Monday, June 3, 2024

shade tree America fossil mechanics and entrails future historians and archeologists can study, if they exist

    A not entirely repentant unvaccinated for Covid-19 2016 Trump voter dying of cancer posted a posse of MAGA memes at his Substack yesterday, which attracted some attention that might help future grave diggers, archeologists, historians, scientists, filmmakers, fossil hunters, etc. understand what really happened to the United States of America, if their heads don’t permanently reside where the sun never shines, which was the malaise that afflicted the people who ran America off the rails into an abyss.

The shade Tree
Sunday Morning Memes 
The Sunday Morning Memes are my favorite part of the Sunday paper.

JUN 02, 2024

Sloan Bashinsky
Sloan’s Newsletter

You left out photos of Herr Donald arm in arm with Jeffrey Epstein and the Clintons, and bowing to the Saudi crown prince, who had a Saudi journalist sawed into little pieces, because he wrote stuff about the crown prince, which the crown prince didn’t like, and photos of the Jan 6 coup attempt Herr Donald instigated, and I suppose I should not mention all the classified document photos or this You tube about Trump’s cocaine, Adderall, pussy grabbing and crapping in his own pants addictions.

The Fossil

As I have said ad nauseum infinitum I'm not a fan of Trump either. Just because something is missing that you think should be there doesn't indicate sudden support for a person or thing that I've made abundantly clear I have no use for. Rest assured that when the pic of Trump bowing at the waist appears here there will also be an accompanying pic of Obama damn near dropping to a knee in the same setting. And btw had Trump not made that slight bow the left would have erupted with faux outrage at him not respecting another country's customs.
You can't seriously believe J6 was an insurrection, you're smarter than that. Where was the insurrection talk when the pussyhat crowd showed up, or any of the other numerous times leftists have held protests at and forced their way into government buildings? Why weren't capitol police firing rubber bullets into the faces of the pussyhat crowd while FBI assets encouraged them to get violent? And as far as the pussy grabbing goes, nobody cared or said a thing about it when he was on NBC and making cameos in Home Alone movies. I can remember everyone running around saying You're Fired like it was the wittiest thing ever, none of it was a problem until he ran for president. 
I'm not holding Trump up as a paragon of virtue, he got my vote in 2016 as a way of saying FUCK YOU to the Uniparty system and everyone who supports it and expects us to keep our pinkie extended while we eat our shit sandwiches encrusted with bugs. 
And as much as you despise the man, you can't seriously tell me as a lawyer that what happened with the NYC kangaroo court was above board and totally ethical, honest, legitimate etc . Or if you think it is then why aren't the other ex and current presidents subject to the same treatment? Biden is on camera bragging about extorting a foreign government if he doesn't get his way, yet Trump or a minion paying off some porn star is a matter of national importance? 

Sloan Bashinsky
Sloan’s Newsletter

I have a photo of Obama bowing to the same Saudi crown prince. When I write about the great American shit show, I poke both sides. If they bowed to a Saudi prince, fuck them.
The violent Jan 6 riot was a coup attempt to throw the electoral college vote to Trump, and the Republicans sold their souls to the Devil when they did not renounce Trump permanently. That they didn't care for Joe Biden was irrelevant. What was relevant is, they did not do what you did, and jump the Trump ship. 
I think there was a problem with Judge Merchan being the judge after he had donated to the Dems, and he was assigned the case instead of a computer lottery assigning the case, and perhaps the prosecutor should not have brought the case under the legal theory it used.
However, I followed the trial closely.
I clerked for a United States District Judge, who presided over every federal criminal prosecution in north Alabama, and I watched very good federal prosecutors and criminal defense lawyers try many cases in my judge's courtroom, and I sat in on many closed door discussions with prosecutors and criminal defense lawyers and my judge in his chambers, and I have a perspective that no lay person could have.
There were two lawyers on the Manhattan jury, and they steered the jury to the outcome it reached. Trump's lawyers were idiots for leaving those two lawyers on the jury. Trump's lawyers royally pissed off the jury, as did Trump. The jurors were totally convinced Stormy Daniels, David Pecker and Michael Cohen told the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, under oath. Trump's lawyers told him to take a plea and get a wrist slap, and he told them no way.
The New York appellate courts may overturn the conviction, or maybe the U.S. Supreme Court will do that. But in God’s Courtroom, the jury branded Trump for what he is and did. He paid money to hide information about him that might have cost him the 2016 election. In that way, he rigged the 2016 presidential election, and that’s what the Manhattan jury convicted him of doing.
Now, the entire American electorate is on trial in God’s Courtroom, and voting for the lesser or greater of evils is voting for evil, including Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. 

