Sunday, October 27, 2024

the alien invasion was not called off

     In yesterday’s alibi backup: I ain’t no Mark Twain, Ernest Hemingway or William Faulkner, I mentioned that I was writing a sequel to my first novel, Kundalina, Alabama, which would not make much sense to someone who had not read Kundalina. I said I was stalled at about page 25 with the sequel, which I was calling Kundalina Resurrection. I said the stall might be something cosmic or November 5.

    Several dreams had caused me to wonder if I might have finished the sequel, or if it was simply to be published at this blog in its unfinished state? 

    The heroine in both tales is a veterinarian named Mary Lou Snow, who also is a witch, and she and her husband are Pleiadean migrants somewhat in disguise. 

    About 6 weeks ago, I took up with a witch, who watched me write the sequel and said she loved it. She had read Kundalina

    Last night, a friend of mine, who plays at the duplicate bridge club where I play in Shelby County, south of Birmingham, and who is a retired veterinarian and professor at Auburn’s veterinary school, emailed asking if I wanted to play bridge with him today? I said, yes.

    In the past, I had asked him a few times if he would pretend I was an ailing pet and put me out of my mystery, and he kept smiling and saying he was retired.

    In yesterday’s blog post, I introduced my witch girlfriend further and said being with her has caused me to want to stick around a while longer despite me feeling American and humanity were beyond FUBAR. I shared what post with my vet friend and quite a few other members of the bridge club.

    A couple of days ago, the witch came with me to the bridge club and watched us play and got to know somewhat the other bridge players. My vet friend was not there that day. I now can imagine he and my witch accomplice somehow probably had something to do with me writing Kundalina’s sequel. 

    As did the witch and I are watching on Netflix the journalist Graham  Hancock’s wonderfully disturbing documentary “American Apocalypse”, in which he mostly civilly demolishes modern Archaeology’s view that primitive humans, who survived the Ice Age and a huge comet strike on Earth, built stone monuments humans today could not build with all their modern technology. 

    The witch and I keep wondering why Hancock doesn’t come out and say the obvious: the humans who survived the ice age and the comet strike were assisted by ETs, or by angels. If I were president, my first official act would be to declassify all of my government's UFO files and give Americans and the world something different to worry about.  


Apologies to the Muse

57 years ago, Riley Strange returned from the dead, so to speak, and he, Mary Lou Snow and Roland Sanders walked arm and arm out of St. Vincent’s Hospital in Birmingham, wondering what lay ahead for the inhabitants of the Pleiadean colony Kundalina(rhymes with Carolina) overlooking the Cahaba River bridge dam just below US Highway 280 a few miles south of Birmingham.

Although Riley, Mary Lou and Roland’s adventures seemed to have only just begun, the ghostwriter Jake Carruthers and me went and got ourselves mixed up in stuff that took us down what some folks might view as a whole heap of annoying but sometimes warped sense of humor rabbit holes, some of what and which got wrote down, and some of what and which didn’t.

So here Jake and me sit all these years later at our Apple laptop, wondering where and what we typed about Kundalina, Riley, Mary Lou, Roland and other people on our Apple desktop in 1992 might go next? 

That said, if you already read Kundalina (A Strange Tale), turn the page. If you have not read it, you have no context for its belated sequel. Here’s a link that will enable you to get caught up: 

Law School

After mightily resisting his deceased but not really dead Pleiadean father’s pressure to go to law school, Riley enrolled at the Birmingham School of Law near the University of Alabama in Birmingham and its growing medical complex, collectively known as UAB. Law classes were taught at night by Birmingham practicing attorneys, who, unlike most law professors in America, actually practiced law and made a living at it and learned things about lawyering that law professors tend not to learn.

While Riley learned about the law and its jealous mistress, Mary Lou did her craft, which was treating sick animals, some of whom she cured with medicines veterinarians used, and some of whom she cured by being a healer, or a witch, some might say. Mary Lou also got pregnant again, and Riley Jr. had a baby sister named Rose, after the pen name Riley’s mom Alice used in her “Through the Looking Glass” column in the Birmingham Herald, which kept lots of tongues wagging and lots of church people on edge. 

