Sunday, September 8, 2024

As the land of the free and the home of the brave world turns on its head where the sun never shines axis, school children fear for their lives...

    Two bizarre things happened on my fake birthday yesterday, September 7. Fake, because when I was born on October 7, the rule was I would have to wait until I was nearly 7 to begin first grade, so my mother got her delivering physician to make up a fake birth certificate saying I was born on September 7, 1942, and for eight years at Crestline Heights Elementary School in The Tiny Kingdom (Mountain Brook) upscale white Birmingham suburb, I celebrated my birthday on September 7.

    The first bizarre thing happened in the North American Politics section of religious The second bizarre thing was a Washington Post article that caused me to think the people running the Winder, Georgia school should be fired and locked up and tried as accessories to murder.

    The first bizarre thing.
Rule 5: Pornography, Profanity, and Adult Content
ParticipantsQuagmireRedneck Mystic  
Start dateYesterday at 7:53 AM

Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member  
"It's depressing to think how much more I could have gotten done in life if my head hadn't been so busy solving problems that didn't exist"

"The first step in learning how to dance is to quit shooting yourself in the foot"

--- Naykidape 
Redneck Mystic,

This is to let you know that the staff decided to moderate some content you created on RF:

Redneck Mystic said:

14-year-old boy takes daddy’s AR-15 to his Winder, Georgia public school to shoot his fellow students and teachers.
Daddy needed an AR-15 for home defense?
A 12-gauge pump shotgun loaded with buckshot shells is far more effective, and the sound of the pump’s sliding action scares the living bejesus out of intruders.
Pray tell, what animals did daddy need the AR-15 to shoot?
Deer, wild pigs, bears, coyotes, foxes, woodchucks, rabbits, squirrels, mice?
I used to hunt, and if I missed with a rifle, it meant I was a bad shot.
If I'd had an AR-15, that would have meant iI was a bad shot and a bad sport, and I felt horrible about my penis.
Did the AR-15 help Daddy feel better about his penis?
Did the AR-15 make Daddy’s son feel better about his penis?
Did Governor Georgia Brian Kemp feel better about his penis by praying for the families of the murdered and wounded teachers and students and their families?
Did Governor Kemp say he will put guards armed with AR-15s at the entrances and exits to Georgia public schools? Or does Kemp expect Georgia public schools to pray to Jesus to protect their students and teachers from kids with AR-15s?
Did the AR-15 shooter cause the Winder school board to put guards with AR-15s at the entrances and exits to their schools? Or are they still praying for the murdered students and teachers and their families?
The Republicans on the U.S. Supreme Court never will do anything about a 14-year-old boy taking an AR-15 to his school. Instead, the fake Christians pray for the murdered and wounded students and teachers and their families.
The only way to protect public schools from AR-15 shooters in America is to close the public schools and teach students online, or put AR-15 armed guards at the entrances and exits of public schools.
Yet, did Kamala Harris and Donald Trump call for AR-15 armed guards in public schools?
Jesus in the Gospels clearly liked children more than adults, and he is watching you fake Christians.
A friend reported a dream he had the night before the Winder school shooting: 
Two secret service agents are at a debate with both Trump and Harris speaking.
One whispers into the 2nd's ear: “Haven’t been a more perfect two pigs for all those demons to house themselves in since the time of Christ.”
The 2nd whispers back in the 1st’s ear: “That’s true, but even Jesus couldn’t find a cliff high enough to run those two off of to get rid of them.” 
Meanwhile, penis envy AR-15 defender MAGA congresswoman Majorie Taylor Greene's call to prayer, and its ECHOS.

‘Save Your Fake Prayers’: Marjorie Taylor Greene Ripped Over School Shooting Response​
(from AR-15- the make your penis feel better school shooter's best friend)

The staff felt this content was not in keeping with Rule 5 of our forums. In order to help you better understand why, here is a copy of Rule 5 for you to review:

Rule 5: Obscene Language and Adult/Violent Content
The public content areas of RF must maintain the equivalent of a PG-content rating. This means no profanity, sexually suggestive/explicit content (except in the Eros Room*), or violent/disturbing content. Automated filters catch most, but not all, profane language; members are responsible for ensuring their posts are profanity-free. Use of disturbing content may be acceptable if put in spoilers and it is relevant to the topic of discussion, but gratuitous content is never allowed and spoilered content is still subject to moderation.

*Sexually explicit content is allowed in the Eros Room (a private group/forum restricted to members 18 years or older), but nowhere else. Pornography and sexually extreme/vulgar content is never permitted, even in the Eros Room. 

Please take a moment to read through this rule, as we will expect you to abide by this rule in the future. If you have any questions about the forum rules or staff actions, please create a thread in the Site Feedback forum. Threads you create there are visible only to yourself and the staff team, so we can discuss things confidentially.

