Friday, July 26, 2024

the redneck mystic’s not so sweet home Alabama and related brain f**ked stupid America shitcoms

    Some days I feel more ornery than other days. 

    Someone sent me a friend request at Facebook several years ago, and I accepted, but eventually I unfriended him because of what he was writing to me and commenting at my Facebook. He sent me a new Facebook request the other day using a different name but the same photo, which is how I recognized him. He started off with a private message like a lot of people start off, who are selling something and pretending otherwise. I had developed a stock response for such people, and here’s how it went with him.

Hello  How are you? Hope you're doing well and enjoying life! Just checking if you are keeping safe and stay healthy.

You sent me a friend request, why?

Yeah I have some little issues with my old account and that's the reason why I sent you a new friend request okay.
Hope all is well with you?

Actually, I'm old and wearing out and running out of juice, and I wake up each morning wishing the Mother Ship had fetched me, but since it didn't, yet, I crawl my self off the bed and face another day, hoping to have some fun and satisfaction to go along with the other. If you actually want to get to know me, read what I post at my Facebook and open the links provided and read what comes up.

    My friend Bob, who does the tech work for my books at the free internet libraries, such as in America, and for The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast viewable on Torrent platforms in America and around he world, is creating a new YouTube channel podcast, “The Redneck Mystic Lawyer’s Not So Sweet Home Alabama”, which should be up and running soon. Bob's and my dreams about the new podcast left us with the distinct impression that some kinds of people in Alabama will not be happy with the podcast. Given Alabama is a deep red state, Bob and I suspected whose bullseyes we will be in.

    A few days ago, I mentioned in a post at this blog that Bob had reported a dream in which he watched Archangel Michael talking with a gathering of people, who didn’t seem able to understand what he was telling them, and finally Michael asked them, “Did your brains fuck stupid? That’s a serious question.” 

    Yesterday afternoon, Bob texted me:

Angel Michael told me in a nap dream today.
"Trump’s base will walk us back to the time were is it accepted the moon landing was fake and pro rasslin is real.”
It has already begun.

    This morning, Bob called and told me that in a dream he watched Angels Michael and Gabriel discuss whether Trump and the RepubliKlans will go public with the dirt they have on Kamala Harris before of after the Demoncratic National Convention? If before, then it will be an open convention and the Demoncrats might chose someone else to run against Trump. If after, the Demoncrats will be stuck with Harris, and perhaps wish they weren’t. Bob said Michael and Gabriel did not tell him the nature of the dirt.

    I could not help but recall that the dirt on Hillary came out in 2016 AFTER the Demoncrats nominated her to run against Donald Trump. If the Demoncrats had run Joe Biden in 2016, Biden would have won, but the Demoncrats didn’t do it, because Hillary had Ukraine dirt on Biden and his son Hunter, which she used to coerce the Demoncratic Party’s nomination.

    In 2026, Trump and his salivating lemmings had great fun chanting, “Lock her up! Lock her up!”, while I chanted, “Lock them both up in adjoining cells!”, and now Harris and her salivating lemmings are having great fun chanting, “Lock him up! Lock him up!” I can imagine Harris and Biden and every Demoncrat secretly wish the kid who shot Trump’s right ear had better aim.

    Yesterday, Barack and Michelle Obama finally caved and enthusiastically endorsed Kamala Harris, and Donald Trump backed out of debating Harris, because she is not the Demoncratic Party nominee yet, and Trump got mocked plenty online, such as this “Mother Cluck”:

   If Trump and the RepubliKlans have serious dirt on Harris, what’s their best strategy? Air it out before the DemoncratIc National Convention, hoping Harris will be dumped in favor of a weaker candidate, or wait until after the convention and hope for 2016 result? Do the Demoncrats have a stronger candidate than Harris? I really do like Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. I really do like her.  

    Meanwhile, this from showed up in my email in box this morning, and I sent back some food for thought.

