Sunday, October 20, 2024

antisocial discourse in outhouse America

    A Republican friend, in whose home I sometimes stayed when I was homeless in Key West, emailed me about yesterday’s  

Democrats do not understand why many Americans will vote for Donald Trump  

"Sloan this was one among the best things you’ve written."  

    My friend is a former US Army Special Forces combat veteran. After the January 6, 2020 insurrection, he said the people who stormed the national Capitol all should be shot dead and I could quote him. I felt the same about the person who had incited them.

    In my email last night from true blue Democrat and former United States Attorney in Birmingham, Alabama, my hometown. 

     A gift from Joyce Vance

Joyce Vance from Civil Discourse


  • Sat, Oct 19 at 9:50 PM
    Hi Sloan,
    I'd personally like to offer you free access to Popular Information as a gift from me. Judd is a lawyer who writes insightful columns that tackle the most important issues of the day, including bias in media reporting and Trump's Project 2025.
    Accept my gift
    Tap the button to redeem this gift in the Substack app.

    I replied:

Joyce, a gift is free, this from you is a solicitation for me to sign up for a 30-day free trial, after which I will have to pay. I suppose to sign up for the 30-day free trial, I will have to provide my credit card number, expiration date and code. Last night, my bank texted me a fraud warning. Someone somehow had gotten my credit card information and made purchases and I told my bank that by text and they locked my card and gave me a phone number to call. After waiting a long time on hold, I got a nice young woman in south Georgia, who asked me which recent purchases were made by me and which were not? She said the purchases I had made would be honored and for me to contact my bank tomorrow, Monday, about getting a new credit card sent to me. 

I don’t know if your email to me came from you personally, or if you gave permission to someone else to send me the solicitation. Judd may be a terrific lawyer, but I am way up to over my gills in Project 2025, and I don’t need anyone to tell me about it and Donald Trump's close association with those religious Nazis, nor about the fellow who wrote the preface to their book, JD Vance, who is Trump’s running mate. You would know that, if you had read my comments directed to you under your Political Discourse posts. You would know I am a lawyer who clerked for US District Judge Clarence W. Allgood in Birmingham, and that he ran the national Democratic Party behind the scenes. You also would know that I think the Democrats are why Donald Trump became president in 2016 and might become president again. 

Below is a link to yesterday’s post at my free blog about a couple of reasons why the alleged woke Democrats have no clue still why and how Donald Trump ascended to power in America. FYI, I’m not an armchair political commentator. I ran 10 times for public office when I lived in the Florida Keys, 2003 to 2018. Fortunately for me, I didn’t come close to getting elected and having to demand a recount. I got into politics down there after Judge Allgood came to me in a dream in late 2000 and told me he was thinking about getting into politics and I told him that I didn’t think that was a good idea, but knowing him, he was going to do it. I arrived in Key West the next day, and very soon after was up to my eyeballs in that city’s politics, and by 2006 I was up to my eyeballs in Monroe County politics, as well. 

    Additional outhouse comic relief on this day of rest in some religions was provided by the redneck witch lady I took up with recently.

I wish my mother was living just for a week. She’d raise hell. Or try. She would be 91 if she was living and I’d love for her to know I am living with a man I am not married to. That would torture the hell out her. You see, she always tried to run my life. In many ways she ruined my life. She would always tell me what I could do and what I could not do after I left home. Until she died she tried to rule me. I was 40 when she passed away. Mother, I am living with Bed Bug and I love it! 


I can just hear her bitching. Oh I’d love it.  Today we got the rest of the items out of his apartment. He doesn't even seem sad to lose where he lived for 5 years. I am glad. I am going to do my part to make this the happiest home on the planet. It is nice sharing my life with someone who somewhat understands me and I understand him.  


I was eating handfuls of antacids each day. I would get us during the middle of the night on fire and eat 4 to 5. I was concerned I had stomach cancer or some type of disease. Tomorrow we will be in the same home for a month and I have not even thought about antacids. My stomach has not hurt. Well let me say that again, he cooks wonderfully, I eat like a pig till my stomach is full about to pop but not gaining any weight. Healthy food, but zero pain like I was having. It's healing having someone with you. Human touch. I have said many times that human touch is the key to long life. I truly look forward to a long happy life with Bed Bug.  


Mama I hope you can see. I would just love to have her to know what is going on. She’d pitch a fit! I’d rub it in her face!! Tell her all the intimate details. Oh how I’d love to torture her! Payback is a bitch! The only person she loved is my brother David. He got taken away from her in 1992. Then the second person is Snitchy Bitchy Karen, my sister who left 2015 to Heaven. The two she did not care about, well we are still here. She thought the sun set on my nephew. He is married to a man and I am living with a man. Please someone let her know!

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Democrats do not understand why many Americans will vote for Donald Trump


    A professional photographer in the Florida Keys, who took that photo of me in 2006, commented on the upside down American flag in the recent a patriot’s assessment of American presidents, wars and cults post, "That is Trump's flag !!!.” 

     I wrote back, “I’m afraid it’s America’s flag for some time.” 

