Friday, July 26, 2024

the redneck mystic’s not so sweet home Alabama and related brain f**ked stupid America shitcoms

    Some days I feel more ornery than other days. 

    Someone sent me a friend request at Facebook several years ago, and I accepted, but eventually I unfriended him because of what he was writing to me and commenting at my Facebook. He sent me a new Facebook request the other day using a different name but the same photo, which is how I recognized him. He started off with a private message like a lot of people start off, who are selling something and pretending otherwise. I had developed a stock response for such people, and here’s how it went with him.

Hello  How are you? Hope you're doing well and enjoying life! Just checking if you are keeping safe and stay healthy.

You sent me a friend request, why?

Yeah I have some little issues with my old account and that's the reason why I sent you a new friend request okay.
Hope all is well with you?

Actually, I'm old and wearing out and running out of juice, and I wake up each morning wishing the Mother Ship had fetched me, but since it didn't, yet, I crawl my self off the bed and face another day, hoping to have some fun and satisfaction to go along with the other. If you actually want to get to know me, read what I post at my Facebook and open the links provided and read what comes up.

    My friend Bob, who does the tech work for my books at the free internet libraries, such as in America, and for The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast viewable on Torrent platforms in America and around he world, is creating a new YouTube channel podcast, “The Redneck Mystic Lawyer’s Not So Sweet Home Alabama”, which should be up and running soon. Bob's and my dreams about the new podcast left us with the distinct impression that some kinds of people in Alabama will not be happy with the podcast. Given Alabama is a deep red state, Bob and I suspected whose bullseyes we will be in.

    A few days ago, I mentioned in a post at this blog that Bob had reported a dream in which he watched Archangel Michael talking with a gathering of people, who didn’t seem able to understand what he was telling them, and finally Michael asked them, “Did your brains fuck stupid? That’s a serious question.” 

    Yesterday afternoon, Bob texted me:

Angel Michael told me in a nap dream today.
"Trump’s base will walk us back to the time were is it accepted the moon landing was fake and pro rasslin is real.”
It has already begun.

    This morning, Bob called and told me that in a dream he watched Angels Michael and Gabriel discuss whether Trump and the RepubliKlans will go public with the dirt they have on Kamala Harris before of after the Demoncratic National Convention? If before, then it will be an open convention and the Demoncrats might choose someone else to run against Trump. If after, the Demoncrats will be stuck with Harris, and perhaps wish they weren’t. Bob said Michael and Gabriel did not tell him the nature of the dirt.

    I could not help but recall that the dirt on Hillary came out in 2016 AFTER the Demoncrats nominated her to run against Donald Trump. If the Demoncrats had run Joe Biden in 2016, Biden would have won, but the Demoncrats didn’t do it, because Hillary had Ukraine dirt on Biden and his son Hunter, which she used to coerce the Demoncratic Party’s nomination.

    In 2026, Trump and his salivating lemmings had great fun chanting, “Lock her up! Lock her up!”, while I chanted, “Lock them both up in adjoining cells!”, and now Harris and her salivating lemmings are having great fun chanting, “Lock him up! Lock him up!” I can imagine Harris and Biden and every Demoncrat secretly wish the kid who shot Trump’s right ear had better aim.

    Yesterday, Barack and Michelle Obama finally caved and enthusiastically endorsed Kamala Harris, and Donald Trump backed out of debating Harris, because she is not the Demoncratic Party nominee yet, and Trump got mocked plenty online, such as this “Mother Cluck”:

   If Trump and the RepubliKlans have serious dirt on Harris, what’s their best strategy? Air it out before the Demoncratic National Convention, hoping Harris will be dumped in favor of a weaker candidate, or wait until after the convention and hope for 2016 result? Do the Demoncrats have a stronger candidate than Harris? I really do like Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. I really do like her.  

    Meanwhile, this from showed up in my email in box this morning, and I sent back some food for thought.

Down In Alabama
Ike Morgan

More verbal jousting with Mexico

U.S. lawmakers are again sounding off on Mexico's seizing of Vulcan Materials property on the Yucatan Peninsula. And Alabama's senators are taking roles in calling out Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, reports's William Thornton.

It was in May when the group of senators sent a letter to Mexico's secretary of foreign affairs. Now, senators from Alabama Katie Britt and Tommy Tuberville and fellow Sens. Tim Kaine of Virginia and Bill Hagerty of Tennessee are calling on López Obrador to back off. Last week, the Mexican president announced plans to designate the land and port as a naturally protected area.

The senators said the their letter: “The López Obrador administration is continuing to set a dangerous precedent with these actions, undermining the long-standing bilateral relationship between our two countries and eroding international confidence in Mexico’s adherence to the rule of law. We remain committed to using all appropriate tools at our disposal to deter the Government of Mexico from seizing Vulcan’s lawfully owned and operated property and ensure no entity or individual benefits from its theft.”

The Mexican president, who has claimed Vulcan didn't have proper permits to extract materials, seized the property in March 2023. He said he'd declare it a protected area if Vulcan didn't take $360 million for the property, which Vulcan estimates is worth $1 billion.

Vulcan Materials is based in Birmingham.

Sloan Bashinsky
Looks to me that Kamala Harris's biggest vulnerability is the invasion across the southern US border. I think the Democrats blew that. I think they should have insisted on the southern border being sealed off entirely. I think President Biden should have made a phone call to the Mexican president on national TV and told him that he, President Biden, is banning Americans and their money from going to Mexico, and he is banning Mexicans and Mexico’s manufactured products and farm produce from coming into America, until Mexico stops the invasion. I figure about a month of that embargo and boycott, and the invasion will cease, and Biden & Harris get credit for making Mexico pay for a wall that actually does stop the invasion :-).

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