Although Riley sometimes had taken to Rose’s way of disturbing the Status Quo’s peace and tranquility, Riley laid low in law school. He read his case assignments, answered his law professors’ questions when called upon, studied hard semester exams, and graduated with a 2.8 average on a 3.0 scale. Riley read his class notes three times and took and passed the Alabama law exam in Montgomery, and paid for his law license and joined a small law firm in Cahaba Heights across the street from Mary Lou’s veterinary clinic, Pet Haven.

Cahaba Heights, lies just east of US Highway 280, about a mile above the Cahaba River dam and Kundalina. Originally, Cahaba Heights was called New Merkle. When real estate developers started building subdivisions there, Cahaba Heights sounded nicer to people looking to buy homes, even though there were no heights overlooking the Cahaba River, which was a mile south on US 280 and about mile east on Pump House Road, so named for the Birmingham Water Works Board’s pumphouse on the Little Cahaba River, which came out from under the Lake Purdy dam. Lake Purdy provided Birmingham’s drinking water and today is a lake people still fish because it’s safe to eat their catch.

A few years earlier at the east end of Lake Purdy, where the Little Cahaba runs into the lake, Riley was beamed up with his boat and motor into a Pleiadean beamship, where his not by any means dead father begged him to go to law school, a great deal depended on it, and Riley declined, because he had detested his mother’s second husband, who was a lawyer in Birmingham.

Shortly after Alice, with 6 foot, 4 inch, 240 pounds Roland’s help, ran off her lawyer husband, she drank a Pleiadean potion that allowed her soul to leave her body and return to where Pleadians live when they are not in Pleiadean or Earthling bodies. Roland read her eulogy beside the Cahaba River in Kundalina.

God’s daughter, Alice Strange, came to Earth,

Her mission to experience what God had made,

To live, laugh and play, to work, love and hate,

To hurt and be hurt, to forgive and to die.

It is said the soul comes to Earth in fear,

Knowing there will be much pain in life.

Yet come Alice did, for all must be initiated

To earn the right to be with God.

Alice encountered many barriers to living her life,

Ones that do not live in the spirit realms-

Fear, anger, criticisms, loss, loneliness and grief,

And she experienced and rose above them all.

There were many important choices for Alice,

But the biggest choice was only this:

Whether to live her life to the fullest, 

Or to safely blend in with the herd.

Now her course is finished, her return sounded.

Her soul has welcomed that signal,

Knowing she will soon be home,

Where a place has been prepared for her.

Now come her time to stand and be counted,

To give back her talents multiplied tenfold.

And when her roll is called up yonder,

She will hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

The law firm Riley joined had two founding partners, Nick Fuentes and Jim Harrington, who specialized in civil rights and environmental law- they figured someone had to represent Mother Nature’s civil rights, too. Paper mills and other industries liked to locate beside Alabama rivers and dump their waste products into the rivers. Fuentes & Harrington viewed themselves as Jedi Knights in dire battle with Darth Vader and the Dark Side of the Force. 

Fuentes & Harrington also represented Planned Parenthood, abortion clinics, blacks, and people who experienced discrimination because their sexual orientation was not church-approved. 

After dropping of Vanderbilt Divinity School, in Nashville, Riley had “pastored” the eclectic Dispensable Church in one of the meeting rooms at the Holiday Inn near the Birmingham airport, for which he was briefly prosecuted by the Alabama Department of Mental Health for practicing psychology without a license, even though he had majored in psychology at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa. Riley’s court defense was he was a pastor who told people how they might live differently, and the Alabama Department of Mental Health had no jurisdiction over God. The judge agreed with Riley.

Shortly after, with plenty of attaboy and gratitude from Mary Lou, Riley dispensed the dispensable church, and a heap more that never was discussed nor even imagined in a church. 