jacob silverman
jacob’s Newsletter

there seems to be an issue here, about the matter of just exactly what is the truth: Can a person insult both sides or do you need to "do" them one at a time? I don't know. I think the voters can only vote for one of them, come November. I think the Democrats are way out of touch. Their issues are really just immense. I am MORE anti-Trump than this Substack writer. I liked all the photos except I do NOT like the glorification of some guy shooting a gun, a sort of machine gun? ---otherwise I think it is all spot on. I am just horrified at these Democrats. After this latest trial I no longer have faith in the Justice system. That means I have faith in zero ---nothing of what the party is doing. There are supposed to be in favor of "democracy" and all the associated ideas and theories, theories of equality welcoming immigrants, etc. But these people do not seem to be capable. I think they are not fit for the job. There is no good candidate for me. I receive RFK jr.'s emails but I am not enthusiastic. The guy needs money. but he is being treated terrible by Democrats. And Russians are being treated terrible, and on and on and on. No, I cannot feel any sympathy at all for them. And if the justice system is incapable of finding Trump guilty in a court of law on some charge what does that say about these fancy schmancy educated elites? I would turn it all over to the working class. But Trump is hardly the guy to do THAT!!!! Did he really say he would increase the nuclear arsenal ten-fold? Do you think he would? I don't even know the truth about that. That election is going to come. It is only four or five months away? OMG

Sloan Bashinsky
Sloan’s Newsletter
Liked by The Fossil

I’m 81+, which qualifies for fossil status. I have gotten to where anything that comes out of Trump’s mouth is a lie until proven otherwise. In 2016, I posted many times at my blog that Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton should be locked up in adjoining cells. I think Trump should have been locked up the over the Jan 6 coup attempt, and for withholding classified documents, and for buying silence to win the 2016 election. I think Joe Biden and his son Hunter should be locked up for all the money Hunter made in Ukraine with his Daddy greasing the way when he was Barack Obama’s VP. I think President Biden should be locked up for continuing to fund and arm Israel after it became clear what Israel was doing in Gaza. I think the leaders of Israel and Hamas should be locked up with Biden in adjoining cells. I think Robert F. Kennedy, Jr suffers brain damage, based on how his mind and words keep colliding. Maybe the worm that got into his brain is the culprit, but he don’t seem much cognitively different from the zombies on the left and on the right, just the fine details different. The Republicans and the Democrats have moved America past SNAFU to FUBAR. It’s my children and their children that I worry about. There’s nothing I can do about it but shoot off my mouth, or just worry. But I did offer to God, to take me and Biden, Trump and Kennedy, and let America deal with a Chaos it cannot in its wildest dreams imagine.

jacob silverman
jacob’s Newsletter

The chaos is not for a few years yet, so I just want to make my next few years meaningful. When the real chaos comes there is really nothing you can do about it. We have a few years until then.

The Fossil

I don't understand why a picture of a man exercising his God given rights along with a factual statement would bother anyone who is sincere about freedom. The fact is that it's a uniparty, they're all bought and paid for by AIPAC & other special interest groups. 
It's all basically political theatre and we have as much sway on it as we do the ocean tides. 55rtf4Z
Anyone can post anything to their page and not have to clear it with others unless they have an arrangement and I have no arrangement with anyone on here for editorial control or anything else. I go harder after democraps and the left because they're the ones ushering in communism. 
And lastly it's my page, and my cancer ridden ass will say whatever I want to as I would expect you to do with your page. If I post a bunch of memes running leftist twits into oblivion I will, and doing so doesn't mean that I'm a card carrying republicant. 
This page is to make me happy, interact with people, take my mind off of my diagnosis and the pressure to be a guinea pig for Big Pharma that's constantly incoming. Hopefully someone will be moved to help us reach our bucket list goal. If it's not up to your standards we can discuss purchasing all of The ShadeTree or a controlling interest.

jacob silverman
jacob’s Newsletter

Stop being so dang contentious and maybe you will conquer your cancer too.

