Friday, June 21, 2024

Summer Solstice ahoys from the Pleiadean mothership

    From out of the wild blue yonder today...

Summer Solstice ahoys from the Pleiadean mothership...

Using our brand of X-Ray, we perceive something happening inside your planet that Earthlings might wish to know.

All of the oil being pumped out of the ground is leaving an ever increasing vacuum into which something must flow sooner or later, and the most likely mechanics are earthquakes and magma flows. 

Longterm, your planet might implode a bit, and the creatures living on its surface and in its oceans might wonder if maybe they are going the way of your ancient dinosaurs, which, believe it or not, were sentient and were having a great time in their way of looking a things until a large meteor got though your planet’s air defense system and tilted your plant on its axis and set off gobs of earthquakes and volcanic activity and the dinosaurs dearly departed, but left some of their much smaller more durable pets behind.

Meanwhile, your oceans, rivers, streams and lakes are filling up nicely with plastics, which theoretically can be recycled, but the living creatures might not care for how they are affected. And your planet’s atmosphere continues to deteriorate, which end game is not a happy ending for those creatures.

People like your Elon Musk dream of flying to Mars, but they have not read, or heeded, your author Robert Heinlein’s tale, Stranger in a Strange Land and the Martians’ ability to mass meditate and create a vibration that caused the planet between Mars and Jupiter to be blown into tiny pieces, which became the asteroid belt, after the Martians perceived the sentient species on that planet was a lethal threat to Martians.

There is a general Galactic Mandate not to intervene in such matters, however your planet's governments know very well that “ETs” have been poking around and meddling here and there for quite a while, but those governments keep that information to themselves, because they fear letting that cat out of the bag will cause extensive commotion in their manipulated subjects, who just might tell their governments to fuck off, to borrow a popular Earthling saying.

Earthlings can take these “parables” as fairy tales, if they wish, but the message is very real: Earthlings are not welcome in space, because they are DANGEROUS to all living beings, including their own species. 

So, please step back and consider stars are sentient beings, and their planets are like their children, and their comets are like gypsies, and they are sentient, too, and they can choose to turn the other cheek, but they also can choose to stand their ground and respond with lethal force in self defense. 

So, yes, black holes, wormholes, and other things in the UNIVERSE are sentient and can enter the discussion, if they wish. 

And yes, Something made all of that, which has many names, and we know of and respect it and try to keep in its good graces, after eons of going about it somewhat like Earthlings go about things. 

We are not special. There are countless sentient beings somewhat like us and Earthlings, whom we seeded onto your planet after being given Permission to do so, and sometimes one of us has walked on this planet trying to help our seedlings go about things, but as I said, there is a Galactic Mandate not to interfere, but that mandate is not CAST IN STONE.

Next week brings a televised debate between two dubious old white American males who want to run the show for the next four years, and perhaps I should say how we see that from the mothership. To us, it looks like a donkey and an elephant trying to chase down and catch and control a whole lot of chickens running around with their heads chopped off and yet the chickens do not lay down and die. So, good luck with that debate.

Meanwhile, we suggest again that somebody in America try to get the two old dubious white males to understand there are patents in the US Patent Office in Washington, D.C. for a road-tested device that can be installed in your cars and trucks. The device converts water into hydrogen and oxygen, and uses the hydrogen for  super cheap clean fuel. One gallon of water can power a sedan around 250 miles. That device can save Earth from imploding from oil extraction and save its atmosphere. 

Star Woman 

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