Thank you for your cooperation,
- Quagmire, on the behalf of the RF staff
"It's depressing to think how much more I could have gotten done in life if my head hadn't been so busy solving problems that didn't exist"

"The first step in learning how to dance is to quit shooting yourself in the foot"
--- Naykidape

Redneck Mystic
Active Member
If a 14-year-old-boy can shoot his schoolmates and teachers with an AR-15 given to him by his father the year before, I cannot explain to the kid and his father and to your readers what really drove them to do what they did, using generally accepted medical term, penis, and generally accepted psychological analysis? That question aside, how was my post moderated?

Quagmire said:
Redneck Mystic,

This is to let you know that the staff decided to moderate some content you created on RF:

(from AR-15- the make your penis feel better school shooter's best friend)

The staff felt this content was not in keeping with Rule 5 of our forums. In order to help you better understand why, here is a copy of Rule 5 for you to review:

Rule 5: Obscene Language and Adult/Violent Content
The public content areas of RF must maintain the equivalent of a PG-content rating. This means no profanity, sexually suggestive/explicit content (except in the Eros Room*), or violent/disturbing content. Automated filters catch most, but not all, profane language; members are responsible for ensuring their posts are profanity-free. Use of disturbing content may be acceptable if put in spoilers and it is relevant to the topic of discussion, but gratuitous content is never allowed and spoilered content is still subject to moderation.

*Sexually explicit content is allowed in the Eros Room (a private group/forum restricted to members 18 years or older), but nowhere else. Pornography and sexually extreme/vulgar content is never permitted, even in the Eros Room. 

Please take a moment to read through this rule, as we will expect you to abide by this rule in the future. If you have any questions about the forum rules or staff actions, please create a thread in the Site Feedback forum. Threads you create there are visible only to yourself and the staff team, so we can discuss things confidentially.

Thank you for your cooperation,
- Quagmire, on the behalf of the RF staff
    Having now read Rule 5 twice and still not  knowing how Quagmire moderated my post, I replied:
Redneck Mystic
Children being massacred is about as violent as content can get. You have convinced me, Quagmire, that your handle is perfect, and that you and prefer for school children to be massacred in their schools.

    The second bizarre thing.

Mother of Georgia suspect is said to have called school before shooting, warning of ‘emergency’

The mother of the suspected Apalachee High School gunman told family members that she called the school on the morning of the shooting and warned a counselor about an “extreme emergency” involving her 14-year-old son, according to text messages obtained by The Washington Post and an interview with a family member.

That account is supported by a call log from the family’s shared phone plan, which shows a 10-minute call from the mother’s phone to the school starting at 9:50 a.m. — about a half-hour before witnesses have said the gunman opened fire.

“I was the one that notified the school counselor at the high school,” Marcee Gray texted her sister following the shooting on Sept. 4, according to a screenshot of the exchange. “I told them it was an extreme emergency and for them to go immediately and find [my son] to check on him.”

A counselor told Gray during the call that her son had been talking about a school shooting that morning, according to Gray’s sister, Annie Brown, who described family discussions of the events to The Post.

Around the same time, a school administrator went to the son’s math classroom, according to Lyela Sayarath, a student in the class. Sayarath said there seemed to be confusion involving another student in the class with a name similar to that of Gray’s son. Neither student was in the room, and the official left with a backpack belonging to the similarly named student, she said. The shooting began minutes later.

The phone log, texts and interviews provide the strongest indications yet that officials at Apalachee High were alerted to concerns about the suspect on the morning of the shooting and may have been looking for him in the minutes before he allegedly killed four people and injured nine with an AR-15-style rifle. The texts also show that the school and family were in contact about his mental health a week before the shooting, and that Brown told a relative the teen was at the time having “homicidal and suicidal thoughts.”

Barrow County School System Superintendent Dallas LeDuff did not answer detailed questions from The Post and told reporters to instead contact law enforcement. “Our focus is currently on healing our community and supporting our students during this incredibly difficult time,” he wrote in an email.

After this story was published online, Marcee Gray reached out to The Post to confirm the details in the texts and phone logs. She declined to elaborate on what had prompted her to call in the warning to the school, but said she had shared that information with law enforcement. She called the shooting “absolutely horrific” and expressed remorse for the students and parents affected.

“I am so, so sorry and can not fathom the pain and suffering they are going through right now,” Gray told The Post in a text.

Representatives of the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, the agency overseeing the investigation into the shooting, and of the Barrow County Sheriff’s Office declined to answer questions and referred The Post to the Piedmont Judicial Circuit District Attorney’s Office. District Attorney Brad Smith did not respond to requests for comment.