Sloan Bashinsky
Sloan’s Newsletter

Based on what our host told me, his cancer is chewing his body up and the doctors can’t do anything about it but give him chemicals that make him feel awful. I hate that for him. This is his platform and he can say whatever he wants to say. When he does it in public, he invites responses. Nobody in Washington gives a shit about him, you or me, unless it benefits them in some way. Same for Donald Trump, who fucked up America a lot more than it already was. Our host voted for Trump in 2016, as a protest, perhaps even a joke. Who can say his cancer is not the result?

jacob silverman
jacob’s Newsletter

I'm sorry about that

Sloan Bashinsky
Sloan’s Newsletter

As a fossil, I say getting old, body parts wearing out, breaking down, isn’t cause to want to turn in at night looking forward to another day. Our host knows that all too well, also. 

jacob silverman
jacob’s Newsletter

" the Uniparty system and everyone who supports it and expects us to keep our pinkie extended while we eat our shit sandwiches encrusted with bugs." OK. I see. They say "I feel you," don't they? Fossil do not like the "elites" very much and also you did not grow up around them. So, this is a little bit cheap. Listen: every social class has their faults. I know all about them and their stupid pinkie fingers. Believe, I know more than you could ---I was raised with and by them and, yes, I am probably always expecting a certain sort of privilege. It is not a big deal. Humans have had these "social classes" eons. I was able to get nice things, enough to eat every single day of my LIFE. And you know I absorbed a lot of culture and had experiences and you cannot tell me it was all bad. Plenty of rich persons would like to give "Fossil" their support and encouragement. I would not be so adamant about arguing with that if I were you. The problem today is this: These "liberal elites" are not listening to other segments of society. And will pay in this next election, if there are enough registered ordinary everyday Americans. Again, the crucial thing here is to understand that the liberal elites have more or less gone mad, and we really cannot have that. I do not expect anything good to come out of that. They cannot handle the job and maybe - just maybe - they subconsciously know it and they no longer even want to get elected but they are going through with this election to save face. Maybe they are wishing somebody would intervene and save other people from them. And, damn it it is that as*hole DT. Not a guy I can accept at all. But it is gonna be DT. Damn.... I cannot get over it. No more responsible, ethical Democrats means no more support of liberty, equality, freedom, human rights etc. Got that? Not from Democrats. I hate the idea of not voting but it is no big deal. I do not think I have ever voted in every election anyhow; I tend to miss a few.

Sloan Bashinsky
Sloan’s Newsletter
Liked by The Fossil

Like Donald Trump, I was raised with a silver spoon in my mouth, and I have known lots of rich spoiled brats, and Trump never grew out of it, and how anyone thinks Trump is looking out for anyone in America but himself and his immediate family and current good friends is beyond my comprehension. The only time I voted for a major party candidate was for Joe Biden in 2020, very reluctantly. I will not vote for him again. Had dinner tonight with two very smart women who can’t stand Trump, and they aren’t swooning over Biden or RFKJr, either. When they asked me who I would vote for in November, I said, “three blind mice”.

jacob silverman
jacob’s Newsletter

Right. There is just nothing left, and there is nothing from the past that could guide us. 

The Fossil

James Comey sat there in front of Congress and the American people and said that yes the FBI had enough evidence to prosecute Hillary over her servers filled with classified information, destroying the evidence and the fraudulent Steele dossier but they were going to defer prosecution. 
They just recently admitted that notorious plagiarist and pedophile Slo Xi Den had classified documents scattered around everywhere including in the garage next to his stupid Corvette he’s always babbling about but since they felt like he was a senile old man who meant well then nothing could be gained from prosecuting him. Sounds like something that would influence an election to me.
And once again, this tired old fear mongering story about J6 being a violent insurrection, coup attempt or whatever alarmist phrasing is being used to frighten mainstream normies who don’t know any better is just a load of horse shit. It was a protest against a stolen election that was infiltrated by the FBI to make anyone opposing the democraps look like violent thugs and to justify the troops, fencing and barbed wire that surrounded our capitol in its wake and left it looking like a modernized version of Budapest in 1956. Usually when a group gets together for a violent coup they bring weapons and shed their enemies’ blood. The only people who used weapons that day were various federal agents on unarmed protesters like Ashley Babbit, meanwhile cops in other parts of the building were opening doors and kinda resembled tour guides. 
If you want a seat on the editorial board of the ShadeTree drop me a line and we’ll talk about it  have a great day!

