Sunday, May 19, 2024

Hey gun nuts, where is the Amendment II enabling well regulated militia?

    For the first time ever, a shade tree gun nut with a helluva sense of humor blessed my 81-years with his Substack newsletter, but the didn’t scratch all of my NRA stand your ground he-man heretic itches.

The Shade Tree

Cheetolini Receives NRA Endorsement 

Both the NRA & Trump think gun owners are exist to be fleeced for votes and designer suits. Disabuse them of the notion.

MAY 19, 2024

Donald Trump, AKA Cheetolini and a million other descriptive nicknames and monikers, spoke to the NRA convention in Dallas Texas tonight, picking up the organization’s endorsement for the third time since 2016, in the prelude to his 2024 Uniparty Geriatric Slap Fight Royale. That bit of theater will determine who gets to be the figurehead of the Uniparty, sleep at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and fly around the world at taxpayer expense selling out the American people and their descendants to a future of debt servitude and forever war that doesn't benefit them at all. Unless you count the privilege of dying or being maimed for life as a perk.

The crowd of NRA members, mostly BoomerCons afflicted with cognitive dissonance and wearing tshirts with asinine slogans like God Guns and Trump gave him a rapturous greeting while he squinted and smirked back at them, no doubt about to cream his tighty whiteys at the thought of all the rubes eagerly accepting his lies as the gospel truth.


Trump urged all gun owners to get out and vote in 2024, saying ‘ I think you're a rebellious bunch. But let's be rebellious and vote this time.’ He is no doubt aware that a majority of gun owners stayed home in 2020. In Dallas Saturday night Trump raised the specter of Biden and the Democrats acting to seize their guns, calling himself ‘…the best friend gun owners have ever had in the White House.’ In 2016 gun owners were a large part of his base as he promised to remove prohibitions on buying & owning suppressors, national reciprocity of handgun carry permits and other issues important to gun owners.

The reality was far different. Despite having a Republican majority for the first two years of his term, Trump not only failed to keep those promises he moved to ban bump stocks in 2017 following the mass shooting in Las Vegas. In 2018 the Orange One came out in support of Extreme Risk Protective Orders (ERPO), commonly known as red flag laws and used to circumvent your 2nd and 4th amendment rights as well as the due process clause found in the 5th and 14th amendments. The 4th guarantees your right to be secure in your person, papers and effects from unreasonable searches and seizures, the 5th protects you from self incrimination and the 14th prohibits the State from making or enforcing any law abridging the privileges and immunities of citizens of the United States; nor deprive any person of life, liberty or property without due process of law and applying equal protection of the law to state and federal governments. Don't take my word for it, it'll take you less than five minutes to find the same information. As a result of this duplicitous treatment, or Tuesday afternoon as it's known in Trump World (I should copyright that), gun owners largely stayed home in 2020 rather than hold their nose a second time to vote for a candidate who didn't care about them or defending constitutionally protected natural rights.

And of course the NRA supported all of it, just as they supported the Hughes amendment in 1986 when then best friend to gun owners Ronnie Raygun signed that into law. The bill forbade the domestic manufacturing of new machine guns after May 19 1986. Of course they still begged for money to fight the Democrats, I remember as that was the first year of my joining the organization. As a patriotic teenager who had just started paying income taxes the idea that someone would take away my rights to enjoy something I'd enjoyed my entire young life was appalling and frightening. Their support of that act wasn't publicized and if it did come up the boomers calling the shots would say nobody needs a machine gun to go hunting, never mind that hunting has fuck all to do with the intent of the second amendment. You don't need designer suits for hunting either but years later it would come out that CEO and executive vice president Wayne LaPierre was using membership dues to fill his closet with them before his resignation in January of this year.

The NRA was there again to support the Gun Control Act of 1968, outlawing American’s rights to purchase firearms through mail order and delivered to their doorstep, removing the rights of convicted felons to own guns, prohibiting the importation of ‘Saturday Night Specials ‘ and other restrictions. The fact is that this was another assault on the freedom of American citizens under the guise of getting tough on crime and came on the heels of the assassinations of JFK, RFK and MLK. Forget about the fact that criminals don't obey the law to start with and that convicted felon or not, if you've served your time and are safe enough to be released then you should have your rights restored without prejudice. This was just another way to disenfranchise a group of people, depriving them of their rights and advancing tyranny through scare tactics.

The fuckery of the NRA goes all the way back to 1936 when FDR, likely seeking another tyrannical thrill like he got in 1934 by outlawing and confiscating gold possessed by ordinary American citizens, forbade the sale to and possession of machine guns without registration and payment of taxes, thus converting a right into a privilege in another violation of the 14th amendment.

Before that you could buy a Thompson, the Chicago typewriter, or any other machine gun through the Sears catalog among other places. Machine guns were brought back as war trophies, purchased from military surplus sales or even from your neighbor. But through fear mongering and plain federal government tyranny those freedoms were taken away. 

None of those things prevented crime, they just infringed upon the rights of the law abiding and made a new class of criminals with each successive action. Trump, Biden, Reagan and all the other politicians and lobbyists know this but they count on the division of identity politics and the apathy of the American people to steal your freedoms and sell you and your family into the servitude of debt to pursue endless wars overseas. 

I'm not afflicted with TDS, not everything he does sends me into a blind rage and I'll admit that he did some good things during his first term. Gas was affordable, there weren't empty shelves at the grocery store, he capped the price of insulin, epi-pens and other life saving medication needed by millions of Americans among other things. But he doesn't deserve a second term even though he was cheated in 2020. 

There are alternatives to the NRA such as the Gun Owners of America, The Second Amendment Foundation, The Firearms Policy Coalition and one of my favorite names, Black Guns Matter, as well as numerous other organizations all fighting for your rights to own whatever gun you can afford and desire. And don't fall into the identity politics trope of it's just a bunch of redneck white men who benefit from the second amendment. There are groups such as the Pink Pistols that advocate for homosexual gun owners, the Second Amendment Sisters for female firearms advocacy, the Huey P Newton Gun Club supporting black gun ownership and a whole host of others. Even leftist groups like the John Brown Gun Club. My point being that this issue affects all of us and is just another example of the important things that bind us together as Americans versus the trap of divisive identity politics employed by Trump, Biden, Obama, the Bushes and Clintons and all the other Uniparty clowns. Instead of supporting either Trump or Biden how about we all stay home or vote for a third party or other write in candidate. Imagine what it would look like in November with vacant, empty polling places nationwide.

Kinda f-ing hilarious even to a non gun nut, who used to have shotguns for hunting flying feathered friends and a .22 bolt action which never got much action, and a .177 CO2-powered pellet gun, which got lots of action poaching neighbors’ squirrels and doves inside the city limits. Kept an Ithaca 12-gauge pump loaded with #4 buckshot in a closet in my wife’s and my bedroom, just in case a prowler got by the electronic alarm system, because even the most idiotic intruder immediately recognizes THE FEAR OF GOD caused by the sound of a shell being pumped from the magazine into the chamber. For stand my ground backup, a S & W 38 police special. 

But, I swan, I never was able to wrap my mind around needing a machine gun or large capacity mag pretend machine gun to shoot deer, elk, moose, coyotes, wolves, bears, alligators, cruising sharks, groundhogs, feral cats, etc., unless the shooter was blind, and I wondered why guards were not put in every public school armed with Thompsons, AK47s, AR-15s, etc. to protect school children from the NRA and the US Supreme Court, who this tired old lawyer saw never was able to even see the regulated militia premise of Amendment II:

'A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” 

Where in the f— is the enabling well regulated militia?

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