    He replied, “My American flag flies with the stars on top! Best wishes.

    He is a Democrat to the core. Based on our many emails regarding posts at my blogs dating back to 2007, he is incapable of faulting Presidents Barack Obama and Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris, for anything. He represents most Democrats I know.

    Democrats do not get it that the massive immigration they and their presidents have promoted is not good for America. 

    Democrats do not understand that if Donald Trump gets elected next month, in large part it will be because the Democrats and their presidents promoted the foreign invasion of America.

    There is something else Democrats don’t  seem to grasp. Let me use my hometown, Birmingham, Alabama, a blue city that for some time has experienced shootings in black neighborhoods. 

    About two weeks ago, there was a mass shooting in a vape shop in Birmingham’s popular Points South restaurant/entertainment district. The shooters were black and it apparently was a black gang-related hit targeting one black male, who was killed. Innocent bystanders also were shot, and some were killed. I wonder if the people who paid for the hit considered how many white votes they got for Donald Trump in the white Birmingham suburbs?

    In that vein, consider a recent column by Roy Johnson, who is black and I follow:

B'ham business leaders across region must step into the battle against gun violence — for our children  


I didn't notice the label pin. Not at first. Truthfully, not until hours later when I looked closely at the photo I'd taken at Birmingham's City Hall while Mayor Randall Woodfin was announcing his new commission on crime.


It comprises leaders from the public and private sectors, from business, judicial, nonprofit, community and education.


The pin, nestled on the left label of Carnelle Howell, the gentleman standing nearest me, simply said: "Children First."


Children first. That should drive all of our actions. What are we doing or saying that elevates the lives of children, now and beyond?


One of my biggest frustrations since moving to Birmingham 10 years ago has been the disconnect between the city and the 30+ municipalities to its south.


None are more than 20-odd minutes from downtown Birmingham, yet psycho-graphically they might as well be light years away.


They're referred to here as "over-the-mountain" (OTM) communities because they sit just over the hills that buttress Birmingham to the south. They might as well be over the moon.


You don't have to be a historian to know these communities are the vestiges of white flight, which splintered the region more than six decades ago. Splintered it geographically but more importantly, splintered its heart.


Many OTM residents work in the city but roll back home before sundown (though that's changing with all the new bars and restaurants downtown). Many youth in schools in cities like Hoover and Vestavia Hills never meet a counterpart from Birmingham unless it's through sports. They never venture downtown unless for a field trip to the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute or a concert at the BJCC.


Last month's mass shooting/killing (17 injured, 4 deaths) in the Five Points South, an area where some of the OTM folks' fav food spots and watering holes are located, may have awakened some who've largely written off the gun violence as "their" problem.


Business leaders, after decades of quietly serving on boards and writing checks, began quietly asking: "What can we do?"


For starters, come out from behind the curtain, I wrote, and publicly join those charged with creating change. Change that must elevate — and save — the lives of our children.


And our neighbors, no matter where in the region they live.


On Tuesday, many of them stood before the council and committed to being part of the solution instead of continuing to ignore the problem.


"We must all do more," committee co-chair Ralph Williams told me.


Yes, we must.


Please read my column here and my story on the Woodfin Crime Commission 


    I emailed Roy: 

Unfortunately, the U.S. Supreme Court going back a long time ignored the well regulated militia preface to Amendment 2 and gave Americans the right to bear just about any kind of gun imaginable. That horse is long out of the barn. I live on Highland Avenue on the way to the public golf course. I used to eat at restaurants in or near 5 Points at night with friends. No more. I have flown away and there is nothing Mayor Woodfin can do to change my mind, nor do I think there was any way he and BPD or anyone over the mountain could have prevented the 5 Points shooting. In fact, this week, I am moving to the country north of Birmingham, not because of the 5 Points shooting, but because of a woman I took up with. Yet, where she lives is remote, and although it's MAGA country, it is much safer than Birmingham. The way America is going, I wonder if living in the country will be a bit safer than living in cities? I grew up in white affluent Mt. Brook, and I left it behind in the 1970s. I have left a lot of places behind since then. I wish America was different, but it looks to me that it's going to become more dangerous, and more dangerous, and there is nothing that can be done about it, because it's like a terminal progressing plague. I still address it at my blog and in my podcasts and with people one on one, but I am not blind to just how dire it is. If I were Mayor Woodfin, I would see to it that well armed guards are at the doors to every public school in Birmingham, while children, teachers and school staff are there. Otherwise, I see very little he, or anyone, can do to stop shootings.

    Roy replied: 

Alright, Sloan! Enjoy the country and your new woman! Appreciate you. R

I replied:

Thanks, likewise!

    During that time frame, this arrived in my Facebook Messenger:

Una White
Hello, is this the best place to ask a question?

it is a place to ask a question

Una White
Awesome, we're actually looking for one lawyer to partner with in Birmingham, AL. We’ll bring you more case opportunities using our system and the first 30 days are free.
Would you be interested to connect and see how we do this for other lawyers?