Sloan Bashinsky
Sloan’s Newsletter

When we hold forth in a public forum, our own, someone else’s, we invite reader comments. Herr Donald has no tolerance for reader or viewer comments, which do not agree with him. VP Mike Pence and the members of Congress inside the national Capitol on Jan 6 feared for their lives, as did their Secret Service details fear for the lives of Pence and members of Congress, and you discredit yourself when you keep arguing that was not violent attempt to overthrow the national government led by Donald Trump, which no prior president attempted. You also discredit yourself, when you say Biden and the Democrats are communists. At your age, about my age?, we remember what communists are. We see them today in Red China and North Korea, and in the Kremlin run by a man Donald Trump aspires to be like, Vladimir KGB Putin. There is nothing you or I can do about what has happened to America, but because we are fossils, we know how it got to this point, and we can leave a true record for historians and archeologists to ponder some day.

The Fossil

Good morning gentlemen, no need to be sorry for anything, I understand how I come across most of the time, but there's really nothing to do about it. It's not my intention to sound like a jerk, or an over the top raging asshole and I do try and choose my words accordingly. Sloan is correct about my condition and some days it's a little harder to take than others. I won't go into all of it as today is one of those days and it's just getting started. 
We all have things we're passionate about, that we have strong convictions over, firearms and freedom are two issues of extreme importance to me, and debating about them or anything else pertaining to our once great nation is something I've always enjoyed. I have never been one for sugar coating things, and don't expect anyone else to do it. In other words I didn't have time for bullshit before my diagnosis and have absolutely zero time for it now that I'm watching my life slip away every day. 
I'm in my early fifties, they can't tell me how my disease happened, what the mutation is, nothing except there's nothing else that they can do except recommend I donate my body to big pharma while I'm still alive, and that's not an option to me. Would I get a placebo, something that would help me or something that would kill me even faster? I don't know and don't trust them, especially with everything we've been through the past few years with 'following the science' and that fiasco. I'm unjabbed, maybe that's part of why they reject anything I present to them. I've asked about different medications and treatments only to have it dismissed rather arrogantly. 
All of this to say it is my sincere wish that people enjoy what they see here, hopefully they will get a laugh or maybe it'll make them think. It's good to talk to others who aren't in absolute lockstep with your ideas. Sloan and I do seem to agree on one thing, none of our politicians give a flying fuck about any of us, we're another renewable resource to be used, to have our maximum potential extracted and used for the benefit of others with zero regard for us. We're expected to step and fetch, grab our ankles anytime we're interacting with the government and its agents and to know and stay in our place. It's bullshit and it can't continue but most likely will as long as people can keep adjusting to get comfortable. It's unfortunately probably going to have to get to where people need a wheelbarrow full of fiat currency to buy a loaf of bread.
I hadn't planned on writing a book  but maybe it helps explain me and this page a bit better. I hope y'all have a great day and that you'll consider checking in occasionally to see what level of assholery I've sank to at any given time . 

Sloan Bashinsky
Sloan’s Newsletter

Well said, keep being you, ‘cause it takes a heap of energy to be someone else. 
During the Covid-19 shut down, my home state Alabama’s hospitals were stuffed to the gills with dying unvaccinated Covid019 patients, and people who’d had heart attacks, strokes and other horrible medical, or were mangled in traffic accidents could not get into Alabama hospitals, and I took the position on my blog and Facebook that the unvaccinated had rolled the dice and should be turned away by Alabama hospitals. 
In America, we are supposed to live as long as possible, no matter what its co$t$- many great religious, medical and related industrie$ depend on that for their very $urvival. If we were ailing pets, we mercifully would be put down. We are greedy religions and capitali$t$’ inventory. Nothing more. All we have left , who care, who know things, is to shoot off our mouths. Leave a record. Entrails for future study, if anyone really wants to know what happened, if anyone exists to even want to know.
The Fossil

Nice. There’s plenty of people who agree with you on that, let’s open that Pandora’s box and start denying people access to healthcare because they didn’t grab their ankles for the crowd, big pharma and big daddy government.

