Friday, July 19, 2024

Would Dietrich Bonhoeffer say the kid who tried to kill Donald Trump is a hero?


       Someone posted at

It was a private call that was leaked, and "bullseye" was not literal:

"I have one job, and that’s to beat Donald Trump. I’m absolutely certain I’m the best person to be able to do that. So, we’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye."

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Defiant Biden tells donors: 'We're done talking about the debate'
Biden delivered a forceful message in a private call with his National Finance Committee, which includes hundreds of top Democratic donors and bundlers. 
A defiant President Joe Biden insisted to his donors on Monday that he is “done talking about the debate” and implored the party to ignore any further distractions and direct its attention back to Donald Trump.“We need to move forward. Look, we have roughly 40 days til the convention, 120 days til the election. We can’t waste any more time being distracted,” Biden said in a private call with donors Monday, according to a recording obtained by POLITICO.“I have one job, and that’s to beat Donald Trump. I’m absolutely certain I’m the best person to be able to do that. So, we’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye,” Biden said. 
The forceful message from Biden — which was delivered to hundreds of top Democratic donors and bundlers in the president's National Finance Committee — is the latest evidence that the president and his allies are working furiously to stem defections in the party. Earlier in the day, Biden sent a fiery missive to congressional Democrats, declaring his intentions to remain in the race even as roughly a half-dozen members have publicly called for him to bow out. 
Several donors who participated in the call described Biden as forceful and strong. He took four questions during the meeting, including one about Biden’s plans for the next debate. The president responded that his strategy was to “attack, attack, attack,” according to a person listening to the call.

    My thoughts.

    This was not something Biden said in confidence to his advisers, but was said to people he hoped would give him money.

    There were hundreds of people in on that call. Maybe it was leaked by someone who was alarmed Biden said Trump needs to be put in a bullseye? 

    I told someone this morning. 

"Every person who has ever owned a gun knows what putting someone in a bullseye means, and if a US president says that about his opponent, his opponent will view it the same way every gun owner views it, as did that kid who tried to kill Trump."


    A respected German theologian named Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote The Cost of Discipleship, which focused on the difference between what he called “cheap grace” and the real thing.

    Bonhoeffer was attributed with saying, “Silence in the face of evil itself is evil, God will not hold us guiltless.” 

    Bonhoeffer and other men tried to kill Adolph Hitler and were caught and that was the end of them.

    What if the kid who tried to kill Trump is viewed in that context? 

    I read online that the kid’s passion was politics.

    I read he was the only Republican in his high school class of liberals.

    I read he challenged a hispanic schoolmate, who was pro-Trump in 2016. 

    So, the kid was against Trump that far back. 

    And, he was a Republican. 

    And, I read he donated $15 to Biden’s PAC on the day Biden was sworn in as president, about 2 weeks after Trump tried the coup. 

    In that context, the kid could be viewed as a hero in some circles. 

    More so, if you factor in the kid knew of Trump’s admiration of Adolph Hitler, and when Trump was married to Ivana, he studied a book of Hitler’s.

    More so, if you factor in photos and film clips of MAGA rallies and the January 6 coup attempt reveal mobs of white people.

    More so, if you consider the audience at the attempted assassination was Aryan.


    A picture is worth a thousand words.

    Res ipsa loquitur, the thing speaks for itself. 

    Trump’s base is Aryan.

    The kid knew that.

    He knew Trump’s Supreme Court justices said Trump had immunity for official acts, after Trump’s lawyers argued Trump could have a political opponent executed as an official act, and there would be immunity. 


    The kid knew how Trump communicated with his lemmings, who knew exactly what he was telling them.

    The kid knew what Biden told donors about putting a bullseye on Trump.

    The kid took President Biden to heart and put Trump in the bullseye, and but for a demon intervening, Trump might be dead today.

    Now Trump says God saved him and that’s proof God wants him to be president.



Revelation 13:3

New International Version 

One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast.

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