Saturday, July 27, 2024

road-tested technology in the U.S. Patent Office allow cars and trucks to run on hydrogen extracted from tap water by electrolysis, but Big Oil and the Atomic Energy Commission prevent automakers from using the technology

In early 2017, a man emailed me that angels told him in his sleep to contact Sloan Bashinsky and he resisted calling me until it became unbearable inside of him and he called me, and thus did I began to get to know a man about half my age, whom I would learn in steps is incredibly skilled at many things. He remembered everything he read. I figured his IQ was around 170.

Based on many reports from him of angels visiting and talking with him when he was awake and in his sleep, which was new to him, I told him that he had been dragooned by angels It knew all too well and by angels I did not know well, and to grab his best hold.

He knew computers and smartphone and video technology, and he and figured out how to produce The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast and launch it onto YouTube and into the Torrent universe, and how to digitize some of my older books and turn my new manuscripts into books and put them all in free internet libraries around the globe.

One of his fields of expertise is he can take apart and put back together just about anything that uses an internal combustion engine: cars, trucks, motorcycles, and tractors. Besides regular cars and trucks, he worked on Lotus, Porsche and Ferrari. He is a welder and a machinist. He taught economics in several colleges. 

He had several other lines of work, and because of his association with me, people stopped hiring him, and onsetting physical and medical ails prevented him from doing heavy physical work, and I hired him.

He told me about technology in the U.S. Patent Office in Washington, D.C. that allows cars and trucks to run on hydrogen extracted from tap water for what a local water company charge$ for water. We talked about that technology several times at The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast.

The day before yesterday, I asked him to write it down and he did, and I read it, and we talked about some parts of it, and he added a little more to it, and here it is, and below it are my mechanically retarded thoughts about what should have happened in the 1990s and it would have changed the world as we know it.

Dear Sloan, please copy and paste the below into your word processor and do with it as you see fit. 

The Hydrogen powered car is a reality. When it is looked back on, T. Townsend Brown will be the father. Mr. Brown engineered a series of vehicles and internal combustion engines to run on hydrogen and the hydrogen relative known as Yull Brown’s Gas(HHO also called oxyhydrogen). T.T. Brown did this in his lab at Winston Salem NC. The thing that scared so many people aware of his successes was that violent blowback, backfires, and internal flame were inherently an issue with early development of hydrogen as a fuel. With the flammability/combustibility of hydrogen the gas required careful regulation, precisely machined throttle systems, and owners who would take care of their vehicles. Townsend Brown conceptualized two methods: a fuel cell that would contain hydrogen or brown’s gas and protect driver’s from explosions. Brown also proposed that if an anhydride could be formulated, just as kitty litter soaks up the ammonia from cat urine- the right anhydride could be engineered to suck up hydrogen and render it safe

The Atomic Energy Commission was not so happy with Lazar- the anhydride he was manufacturing could potentially be made with a particle accelerator and in the cleaving of hydrogen from water, someone might make a hydrogen bomb. This in the words of Penn & Teller: bullshit! Electrolysis could do no such thing with water, it simply transitions water from a liquid to either hydrogen and oxygen or Brown’s gas.

Nevada Representative and later Senator Harry Reid was no friend of development of hydrogen engine. He encouraged overzealous regulatory behavior which stopped much promising research and development, putting pressure on the AEC which was headquartered at Nevada's National Security Site, known informally as Los Alamos National Laboratory. 

Lazar was never allowed to market his system because the AEC was hung up on the anhydride. Because Lazar’s patents were restricted, people cannot look at the rough sketch of his system or his anhydride. Lazar’s technology could be installed in a new or used car or truck. In 1992, Lazar advertised $8,000 to put his tech in a car or truck.


In the meantime, others have had special shielding equipment made into their trunks and they install small to medium cylinders of hydrogen, regulators, and then run metal tubing into their fuel injection systems and some will add different methods of top cylinder lubrication. Some produce their own Brown’s Gas via Electrolysis and some refine it further to just get the hydrogen. They use it to charge their cylinders.

For a car the size of a 4 door Toyota Yaris or Prius the 1.6litre engine can range 220-240 miles off a gallon of water, being very precise with the stoichiometry. A heavier sedan with a 2.0 to 2.2 liter engine can range 200 miles on hydrogen or Brown’s gas generated at home. 

However as the National Transportation Safety Administration have pointed out on numerous occasions, tanker trucks(18 wheelers) which haul volatile chemicals in gaseous form or at the precipice of change from liquid to gas, to make the hauling of anhydrous ammonia safer, to make hauling acetylene used in cutting torches, propane= anhydrides have been developed to line the tankers hauled on US highways. Those patents are not trade secrets and they use much prior art that is public. The result is quite simply that anhydrides are being developed by private citizens and private corporations to further reduce the risk of the use of hydrogen as fuel. Different methods and different materials, some inspired by kids toys, some inspired by industrial and agricultural applications, and some inspired by government/armed forces use. 

There is tremendous potential energy in water. Burning hydrogen is clean and the combustion of the Brown’s gas can lead to the by-product of oxygen release.

Toyota, GM, Hyundai, and Honda have all built hydrogen vehicles and made them safe enough to lease to people who report excellent driveability. They are:

GM Electrovan

Toyota FCHV

Honda FC

Hyundai Tuscon

Toyota Mirai

It is strange that corporations are several generations into hydrogen vehicles. Private citizen scientists, engineers, and tinkerers are coming up with their own home brew setups. But mass production is headed off by the US federal government and automakers who will only test their vehicles off US shores and not sell them, only lease them. Even when the projects are a success the vehicles are recalled as property of the companies and they are destroyed. 