Sloan Bashinsky
Sloan’s Newsletter

I think maybe you missed the point. 
Why your doctors might me be as nice as you wish?
People like you caused a lot of vaccinated people in Alabama to suffer horribly, because they couldn't get into hospitals.
President Trump came to Alabama during that mayhem and held a huge MAGA rally in Cullman and was booed for telling them to get vaccinated.

Alabama MAGA Governor Kay Ivey then went on a media blitz trying to persuade unvaccinated people in Alabama to get vaccinated and take the pressure off Alabama hospitals. 

The Fossil

And people like you caused a lot of people like me to suffer horribly. Lost jobs, lost relationships, constant harassment from self appointed health enforcers. The loss of my brother who knuckled under to his harpy wife and the rest of society by getting the jab. Not even six months later he was dead, after getting covid, being pumped full of remedisvir and placed on a ventilator. I wasn’t told until his final three days, just left wondering why my younger brother was suddenly not answering his phone. Of those three days the middle one was taken away from us because I dared ask why ivermectin and hydroxochloroquine weren’t given a chance since the dangers of remedisvir were well known by then. His wife reported my questions to the hospital who in turn agreed with her that I should not be allowed to see him, to spend any more time with him. She did relent on the day they decided to finish murdering him and allowed me to spend an hour with him before life support was removed. Had my nephew not been present, flying in from halfway around the world after getting permission from the Navy, I doubt seriously she would have allowed that. 
And being cut off from what’s left of my family, just uninvited from Thanksgiving and the ban still standing because I simply refuse to grab my ankles for the whole shitty fucking establishment, that’s a nice touch of compassion from the ever tolerant left. 
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction and eventually the pendulum will swing back the other way. I’m not the only one who has been treated like this and we all remember what was stolen from us.

Sloan Bashinsky
Sloan’s Newsletter

Sorry about your many troubles, which I probably can match, perhaps more, starting with my infant son dying of crib death when I was law school, but if I played the victim all my life, I think it might have gone a lot harder on me. I went out of my way during the Covid shutdown not to infect anyone else. i was more worried about that, than getting invected. I finally caught it, even though I was jabbed 3 times, but it was mild compared to what unvaccinated people endured, or died from it.
The Fossil

I’m not playing victim nor am I here to match troubles with you but making a statement beginning with People like you caused a lot of vaccinated people in Alabama to suffer horribly isn’t something I would ever let go unanswered. Seeing as how you caught it 3 times and you aren’t alone in that maybe it’s that demonic stew y’all allowed yourselves to be injected with that’s caused the jabbed so many problems. Considering it was Orange Man Bad that insisted on ramming the jab through to get as many people jabbed as possible in league with Fauci, Birx and all the others I’m surprised you didn’t go the route of Scranton Joe The Pedo & Cackling Commie LaWhorish and rail against it until they were in power and then get the clot shot. 

Sloan Bashinsky
Sloan’s Newsletter

I had Covid-19 once, in 2023, after I was vaccinated three times, starting early 2020. I did not want to be vaccinated, but at my age and medical history, many bouts with pneumonia, I was getting radiation for prostate cancer in early 2020, I knew Covid-19 would kill me. I lived alone. My only social life was telephone, internet and visiting my daughter in Mississippi, and taking walks and chatting with other masked people on sidewalks. Trump had Dr. Vladimir Zelenko’s cheap fast early stage infection cure in his hands and caved to Joe Biden and the Democrats and Fauci and CDC, NIH, WHO and Big Pharma, and launched Operation Warpspeed. Zelenko’s cure could have kept America open. No vaccines necessary. Zelenko was God’s doctor. Trump threw him and God under a bus. Paxlovid prevented Covid-19 from killing me. Paxlovid contains Covid-19 antibodies, and some people who take Paxlovid. I was one, have two bouts with Covid-19. In the end, I took an antibiotic to rid me of a lingering light pneumonia.

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