Down In Alabama
Ike Morgan

More verbal jousting with Mexico

U.S. lawmakers are again sounding off on Mexico's seizing of Vulcan Materials property on the Yucatan Peninsula. And Alabama's senators are taking roles in calling out Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, reports's William Thornton.

It was in May when the group of senators sent a letter to Mexico's secretary of foreign affairs. Now, senators from Alabama Katie Britt and Tommy Tuberville and fellow Sens. Tim Kaine of Virginia and Bill Hagerty of Tennessee are calling on López Obrador to back off. Last week, the Mexican president announced plans to designate the land and port as a naturally protected area.

The senators said the their letter: “The López Obrador administration is continuing to set a dangerous precedent with these actions, undermining the long-standing bilateral relationship between our two countries and eroding international confidence in Mexico’s adherence to the rule of law. We remain committed to using all appropriate tools at our disposal to deter the Government of Mexico from seizing Vulcan’s lawfully owned and operated property and ensure no entity or individual benefits from its theft.”

The Mexican president, who has claimed Vulcan didn't have proper permits to extract materials, seized the property in March 2023. He said he'd declare it a protected area if Vulcan didn't take $360 million for the property, which Vulcan estimates is worth $1 billion.

Vulcan Materials is based in Birmingham.

Sloan Bashinsky
Looks to me that Kamala Harris's biggest vulnerability is the invasion across the southern US border. I think the Democrats blew that. I think they should have insisted on the southern border being sealed off entirely. I think President Biden should have made a phone call to the Mexican president on national TV and told him that he, President Biden, is banning Americans and their money from going to Mexico, and he is banning Mexicans and Mexico’s manufactured products and farm produce from coming into America, until Mexico stops the invasion. I figure about a month of that embargo and boycott, and the invasion will cease, and Biden & Harris get credit for making Mexico pay for a wall that actually does stop the invasion :-).

Thursday, July 25, 2024

This is not the time for Kamala Harris not to play the race card against Donald Trump and his Aryan Nation

President Trump said there were good people at this Charlottesville, Virginia 2017 protest against removing statues of Confederate generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson from public view.

  This CALL TO ACTION was in my email in box this morning, my reply follows it.

The Barbershop  




Roy S. Johnson: America is ready to elect a female president, especially when women's rights are at stake

The young preacher stood on the stage Sunday morning and read scripture. In it, God speaks to Joshua, informing him that Moses, who led the Israelites to the precipice of the Promised Land at the Jordan River, had passed on; it was now up to Joshua lead them across.

“Arise,” God commands.

“Help me share the title of my sermon,” the young preacher implored of the congregants.

“I Think It’s Time…,” he continued and paused, “… to Move On.”

Less than an hour later, almost synchronized with the young preacher wrapping the sermon, Joe Biden announced that he was moving on. That he would not seek re-election as President of the United States. That, at 81 years old and amid an unyielding turbulence stirred by his disastrous June 27 debate performance, it was “in the best interest of [the Democratic] party and the country for me to stand down.”

To put patriotism above pride. To put wisdom over wounds. To move on.

“A sign of maturity as believers,” at one crescendo the young preacher charged, “is when you allow God to interrupt your plan with His.”

Now, it’s time for the rest of us to move on, too.

Move on towards the most bizarre—and most consequential—presidential election I’ve seen in my lifetime. And I’ve seen a few; 17, if someone’s counting. Though, the first (a rematch between Republican incumbent Gen. Dwight Eisenhower and Democrat Adlai Sevenson) occurred when I was just eight months old. I may have slept through it.

Move on towards what will no doubt be the ugliest, most predictably banal presidential election in my lifetime. One pitting a 78-year-old Republican/convicted felon with barely a passing relationship with truth against (most likely) a 59-year-old Democrat/vice president who gives many Americans pause because of her tenure as California prosecutor, her flailed and failed 2020 presidential bid, and her stilted role coordinating international efforts to address the “root causes” of migration at the southern border.

