On this Labor Day morning in America, where Christendom has forgotten Jesus said in the Gospels: the way to life is difficult and the gate narrow and few enter; many are called but few are chosen; the work is great and the laborers are few-
a poem
about Americais reported
every dayin plain viewon FOXCNNCBSMSNBCbetween their main programmingcommercialsa funeral pyreactuallycremationno Phoenix involveddieandburninHell
I saw this in various news media yesterday:
"Actually, but you know the good news it's so crazy that my poll numbers go up. Whoever heard you get indicted for interfering with a presidential election, where you have every right to do it, you get indicted, and your poll numbers go up. When people get indicted your pull numbers go down," Trump said during the second part of a recorded interview that aired Sunday night.
I saw this in various news media today:
Donald Trump said he believes in God more since surviving an assassination attempt in July.
“I think you think, like, if you believed in God, you believe in God more,” Trump said on Fox News on Sunday. “And somebody said, like, ‘why?’ And I’d like to think that God thinks that I’m gonna straighten out our country. Our country is so sick and it’s so broken. Our country is just broken, and maybe that was the reason, I don’t know.”
If God had saved Trump that day, then very pronto Trump would have gotten an ”Oh shit!” feeling, because God had stood Trump before a mirror that X-rayed his entire being, leaving no stone or fig leaf unturned, and anyone who had known Trump would not know him any longer.
Those whose eyes see and ears hear would tell their Christian friends, “Behold what Jesus meant by being born again- Trump met Jesus on a road to Damascus!”
As it is, those with eyes that see and ears that hear, tell their Republican friends, "The Devil saved Trump that day, and how he has behaved since then proves it. So cast your lot with the Devil, if you wish, you have every right to do that. And please don’t dodge your predicament by telling me about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. They are none of your business. Trump and the Devil are your business, and God has nothing to do with that business.”
Those with eyes that see and ears that hear know their Democrat friends will read the above and not think it has anything to do with their business with the Devil, and they have every right to do that, because God gave them that right, too.
Some slapstick draconian comic relief about a horrible war Democrat President Lyndon Johnson invented when I was in college, and Donald Trump and I draft-dodged, but in very different ways. He claimed he had bad feet, and I claimed God spared me, because God had killed my infant son.
This is my artistic rendition of a revelation I had last night. PLEASE do not share with Christians. I don’t want them to fly into panic.
So, I’m standing there waiting for the clerk to get me some Feta Cheese out of the stock room…
and I notice this guy, raising a salute to me. So, I wear a Vietnam Veteran hat and I do so because I like to meet other Vets. It’s kind of nice to meet people, who came out the other side and are living life. Yep, I get a lotta “thank you for your service” folks and that’s nice, because it makes them feel good to express thanks ideally for those who have served…
Anyhow, this man is about the right age to be a fellow Vietnam Vet. So, I usually ask “what branch were you in, where did you serve? etc. He informs me that he flew choppers (helicopters). Now I’m really intrigued because that’s one incredibly dangerous job to have in Vietnam or frankly anywhere.
I’m in awe of chopper pilots and I’m just assuming he flew in Vietnam at this point. I actually loved the 12 or so times I got to fly in Huey’s. I only found out recently that somewhere around 50% of all helicopters were shot down during the course of that decade plus long war. Now that doesn’t mean all those downed aircraft resulted in death. According to “Huey Vets” the rate was about 10% for all who flew. That might seem like fair odds, that is until you are there in Vietnam flying mission after mission.
Suddenly, this guy is pitching me about Jesus, his sect and “End Times” that his sect essentially focuses on. I’m thinking “Oh shit, how am I gonna get off his evangelical recruitment.” I ignore the religious stuff and ask what unit he flew with in Vietnam to redirect the conversation to where it ostensibly began.
Then he goes into a long story about flight school at Fort Rucker, Alabama (which makes sense) and just as he’s gonna graduate flight school… He launches into a detailed explanation of his fathers illness. Then, even more strangely, he volunteers that because of this hardship death he was given a transfer to some other base to serve out the remainder of his enlistment.
I’m thinking to myself that when I went in in 1969 that even if every member of my family were to die in a massive car wreck that I’m pretty sure that my shipment to Vietnam would have been slowed by maybe two weeks.
In any case I asked him, “So, you were slated for Vietnam, but your father’s death and the bereavement process ended up with you staying stateside? He confirmed this and again began to pitch Jesus.