The suspect, Colt Gray, is charged as an adult with four counts of felony murder. He appeared in court Friday but did not enter a plea.

The call log and texts were provided to The Post by Brown, who said she administers the family’s cellular plan.

The texts Brown received about Gray notifying the school were sent from a phone belonging to their mother, the suspect’s grandmother, but Brown said Gray was the sender. The two address each other as “sister” in the exchange. A screenshot provided by Brown shows that the number that made the call to the school that morning was saved in Brown’s phone under “Mar,” a shortened version of her sister’s name.

Brown said her sister called the school after she learned something concerning about her son and feared an “impending disaster.” Brown said in the interview she did not know details about what her sister had learned or how.

Brown previously told The Post that her nephew had spent months “begging” for mental health help, and that the “adults around him failed him.” His struggles were complicated by a difficult home life, she said.

The suspect’s mother in December pleaded guilty to a charge of family violence and was ordered to have only limited contact with Colin Gray, her husband and the suspected shooter’s father, according to court records. In 2022, the Grays were evicted from their home and the suspect’s mother and father separated, according to law enforcement records. The family has also had contacts with Georgia’s child welfare agency, authorities have said.

In May 2023, local law enforcement officers contacted the teen after receiving an FBI tip about online threats to carry out a school shooting, according to records released by the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office. The teen denied that he had made any such threats. Colin Gray told authorities at the time that he kept hunting rifles in the house, and that his son was allowed to use them with supervision but did not have “unfettered access.”

Colin Gray has been charged with second-degree murder in connection with the killings, as well as involuntary manslaughter and cruelty to children. Authorities said he knowingly allowed his son to have the weapon. The Post attempted to contact the father before his Thursday arrest but was unable to reach him.

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The week before the shooting, the teen’s grandmother, Deborah Polhamus, had met with a school counselor to request help for him, The Post has previously reported. He “starts with the therapist tomorrow,” Polhamus wrote in a text message to Brown after that meeting.

It’s not clear whether the suspect attended that therapy session. Polhamus has not responded to The Post’s requests for comment.

In an Aug. 29 text with a family member, Brown said she was hopeful about plans the family had made with the school to get her nephew into therapy. She also raised concerns about her nephew’s access to guns in the home.

“He has been having homicidal and suicidal thoughts, he shouldn’t have a gun, and he should’ve been in THERAPY months ago,” Brown wrote. She wrote that she had previously tried to get him into therapy without success.

After the shooting at Apalachee, the suspect’s mother expressed frustration that the school had not prevented the tragedy, text messages show. The amount of time that elapsed between her warning to the counselor about her son and the first shots fired was “just a long time for them to intervene so I’m curious to know what happened in that time,” she wrote to Brown, according to a screenshot of the message.

Sayarath, 16, who previously spoke with CNN about her experience, told The Post she was in her second-period algebra class shortly after 10 a.m. Wednesday morning when an administrator came looking not for Colt Gray — Sayarath’s seat neighbor — but for another student who sat nearby and had a similar name.

It is not clear what prompted the administrator’s visit and whether the call from Marcee Gray played a role.

That student had gone to the bathroom, the algebra teacher told the administrator, Sayarath said. The student’s red and black backpack was still in the classroom, and the administrator took it with her when she left.

In that moment, Colt Gray was also not in the classroom. He had left, Sayarath said.

Shortly after, the student with a similar name returned with his backpack in hand, Sayarath said. He told her that an adult in the hallway had asked him about a first-period teacher he didn’t have, and that he believed that the adult may have been looking for Colt Gray.

Not long afterward, a voice came over the intercom asking the teacher to check her email, according to Sayarath. The teacher walked to her computer, then continued going over algebra problems. Moments later, Colt Gray approached the classroom and the teacher said up to the intercom, “Oh, he’s here,” Sayarath recalled.

Another student was about to open the door to let him inside, but then noticed he had a gun and stepped back in alarm, Sayarath said. The door was locked, and the armed teen could not get into the classroom. Sayarath heard the first shots seconds later.

Rabecca Sayarath, Lyela’s mother, drove to Apalachee as soon as she got a call from her daughter about the shooting as it unfolded.

That evening, Sayarath tried to ask about her daughter’s account at a news conference with law enforcement officials, and she made a number of assertions about the suspect’s behavior and the school’s response. Without being specific, Barrow County Sheriff Jud Smith said she had “wrong information.”

In an interview with The Post, she said she believed school officials had been looking for the suspect and was furious they did not take more aggressive action sooner. “You were looking for the kid … and you didn’t lock up the school when you found out he wasn’t in the class?” she said. “If they had locked the school down, a lot of people might still freaking be here.”

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