Move on towards Donald Trump vs. Kamala Harris 2024.

That’s not official, of course, and won’t be until 4,700 delegates vote at the Democratic National Convention next month in Chicago (at least two states, Louisiana and North Carolina met Sunday night and unanimously voted to support Harris). Democratic National Committee Chair Jaime Harrison asserts there will be no Olympian baton-handoff in this race. “In the coming days, the party will undertake a transparent and orderly process to move forward,” he said in a statement. “This process will be governed by established rules and procedures of the party. Our delegates are prepared to take seriously their responsibility in swiftly delivering a candidate to the American people.”

Yeah, okay; the wagons are clearly circling and fueling in support of the vice president. 

Biden quickly endorsed Harris, triggering rolling waves of callouts from almost every Democratic nook and crevice (save some curious yet powerful holdouts) and a tsunami of money. By 9:30p Sunday, just hours after Biden’s letter was posted on X, ActBlue, the Democratic online grassroots fundraising platform, had hauled in more than $52 million and counting, the most in any single day since the death of former Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in 2020, according to Dem strategist Matt McDermott.

Before I went to bed, tallies noted that more than $67 million was raised. And counting.

Much of it as more than 44,000 Black women (the Dems’ most formidable constituency) convened on a Zoom hosted by Win with Black Women for more than four hours, purportedly to hear speakers talk about rules governing the Democratic party’s nomination process (wink). That’s all I know because men were not allowed to join (cameras had to be on) and my wife won’t break the thick black line’s sister-code of silence.

(Not that I was trying to listen through the wall, but by the end of the call, those sisters were having chuch—Ebonics for church. And passing the plate. Before logging off, they announced in social media having raised more than $1.5 million among participants, in increments as small as $3.)

The most prominent voice that has not yet hoisted Harris belongs to Barack Obama. The former president released a statements peaking glowingly of his former VP yet did not mention Harris’ name.

“We will be navigating uncharted waters in the days ahead,” he stated in part. “But I have extraordinary confidence that the leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges.”

It makes you go—with apologies to Arsenio Hall—hmmm, but if you think Michelle is striding through the door to save the Dems, spare yourself the disappointment.

The young preacher exclaimed: “You can’t let mourning keep you from moving…”

It will get ugly, but we’re used to ugly.

Republicans have been throwing spit-wads at Harris for weeks, like petulant school bullies (who are usually more scared of their own shadow than their target). They’ve long labeled her a “DEI VP,” a cute effort to taint her credentials. Meanwhile, Trump picks a 39-year-old self-proclaimed hillbilly from Ohio to presumably be inclusive of, well, Ohio hillbillies and millennials.

And in a clear sign of desperation, major Trump campaign advisor Jason Miller reportedly told NBA that one of Harris’ major issues is that “she wants to ban plastic straws,” again according to Matt McDermott.

Yes, I am going to use the cliché: That’s the kind of grasping-at-plastic-straws we can expect to entertain us in the next three-plus months.

We’ve never elected a female president, shamefully so. We pride ourselves on being a global leader while being a global laggard in electing a female leader.

There are today 27 female elected or appointed chief executives around the world. That doesn’t include two presidents-elect — Halla Tómasdóttir of Iceland and Mexico’s Claudia Sheinbaum — who won races earlier this year and will soon assume office. Almost 30 nations have done what we have not. Not officially. In 2016, Sen. Hilary Clinton got more votes than the other guy in 2016— 65,853,514 to 62,984,828—yet lost due to our outdated election Abacus, a.k.a. the Electoral College.

So don’t tell me Harris can’t win. She can. America is ready to elect a female president—especially in an election against a party that has stripped women of their most preciously personal right with systemic intent. (Anything they say attempting to dispute that is, yes, grasping at plastic straws.)

It won’t be easy. It will be work. And it will be ugly.

