Sunday, April 25, 2021

Do American right love and trust guns more than God?

Cheeky reply to yesterday's Should all American blacks arm themselves with assault rifles? What would Jesus say?

Good point. I’m sure no one would condone blacks arming themselves against perceived threats. Only the “good guys” can do that right?
Obviously I’m being sarcastic but I’ve heard that exact statement come out of the mouths of the entitled who have determined themselves to be the “good guys” despite having no authority to do so.

Sloan Bashinsky

Then was Bible scholar guns for everyone Michelle, who starred in yesterday's post, at the end of which I asked her this below and it went from there with a little help from straight-shooter Jennifer:

Sloan Bashinsky
I'm all ears, waiting to read accounts of your personal direct experiences with Jesus and his angel buddies.

That's between me and them, and not your business at all.

Sloan Bashinsky
Meanwhile, should all American blacks arm themselves with assault rifles? What would Jesus say?

refer to my first quote from Luke.
Then Jesus asked them, “When I sent you without purse, bag or sandals,(A) did you lack anything?”
“Nothing,” they answered. 36 He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one. 37 It is written: ‘And he was numbered with the transgressors’[a]; and I tell you that this must be fulfilled in me. Yes, what is written about me is reaching its fulfillment.”38 The disciples said, “See, Lord, here are two swords.”

Sloan Bashinsky
I take that as you saying, yes, all American blacks should arm themselves with assault weapons. I’m still eager to hear if your personal direct experiences with Jesus and his angel buddies.

An armed society is a polite society and your words smack of racism, which I find to be truly disgusting. Also. Why would I share with a racist stranger whom I do not respect my spiritual experiences? Are not your own between you and your god? Mine are. One does not cast pearls before swine and all that. Also in your Bible. As well as the emerald tablets of Thoth written thousands of years before your Jesus said them.

Sloan Bashinsky
FYI, I have told in thousands of pages, books, emails, Facebook, blogs, my direct, personal experiences with Jesus and his angel buddies, and also with the Devil and demons, and even with ETs. I meet people from time to time, who seem to have their own version of such experiences. They talked very differently from you, were forthcoming, saw things very differently from 99.9 percent of the rest of the people. So far, you don't seem anything like them. I think if you lived in my skin for a day, you would see things very different from how you see things now. 
​I read the Emerald Tablets in 1985, and Heinlein (loved Stranger in a Strange Land), and lots of things Christians might never read, nor even hear of. I was born into a Christian family, was raised Christian, was not very good at it, but always believed God existed and Jesus was the way, but not followed all that well by many people, including me. Then, something happened and I was treated to something I wish would happen to everyone, but perhaps too few people would survive it for the species to continue. It moved me beyond believing God existed. I knew God existed, and Jesus, angels, the Devil, demons, ETs. Religion seems mostly for believers. The direct experiences is altogether different

Michelle, Gotta disagree with that last one. Do you consider us an armed society? We are certainly not a polite one. So, do you advocate more guns until we treat each other politely? So the politeness will depend on who has the larger, or more guns? And what if there is a disagreement about whose gun is larger? A fight with the said guns. And then whoever survives wins and can then move on to challenge others with guns smaller or less numerous.

I certainly do. I believe every american should own a gun and know how to use it. In high school, our rifles were on a gun rack in the cab of the truck. Not because we were violent, but because we hunt. We respected human life. As do most people. I don't have all the answers on how to fix society, but I do think it's important that we are armed for no other reason that history shows that governments spark genocide in unarmed populations. Ask the cambodians or jews about it.

So same question about the "armed society is a polite society" How does that exactly work. I guess its supposed to work like nuclear weapons- if we both have them then no one will use them. Nice theory until someone like North Korea or Hitlers Germany comes along. Who is the arbiter, or is it just whose gun is largest, and what happens when they don't agree.

Lol, no. In the old west for example, it was necessary for everyone to carry for various reasons. For the most part, people didn't just go around killing people for no reason. It was a polite society. Also, a gun is a great equalizer for a female who is being harassed by opposite sex as well, don't you think?

