Saturday, July 27, 2024

America's radical right Christian Inquisition led by their grab women by their pussy pope

mug shot

    This morning, my Appalachian hillbilly mystic friend Bob, who does the tech work for my books at the free internet libraries and The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast at YouTube and Torrent platforms around the world, emailed a report of his conversation with a Native American woman, who read yesterday’s the redneck mystic’s not so sweet home Alabama and related brain f**ked stupid America shitcoms post at this blog:

She grabbed me as I walked by, this sort of contact is not taboo. If you are "well liked, people will wonder why you smile and wave rather than stop so they will grab you by the forearm. 
She told me in reference to the previous thing you wrote, "I have never liked or watched sitcoms. The last one I suffered through was Mork and Mindy. But I think your friend Sloan is correct: we are in an America reduced to a SHITcom. Mork is running for the White House and Mindy is the incumbent VP. Shitcom America."

    I heard “Inquisition” in a nap dream yesterday afternoon and woke up thinking about America's radical Christian right and their grab women by their pussy pope trying to take over America.

    When I finally crawled into bed around midnight, I looked in my Apple Newsfeed and saw a Project 25 Huff Post article that sent cold chills running up and down my spine.

Trump Tells Crowd 'You Won't Have To Vote' Again After Election In Bizarre Remarks

"It’ll be fixed, it’ll be fine," the GOP presidential nominee told Christians at a faith-focused event in Florida.

GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump told Christians on Friday to vote “just this time” and said they “won’t have to do it anymore” after the election in November.

“You won’t have to do it anymore — four more years, you know what? It’ll be fixed, it’ll be fine. You won’t have to vote anymore,” the former president told the crowd at the Believers Summit, a faith-focused event in Florida.

From Washington to the campaign trail, get the latest politics news.

“You’ve got to get out and vote. In four years, you don’t have to vote again. We’ll have it fixed so good, you’re not going to have to vote.”

It’s unclear what Trump was referring to in his remarks.

He has previously said that he’d act like a dictator only on “day one” of a second term, called for the “termination” of articles of the Constitution, attempted a coup to remain in the White House, and appeared to float the idea of serving a third presidential term.

The former president’s new comments arrive roughly four months after The American Conservative, a magazine and partner organization of the far-right Project 2025 agenda, published an article calling for the repeal of the 22nd Amendment, which limits presidents to two terms, as Media Matters for America reported at the time.

Trump — whose running mate, Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio), has written a book foreword for an architect of Project 2025 — on Wednesday claimed that he has “nothing to do with” and knows “nothing about” the right-wing policy blueprint.

    Then, I saw a Guardian Project 25 article, which sent more cold chills running up and down my spine.

Heritage Foundation leader has long received spiritual guidance from group and his policy goals align with its teachings

What is Project 2025 and what is Trump’s involvement?

08:00 EDT Friday, 26 July 2024

Kevin Roberts, the Heritage Foundation president and the architect of Project 2025, the conservative thinktank’s road map for a second Trump presidency, has close ties and receives regular spiritual guidance from an Opus Dei-led center in Washington DC, a hub of activity for the radical and secretive Catholic group.

Roberts acknowledged in a speech last September that – for years – he has visited the Catholic Information Center, a K Street institution headed by an Opus Dei priest and incorporated by the archdiocese of Washington, on a weekly basis for mass and “formation”, or religious guidance. Opus Dei also organizes monthly retreats at the CIC.

The force behind Project 2025: Kevin Roberts has the roadmap for a second Trump term

In the speech – which he delivered at the CIC and was recorded and is available online – Roberts spoke candidly about his strategy for achieving extreme policy goals that he supports but are out of step with the views of a majority of Americans.

Outlawing birth control is the “hardest” political battle facing conservatives in the future, the 50-year-old political strategist said, but he urged conservatives to pursue even small legislative victories – what he called “radical incrementalism” – to advance their most rightwing policy objectives.

    When I woke up this morning, in my email was a Substack post from a fellow dying of cancer, which contained a bunch of memes produced by other people. He does a lot of memes posts that support his view. One meme in particular in his post today leaped out at me.


    A few days ago, a redneck mystic amiga in Georgia texted me that photo of Jeffrey Epstein and Kamala Harris. I asked her where she got the photo? She said, Tik Tok, which is a Red China social media platform. I did a google image search for "Epstein and Harris”, and a heap of stuff came up, including Slate, saying the photo above was made from this photo of Harris with her husband.    

    A few days later, my redneck mystic amiga ranted about the evil of abortion, even though she herself never had a child, and she was mentally, emotionally and sexually abused in her childhood by male relatives.

    She reads my posts at this blog, but sometimes it seems she forgets what she reads or it simply does not go in. 

    I told her the Bible says life begins with the first breath: look it up in Genesis, where God breathed into Adam’s nose and Adam became a living being. 

    I asked her if she actually believes a 3-month-old fetus Is a human being? She did not answer.

    I said anyone who believes a three month old fetus is a human being is crazy. 

    I told her she needed to take time with herself and get her head screwed on straight. I said that several times.

    Finally, she said she was brainwashed when she was young about abortion being a sin!

    I said again that she needed to take time with herself and get her head screwed on straight, and she needed to stop believing what people say on Tik Tok. And she needed to stop believing what Donald Trump says, and what any politician says, and what anyone who supports a politician says. 

    The other day, I received a text from Emily’s List, asking if I support federal legislation making Roe v. Wade the law of the land? I texted back, “I support God and Mother Nature’s abortion herbs.