Failing a two-strikes-two-out-bottom-of-the-ninth-swing for the fence strategy, Harris, who vowed to “earn and win,” will all but certainly choose a white male running mate to satiate those who still need that comfort food before marking their ballot. 

He’ll be, yeah, a “DEI” pick, chosen to help secure a vital swing state like Pennsylvania, North Carolina, or Indiana.

“Maybe your current path is the method, not the mission,” the young preacher said. “We marry methods instead of missions. We must hold methods loosely but hold the mission tightly. God may call you to divorce a method so you can marry a mission.” 

And the church said … time on move on.  
And get to work.

I was raised by good people who encouraged me to be a good man and surround myself with good people. If I did, they said, good things would happen. I am a member of the National Association of Black Journalists’ Hall of Fame, an Edward R. Murrow Award winner, and a Pulitzer Prize finalist for commentary. My column appears on, and digital editions of The Birmingham News, Huntsville Times, and Mobile Press-Register. Tell me what you think at, and follow me at, or on Instagram @roysj.     

    I emailed Roy:

Good morning, Roy

    I clicked the link and read all of your article- well said.

    This 81+ year-old white guy born in Hillman Hospital in Birmingham and raised in Mountain Brook thinks if Kamala wins the Electoral College vote, Trump and his MAGAs and RepubliKlans will fight it legally and militarily. Yet that is a far better future than Trump winning the Electoral College vote in November and there are no more free federal elections in America and red states, or any states.

    Consider, after Trump was sworn in in 2017, Vladimir Putin was made president of Russia for life and Trump said on TV, I watched it, that he liked that idea, president for life.

    Consider this in my Apple newsfeed a few mornings back:

Trump's Alarming New Rant Praising Dictators Shows Media Is Failing Us

As Trump openly celebrates authoritarian rule at a Michigan rally, prominent Never Trumper Rick Wilson reflects on what all this says about today's press corps—and what it means for our country.

At a rally in Michigan over the weekend, Donald Trump uncorked one of his longest rants ever in praise of the world’s autocrats, strongmen and dictators. He hailed Xi Jinping of China as “brilliant” for controlling 1.4 billion people “with an iron fist,” and described Xi, Russia’s Vladimir Putin and Hungary’s Viktor Orban as “tough” and “smart.” We talked to Rick Wilson, the prominent Never Trumper and Substacker, about Trump’s explicit campaign promise of authoritarian rule, the GOP’s enthusiastic embrace of it, and the media’s utter failure to alert voters to what’s coming. Listen to this episode here.


Republican calls for ‘civil war’ if Trump loses
Ohio state senator makes comment at rally hosted by Donald Trump’s running mate JD Vance
Iona Cleave
23 July 2024 • 12:33pm

A Republican state senator has called for “civil war” if Donald Trump loses the November presidential election.

George Lang, an Ohio lawmaker, made the comment as he introduced JD Vance at his first solo campaign event since becoming Trump’s running mate.

After taking to the stage fist-raised and shouting Trump’s post-shooting battle cry: “Fight! Fight!”, Mr Lang warned of an existential threat facing Americans. He declared in front of a large, heated crowd in Ohio: “We are in the fight for the soul of our nation… for our kids, for our grandkids, it is a fight we can never imagine.

“I believe wholeheartedly, Donald Trump and Butler County’s JD Vance are the last chance to save our country. Politically, I’m afraid if we lose this one, it’s going to take a civil war to save the country.”

Mr Lang said the Make America Great Again movement would be able to win such a war. “It will be saved. It’s the greatest experiment in the history of mankind,” he added.

The politician, who represents the hometown of Mr Vance, was forced to apologise later on Monday after Kamala Harris’s team accused the Trump-Vance campaign of “sowing hatred” and threatening their rivals.

“I regret the divisive remarks in the excitement of the moment on stage,” Mr Lang wrote on X, formerly Twitter. “Especially in light of the assassination attempt on President Trump last week, we should all be mindful of what is said at political events, myself included.”