I’ve met and know a number of Veteran’s who largely due to timing did not serve in Vietnam. I certainly don’t look down on them in the least. Military service is a long separation from the civilian world and frankly a lot of boredom, missing friends and loved ones, as well as taking tons of crap from people who are like a parade of bad bosses everyday.
Whether this man was using his “Veteran’s experience” in part or in whole to save me for Jesus, I really don’t know.
I suppose that the strategy of using lies of omission and deception when it comes to saving souls is what Jesus woulda done.Sloan BashinskyGosh Almighty, Atticus Finch just might give you a big bad high five for this beauty! I’m glad you came back from that miasm and are being a patriot in ways many Americans today cannot fathom.
Two of my college fraternity brothers died in combat in Vietnam. I found their names on the Black Wall at Arlington in D.C.
I imagine if the guy you encountered actually knew Jesus even a little bit, he would not think highly of America’s war in Vietnam, nor of any American boy being sent over to die in a war in Asia, to help rich white American men make money off that war, which really was about America trying to replace France in Vietnam’s rubber tree plantations, according to a former CIA fellow I got to know in Key West, who said he was in Vietnam before America got all the way involved. He said his covert unit’s job was to help Ho Chi Minh beat the French, and Ho wanted to do business with America, but it asked for too much, and not liking Red China, Ho asked the Soviet Union for help against America.
In 1988, my father asked me to lunch at the Birmingham Downtown Rotary Club, which was the upper crust Rotary Club in Birmingham. The guest speaker was the Executive Director of the National Geographic. His topic was “Getting To Know Our Neighbors.” He said a survey of American college students revealed 95 percent of them could ot locate Vietnam on a map. And the Geographic figured, maybe if Americans got to know more about people elsewhere, Americans would be less inclined to make war against them.
After the Geographic man had his say, he opened the floor to questions. The first and only question, it turned out, was, “Did the Geographic have a position on the Vietnam War?” The Geographic man said there was a huge demonstration in Saigon with people carrying posters begging America to save them, which was televised in America. The Geographic had correspondents in Saigon, who spoke Vietnamese. They interviewed protestors, who did not speak English and did not know what was on the posters they carried, which they said they had been paid money to carry. That demonstration turned the American public from against war in Vietnam, to for war in Vietnam. The Geographic did some digging and learned the money for the demonstration was provided by the American government and American corporations. You could have heard a pin drop in the Rotary Club. My father, who was a B-29 combat aviator in World War II looked like he would throw up.
When my infant son died of crib death (sudden infant death syndrome), I was exposed to the Vietnam war draft, and I applied for a student deferment, which would let me finish law school, then I would be inducted. My wife got pregnant again. I went back to the Draft Board in Birmingham to try to recover my father deferment. The lady behind the counter, who had helped me apply for the student deferment, said my student deferment was irrevocable. She walked to a green filing cabinet and pulled out my file to show me what I had signed, and she said there was some mistake. I asked, what kind of mistake? She said I had signed the wrong form, and I would have to apply again for a student deferment. I said no thanks, I will stick with my father deferment. I walked out of their feeling the weight of the world had been lifted off of me by God. Many years later, a woman I told that story said her husband’ s mother had worked in that Draft Board and she’d heard several stories of young men registered in that Draft Board not getting drafted. Young white men, I figured.
President John F. Kennedy, his Senator-president-candidate Brother Bobby, Dr. Martin Luther King and Malcom X all opposed America at war in Vietnam and were shot and killed.
Flawriduh Cracker
My deepest condolences over the loss of your child.
I will get back to you w/ some comments on your experiences as a component. For months I was adjacent to the Michelin Rubber plantation, so yes I can confirm what your CIA bud was sharing.
I suppose in posting this Target encounter is this lack of opacity in the motives of Evangelicals who use lies to engage people with false pretenses of empathy and caring to pitch the End Times religious stuff.
Sloan Bashinsky
Most Evangelicals have no clue what’s going on, they are convinced they speak for God and Jesus, and that pleases the Devil immensely. I borrowed this post of yours and your and my jabbering for my blog post today. I’ll send you a link in a bit. My son’s death so unhinged me that I never was able to fit into any plans my ancestors and I had for me, and it took me a long time to see that and that he had set me free to become someone else entirely.
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