Wednesday, May 22, 2024

personal reflections on the 5 years since I moved back to my hometown, Birmingham, Alabama


    As I watched the Netflix serial Outlander the night before last, I reflected on the five years I have lived in my apartment in Birmingham, Alabama, where I lived two other times. It’s where I end up after I stop running away from home :-).

    In early 2020, I endured 5 weeks of prostate cancer radiation therapy, which made me so weak that I could barely move, but it killed the cancer and my PSA level returned to close to zero and remains there.

    My brother’s oldest daughter, whom I viewed as my own daughter, died during the Covid-19 shutdown after two rounds of chemo. I tried tp persuade God to take me instead. Broke my heart.

    A big piece of what kept me from going batshit crazy during the Covid-19 shutdown was a Samsung smart TV my oldest daughter gave me, on which, with Spectrum’s kind help, I watched a lot of sports and Netflix and Prime movies and serials.

    Another big piece was the Internet allowed me to play lots of chess and bridge online, and shoot off my mouth in various forums and at Google blogspots I had created.

     I wrote A Southern Lawyer Who Became a Mystic, which thanks to my tech friend Bob now is a free read at the internet library,, which specializes in out of print books, and authors who donate their books to the library. The library is funded and run by American colleges, which still think books are important, even if they ruffle some people’s tail feathers.

    I wrangled with quite a few lawyers, who represented other heirs of my father’s estate, which, along with a lot of other personal and Bashinsky family lore, I recounted in The Golden Flake Clown’s Tale, now a free read at, thanks to Bob, who put later books, which I wrote, at, where, and thanks to modern technology, they can be read in English and maybe 33 other languages. Bob told me that each book averages about around 1,000 complete reads per month.

    During the Covid-19 shut down, Bob launched the free, add-free, no soliciting Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast onto Spotify, which was audio only. We developed a worldwide audience. Spotify’s cash cow Joe Grogan did a racist podcast which pissed off a lot of people. Spotify lost celebrities who had their own podcasts there. Spotify kept Grogan and got rid of a lot of its small clients, including our podcast. 

    Shortly after Covid-19 arrived in America, President Trump had in his paws Dr. Vladimir Zelenko’s cheap, fast, early infection stage cure, zinc, hydroxychloroquine, and azithromycin, which would have allowed America to stay open. 

    Mark Meadows gave Dr. Zelenko's letter to Sean Hannity, who had Dr. Zelenko on his FOX show. President Trump said on national TV that it could be a miracle.

    For those whose eyes are as weak as mine, Dr. Zelenko explained in his letter that hydroxychloroquine transported zinc into body cells, where Covid-19 took up residence, and zinc inhibited Covid-19 replication. Azithromycin fought any secondary infection. The cocktail only worked if it was given when Covid-19 symptoms first appeared. Waiting for positive tests, before giving the cocktail, gave Covid 19 too much head start, and Covid-19 infected Americans would end up fighting for their lives in hospitals.

    The FDA gave emergency approval for hydroxychloroquine, but after Joe Biden, the Democrats, Dr. Fauci, CDC, NIH, WHO, Big Pharma and the liberal media went batshit crazy against Dr. Zelenko’s cocktail, the FDA rescinded the emergency approval, and what did President Trump do? Did he fire his FDA director and get a new director who would reinstate the Zelenko cure? No. Make America Great Trump launched Operation Warp Speed. He could have saved America from shutting down. Instead, he told Americans to be Big Pharma’s guinea pigs. 

    When I wrote about that on Facebook, I was put into Facebook’s jail. Eventually, Facebook terminated my account and I opened a new Facebook account.

    I became one of Big Pharma's guinea pigs.

    I then watched hospitals in  Alabama be flooded with unvaccinated Covid-10 patients, which caused those hospitals to turn away people with critical non-Covid-19 troubles. President Trump came to Alabama and did a MAGA rally in Culman, and was booed by his adoring MAGAs for asking them to get vaccinated. 

    President Trump loyalist Alabama Governor Kay Ivey urged all Alabamians to get vaccinated, because Alabama’s hospitals were flooded with unvaccinated MAGAs, whom I argued online should have been turned away by those hospitals, because they had made their constitutional right to die by their own choice, and they should be allowed to do it, so help their in God they trusted and were dying precious selves :-).

    Dr. Zelenko was God’s answer to Red China’s bioweapon, and President Trump threw Dr. Zelenko and God under the bus. As did Joe Biden, the Democrats, Dr. Fauci, CDC, NIH, WHO, Big Pharma and the liberal media. The blind leading the blind. I might write in Three Blind Mice on my ballot this November.  

   Back to the present, all of the tenants in this apartment building, who have cars or trucks, have to park on the street. When, or if, Congress bans internal combustion engine cars and trucks in America, where will the people who live in this apartment building, and in the many other apartment buildings in Birmingham, charge their several thousand pound electric car and truck batteries? Where will apartment dwellers elsewhere in America charge their several thousand pound electric car and truck batteries?

    For years, my friend Bob practiced the art of automobile, truck, tractor and motorcycle maintenance. He could take apart and put back together just about anything on wheels powered by fossil fuel. He told me about a device in the U.S. Patent Office, which can be installed in old and new cars and trucks. The device uses electrolysis to convert water into hydrogen fuel. A sedan equipped with that device can go several hundred miles on a gallon of water. 

    Bob said the Atomic Energy Commission prohibits the device from being used by automobile and truck manufacturers, because it “splits atoms”. What else the device would split to smithereens if it was in wide use would be the American oil industry, the oil cartels, and Russia’s hard currency economy. Saudi Arabia and other nearby Islamic oil nation economies would be of no interest to America other than their huge sand and religious deposits.

     81+, my body parts wearing out, I probably won’t be around when, if, internal combustion engine cars and trucks are only seen in museums. But I might live long enough to see Donald Trump in the White House again, and I might find myself wishing I had kept my U.S passport up to date, if I could find a foreign country that allows Americans to move there. But since I don’t have an up to date passport, I’m stuck in America for the duration. 

    I wake up each morning wishing the Mother Ship had recalled me yesterday, but since it didn’t happen, I figure God, the Force, or Whatever still wants me to be here, and I crawl out of bed and face the day. I entertain myself by playing bridge and chess locally and online, watching sports and Netflix and Prime on the Samsung smart TV, and shooting off my mouth. 

    After Spotify dumped The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast, Bob launched it on YouTube, where it developed a worldwide audience. Bob learned of the Torrent system and he launched the podcast there, and our audience grew much larger, with some help from kind endorsements from Ivan Stang of the J.R. Bob Dobbs Church of the Subgenius, a satellite radio station in Colorado who interviewed a federal Judge about my Amendment 14, Section 3 law school exam question article at, and Wavy Gravy and a Canadian public radio station. 

    Bob figured out that Torrent platform owners and their subscribers are exponentially more interested in different, off-beat material, especially if it's free and contains no soliciting or advertising, than were YouTube users. YouTube became increasingly difficult to deal with, and I asked Bob to take down The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast  at YouTube.

    I just now found this online:

 Most torrent websites have an RSS feed. Visit the website of your choice and find “RSS” or an RSS icon. Click on it, and it will take you to the RSS page. Copy that web address and go to the RSS tab in qBittorrent and click on New Subscription. 

    I also see online that some Torrent sites are not entirely safe because of malware, and people who use Torrent need to know what they are doing to protect their devices and themselves. 

   Bob tells me that The Redneck Mystic Lawyer Podcast averages around 300,000 complete watches per episode at Torrent platforms, which suggests there are lots of curious, or crazy😎?, tech savvy people around the world.

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