Riley Jr. and his younger sister Rose grew up and married and had children of their own. Riley Jr. and his family moved to Apalachicola, Florida, and Rose and her family moved to Mariana, Florida. It is said that strange things sometimes happen in those two towns, which cannot be explained by science.


Over the years, Birmingham area Veterinarians became increasingly agitated over their dying patients being taken by their owners to Pet Haven to be resurrected from the dead by that evil heathen witch Mary Lou Snow, whose husband had made fools out of the Alabama Board of Mental Health. Had they known Riley’s mother was the Rose Carruthers, who wrote all those nasty letters in the Birmingham Herald about their parents’ posters and churches, they might have brought a class action against Riley, as well. 

        The veterinarians accused Mary Lou of unfair competition, to wit, casting spells that made their patients deathly sick, which caused the owners of their patients to take their pets to Pet Haven.

To prove their case, the veterinarians’ law firm, Wiken, Blinken & Nod hired a former circus veterinarian, who claimed to be an animal whisperer trained by African shamans, to testify that Mary Lou was practicing black magic and causing dying pets and their owners’ souls to be taken over by the Devil. 

During his sworn deposition, the animal whisperer testified there was no way in heaven or hell Mary Lou could cure her terminally ill patients without using black magic, voodoo, or something God did not approve.

Representing herself, Mary Lou asked the alleged African shaman trained animal whisper if maybe it was God that healed her terminally ill animal patients to prove Riley’s mother, Rose Carruthers, was dead on the money about a lot of things nobody wanted to admit? When the animal whisper said he didn’t know who Rose Carruthers was, Mary Lou told him who Rose Carruthers was.

When Mary Lou asked the alleged African shaman-trained animal whisperer if pets could have near-death experiences and return from the dead, he said he did not know. When Mary Lou asked him if he would like to come to Pet Heaven and watch her treat terminally ill pets and return them from the dead, he said he had a sudden urge to run to the men’s room. Oops, he wet his pants.

Mary Lou gave the three men-in-black lawyers representing the alleged African shaman-trained animal whisper the look, smiled, twitched her nose, and they leaped out of their chairs and raced to the men’s room. Oops. 

That night in their sleep, the veterinarians who sued Mary Lou dreamed of black panthers licking their faces. The next morning, they called their lawyers, who declined to take their calls. That afternoon, the Birmingham Herald received an email from an encrypted email account, grabyourbesthold.fu.ed:

Dear Birmingham Herald,

Please be advised pets are smarter than humans. If you don’t believe it, interview the veterinarians and lawyers who sued Pet Haven in the Jefferson County Courthouse.

Cat Woman

Pet Heaven

Birmingham Herald Editor Chaucey Poe forwarded Cat Woman’s email to Billie Blake, who wrote the popular Kudzu Gossip weekly column for the Herald. Billie walked over to the Jefferson County Courthouse on 21st Street North to inquire at the Clerk of the Court Office about veterinarians suing Pet Haven. The lady behind the front counter entered Pet Haven into her computer search and found the case number and wrote it down and pointed Darcy toward two computers at the end of the counter, which the public could use.

Billie walked over and got on of the keyboards and typed in Pet Heaven and the lawsuit came up. The newest thing in the case file was MOTION TO DISMISS AND SEAL CASE FILE, filed by Winken, Blinken and Nod for the plaintiffs. Billie whipped out her iPhone and photographed the entire case file. Then, she asked the lady behind the counter to make paper copies of the entire case file. The lady said it would be 10 cents per page, cash only. Billie said, okay. 

Back at the Birmingham Herald, Billy showed Chaucey what she had found, and he said, “Thank the gods the judge had not sealed the file!!!” If the file was sealed, the public could not see what was in it. Ever. Unless the plaintiffs agreed to it, and a judge approved it. 

Chaucey looked up Pet Heaven on his Verizon smartphone and clicked Pet Heaven’s phone number and Mary Lou herself answered. Chaucey introduced himself, explained what Bille had learned at the courthouse, and asked if they could come to Pet Heaven and interview Mary Lou with a cam recorder? 