Mr Vance held the rally at his former high school in suburban Middletown where he played up his local ties, praised running mate Trump and attacked the now presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris.

“I was told I was going to debate Kamala Harris and now President Trump’s going to get to debate her,” Mr Vance said to laughs. “I’m kind of p---ed off about that.  

Mr Vance also threw into question Ms Harris’ patriotism, saying that when she gives a speech, “she talks about the history of this country not with appreciation but with condemnation”.

He added: “If you want to lead this country, you should feel grateful for it… And I never hear that gratitude come through when I listen to Kamala Harris.”

    Consider Vance did not rebuke Lang when he called for civil war if Trump loses in November.

    Consider Vance likened Trump to Hitler in 2016 and for many other reasons said he didn’t like Trump back then.

    Consider Vance wrote the Foreword for the soon to be released book version of the right wing Project 25, which calls for a second American revolution, which will be peaceful- if the American left goes along with it.

    Consider the white Charlottesville, Virginia mob and Swastika and Confederate flags protest against removal from public of Confederate monuments, whom President Trump said were good people.

    Consider the white mobs at Trump rallies and the January 6, 2021 insurrection led by Trump, and the Trump rally where Trump was shot in his right ear.

    A picture is worth a thousand words, res ipsa loquitur, Aryan Nation led by Donald J. Trump.

    Consider when Trump says the 2020 election was stolen, his Aryan Nation knows he means “stolen by blacks".

    Consider when Trump and his daddy owned apartment buildings in New York City, they did not rent to blacks. 

    Consider when Trump was married to Ivana, he kept this book of Hitler’s speeches in a cabinet on his side of their bed, and sometimes he read it at night, and when asked if he had the book, he said, if he did, he didn’t read it.
    If you have any influence with Kamala Harris, Roy, please point out all of the above to her and ask her to say it to the press, in TV interviews, and during debates with Trump. This is not the time for Kamala not to play the race card against Trump and his Aryan Nation.


Sloan Bashinsky, 
former Birmingham practicing attorney, who clerked for United States District Judge Clarence W. Allgood, who  presided over every federal criminal prosecution in north Alabama. Before his appointment to the Federal Bench, Judge Allgood piloted the national debtors court in Birmingham, and wrote the national debtors court law passed by Congress. He is the first person I memorialized in A FEW REMARKABLE PEOPLE I HAVE KNOWN.

    The second is the daughter of Alabama plantation slaves, who loved and raised me as her own in my white family’s home. During the time of troubles in Birmingham, Sister Charlotte Washington on her days off from working for my family went into black churches and counseled her people to be patient with their white brothers and sisters. If my beloved “Cha" were alive today, she would tell her people to recall how slow Donald Turmp was in 2016 to say maybe he didn’t want the endorsement of former Klu Klux Klan grand dragon and imperial wizard and Louisiana state legislator David Duke, and they should back Kamala Harris as if their and their families’ lives, freedom and souls depend on it.

    That book can be read for free at these links:


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The real Americans should have executed every white person who stepped off a sailing ship?

    Email this morning from Bob, who does the tech work for my books, which can be read in free internet libraries in America and overseas, and The Redneck Mystic Lawyer podcast, viewable on Torrent platforms in America and around the world:

The Morning Cremation

  It is a tradition in a part of North America, that if a person dies and the medical examiner comes out and decides: suicide, natural causes, death by misadventure- ie there is nothing criminal about the death, the individual who has died is cremated in service surrounded by his friends. There is a special spot where "beloved men" and "beloved women" are taken and their ashes are scattered unto the winds. 

A person I had come to know and greatly respect had found out he was diagnosed with lung cancer- he had said that a week ago and said, "I will not stand for it." An older man asked him bluntly: "What are you going to do? Find the cancer and beat hell out of it?" My friend Ed, replied, "No, I will not stand for being poked and prodded and being given poisons to kill a poison which is a result of a switch being tripped which causes these cancer cells in my lungs and which will kill me."

