Friday, September 20, 2024

few people experience the kind of help angels can provide

    A woman in Birmingham, Alabama responded to yesterday’s medicine, healers and shamans vs. God post, and we discussed healing, angels and stuff.


I hate to bother you, but have you tried Dr. John Kennedy,chiropractor ( Hoover )? Or Healing Waters on 23rd South?

Also, Dr. Charlene Parrish biomagnetics.


No, but I gave lots of chiropractors and naturopaths and other kinds of healers not approved by medical doctors a chance, and they were out of their depth, and I spent a lot of money introducing them to being out of their depth, and I came away thinking they should have paid me 🙂

If I have a dream about the people you recommended, I will give them a chance.


Just a thought. Don't give up,though. Kennedy uses energy medicine as an adjunct. Quite a few of his pts.have been going 20+ years. Ok. Again,don't give up.


I saw several energy healers, and one, who probably was by far the best of the lot, told me that what was going on with me was beyond her range. If I dream about Kennedy, I will call and make an appointment. Thanks

By energy medicine, I mean energy coming from or through the healer. I also went to naturopaths who used homeopathic remedies made in Germany, I went to a radionics practitioner, who actually helpedme until whatever was causing the IBS nearly killed me to get me to stop using the radionics guy.

I tried flower remedies, crystal remedies, light remedies, too.


Or, Charlene Parrish. She comes to Dawsonville a couple of times a year. She's based in Thomasville. She does biomagnetics. I, by no means,have super $, but I see these folks anyway.

Lots of remedies you've tried.


I have not tried biomagnetics, I don't think, but it will take a dream or something comparable to get me to see another "healer", regardless of his/her reputation. In the past, people came to me for help as a last resort. Some of them I could help, others angels appeared and helped to the extent the people could tolerate such help. For when angels get involved, they tend to want the person to make personal changes, which are not comfortable. Recently, I started helping someone in that way, and the angels are putting her through a rough scouring and purging designed for her. It is pure energy medicine. I give her some advice, but the angels are giving her the assignments to do, which are changing and helping her in ways religion and medicine cannot fathom.


Angels are Awesome!


These angels are known in the Bible, and I doubt any Chrsitian would care to be healed by these angels, because of what these angels would ask in return.


Of course. I know,from reading your blogs, you're not a church guy & that's ok. They show up @ our church frequently. And, I would think Any Christian would be happy for angelic healing. Joshua & Janet Mills have some incredible angel stories.

Mind you, no attempts here to change you in any way. We all have to find our own path.

Thanks for taking your time to read the recommendations. Helpful, or,not ,I trust your dream life will guide you to the true solution.


I do not think you understand, which is okay, because the angel healing I am trying to describe is a complete remake of the person, who emerges someone else entirely- born again. Relatives and friends wonder what happened? The healing is rough. The person being healed is required to do many things differently. Take risks. It takes a while. It is terrifying at times internally, and sometimes externally. I imagine the healers you told me about would be totally freaked out to experience such healing. As would any Christian I have known. As would anyone I have known. The angels wake up people in ways they cannot imagine being woke up, until it happens. I have seen it happen to several people. There is no way to imagine it before it happens to them. I went through it. It was horrible. Because I was so messed up. Everyone is messed up, and this healing brings it to the surface. These angels favor no religion. They will work with anyone who truly wants that kind of help.

Their names: Jesus, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Melchizedek, and the Holy Spirit runs with them. I'm using their Bible names. But they are not bound by the Bible. They serve only God.


Of course. I may understand more than you know. We're all messed up,for real.


They meet a person where he she is and work from there, regardless of background, religion or not. I saw them turn a Christian woman every which way but loose. I love her dearly, but she was not ready for it, even though she had pretty much asked for it.

Indeed, we are all messed up for real, including people raised as Christians, as I was. 


Of course. I was raised Christian, also. Bound by religious doctrines, I'm not. And that's how people are set free.


That's true, but what I am trying to describe is entirely different, and it cannot be imagined until it is experienced. Based on my own experience, and experiences several other people I have known very well who were brought into it, for it to have any chance of going far requires a person be totally desperate and willing to be taken where and through what they cannot begin to imagine for, basically, the rest of their lives on this world.


Nothing wrong with the Truth! I've actually seen that, believe it or not. Not trying to impress anyone, especially @ my age.


Truth and Love are the itinerary, they have to go hand in hand, for Love without truth is mush, and truth without love is harsh, together, they live or die. In this program I am trying to describe. the "inductees" are dosed incrementally with truth as they can tolerate it. Truth about themselves, about people they know, about whatever they are involved in. They experience dramatic internal commotion. They have to hang on, trust the process, over which they have zero control or foresight. If they hang on and stick with it, they come to know in their bones what Jesus meant in the Gospels, when he said be in the world, but not of it, the way to life is difficult and the gate narrow and few enter.


Awesome Truth.


John 8:31-32 English Standard Version 2016 (ESV) So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”



thumb’s up


Did not dream about any of this last night. Got called on the carpet about something I thought about doing regarding someone else, so I’m not going to do it. If you, Joshua and/or Janet would like to join me for a visit somewhere mutually convenient, please let me know.


I might. Joshua & Janet used to be on staff @ our church, but they moved on elsewhere. Too many people moving on from there........


I don't bite, usually :-)

    We are having lunch today.

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