As far as I have seen those western shows, lots of people did carry guns- and lot of people were shot. and killed. and the guy with the biggest gun won. And then everyone did it the way he said. That does not seem so polite. So since you have not answered my question about your quotation, "An armed society is a polite society" can I assume you have no response? Its down to who has the biggest gun who wins. In your scenario of carrying the gun with you, if a guy with a gun challenged you, did you shoot him? How many have you killed, personally.

An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.
The quote is from Robert Heinlein, in his book Beyond the Horizon. If you don't have the capacity to understand the underlying tenet, then I can't help you.

I guess you don't have the capacity to explain- because apparently you can't. Any road you start down ends up with people dead, so just start calling names. It is the defense of the indefensible

I explained well enough for a child to understand. But you're right. One cannot teach quantum mechanics to a two year old who simply has not the capacity to grasp it. Have a nice day. And remember.. namaste.

Nice. Throw insults because you have nothing. You explained nothing, because there is no good way for that story to end. When you come up with something better than that, let me know.

I can't argue with idiots. It's not an insult. Unless you are being deliberately obtuse, which is a dishonest debate tactic, you really don't have the capacity to understand it. If the former, I have nothing left to say. If the latter, again I have nothing left to say

You have explained nothing. I asked how it would work. You have called me an idiot. That is Not an acceptable answer to my query. I must then presume you have no answer. Show me I am wrong and give me a reasonable chain of events. You can keep calling me names, but it just points up how weak your argument is , and how indefensible your position is. Hurting you, not me.
Repeating the quote and quoting the source- Also not viable arguments.

Sloan Bashinsky
Jennifer, I think Michelle has memorized the Bible but does not seem guided by the Holy Spirit that entered the disciples at Pentecost and slowly germinated the seeds Jesus had planted in them and grew them from confused sometimes quarrelsome, egotistical, fearful children into adults God could use. I also think Michelle trusts and even worships guns more than God, and I think she would not care for all American blacks to be armed with assault rifles, nor would Jesus care for that, nor for assault weapons generally. In the Gospels, Jesus said to take no thought for tomorrow, nor even for your own life, for God might take your soul tonight. And to resist not one who does evil, and to turn the other cheek and do good to and pray for your enemies. He also said, many are called but few are chosen, steep is he way and narrow the gate and few enter therein, and the work is great and the laborers are few. Peter and Paul were executed by Rome, a disciple was stoned to death. They did not draw a sword or dagger to defend themselves.

Sloan Bashinsky
In the Hebrew cosmology, the feminine side of God is called Shekinah, feminine gender. In the Old Testament, Wisdom is assigned the feminine gender. The Holy Spirit is Shekinah, but Christendom has made its Trinity all male, which leads to the question, how does such a deity reproduce? In the main, Christendom and humanity operate out of the masculine. That underlies much of the problems in humanity, stuck in testosterone, so to speak. The Devil, which is very real, loves humanity mostly stuck in testosterone. I believe a gun is a phallic symbol. This poem fell out of me in the spring of 1993, as I recall;

Rosa Mystica
Sweet Mystery
Bride of Christ
Living Water
without which
God is dead
and there are no 


jenbgreene said...

I continue to query statements that seem rooted in supremacy. I am searching for someone who can... or will explain in a reasonable way with Facts how I am misguided. They squirm and try to escape, but the inescapable end point is supremacy- although they won't say the words. I continue to come to the conclusion that equality has to be brought to this country- and people like Michelle are not going to help, they will do all they can to hinder.

Sloan said...

It looks to me that what is called humanity is a collection of subspecies, in the perspective/belief sense, which have developed side by side and except for common genes are about as related as dogs and cats. How that resolves, or if it resolves, seems to me to be beyond the subspecies' ability. I had a conversation along those lines yesterday with a Democrat friend living in "Paradise", the Florida Keys. Might use your and my and his and my musings in today's blog post. This is April 29, 2021.

Sloan said...