Mary Lou said, “Sure, how about after we close today, say 6 p.m.” 

Chaucey said, “Okay”. 

Mary Lou called Riley and told him. Riley told Mary Lou about the encrypted email he had sent to the Herald. 

Mary Lou said, “You low down dirty dog.” 

Riley said, “Guilty as charged, my favorite witch.”

Willa Sue said, “I better be your only witch, Mr.”

Riley said, “Or you will turn me into a toad?”

“That, and feed you to a lunker largemouth bass.” 

“You want me there when they interview you?”

“That might be interesting, but don’t bring Wolfie, take him to Winken, Blinken and Nod.”

Wolfie is their wolf-husky hybrid.

Billie and Chaucey arrived at Pet Haven and introductions were made. Mary Lou said hubby Riley is the son of the Rose Carruthers who wrote the “Through the Looking Glass” column in the Birmingham Herald many years before. 

Billie looked blank. 

Chaucey said, “For real?!” 

Riley said, “For real.” 

Billie said, “What’s that about?”

Chaucey said, “I’ll explain driving back to the newspaper.” 

Mary Lou said, “When I deposed the veterinarian’s so-called expert witness, who claimed to be an animal whisperer trained by African shamans, he wet his pants and fled, and then the veterinarians’ lawyers all wet their pants and fled.”

Billie and Chaucey looked at Riley like, WTF?

Mary Lou said, “Billie, would you and Chaucey like to see me treat a dying beagle hound that has cancer?”

They nodded, yes.

Mary Lou got out of her chair and walked through a door into the back of her clinic and came back cradling a female beagle hound in her left arm.

Mary Lou said, “This here is Poppy. She’s ten years old. She’s had cancer for about 6 months. Another veterinarian said it was time to put her down. Her owners brought her here this morning, and I told them to leave her with me and come back and get her in the morning. I do healing work at night, usually, but it’s close enough to night to do it for Poppy.

Mary Lou closed her eyes, mumbled something in a strange language, her eyelids fluttered, she started shaking. Poppy jerked in her arms, then closed her eyes. 

Mary Lou said, “Poppy will sleep for maybe an hour and wake up and be cancer free, because I took her cancer into me and I am metabolizing it and turning it into star food.” 

Billie and Chaucey’s mouths dropped.

Mary Lou said, “You two are welcome to write an article about our visit and Poppy, but if you don’t tell it true, you might end up like the fake animal whisperer and their lawyers.”

Mary Lou jumped up out of her chair and ran to the bathroom off the waiting room and threw up in the toilet. 

Riley said, “She does that after every healing, to get the poison out of her that she absorbed during the healing.”

Billie looked at Chaucey. 

Chaucey looked at Billie.

Rileys said, “Don’t worry, we don’t bite people we like. Do your investigation and write your story, or not. We won’t bother you if you decide to take a pass, but we think you are the right people to tell the people of Birmingham what you have learned, because things are going to change due to an alien invasion from the Pleiades.

Billie looked at Chaucey.

Chaucey looked at Billie.

They left. 

OMG, Don’t Look Up!

Driving back to the Birmingham Herald, Billie said, “Well, that was …. “

“Mind blowing?” Chaucey finished her question.

“Yeah, mind blowing,” Billie said.

The next morning, Billie called the court reporter and asked her to make a copy of the deposition for the Birmingham Herald to read. 

The court reporter called about a few days later, and Bille drove to the court reporter’s office and picked up the deposition and returned to the Herald, and she and Chaucey read the deposition. 

Chaucy said, ‘That’s fucking hilarious!”

Billy said, “Beyond fucking hilarious.”

Chaucey said, “Get to writing, and don’t water it down.”

Billy asked, “When did I ever water something down?”

Chaucey smiled.

Chaucey’s phone rang, he answered, “Hi, Mary Lou here. I have lab work back on Poppy, no cancer. If Billie comes by my clinic, I will give her a copy.”