Electric vehicles use electricity we don’t have due to the fact we are using the maximum natural resources we have. The batteries that propel these vehicles eventually quit taking a charge- that is the nature of a battery. The problem is that we then have to deal with the waste created by these huge batteries and much of that waste is toxic. How many Yucca Mountains can we have in this country? We should not have the Yucca Mountain we have. 

The Buffalo Springfield band had a song: “There’s something happening here, and what it is ain’t exactly clear… …stop, baby, what’s that sound, everybody look what’s going down...”

    My mechanically retarded thoughts.

    Putting the Brown/Lazar technology in new cars and trucks worldwide would make Mother Nature’s land, sea and air creatures and Her waters, land, air and atmosphere very happy, and would destroy the economies of countries whose main cash cow is oil production. Russia would be up shit creek, as would Iran and the oil producing nations in the Middle East and Venezuela. The oil industries in countries like America, Canada, Great Britain and Norway would be devastated.

    Adios gas stations in America and everywhere else. Adios Tesla, etc. The cost of car and truck fuel would be so low that it would be irrelevant. The fuel cost saving$ would be MASSIVE in the private, industrial, manufacturing and all business and government sectors. 

    I live in a 1950s vintage apartment building in Birmingham, Alabama. All of the tenants park their cars and trucks on the street. There are thousands of apartment buildings in Birmingham, which have only street parking. Where will their tenants charge their electric car batteries? Rhetorical question. Where will Birmingham warehouse worn out several thousand pound electric car batteries full of toxic waste?

    Every town, city and county in America will be just like Birmingham if America goes to fully electric cars and trucks. Factor in the rest of the world. That’s fucking CRAZY, when cars and trucks can run on tap water, and humanity can save Mother Nature and the Planet and, DUH, humanity and its pocketbook by using the Brown-Lazar technology in cars and trucks.


    Text of the mechanic’s follow up email, Labor Day, September 2, 2024:

A 2014 Dodge truck was converted to run off of Brown’s gas and then hydrogen. It was a 6.4 litre farm truck. The MDS cylinder oiling was programmed to run full time and from a separate supply of top cylinder lubricant. The throttle body was replaced with a servo-activated unit that took feedback from a set of MAP sensors and a set of hydr-ox sensors, as well as drive-by cable control. Two flowmeters that allowed more brown’s gas or hydrogen to flow as needed by engine consumption were used as well. As the anhydride requires enrichment and is subject to patent, a double walled tank was made to ISO standards on each wall, it could be filled to 110% capacity at each wall. The spark plugs were replaced with a piezo igniter that fired only as the reluctor wheel provided pulse to a crank trigger ignition. As this all effectively violates emissions controls as well as being non-crash tested and thus is illegal to perform these modifications, brown’s gas was generated from distilled water, and hydrogen was later refined from brown’s gas- each step requiring electrolysis- the brown’s gas and later hydrogen were used to fill the double wall tank. The tank was incorporated to have a fill valve on each side of the tank, one connected to the feed of brown’s gas or hydrogen, and the other connected to a gaseous vacuum(same as a vacuum centrifuge) pump such that the double wall tank could be filled with brown’s gas or hydrogen. 


-None of this is provided to the EPA for testing and destruction, thus it is modifying an EPA approved emmissions system which is illegal. Despite building a double wall container to house brown’s gas and later hydrogen to ISO standards which are more rigorous than DOT standards, because units are not provided to DOT, the system is not DOT legal or listed. None of these standards can be easily or cheaply overcome, if at all.  


The irony is- and I remember this because it was the last thing I ever welded- I found the ANSI and ISO specs for a hydrogen vessel(container) and that hydrogen cell was one smaller square(which held browns gas or hydrogen) and it was built into another bigger square container. Both square boxes exceeded DOT specs for transport of hydrogen- I know because I built three of these double tanks and I sent one to a lab that did crush testing, one we designed a test, and we kept. Crush testing is where you take a container and you put your container into a tank that is full of water and then the tank is either pressurized or vacuum is used and you can see how much pressure it takes for container to implode or explode- you try for 3x the standard you aim for, a lot of people go for DOT. Our choice was to use ANSI and ISO specs and the container for the hydrogen took 4x-5x the ISO and ANSI ratings to destroy- ANSI and ISO are already stronger than DOT. The test we designed was to put a piezo electric spark device on one side of the inner tank(also called the bladder) and then fill up that inner tank with hydrogen then you use tig to shut the outer tank(also called a pressure containment shield). Piezo devices are easy to setup to be fired(sparked) wirelessly. We triggered the piezo and it was like a loud burp or fart- neither container actually ruptured, and we had the inner bladder filled to at least 110% of what DOT requires and it was more like 125%.

DOT and EPA still consider what we did illegal. They prosecute and heavily fine you for breaking DOT policy- ie DOT wants to demand a predetermined number of hydrogen cells and they take them and fail or pass them. If they do not like the inital batch they ask for more, so it gets really expensive to satisfy them. DOT also will fail them indefinitely as according to them- any fuel which is to be used on-road is subject to the state and federal "highway use" tax- one of the whole points to do hydrogen or brown's gas power is to avoid the expense of gas or diesel or biodiesel.

EPA says that they certify an engine for a model year and if you alter it in anyway that causes it to differ from how it came from the factory for that model year- you have committed a crime and you're subject to jail time and civil monetary penalties- doesn't matter if you made the engine run cleaner. 

Then you have the AEC and the patent office if you want to develop an anhydride. You want the anhydride processed such that it is about to decay at an atomic level- so that when you feed gaseous or liquified brown's gas or hydrogen into the fuel bladder, the anhydride is stabilized because hydrogen and brown's gas both bond to the anhydride and keep it stable. AEC has made it pretty clear that doing this is not happening in the United States. 

The End

This is the last I'm talking about this. Period and that is final.

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