Sunday, July 21, 2024

Gaza war crimes hurt feelings report: there ain’t a whole lot of grown ups in America and Australia, or anywhere

    In my email today from Australia via

Notes for you 

Caitlin Johnstone

Getting a lot of shrill, hysterical comments from Americans insisting that it's somehow outrageous and inappropriate for me to use this political moment to highlight the criminality of the US empire as I do every single day. I would like to make it clear that I have no respect for this. Less than zero respect.
The emotional hysteria we are seeing around the assassination attempt on Trump is very similar to what we saw around 9/11 and October 7, which historically means some deeply unwholesome policies are about to be rolled out by the managers of the empire. Now is the time to be MORE critical of the imperial power structure, not less.
If you find it horrifying and evil that I am using Trump's ear boo boo to talk about exponentially more atrocious acts of violence, I can only say: get a fucking grip. Pull yourself together. Your country is backing a literal genocide right this very moment. Stop getting swept up in the media-driven emotional frenzy of the moment, get ahold of yourself, stop thinking uncritically, and start acting like an adult.

Sloan Bashinsky
Sloan Bashinsky’s Newsletter

As in Australia and the rest of the world, Caitlin, there ain’t a whole lot of grown ups in America. 

Joe Biden should be tried, convicted and hung for aiding and abetting Israel killing, maiming, displacing and starving the Gaza civilians. If Donald Trump was president when Hamas launched the October 7, 2023 raid, which was my 80th birthday, you would rail against him instead of Joe Biden. Here’s why. 

Anyone who wants to be president of America has to be fully behind Israel, because the Bible says so. Also, Bible America wants Israel to defend Bible America’s Holy Land against Islam, because Jesus was from Palestine and that’s where Jews had Jesus crucified in Jerusalem. After the 9/11 attack, Bible America wanted Israel to kill every Muslim in the Middle East. 

You are still in diapers, Caitlin, likening the attempt on Trump’s life to 9/11, but then, you have been in diapers since I started reading your railings against Israel and America over Israel’s response to the October 7 raid. A grown up quickly would have figured out the raid was designed to cause Israel to respond as it did, so Hamas could finally beat Israel and its ally America, not on the battlefield, which was impossible, but in the court of public opinion. 

A grown up quickly would have figured out Hamas took all those hostages to use them to get all of Hamas’s people in Israel prisons released, and Hamas didn’t give a shit about the Gaza civilians, behind and under which Hamas hid, hoping Israel, with America’s help, would kill, maim, displace and starve the entire civilian Gaza population. 

A grown up would say the leaders of Hamas should be tried, convicted and hung with the leaders of Israel and Joe Biden and the members of the U.S. Congress who kept giving Israel money and arms to Israel, to obliterate Gaza.

Instead of being a grown up, Caitlin, you became Hamas’s loyal concubine, and I could not help but wonder, and I still wonder, if Hamas pays you to do that? I’m not saying Hamas pays you, but I can’t help but wonder.   
I kept getting onto you at your Substack about your loyalty to Hamas, and Australia blacklisted and banned my ad-free, not for profit and my ad-free, not for profit The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast YouTube channel. 
My friend Bob, who does the tech work for the podcast, said Google and YouTube told him that complaints were filed with the Australian government that I was committing hate speech against you. Bob told me that he called Australian officials in New South Wales, who said it was hate speech. Bob told me that he called Australian officials in 
Tuggeranong Australia Capital Territory, who  said what it boiled down to is Caitlin is Australian and Sloan is American. 
No worries, we eventually took down the YouTube channel, because YouTube believes in free speech only when it likes it, and because YouTube and Google yield to individual nations' censor boards, aka Big Brothers. Thanks to Bob, people in Australia and elsewhere who know to use the Torrent platforms, including people in other countries that blacklisted and banned the podcast, such as Australia, Russia, Belarus, Red China, North Korea, Islamic countries and India, can watch the podcast. You and Australia are in good company, Caitlin. 
The podcast now gets about 500,000 complete watches per episode, in English and 58 other languages, with subtitles, and my books are being read in English and 58 other languages, braille and audio in free internet libraries around the world, all thanks to Bob. 
I spent two weeks in Darwin and Kakadu, Australia in November 1995. The Aussies I met had two speeds, all ahead full and dead stop. An adult male and an adult female aborigine living in the old ways came to me out of dreamtime and welcomed me into their tribe. I had thought I might spend several months in Australia, but after my visit with the two aborigines, what had sent me to Australia sent me back to the States, where I went back to work.  
Maybe in this or your next life, Caitlin, you will understand what I have told you today. If I have hurt your feelings, feel free to Google search “Hurt Feelings Report” and print it out and fill it in and tape it to your refrigerator.


    I published this post before it was in the news media today that President Joe Biden stepped down and endorsed Kamala Harris to run against Donald Trump. I hope the Democrats come up with a stronger candidate than Harris. I heard Hillary Clinton is pushing to replace Biden and she has support, and I wondered if the Democrats learned nothing in 2016? If they had run Biden then, he would have beaten Trump. But Hillary had Ukraine dirt on Biden and his son Hunter, and nobody knew about her dirt before she won the Democrat nomination.

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