Kudzu Gossip

OMG, Don’t look up!!!

by Bille Blake

The Kudzu gossip vines ain’t never gonna stop quivering after they read this here report. 

A beagle hound named Poppy had cancer. We verified that with the veterinarian who had treated Poppy for several years. Now Poppy does not have cancer. We verified that with the veterinarian Mary Lou Snow, whom we watched at her clinic, Pet Haven, cradel Poppy in her arms and take into herself Poppy’s cancer, and then Dr. Snow got up and walked into a bathroom and threw up the cancer she had absorbed. We went back later and  Dr. Snow showed us lab reports showing Poppy no longer had cancer.

We showed the lab reports to Poppy’s regular veterinarian, who said there must be some mistake. We brought Poppy’s owner in holding Poppy in her arms. She asked the vet to take tissue samples from Poppy and send them to a lab and tell us when he had the results. He called us a few days later and said the lab reported no cancer in Poppy. He said he had never seen anything like it. We told him what we saw happen at Pet Heaven. He said, “Pet Heaven- that quack?“ We said, “That quack healed Poppy.” 

About a month ago, the quack and Pet Heaven were sued in a class action brought by several local veterinarians represented by the Wiken, Blinken, Nod law firm in Birmingham. They hired an expert witness, who claimed to be trained as an animal whisperer by African shamans. They accused the quack and Pet Haven of unfair competition by using black magic to heal sick pets.

The quack cross-examined the alleged animal whisper, who wet his pants and fled the deposition. The Wiken, Blinken and Nod lawyers wet their pants and fled the deposition. We verified that with the court reporter. We obtained a copy of the transcribed deposition, which we are happy to email anyone who wants to see it.

Two days after the deposition, Wiken, Blinken & Nod filed a motion to dismiss the class action and seal the record. We got to the courthouse before the judge had done anything, and we obtained the entire court file, which we can copy and email anyone who wants to see it for so long as the file is not sealed by the judge. We also posted the entire court file on Alabama Herald’s website.

But wait, that’s only half of this strange tale. 

The other half is Mary Lou Snow and her husband Riley Strange told us their parents were from a planet that orbits one of the stars in the Pleiades, also known as The Seven Sisters star system. Mary Lou and Riley said they grew up in Kundalina beside the Cahaba River dam just east of US Highway 280, a few miles south of Birmingham. 

Riley and Mary Lou said Kundalina was a scout colony, prelude to a much larger Pleiadean migration. Their home planet’s sun is dying. Their ancestors seeded humans on Earth millions of years ago. It was paradiscal. Adams and Eves really existed. They started all over on Earth, from scratch, with no technology. The rest is told in some ways in ancient lore.

Earthling Echoes

There were 666 online reader comments.

Here are a few.

Denny Chimes

Praise Jesus!!! 

He has returned!!! 

As a woman. Mary Lou Snow.

War Bird

We know where you live, Mary Lou. Sleep well, the Klingons are coming for you.

Southern Baptist Convention

Deeply offensive, Alabama is a Christian state, we advise our membership to cancel their Birmingham Herald subscriptions.

ACLU Alabama

Call us if you need our help, Mary Lou, we love what you are doing, may The Force be with you.

Unity Church, Birmingham

Will you come speak to us, Mary Lou?

Wiken, Blinken and Nod

We apologize to Mary Lou Snow and Pet Haven for suing her, we had no idea that such things were possible.

Homeland Security Mole

It may be of interest to know that my agency has the physical remains of beings found in a crashed flying saucer in 1948 near Roswell, New Mexico.

NASA Snitch

Yesterday, 3 US spy satellites photographed a gray oval-shaped spaceship approximately 300 yards long and 100 yards wide with blue running lights, which suddenly disappeared.

Greetings Alabama Earthlings

Long Time Passing

The thing about being an outpost is it can seem that headquarters has forgotten all about you. The older Mary Lou and Riley got, the more infrequently they had contact with the Pleiadeans. 

