

Matthew 10:28

New International Version

Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.

    More comic relief.
    I recently received three letters from the IRS, letting me know it needs my original signatures on my 2021, 2022, 2023 federal tax returns. My accountant lives in Tuscaloosa and he had sent the IRS scanned copies of my signature.

    In 2021, I paid the IRSA and the State of Alabama $$$$$$$ in taxes after the main part of my father’s estate was settled and distributed to his heirs in 2020.

    I gave 2/3s of what was left to my children and their families and to three friends in need. I invested the rest in US Treasury Bills and CDs backed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

    In 2021 and 2022, I paid the IRS and the State of Alabama taxes on what my remaining inheritance earned during those years.

    I told my accountant the IRS has my money and they bother me about an original signature? I bet I paid the IRS far more money in 2021 2022 and 2023, than Donald Trump paid them.

    My accountant laughed, 

    I said I wonder if Trump paid any taxes in 2021, 2022, 2023?

    My accountant laughed.

    In 2016, Trump said he could not share his tax returns with the public, because he was being audited by the IRS. I had a lax law degree and a regular law degree from the University of Alabama School of Law, and I knew for a fact the IRS could care less if Trump shared his tax returns with the public. Trump didn’t want the pubic to know he paid no taxes for 2017.

    How can any American vote for a presidential candidate who does not pay income taxes and tells his lemmings that Kamala Harris and Joe Biden are communists?

    Here’s something from the New Testament about some well known communists:

NIV Acts 4:
32 All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had.
33 With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And God’s grace was so powerfully at work in them all
34 that there were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned land or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales
35 and put it at the apostles’ feet, and it was distributed to anyone who had need.

    More comic relief arrived when Stevicus replied to Do Donald Trump, Republicans, MAGAS and the Christian right really want America to be a Jesus nation?

It would seem so, although there have been those who have wanted America to be that from the very beginning. Reagan and the Moral Majority also wanted that back in the 1980s. Of course, I don't think they ever practiced what they preached. Unless they were preaching "make war not love," "screw the poor," "starve the hungry," "evict the homeless," "throw the sick into an alley to suffer and die." These became the tenets of Christianity as practiced by its American adherents under Reagan and his followers (which would include Trump and the MAGAs).  

I expect if Jesus showed up in churches today talking like he did in the Gospels, he would be crucified again :-).  

    Then came a reply to this part of college football schizophrenia cure, Facebook madness, and suspended sentences for gullible voters?

    Bob said, in his dream, a federal judge said he saw George Santos was removed from office by the US Congress, and the judge was treating the matter as buyer beware, and if New York Republicans were gullible enough to vote for Santos, all Santos deserves is a suspended sentence.

    I wonder if the gullible New York Republicans who voted for Santos and will vote for Donald Trump, think God will give them a suspended sentence?

    I wonder if Trump and his gullible lemmings think God will give them a suspended sentence?

    I wonder if Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and their gullible lemmings think God will give them a suspended sentence? 

D wrote:

Interesting.  Wonder if there is anywhere we can flee to if the lady gets elected.


What does it say about America that the organizer and commander of the Jan 6 coup attempt is not in a max security prison for the rest of his life, or executed? 


How can you have a coup without weapons?


The Capitol Police, Secret Service Agents, Trump’s Vice President Mike Pence and every member of the U.S. House of Representatives believed their lives were at risk, as would you have believed your life was at risk, if you were one of them that day.

When President Trump finally told his mob to stand down and leave, they followed that order, too, proving he had control of them all along. 


    Yahoo, y’all come now, ya heeah!!!

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