Ed did not say much. If he said something, he meant it, he stuck to it, and whatever he said was worth hearing. You listened when he spoke. If you didn't- your loss. 

Ed was a Native American, which is fairly common in the area I am from. He believes in deistic shamanism- that there are many gods and all are a part of a greater good; he believed shamans can interface with those gods, and when a person dies they go back to the good or return to the earth to learn better. 

On Monday the 22nd of this week Ed learned his cancer had metastasized from his lungs to his pancreas and his doctors wanted him to begin a combination of chemotherapy, radiation, and a hospice company would visit every few days with pain medicines and anxiety medicines and antidepressants. 

Upon returning home, Ed told his wife, Dee, also a Native American, that he had no desire to die of lung or pancreatic cancer but neither was his choice, he had not been a smoker and he had exposed himself to carcinogens. He said he did have a choice about the hospice care making the ingestion of poisons more palatable- and he would not participate in that. 

Dee had converted to protestant Christianity some 37 years ago and she attends a church popular in the area among whites and native Americans. The pastor had come over and Ed had no use for the man. Ed had even less use for the pastor when he had said, "Not taking medical treatment and living until God reaped your soul- that's suicide. A suicide burns in Hell."

Ed had replied "A man who thinks like you do is already in a Hell of your own making on earth and you will be in the Hell you speak of when you die if you continue to mislead others."

Ed had told Dee that he wished for no ill words between them and only a happy time to spend with her. They went to a roadside rummage sale, they drove in a park and they walked around a waterfall. 

They went home, Ed asked Dee to prepare breakfast for dinner and he bragged on how much he loved it. 

Ed met with two or three friends and they played the card game Hearts.

He came in, took a shower, read his Kindle, and then fell asleep. The next morning, Tuesday, Dee found Ed's mortal body dead.

The medical examiner explained that with the condition of the body and a sample of something in his mouth, a poison- Ed was dead. Per tradition he would be cremated on this morning between 5am and 6am. 

Dee was inconsolable- her preacher had told her suicides burned in hell. I asked you last night, Sloan, what I needed to say to her as several people said she really liked me and she was inconsolable. You told me to pray for a dream. 

I prayed for just that. In the dream I had, the Angel Michael came to me and said, "It is the way of the Creator that all life on earth is mortal. The Creator is not cruel, and he recognizes that when a person decides that their life has been full, and they only face pain of an ailment which will not change, the Creator would not send someone to Hell, especially not a person who lived an otherwise good life of good deeds and living the best he could, and who had just chosen to die sooner rather than later by his own hand rather than deal with the indignity of constant pain. No such good person would end up in Hell."

I related this to Dee during the cremation, and she burst into tears and held me tight for several minutes, and she thanked me. Her preacher was there "to support her". The preacher heard what I said and loudly opined, “When the cremation began you here all bear witness, this mortal sin of suicide and now cremation? God demands our bodies buried so upon his return all those who've been buried will be raised up by the old prophets."

Two large boys about 15 years younger than me, who had spent time at the pleasure of the government lifting weights and eating bad food in order that they be "rehabilitated" escorted the preacher outside and they launched this preacher off the premises as though he was a football thrown with a perfect spiral, and the preacher bounced off the red clay, an incomplete human.

I had another dream when I laid down and Michael said: "In man's hubris it will be possible as technology advances that man can continue to extend his life and extend his life even as the quality of life approaches zero. The Creator(under any name) did not put man on Earth to suffer under moneycine and pharmacine, to exist in a perpetual state of extended life with no quality, only prolonging the time in which man must meet the Creator, that is not his way. Having no quality of life but that life being extended by moneycine and pharmacine is cruelty and it is inhumane, and it is against the oath doctors and pharmacists take- the Hippocratic oath has become a hypocrite's oath."