After Roland elected to return in 2000 A.D. to the dimension where most Pleiadeans preferred to live, Mary Lou and Riley only heard once from the Pleiadeans. They were fishing in the Little Cahaba River where it flows into Lake Purdy a few miles southeast of Birmingham, near where Riley was beamed up in a Pleiadean beamship in 1970, to be told by his father how important it was that he become a lawyer. This time, Mary Lou and Riley simply heard a transmission. It was Roland’s voice. 

“You two are on your own for a while. Our home star is dying and we will make preparations to migrate elsewhere. Some of us will come here, to Earth. Most of us will go to other places. At some point in the future, you will be part of heralding the arrival of some of us to Earth. We will come in peace, but we also will come prepared to be unwelcome. We do not intend to go extinct just because primitive species are not ready to meet and deal with us. We seeded other colonies in the cosmos, and each of them has had to deal with the locals, so to speak. If Earth people knew what all kinds of species roam around in space, they might wish they did not know. We are the good guys compared to many species, including those already on and around Earth. We do not interact with them if we can avoid them. But we bring change when we migrate elsewhere, and we will bring change to Earth. Do what you can to be who you really are and perhaps that will help Earth people be more able to receive us. Until then, we wish you and your kin well.”

That was 14 years ago, in 2010.

Riley and Mary Lou are 81 years old and look like they are in their 50s. They still can bear children, but do not choose to do so, because they do not feel okay about the way things have gone in America and elsewhere on Earth. They wonder why Pleiadeans would want to migrate here? They wonder when they will say enough and pull the plug? They did not mention any of this to Billie and Chaucey. Maybe they will later. Maybe they will leave it for the Pleiadean migrants to explain things further.

For Mary Lou now has far more than she can say grace over because of Billie’s “OMG! Don’t Look Up” column. Pet Haven’s phone has not stoped ringing. Mary Lou changed her greeting message to: “Sorry, but we can’t accept any more pets as patients, because we cannot take care of the pets already here the way we want to take care of them. If you already have a pet under our care, we have gone to first come first serve. Same hours, 8 am to 5 pm, Monday–Friday. It is very difficult for Mary Lou to heal a dying pet. After she does it, she has to take the rest of the day off. So please take that and other pet owners into consideration, if your pet is dying. Sometimes it’s better to simply help a dying pet leave peacefully, which is how Pleiadean can die, if they wish. On Earth, great industries depend for their very existence on people living and suffering for as long as possible. That is very strange to Pleiadens. We no longer have voicemail at our clinic. First come, first serve, when the clinic is open. Thank you.”

Two days later, two men in black showed up at Pet Haven and introduced themselves as Francis Barker and Joe Schruchie of Homeland Security. The waiting room was full of pet owners and their pets, and there was a line out the front door into the parking lot. 

Mary Lou asked Francis and Joe what they wanted? 

Francis said, “A few moments of your time, Doctor Snow, please.”

Mary Lou gave them the look, said, “Don’t you see I’m very busy?”

Joe said, “It’s a matter of utmost importance, Dr. Snow. Please give us a few minutes.”

Mary Lou said, “Whatever it is, it’s not as important as the people and pets in line ahead of you. You are welcome to get at the end of the line.”

She wiggled her nose.

Francis said, “It’s a matter of national security, Dr. Snow. Please give us a few minutes.”

Mary Lou gave Francis the look again, and he wet his pants.

Francis winced, looked at Joe, said, “Hey, Buddy, get at the end of the line. I gotta go back to the motel and get something I forgot. I’ll be back soon.”

Joe saw water on the floor around Francis’s shoes. 

So did everyone else in the waiting room.

Francis and Joe walked out of the clinic, glad they had not been turned into frogs. 

Mary Lou called Riley and explained what had happened and asked him to come to Pet Haven and sit in with her when she talked to the two men in black. 

Riley said, “Okay. Can I bring Wolfie?”

Mary Lou said, “I’m interested in what they want to talk about and Wolfie might scare them off.”

“I thought you already did that, Witch.”