I dunno. I turned 82 last week and have not practiced law full time since 1985, and right now my Alabama law license is inactive but can be activated fairly easily. For several decades now, I have tried cases and been on trial myself in God’s Court, which is a bit different going than the human courts and jurisprudence systems. Here’s a link brief or complaint of sorts, which I filed yesterday in God’s Court. patriot’s assessment of American presidents, wars and cults

    Nothing further from Una.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

redneck witch fool moon telemarketers scalping party

    The newest chapter in A Redneck Witch’s Tales From the Crypt, being wrote by my Lady Bug, as we move me to her pad this week. If you don’t like laffin’ & cussin’, then better steer clear of rednecks and witches.

Redneck witch fool moon telemarketers scalping party

My phone does not ring much anymore, I wonder why? 

I feel like I should have some laughter today, as I had a somewhat kind of sadness but it's over now. One monkey doesn't stop a show. This train is going to keep on rolling. 

Here are some of my favorite calls. Gary is my deceased husband.

Them: May I please speak to Garrrry?(foreign voice) 

Me: Sure if you can get him out of the river where I put his ashes to go down to the ocean. Hang up.

Them: May I please speak to Crisssss.(foreign voice)

Me: Speaking

Them: Are you ok today? (they want yes on their recorder) Spammers

Me: What the hell do you want?

Them: I noticed you have severe back issues and we can help you. 

Me: I don't have back issues. I have a pain in the ass from these calls plus I got a sexually transmitted disease that my coochie itches all the time and you scratch it until it bleeds. Can you send me some cream or medicine for that? Scabs and blood everywhere. (dead silence on other end) I never knew I could make a man go silent, but I did! Then they hang up.

Political call: Do you mind me asking who you are going to vote for this year? What party?

Me: Honey, I can’t vote. I am a convicted felon for murdering several people, dismembering them, disposing of the bodies, never to be found, I think some were telemarketers. They hang up fast. 

Them:  May I please speak to Gary?

Me: If you hold on, let me go get his urn of ashes and glue him back together, you can then talk to him. Hang up.

Them: Hello Crissssss.

Me: What the hell do you want?

Them: I want to offer you, (whatever they are trying to push) 

Me: I do NOT talk to fucking terrorists. 

Them: Lady, I am American. 

Me: The fuck you are. If you are American, I am not! I do not talk to terrorists in person or on the phone.

I hang up, block them and they call back. I block again.

I sometimes love to fuck with them really nasty when they call. One time, one called to ask me if I needed a new septic tank. My reply (in a deep Southern redneck drawl, “No sweetie, we live in the country, we ain’t got running water and I shit in the woods with a newspaper for toilet paper. They never called again!

Them: I’d like to discuss a trip for you, I am with (never heard of it) travel agency. 

Me: Sweetie, I ain't got no legs and I am blind plus I ain't got no one to take me. Hang up. Got the evil eye from Mr.  Never called back.

Them: Is this Crisssss?

Me: What the hell do you want? 

They started in their bullshit spill about something I was not interested in. I picked up the Bible and I know I read them two chapters, at least.

One time in my little girl voice, I answered the phone. 

Them: May I please speak to one of your parents?’

Me: Nope they are in their room and I am eating a sucker and they told me not to come in there unless the house was on far. I was snorting like I had snot coming out. 

Them: Are you sure they can’t come to the phone?

Me: Nope I can’t. I was told not to come in and I think my Mama is hurt. She is screaming.

Hang up. Never called again!

How I deal with ATT Uverse. 

Them: Welcome to ATT, please say what you need. 

Me: Yayayayayayadkdkdkkdkdt969tt9t9t9 ggiggigiggnnn- like a foreign language at the nail shop. 

Them: I am sorry I did not get that, please say again what you need;

Me: Yayayayayayadkdkdkkdkdt969tt9t9t9 ggiggigiggnnn

Them: Let me get you an agent. 

I go straight to a human, bypass all that button pushing crap.

Yeah, I got fucking full moon madness. I should hang that sign up outside. It is truly a full moon madness. I do not want to go into detail, but it was a bad fucking day and I was nice and didn’t cast any spells or say anything mean to anyone- yet. I wish I could get my 410 and shoot that fucker out of the sky. MMS, like PMS, but Moon Madness. You can lock me in a cellar with no windows or nothing, and I can knock on the door when the moon is about two days from being full and two days after. It is a hard ride to deal with it, but somebody has to do it.

To that man in the full moon. Man in the moon, I’ll be sleeping with zero clothes on tonight, so you can KMA. I hate the moon and what it does to me. Is there any way to escape?  

Now in a few weeks Mercury will be in Retrograde again and I‘ll be batshit crazy again. 

I know most of you are saying, “What's new”?  

I am writing a book. 

I told Bed Bug to make sure it was published when I was dead. That way I won't have to face anyone!!!!! 

He laughed, said, “That ain’t how the moon works. She, not you, Witch, controls the tides. There ain’t no man in the moon, there is only the moon, and she ain’t about to let no man control her, and that’s how it is. As for Mercury, tend to him like he’s a telemarketer.”