    My redneck mystic amiga read my several blog posts about such herbs being used by women since the beginning of time, and in Colonial America, to regulate their menses and induce miscarriage- and Ben Franklin wrote about that and instructed Colonial women about it in his book, The American Instructor; and in God’s Court, American and all women have an unalienable right to use God’s and Mother Nature’s herbs to regulate their menses and induce miscarriage, if they do not wish to have a  baby- say, because they were raped; or their brother or father had sex with them; or they are with a man they don’t like and/or abuses them and they sure don’t want to have his child; or they are poor and cannot financially afford to have a child; or they work full time and do not have time or enough money to raise a child; or they have children already and do not want to raise another child; or they don’t feel well, or they are emotionally and/or mentally unstable, and do not feel able to be a good mother; or they are addicted to tobacco, alcohol, street or prescription narcotics and they do not wish to birth a child addicted to same drugs; or they simply do not want to be a mother; or they feel bringing a new child into this world today, to face what they face, is unconscionable, evil.

    I have yet to meet a “pro-lifer" who tried to prevent an abortion by offering to adopt and raise an unwanted child, or who offered to financially support a pregnant woman who did not want have her baby.

    I have known many pro-lifers, who complained about poor mothers having babies and being on Welfare, and when I said if those women could have abortions, they might not have babies and be on Welfare, the pro-lifers' eyes glazed over, as if I was not there talking with them.

     Earlier this year, my not great state of Alabama’s Supreme Court ruled frozen fertilized embryos are human beings, and clinics that create and store frozen fertilized embryos, and then lose or destroy them, can be sued under Alabama’s wrongful death statute by the woman who donated the egg and man who donated the sperm.

    Fucking CRAZY.

    If women someday get fed up with how men are running things, they can do something about it by going on strike and crossing their legs until things change or hell freezes over. 


    After reading this post, which I republished at my Substack Newsletter, the fellow who posted the bogus photo of Jeffrey Epstein with Kamala Harris and went off on a long off topic rant when I pointed that out, posted at my Substack:

What's FUCKING CRAZY is the leftist fixation with infanticide. There are occasions where I would agree abortion should be an option, but just because you don't think you're ready? Who's ever really ready for parenthood? There's no comparable experience and no amount of books, videos or conversations can prepare you for that. And just like everything the left supports, the foot gets in the door through something that sounds reasonable to lots of people and quickly escalates to some bizarre extreme actions that only the deranged support. Abortion to save the mother's life, or in case of rape or incest (wonder if Ashley Biden aborted Joe's baby) can be understandable and still be unfortunate. The taking of innocent life is always a sad thing and should be avoided. But the left wants it available on an unlimited basis and at any stage. Partial birth and even total birth abortion is a woman's right!!! No, it's murder and all parties involved need their necks stretched. A woman just isn't ready so she's having her third abortion. She's ready for sterilization and some suggestions for new hobbies. If a pregnant woman and her unborn child are killed the killer is charged with the taking of two lives, as they should be. So why should unrestricted abortion be legal? It shouldn't. You talk about what was available to women in Revolution era America to abort the fetus. While what you say is true it's also true that people could own cannons, the same weapons as the military or anything else they could buy or build. Some of the richer people owned their own warships, it was part of what helped form the US Navy. But leftists don't want to hear any of that. They believe the state should have a monopoly on force, on violence. That's antithetical to the ideas this nation was founded on. The principal of dissolving the government when it becomes hostile to freedom is in the constitution. Which brings us to the same tired old bullshit that J6 was a coup. If you believe that the right, arguably the most heavily armed voting block in the nation, attempted a coup while unarmed, you're a special kind of stupid and need to turn off Fonzie Madcow and the other loons and troops at MSDNC. It's ludicrous and it shows you haven't got the ability to think for yourself. As a matter of mental hygiene you should probably avoid television anyway. Only this past Thursday a pro Palestine mob attacked capitol police, occupying and protesting in the capitol building. They were arrested but on Friday they were released and the charges dropped, but J6 protestors continue to rot in the gulags of DC while the FBI continues rounding up anyone who was in the area and isnya flaming leftist. I might add that the pro Palestine crowd didn't have rubber bullets fired at them and none of them were shot in the face like Ashli Babbett. While I don't support the genocide of the Palestinians and do support the restoration of their country to them, the double standard in treatment of the two crowds is telling. Regarding the pic of THROATUS, Commie LaWhorish and Epstein, Bill Clinton and Bill Gates good buddy being fake, Slate said that? Oh well stop the presses, Slate is well known as the paragon of journalistic integrity, the publication of record. Gimme a fuckin break. The fact is that this nation is headed for a divorce, we can't stand one another and can no longer agree on the basics. Hopefully it can happen peacefully but that's doubtful. The left will hang on and demand the American taxpayer fund the globalist agenda, unrestricted abortion, drag queens in the classroom and all manner of degeneracy until the spark is lit and their efforts blow up in their face. And just like all bullies they'll cry they're the real victims. They almost succeeded in Butler county a couple weeks ago, almost got what they think they want. They have no clue what they're wishing for, but eventually they will get it. For a preview read Kipling's When The Saxon Began To Hate. 
Looks to me it would do you good to have several lives on this planet as a woman. A demon saved Trump that day, and he believes it was God. 
How do you know it wasn’t?


Angels trained me to see differently, and when I screw up, they let me know. A demon saved Trump that day, and God finally persuaded Joe Biden to step down, and I hoped the Demoncrats would pick someone other than Harris.

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