Thursday, July 18, 2024

When President Biden said “It's time to put Trump in the bullseye", he gave anyone an open hunting license to shoot Trump and for that reason alone Biden should withdraw from the presidential race


Why Not To Shoot Trump

JUL 17, 2024
Some thoughts (& animation) about the assassination attempt...

JUL 17, 2024
Besides the fact that killing people is wrong and we should peacefully eliminate politicians we don’t like by using elections, there is one big reason not to shoot at Donald Trump.
As we’ve witnessed since the very moment the bullets left the shooter’s rifle, shooting at Trump only makes him stronger.

If the assassination attempt succeeded in killing him as many people wish it had, Trump would be a genuine martyr and his hateful MAGA cause would only grow bigger.
With a bloody ear nick and a handful of dramatic photos, the Convicted-Felon-in-Chief has received a huge boost.

(And, yes, I don’t think Trump is above manufacturing a moment like this, but I refuse to believe any “false flag” conspiracies until they are actually proven.)
The reality is that Trump’s perpetual campaign of phony victimhood and grievance now has some very real victimhood to rally ‘round.
After accumulating such a following using phony victimhood, just think how much more support he’ll have now that he really is a victim.
When he said people (Democrats, the Department of Justice, Stormy Daniels, etc.) were out to get him, he just sounded like a paranoid liar.
Now that he narrowly missed getting killed by someone, anytime he plays the victim or says people are out to get him, there is an adjacent element of truth.

In other words, this dangerous new truth can help legitimize the other Trump lies.
Trump dodged a bullet, but our democracy may not be so lucky.

Sloan Bashinsky
Sloan’s Newsletter

Well said, Mark. When Biden said, “It is time to put Trump in the bullseye", he gave anyone an open hunting license to shoot Trump. For that reason alone, Biden should withdraw from the presidential race.

Mark Fiore
Thanks, Sloan. I know, that was a really stupid thing for him to say. There is of course, waaaaay more violent and threatening speech Trump should withdraw for, but that won't happen either.

Sloan Bashinsky
Sloan’s Newsletter

Someone sent me something a little while ago, a meme in which Trump is saying in 2016, “I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot someone and I wouldn’t lose voters.”
Trump’s Supreme Court as much as told told Biden he has immunity, as an official act, to order someone killed. It’s a real mess, but when Biden said that, the karma came pronto, and you have described the karma pretty darn well.
If you or I had said at our Stubstack what President Biden said, we might have received a visit from the F.B.I.

Sloan Bashinsky
Sloan’s Newsletter

This morning

Last night, news broke that Biden has Covid-19 again and he had to cancel campaign appearance in Las Vegas, Nevada and return home to isolate. 
Although a devout Catholic, Biden seems totally unaware of “‘signs” that he needs to turn over the reins to his Party and he gets out of the way. There were plenty of signs before the debate, which was a very loud sign. As was he called the Ukraine president Putin, and he called his own vice-president Trump. As was his saying Turmp should be put into crosshairs. In God’s courtroom, Biden is a war criminal for hie role in helping Israel kill, maim, displace and/or starve every civilian in Gaza. 

I started hammering Trump during in 2016, and I never let up. He now is posssed by a demon similar to or it's the same demon that possessed Adolph Hitler and his top people and most of the German population. The same or a similar demon is inside of Biden and his supporters, but it’s not as far progressed as the Trump side.  

I hope Biden will capitulate and the Democrats will come up with a candidate who can beat Trump in November, which will no be easy after the shooter took Biden’s bullseye comment to heart and a demon saved Trump so that he could be a living martyr he and all of his base believe in their hearts God saved so that he could save them and America from the evil Democrats.

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