Monday, September 9, 2024

Kundalina, a tale about what Alabama might have been if it were so lucky


    I sometimes tell people that the only way to really get to know me, besides live with me, is to read my books, especially my novels.

    The first novel wiggled out of me in 1991 and 1992, when I lived in Boulder, Colorado. It’s set in the mysterious little village Kundalina overlooking the dam on the Cahaba River below the US Highway 280 bridge a few miles south of Birmingham. Now a free read at the internet library, click this link:

    Here’s the ‘Y’all come”:

KUNDALINA (A Strange Tale)
by Jake Carruthers; Sloan Bashinsky

Kundalina. It rhymes with Carolina. It is a strange tale involving romance, mystics, space aliens(Pleiadians if you must know), and all manner of critters and wildlife. Churches, pastors, preachers, sinners, saints- of all shapes, sizes, means and manners. It even involves a particularly resilient strain of carp. Kundalina is NOT non-fiction but it strains the definition of fiction to that of a tightly pulled hair follicle from which an 800lb gorilla is hanging onto for dear life. Another way to say it is this:. Kundalina is a rollicking tale of the state of Alabama MAYBE NOT AS IT WAS but instead as ALABAMA COULD HAVE BEEN and MAY YET BE if Alabama were to be so lucky. 


A few days ago, I started having moderate cramps in my back muscles behind my heart. Yesterday, the cramps became intense. The cramps subsided suddenly while I was watching my older daughter and her husband play a round of golf. The intense cramps returned at bedtime, and became more intense and took my breathy away. That was how I woke up this morning, wondering if I should head to my chiropractor??

I dreamed last night of trying to get a woman who took me to a play in Birmingham some years ago, and I didnt like the play all that much. In the dream, I was trying to get her to swing dance with me in Key West, and she said she didn’t like to dance like that.

I had a dream three nights ago about a Key West novelist I barely knew. I got up this morning, barely able to move, and started writing a blog post about my second novel, which was inspired by a dream I had in Key West, in 2001.

The awful cramps persisted, and I started writing about Kundalina, and the awful cramps began to subside and now there only is some soreness where they were.

I’ve had weird painful stuff happen in my body in the past, which got my attention until I figured out what was behind it

Some of Kundalina is set in the south Alabama town where my daughter and her husband now live. I’ve wondered some times if I should move here?

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