Tuesday, July 16, 2024

A demon saved Donald Trump’s life

    Today brings my 3rd post about the attempted assassination of Donald Trump.

    Here is a link to a YouTube of a man in the crowd, who tells that he spotted the shooter climbing up the building and pointed the shooter out to local police and Secret Service agents who did not respond.


    I saw TV news reports and YouTube reports that a local police officer climbed up to the roof of the building where the shooter was and the shooter pointed his rifle at the officer, who turned around and retreated and fell as he left the roof, and the shooter started shooting.

    Why didn’t the officer approach the shooter from behind with his weapon aimed at the shooter and shoot the shooter when he turned and pointed his rifle at the officer? Why didn’t the officer empty his weapon to send a warning to President Trump and his nearby Secret Service detail? The officer was stupid? He was a coward? A demon influenced the officer, who disturbed the shooter enough to cause him to only nick Trump’s right ear, or the demon deflected the bullet just enough to only nick Trump’s right ear and turn Trump into a martyr Trump, Republicans and MAGAs would believe with all their hearts was saved by God to save  America from the Democrats.

    I saw TV news reports this morning that a Secret Service sniper on the roof of another building had the shooter in his scope and waited for the shooter to fire before shooting and killing the shooter. What possible reason could the Secret Service sniper have to wait when he saw the shooter aiming his rifle at Trump? The Secret Service sniper was stupid? A demon influenced the Secret Service sniper to protect the demon’s plan to make Trump a living martyr saved by God to save America.

    I spoke with two friends who know a lot about guns, one is a Republican and one is an Independent, and they are as baffled as I am about the police officer and the Secret Service sniper not shooting the shooter before he fired the first shot at Donald Trump. They with me, there is no human explanation. 

    The Independent said, the day after the assassination attempt, the odds in Las Vegas of Trump being elected jumped from 52 to 68 percent.

    A woman friend texted me a photo of a T-Shirt Trump now is selling to go along with the Bibles, MAGA hats, etc, he sells.

    Another women friend texted me:
Appearing in a YouTube interview dated four months ago, Pastor Brandon Biggs described his vision of an attempt on Donald Trump's life that strikingly parallels the incident that occurred Saturday night at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. "Then I saw an attempt on his life. This bullet flew by his ear, and it came so close to his head that it busted his eardrum," Biggs says in the video. At this time, Trump's injury has been described as piercing the upper part of his right ear, though there's been no mention of damage to his eardrum.


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