Monday, July 15, 2024

How about a demon distracted local police and the Secret Service detail and the shooter enough to save Donald Trump’s life

    Consider this excerpt from a CBS News article:

By Nicole Sganga, Pat Milton
Updated on: July 14, 2024 / 11:53 AM EDT / CBS News
The FBI is leading the investigation into the shooting.
"We're pointing at the guy," said the witness, named Greg, adding, "he had a rifle — you could literally see him with a rifle." He told the BBC that he and others told the police and were pointing him out to U.S. Secret Service agents, and he estimated that the man was on the roof for "three or four minutes" before shots were heard. A man who was at the rally said that soon after Trump started speaking, he saw a man "bear crawling" up the building.

Consider this excerpt from an AP article:

"The roof where Crooks lay was less than 150 meters (164 yards) from where Trump was speaking, a distance from which a decent marksman could reasonably hit a human-sized target. For reference, 150 meters is a distance at which U.S. Army recruits must hit a scaled human-sized silhouette to qualify with the M-16 rifle.”

    When I read the CBS News excerpt to my friend Bob, who does the tech work for my books at the free library and for The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast viewed on Torrent platforms around the world, he said cold chills ran up and down his spine.

    I watched many CNN reports on the assassination attempt, and I heard no mention of attempts by people at the rally to alert local police and the Secret Service detail to a man with a rifle climbing a nearby building. 

    I read news reports that the 20-year-old white male shooter used the NRA’s favorite hunting rifle, the AR-15, which his father had purchased about six months before the assassination attempt.

    I read news reports that the shooter was a registered Republican, he was the lone conservative in his liberal high school class, he was bullied every day at school, and he contributed $15 to Joe Biden’s PAC on January 20, 2021, the day Joe Biden was sworn in as president.

    I took that to mean the shooter was upset about the January 6, 2021 coup attempt orchestrated by Donald Trump, and Joe Biden and the Democrats had zero to do with the assassination attempt.

    Let’s return to the excerpt from CBS News, in which people in the crowd told Secret Service agents at the Trump rally about a man with a rifle climbing a nearby building.

    I clerked for a U.S. District Judge, who presided over every criminal prosecution in his court’s jurisdiction. I sat in his chambers many times when he and federal prosecutors and criminal defense lawyers discussed criminal trials over which he presided. I sat in many discussions with F.B.I. agents, U.S. Marshals and U.S. Treasury agents. 

    It is inconceivable to me that local police and Secret Service Agents(who work for the U.S. Treasury) were told of a man with a rifle climbing a building near a presidential rally and the local police and local police and the Secret Service agents did nothing- unless they didn’t like Donald Trump and wanted to give the shooter a chance to kill him.

    I think the odds of that happening are less than zero.

    From what I read in various news reports and saw on CNN, Trump had plenty of Secret Service protection.

    So, what happened?

    The local police and Secret Service agents blew off what they were told about a man with a rifle climbing a nearby building?

    I think the odds of that happening are less than zero.

    So, how about a demon distracted local police and Trump's Secret Service detail and the shooter just enough to save Donald Trump’s life.

    For this redneck mystic lawyer, there is no other possible explanation for Donald Trump being alive today.

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