Thursday, August 15, 2024

There will be hell to pay if America’s mob boss-in-chief wins or loses, I hope God has other plans

    In a nap dream after breakfast this morning, I was cast out by an angry U.S. District Judge Clarence W. Allgood, for whom I clerked after graduating from the University of Alabama in 1968. Behind the scenes, he ran the National Democratic Party in Alabama and kept “Segregation now, segregation forever" Alabama Governor George Wallace from taking over Alabama’s national Democratic Party like he took over Alabama’s local Democratic Party.

    In a recent post at this blog, I blamed Judge Allgood for getting me into politics:

    I woke up from the nap wondering if Judge Allgood is put out with me for publishing that I can't vote for the Vice President who supports “Genocide Joe” helping Israel obliterate Gaza and maybe start World War III? 

    It looks to me that it will be awful if Trump wins, and if he loses, he and his legions will go to war, and I cannot imagine why God would allow either to happen, and getting onto me about not wanting to vote for Harris because she supports genocide in Gaza seems to miss the BIG PICTURE?

    In that vein, received this below yesterday from Birmingham, Alabama friend J, who  contributed generously to yesterday’s and previous recent posts at this blog:

The local "bookies" these days no longer take bets, but instead provide their customers with access to an international portal that does- on most anything, anywhere. Today, for example, among many other offerings we have:

--The ISPS Honda Womens Scottish Open
--So. Korean Baseball
--The Firekeepers Casino 400 (auto racing)
--And of course Aussie Rules Football
--I was hoping for Jai Alai, my personal addiction, but it wasn't up today🙁

And also Trump +100
With "Any Other Result" -130
   i.e. The "true" odds being in the middle at Harris-115, where you would risk $115 to win $100.

People actually are betting money on the outcome of the presidential election? 

Nick Saban called the polls rat poison when Alabama was ranked #1 before playing even one game, and when the polls had Alabama ranked 1 during the season, and going into national championship playoffs. 

The bookies, and the pols and not even Donald Trump thought he would beat Hillary Clinton in 2016.

I hope Trump doesn't listen to anyone but himself, and he keeps shooting off his mouth nilly willy, and maybe by election day he will have alienated all the Independents and undecided voters, and every WOMAN, and every person who is not WHITE except for the Uncle Tom on the Supreme Court. 

More truly, I hope Trump gets overheated and explodes in a massive medical and/or psychiatric event. 

Imagine the MAGAs and the Republicans grappling with JD Vance being their horse after all the horrible things he said about Trump in 2016, including he was like Adolph Hitler.  
Rachel Maddow did an amusing short rant about that: 

Rachel Maddow looks back at the blistering insults JD Vance directed at his now running mate Donald Trump, as we...

I watched Maddow’s rant again, and it segued into Project 2025, and just how deeply Trump and many of his staff when he was president are involved in it, and Vance, and others, and it segued into the January 6 coup attempt, and Vance saying if he was VP then, he would have done that Trump asked Pence to do, and it was nothing illegal about the coup attempt, coup is my world for it; and then it segues into a chilling report of how organized Trump and his gangs are to get local election officials to ignore the votes if Trump loses. Maddow did her homework, and I’m kinda surprised she has not experienced assassination attempts. I recommend watching all of Maddow’s video.

    So once again I make this offer to God: my life for Donald Trump’s life- take us both. And, if there is more room in my shopping cart, take anyone else you deem fit to make America better.

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