“I don’t think so. They smelled really scared before I scared them.”

“Call me when you are ready to talk with them, and I’ll walk right over.”


Reality Check

The last pet owner and pet left at 6:45 p.m. Last in line was Francis and Joe. Mary Lou asked them to take a seat in the waiting room, as she pulled out her iPhone and called Riley, who arrived about two minutes later and sat next to Mary Lou, who said, “Okay, gentlemen, what’s so important?”

Joe said, “Last night, President Biden disappeared from the White House. He didn’t walk out. He never left his office. He simply wasn’t in his office anymore.”

Francis said, “Projected onto the wall across from President Biden’s desk was this,” he handed Mary Lou his android phone and she read: 

“We have your president in our spaceship. We are from Andromeda. We have come because you have tried to destroy your planet, which will implode into a molten ball at the rate you are mining it. Your planet has resources we need, and we are taking charge. We will return your president unharmed in three days, if America’s vice president Kamala Harris and the US Congress and the U.S. Military agree to stand down. We have done the same in Russia and China. Our space fleet has neutralized the electronics in every nuclear weapon on Earth. We will take what we need from Earth during the next 6 months of your time, and then we will leave. Any effort to stop us will result in all electronics on earth being disabled like in your Hollywood movie, ‘When the World Stood Still,’ starring Keanu Reeves.”

Mary Lou asked, “What concern is that of ours? We are Pleiadeans? We can leave Earth anytime we wish.”

Joe said, “We hope you can help us stop the Andromeda fleet.”

“Why would we do that?” Riley asked. “For many decades my law firm has fought tooth and nail, fang and claw, to stop corporations and our local and state governments from poisoning our rivers and lakes. The only Alabama lakes in which fish are still safe to eat are on private land and in state parks and Lake Purdy in Shelby County, which provides Birmingham’s drinking water. There is technology in the U.S. Patent Office for devices that can be installed in any car, truck and tractor, which will enable their internal combustion engines to extract hydrogen from tap water and power those vehicles and put an end to global warming. The oceans are full of plastic. The planet is dying, and humanity will die with it. Pleiadeans are pleased to have help from Andromeda. After they take what they want, Pleiadeans will settle here, and they will do just fine. Surely you prefer that to how Joe Biden and Donald Trump have gone about things?”

Joe and Francis looked like deer caught in headlights at night.

Mary Lou said, “I know you two men are wired and recording this conversation, and we want it recorded, and we expect to see it replayed on national television tomorrow morning. If that does not happen, the Pleiadeans will take over your television channels and play this conversation continuously for a week in and outside of America, so that humanity will know what really is going on, not what their governments want them to think is going on. In sum, humanity no longer controls this planet, and it will never control this planet again.

Riley said, “We have no ill will toward humanity. But we cannot allow humanity to continue as it has, because we need this planet to survive, and because we are why humanity is on this planet, and it is our responsibility to tend to what our ancestors unleashed here. Some of your religions would call that karma, our karma. For karma really does exist. Its physics is as real physics as the physics of faster than light space travel, as real physics as hydrogen bombs. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. As you sow, you reap. Yes, God exists and has more names than there are stars in the heavens. We know for a fact God exists, but we can not prove it even with our technology.”

Mary Lou said, “Do you think we are joking? Do you think we are pulling your legs? Do you think we made this up? No, you don’t think that, because you have lost your president and Russia and China have lost their leaders, and you know that has happened, and those countries know that has happened, and there is nothing they can do about it, and there is nothing America can do about it, and what you might wish to do is tell your Congress that it should disband and go home, because it has been trumped, so to speak, as has Donald Trump, who has gone missing and will not be heard from again by human beings.

Riley said, “We encourage the various departments of your national and state government to continue operating and serving their citizens. We did not come to destroy humanity. We come to save ourselves. We have much to offer humanity. Stay out of Andromeda’s way, or return to the Stone Age from which the Pleiadeans will not rescue you. We simply will take part of your planet for ourselves and relocate the humans there to the Stone Age.”