Wednesday, October 16, 2024

a patriot’s assessment of American presidents, wars and cults

    I recently found myself thinking about the American presidents in my life, which began October 7, 1942.

    I think Franklin D. Roosevelt might still have been president when I was born. My father went into the Pacific Theater in World War II as a B-29 bomber navigator and bombardier, thinking the Japanese had pulled off a sneak attack at Pearl Harbor, which caused America to enter that war against Nazi Germany, Italy and Japan. I don’t know if my father ever heard that President Roosevelt knew the Japanese would bomb Pearl Harbor and he did not warn the Pacific Fleet, because he wanted America to get into that war. 

    I don’t know if my father ever heard that Roosevelt’s vice president, Harry S. Truman, who became president when Roosevelt died, wrote in his personal diary that he did not drop the two A-bombs on Japan to win the war against Japan. Japan was trying to surrender. He dropped the A-bombs on Japan to intimidate the Russians. 

    I recall watching news clips of Truman firing General Douglass McArthur during the Korean War, because McArthur wanted to drop A-bombs to win that war, which ended in a stalemate in the middle of Korea after the Red Chinese Army invaded northern Korea to drive the American led UN forces back deep into Korea. 

    I recall General Dwight D. Eisenhower, who defeated Truman, said on television as he left his second term in the White House, for Americans to beware of the military-industrial complex. Eisenhower was America’s top general in the war against Germany during World War II. 

        I recall Eisenhower’s vice president, Richard Nixon, got beat by John F. Kennedy, who came to Vanderbilt during my freshman year and told us students not to ask what our country could do for us, but to ask what we could do for our country? During my sophomore year, President Kennedy was shot and killed. It was years before I learned he had opposed America getting into a war in Vietnam.

    President Kennedy's brother Bobby, who became a U.S. Senator and campaigned for president, said he opposed America being at war in Vietnam, and he was shot and killed. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcom-X opposed America being at war in Vietnam and they were shot and killed. John F. Kennedy’s vice president, Lyndon Baines Johnson, became president and promised on national TV that he would never send American boys to die in a war in Asia, and then he did what he said he would not do.

    Richard Nixon got elected by saying he had a plan to end the Vietnam war, which basically was to train the South Vietnam troops, then hightail his troops back to America. It was many years before I learned that America wanted Vietnam’s rubber trees, and the CIA had helped Ho Chi Minh and his troops to beat France, which had made Vietnam a colony, which France lost to Japan during World War II. Ho wanted to do business with America, but America asked for too much and Ho asked the Soviet Union to help him beat America in Vietnam, and the Soviet Union did just that.

    Nixon got the notion that the president could do no wrong, and he was run out of office over Watergate and was pardoned by his vice-president Gerald Ford, who was beaten by Jimmy Carter, who was a decent man and a real Christian, but decent men and real Christians don’t win second terms, and Carter was beaten by the so-called Moral Majority candidate Ronald Reagan, whose Reaganomics drove the prime rate up to 22 percent and plunged America into a deep financial crisis. Reagan led America into the Iran-Contra affair, and said he had no recollection of key events. He died of Alzheimer’s.

    Regan's vice-president, the former CIA Director George Bush, became the next president, and he lead a coalition to save Kuwait from Iraq’s army, which infuriated Osama bin Laden and led to the 9/11 World Trade Towers bombings in 2001.

    Bush promised during his campaign that he would not raise taxes, and then he raised taxes and he got beat out of a second term in the White House by Arkansas’s governor, Bill Clinton. Before Clinton won that race, I mailed him a copy of KUNDALINA, ALABAMA (A Strange Tale, and he mailed me back a thank you note. I wrote him a note saying, if he got elected, his mission would be to make a national apology from America to Vietnam for the Vietnam war. Clinton did that during his second term in the White House.

    Also during his second term, President Clinton sent his military into Bosnia with other UN nations' military, and after that terrible war ended, Clinton furnished an US Military transport airplane to carry American businessmen to Bosnia and the plane went down there killing all aboard. I wrote President Clinton a letter, in which I told him ending the horrible Bosnia war was a good thing, but it did not mean American corporations should benefit from it. Meaning, the plane went down because it should not have been used for that.

    I watched President George Bush II and his vice president Dick Cheney, who had been Halliburton’s CEO, get America into two wars in the Middle East that America could not and did not win, but Halliburton and the rest of the U.S. military industrial complex and the Devil enjoyed those rich white men wars for corporate profit. 

    I watched “Hope, Change” Time Person of the Year half-African descent President Barack Obama continue the Bush-Cheney wars after he accepted the Nobel Peace Prize.

    I watched Obama’s Secretary of State Hillary Clinton try to out hawk her boss, and then I watched Donald Trump ask Russia to dig up dirt on Hillary, so he could be America’s president. After Trump was elected, I watched him say on TV that Afghanistan and Iraq’s mineral and other natural resourses should be monetized to repay America for what those two wars cost America, more specifically, American taxpayers, of whom Trump was not, based on his tax returns.

    I watched President Joe Biden give Israel the weapons and money it needed to level Gaza and fight Islam there and throughout the Middle East, even though Israel has no strategic importance to America.

    I think America is insane when it comes to war, and President Eisenhower and President Kennedy tried to end that insanity, and now Israel, with President Biden and the U.S. Congress’s help, seems very close to starting World War III.

    If Donald Trump is elected president next month, what will happen overseas? What foreign country, friend or foe, could trust anything he says? What foreign country, friend or foe, could anticipate anything he might do?

    If Trump is elected next month, what will happen in America? 

    If Trump is not elected next month, what will happen in America?

    Someone got all over me yesterday for publishing recently that I had asked God to take me and Trump. If the FBI saw that post, the FBI would be all over me. I did not say, because the person is a red hot MAGA who believes everything Trump says, that maybe half of Americans are praying Trump will die, but they don’t tell anyone, just like in 2016, many Americans wouldn’t tell pollsters that they would vote for Trump, because they didn’t want anyone to know.  

    Angels known in the Bible, revered in Christendom, Catholicism, and Judaism, changed me so that I could discern spirits, starting with what was inside of me, and expanding to what was in people around me, and beyond that. Donald Trump has been completely taken over by a demonic entity similar to the demonic entity that took over George Wallace and the demonic entity that took over Adolph Hitler. 

    Wallace and Hitler, and now Trump, were enhanced in the sense they can mesmerize people with certain conscious or unconscious inclinations and prejudices. You can liken those three men to Jim Jones and Charles Manson- Satanic cults, demonically infected to the core, top to bottom. 

    I do not give Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and their followers a free pass, for they please the demonic realms, too. But they are not yet as corrupted as Trump and people who support him. That is the grim state of America, told by an American, whose allegiance really is to God and country.

    I have good friends on both sides of the red and blue fences, who do not seem to have any sense of what is in play on their sides of the fence. They only see what is on the other side of the fence.

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