    After I put this post together, Bob called to report the preacher called Dee and spoke roughly to her and used some cuss words, and she would not be welcome in his church, unless she did something to make it right with the preacher, and she told him that this conversation did not need to be happening and there was no need for him to step on her property ever again, because if he did, that would be the last place he ever took a step.

    Yesterday, a trial lawyer I met and became close friends with in Key West, emailed:

Recent events prompted me to dig this out and send. As you shall see, it is extremely personal and unfinished, despite many attempts.

My high school geometry teacher in 10th grade in Ft Myers brought her radio to class so we could hear the JFK inaugural speech.

I’m so glad she did!

Be well, my friend.



I hate this growing old.

No. It's not just that - I've always 

dreaded that.

Its memories told to stay behind 

that simply won’t obey.

Like rainy creeks the memories they 

rise, no troubled conscience caring

for sadness, they are bearing. 

Hell's fire! I'm 68; but wasn't 

Friday my first date?

And didn't "nigger" split the air as 

if it carried no despair to

decent folks with skin less fair?

Lord, forgive us.

Geometry, and nearly noon; Lee 

County cold, as I recall.

Static / teacher tweaks & tunes;

Tiny Southern town; Kids restless 

and bored.

But then, his voice sliced 

chilly air. 

I felt at once like I was there; 

transfixed and waiting each new 


I could see his breath.

“More crap” some football letter 


Not so.

His message shone like sun from 

moon, and slowly some within that 

room felt growing inspiration from 

goals so plainly spoken. 

Could it be, for once, such promises 


Grade school years in fear of 

reds, borne by Weekly Reader; little 

heads hid neath our desks; weekly 

grade school air raid drills & 

shelters in rich neighbors’ yards.


But now, no frightened talk of 

war nor foreign bombs upon our 

shore and slowly beneath his 

fearless voice,

sharp as that cold winter's frost,

His message settled in.

A few kids even got it.

See, even in our sorry niche of 

redneck third world nowhere, 

this President spoke straight to 

us, reaching out with all his charm 

through Philco’s magic horn

summoning our nation’s youth to 

serve yet do no harm. 

They killed him.

Well, sad, I guess, but true to 

say I still judge men and deeds 

today against that graceful majesty

that shone but just one half a day

as though I was 18 again and leaving 

history class.

Not fair, I know.

Wrong, I know.

But once there was this land, you 

see, misty gray in day's first 


shadows shaping with the dawn,

then finally blazing crystal bright.

What was it called? 

Is it gone? 

Is it forever lost?


And so is youth 

and neither shall return.


RES at Key West – 01/23/2013 – 

multiple revisions. Revisions on 

1/23 and 1/24 of 2013, too numerous 

and torturous to document.


REVISION – yet written humbly from 

the heart.

Revised – 10/05/2013.

Revised – 11/06/2013

Revised multiple times at Fort 

Lauderdale – 11/11/2013



    I replied:

You told it well. 

I was walking to an accounting class at Vanderbilt when I heard a radio report Kennedy had been shot and I told my accounting professor and he said maybe he should call his stockbroker. 

Before that, Kennedy spoke to the Vanderbilt Student body at Dudley Field and asked us what we could do for our country? 

My mother and father wigged out when I told them in high school that I liked Kennedy.  My father wigged because he was a Republican, my mother because she didn’t want Catholics running America.

It was a long time passing before I connected obvious dots not in the least hidden in plain view. Kennedy opposed America at war in Vietnam and was shot and killed. Same for his U.S. Senator Brother Bobby, RFK, Martin Luther King and Malcom X. Muhammed Ali was only put in prison after saying no Vietcong ever called him a nigger and he wasn’t going to fight people who never did him any harm for rich white men. 

Now we have in America something that seems to eclipse Stephen King, who cannot stand Donald Trump, who picked a running mate with multiple personality disorder and perhaps threw away a cinch win in November arranged by a demon, until Joe Biden withdrew from the fray.

Hee Haw, Ya’ll come?